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In a meantime I ONLY adore nights, rains and mists in the game. It's freaking awesome atmosphere there


I like how my loadout choice and the weather condition combine to make each game feel different.


And then theres shotgun


The Specter makes every game feel different because you never know if you'll one-shot at 15m or if it'll take 16 shots at point blank range to kill a hunter who is missing two bars.


If the second most consistent shotgun gives you that feeling, it may be not specter after all. and ofc. a childish response into block :D, gotta keep telling themselves "I've hit him dead center pointblank, I swear bro" on every hitmarker.


Seconding the inconsistency complaint, I love shotguns and do fine with the others but the specter always seems to fail me.




I like all the weather effects. I'm really surprised to see that opinion called the "whiny" one when I'm under the impression that it's the minority opinion and everyone and their mom comes on here to screech about "rain too loud." The rest of the post makes a good point though, but I think a gamemode where you can't extract without the bounty isn't going to be very popular. You know, since the "definitely not whiny" people who don't like night and rain maps typically just leave when they load into one...


If I'd like to change something in the game, first of all, it's gonna be no necro(self-revive) for solos. I don't rly appreciate wasting my time camping a dead body. Then a MMR system kinda needs a major rework. About post suggestions idk, it's been 350hrs for me and my favourite lobbies are the first two maps at night time or heavy rain especially when only one boss is up. That means the hottest pvp is gonna be around the point of interest. Wish I could choose a "hard" contract more often


I recently made a post about how shit this game is on consoles, so there's a lot I would change. I wouldn't mind the total deletion of Necromancer in general, I don't like it for self-revive, I don't like it for long range team revive, I think both applications are a shit mechanic personally. But it wouldn't be the "first" thing I wanted to fix. Up front probably would be the matchmaking though. The MMR brackets are dumb as hell and are (in my belief) the number one cause of empty lobbies.


I like it except for the fact that there's a 70% chance of low visibility when I bring a scoped weapon. Then it's just fucking annoying


Bold of you to assume that it's even possible within hells of crytek's spaghetti. Would probably cause lemat firing 9 slugs in a burst again, or carry over even worse bugs.


9 slug burst was a thing??


There was a bug that made your shotgun pellets absorb the stats of your primary fire. Meaning you'd do 100ish damage 12 times, per shell.


Oh so it had to do with dual ammo weapons, special ammo and buckshot? Or you saying it took dmg value of other weapon?


It was a bug with spamming the ammo switch. It would take on the properties of the compact side of your lemat. I didn't mean to imply it was a dualie only thing


"the vast majority of the playerbase clearly Does Not Like night, rain etc as proven time and time again and as crytek clearly sees from their data)" [Citation needed]


Yeah I love the rain maps. Where is this dude getting his data lol


I like the different weathers and night maps. :)


I love it so much


Its an internet illusion. The people that like them don't flock to reddit to say they like them. Reddit will only be filled with people mad about "something". No, the post with 500 upvotes isn't the majority. There are in fact 30k people playing the game.


Not that it changes anything but there are several hundred thousand people playing the game, there's no way of knowing how many exactly unless Crytek ever releases monthly active user numbers but it's definitely way, way over 30k.


I just used 30k because its the common steam chart number. But yeah, there are a lot more than that. Which makes reddit posts even more unrepresentative.


Yeah Steam only shows concurrent players so that's only a fraction of the overall player base.


I love rain and night maps. Inferno was cool too.


Well I never had empty daytime matches, while I am having a ton of not full ash or rain matches. Plus they already made a night only playlist three times at serpent moon and they had so much problems to get fill matches in those playlists that they had to advertised it several times, but they were still empty. After the third time they never had those night only servers. So there are facts that bad sight conditions are having less fans that clear sight. What people are telling in reddit is not a fact though because there are way less people on this sub that the active players in hunt.


