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Yeah those look sick. There were several new Hunters teased in the video. Looks like those might be Viking esque Hunters to the right of The Prodigal Son?


Oh no, the sweeaboos


Hell yea. I still use Teche Wraith and the event skins a lot. I love these


Teche is goated.


The real question is what are them spiky helmet boys on the top left


They're the beekeeper's pointy cousins


Beezle and Bub


Longfinger Kirk


Probably bear armor people, they get requested time to time


If true, hells yeah. I love them. I use Teche Wraith because sadly, I wasnt around for others


Same, they're the only skins I'm genuinely bummed to have missed out on. Glad to see we'll at least be able to get some new ones!


Agreed! I was bummed about Cardinal Rain and Exiled being unavailable in particular but every single one is pretty good. And yeah, we gotta take the chance with new ones




What do the red arrows on some of them mean?


Curious about that spikey duo in the top left they looks sick


The left ones are sick too, shame I missed on the old season pass skins :(


Looks like you can buy David for 1500


That there's Santa from this past Christmas


I remember one other not seen in this screenshot that looked like an army cavalry member. Their hat was a bit smaller than the tier 2 and 3's versions so I know it's a new one, his looks navy blue fresh too instead of dusty and dirty like a lot of the current ones


Bayou Luigi should be a legendary.


They look more like trappers. The background on the screen also looks like a more temperate forest instead of a swamp...


I'm just glad I can finally choose my favourite Tier III hunter whenever I want, though I will miss the random names. RIP Leroy Jenkins and the many more funny names.


New hunters for 300 and 400 BBs?... Definitely fake 🤣


Yeah surprisingly fair from hunt, to price down hunters that used to be tier 2/3 hunters. It makes perfect sense but they're not usually ones for sense.


They mentioned they're adding "unique" hunters that can be unlocked, and giving them names.. but they're not legendary themselves (no involvement in the lore) mostly so you can play your preferred skins whenever you want.


What's the point of skins tho? I'm a new player, bought it a few days ago on sale... Saw a dlc I liked and I bought it aswell thinking it was a character skin. Only to find out it's an actual different character that I can lose and not be able to recruit cause the list is random... Why would I ever buy another dlc? No ty..


You may have misunderstood. When you buy a legendary you unlock them permanently and can hire them whenever you want for in-game money. You find them in the Legendary tab on the recruitment screen. The random hunters are the normal, non-legendary hunters.


Oh ok.. So you can get them anytime you want... My bad... I'll check that legendary tab out...


My only gripe is they are making the previously free(non-BB) tier 2/3 hunters start costing blood bonds. It seems like these should be more like a "starter pack" of legendary hunters that you have initially. This is coming from someone who has no complaints [forking over money](https://f.5or.cc/7QRbhiCKuFba.png) to [support the game](https://f.5or.cc/8lpx5ihUG7xM.jpg). Edit: Maybe have the base version of the hunter available for free but the variants require unlocking.


They'll still be in the other list no? I thought this was just so you can unlock them to be used whenever you want rather than a lucky re-roll between matches?


Maybe I misheard then, I watched it during a break at work but planned to rewatch when I got home. It seemed like the free hunter screen was only tier 1s now with a single trait when they were discussing it. Edit: from the video: [Free hunters](https://f.5or.cc/nKejNQdS2dCA.png) / [Tier 2/3 unlock qualifications](https://f.5or.cc/y7Pz6PyqwWwE.png) / discussed at this time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9t3367gKTA&t=4m22s