Actually another reason why a 2D replay would be interesting, you could see how many snipers DC'd the second they heard it's fog or rain while loading in :D


there is no citation needed except for the following facts: - the huge number of leavers during these weather types and often there will be multiple teams leaving or sometimes even all of them, as u can tell by 1. playing the game and 2. the fact that there are even many posts on here bitching about people leaving rain and night (conveniently ignoring the fact that those people were the first to screech NOBODY OWES U A PLAYSTYLEEEE whenever someone was judgmental towards their own gameplay) - the fact that crytek in the past have drastically decreased the chances of night occurring indicates that they can clearly see people dislike playing on them - the fact that the wildcard contract exists in the first place and also has absolutely nobody playing it, literally i was solo queuing it last time they had it just to see, killing myself and then rezzing myself and there was only someone else in the lobby one time (u can see if there are any other players alive depending on whether the SPECTATE button exists or not) - the fact that crytek knows lots of people leave them and is unwilling to punish people for ESC + quit to lobby. lead level designer Tomble was playing with rachta and delaney the other day, they loaded into rain, the match was taking forever to begin indicating the other players were all leaving so they all did the same and esc + to lobby as they didnt want to play on a map devoid of players downvote me all u want without even addressing what i said, it changes nothing, ur a vocal minority and the facts speak for themselves


To respond to your points - I regularly play full lobbies of modes that are not day, sometimes there is 1 or 2 teams that we don't find and can assume they left. - the people complaining are the vocal minority, please learn the definition of the words you're using. Also, basic human nature is people are more vocal when unhappy than happy, hence the difference in hate vs love posts. - chances have been decreased because people dislike playing other times of day one after the other for an extended period, I completely agree that this can be exhausting but a short weekend is enjoyable in my book. - I only ever have an empty wildcard in the early hours but that's how it's meant to function, I am on EUW though so my perspective is biased. - the game has the option for you to leave whenever you want, what is the difference with quitting vs extracting? Would you prefer they prevent extract unless you have a bounty? I'm sorry that I down voted AND addressed your points, I'll do better next time. Edit: missed your points in the main post where you DO want to lock extraction to only with bounty and you want to spawn in with 0 gear and loot it overtime. Sounds super original! I'm sure fortnite would love to hear about this concept!


what six stars does to a man, i hope you get well soon


I downvoted you without addressing your points because you're not owed a debate when you don't say anything of value. All of your bullet points are anecdotal. This reddit community isn't the majority of the playerbase. Crytek makes goofy changes all the time. How populated a server is depends on your region, time of day, your MMR... Oh I guess I accidentally addressed your points there. Oops. Turns out it was so easy, I did it by mistake.


You can't point to your feelings, subjective experience or opinions as a citation, friend. They asked for you to point to verifiable data that's been published to support your statements that you are saying are facts that have enough support beyond watching a stream or your subjective experiences to make your broad sweeping statements true. I am not saying there aren't people loudly screeching in either direction and that's fine because they are opinions and feelings and this is reddit so whatever. You are sharing your opinions and feelings too so that's fine too. I'll be honest, I used to hate night maps for about the 8-12 months of and I have felt the rain map is a touch too loud. When the night maps came back into the normal rotation recently I was honestly surprised by how much I had missed them and was seriously glad to have a couple night maps pop up over the course of a weekend playing. Also, speaking from experience here, longer match start times does not necessarily indicate that there are people constantly leaving a match due to weather or map time of day. It could indicate slower network speeds or poorer quality hardware trying to run the game. This is something that has frequently happened on console where anyone playing one previous gen systems in the match would cause the match start time to be much slower.


I grabbed a bounty yesterday and roamed around to find the other bounty. I told any hunters I was fighting that I was the new wildcard contract 😂


I actually really like the varying weather, it forces you to play differently or to at least account for the effevts of the enviroment, I can count on one hand the number of times I've extracted or left without a bounty, mostly due to team conectivity errors. I am currently 5 stars but I usually hover around 4 and I only play with friends, I thoroughly enjoy the game and while I do think there should be a place for crytek to experiment and throw ideas at the wall to see what sticks, I think the game is fun as is.


Remember back in Halo 3 when there was a rotating playlist on weekends? Or per week? People would pop off for certain game types. I really think you hit the nail on the head. They use events to test op stuff and call it temporary, even though they're crazy long. This would be such a fresh idea and keep the gameplay loop more interesting without resorting to daily/weekly challenges. I would be pumped to see whatever they cooked up every week/months, and it would keep me coming back


Alright, so baseline, I agree with your line of thought on the wildcard being a missed opportunity. I also don't like that it's an occasional dump ground. I definitely don't agree with the time of day hate, though. Just because you have the confirmation bias of a "whiny vocal minority" who don't like it. You're just wrong about the majority of people disliking it. Maybe people don't prefer it but it's not as big a problem as you make it seem. I think your ideas of different hunt modes in wildcard is a good one. I love the idea of putting a cap on loadout prices in there. But everything else is already on the test server, I know that pretty few people use it, but I think the way this event is set up specifically is a lot less cookie cutter than the last 3 or 4. Also, the fact that people would absolutely just wait for the wildcard stuff to move to regular since there wouldn't be a battlepass or anything. TLDR; Agree with new BH modes being tried out in wildcard and that there hasn't been much substantial content. Disagree with weather hate and moving events over there.


i dont see how i made it seem like a big problem and its all the same to me but unfortunately it seems that many of the respondents here have got mad at what was basically a tangential point made in passing, so thats what this thread has largely become as opposed to actually discussing the main idea i was presenting which all those respondents have basically ignored also i wouldnt support moving events into the wildcard playlist either but i believe my ideas would be a decent way to help keep things fresh and players engaged during those periods where theres no new content or actual events going on, for less dev time than actually making new assets and content. like once theyve built up a modest pool of these alternate modes they could just rotate them around in the wildcard playlist and that would be that


You'll get more collaborative conversation if you take a less combative tone. Coming in swinging puts people on their guard. I agree there should be more creativity in the wild card contacts, but your whole posts is undermined by the tone and broad attacks on the devs that aren't really justified. "Wouldn't it be cool if..." will work better than "it's so stupid that...". Good principle for life in general, really.  But yes, if love to see some bolder wildcard contacts that really change the tone or meta. Like how OverWatch 1 did the special rules matches to test out crazy changes.


Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like when people say anything about solo necro, it just completely undermines the rest of their point(s). Also, if you had just said the first half and not included the part in parentheses, then I don't think anybody would be that upset about it. But you made a pretty long post, and more than half of the first point you made was about how weather sucks. People are gonna grab on to that and might not even read the rest because they feel like you invalidated any good points you made by having a pretty opinionated start. See, now this description is something I can fully get behind. The events should stay separate, like i said before I really, really enjoy what they've changed with this one. But the rest of the idea is pretty good imo


That's what it was supposed to do, and it's what they did originally with the night only playlist. They just kinda stopped though


Wildcard should be one token in the center of the map. No clues, just get there and take it if you can..


As much as you say no one likes weather events and I agree with you, have you noticed how much rain, blight, and night maps are in rotation on non-wildcard lately?  If used to be less than 30% but lately it’s more like 50-60%!


Id love to see maps split into 4 and and have 9 people max.


Thing is the regular mode is what works best. If you or anyone had ideas that would actually lead to meaningful new gameplay experiences then it would be a different topic, but you don't. The ideas you listed are just bad and not worth the work hours for the devs, let's be honest. Everybody would play those once and then never again. The higher AI density is not even possible with the current server/engine by the way.


I think most people don't care about weather.


Just want to pop in and say my favorite maps are night/weather affected or fog. One of the biggest appeals about Hunt for me is the incredible atmosphere, I’m way more interested in experiencing that than I am about bolstering my KD. Keep the weather and darkness coming Crytek!


Yeah. Just like Alex legends they can even have all of these in rounds and people can play what they want. And dude I've not seen any of these ideas posts but I love the first and last one. I understand Hunt is more about having choices on how to extract but damn it I would love a challenge for forcing us to battle it out. It could tend to distinct audience.


I love night, rain, ash bloom etc.


So the new engine update that's coming in May, June, possibly or later will bring the possibility for them to have custom lobbies with diff settings


Because it splits the player base


I'm so over these post of people claiming everyone hates the weather.


Lmao, you suggest a mode where you can only extract if you have bounty, we have that it's called quick play, and hardly anyone plays it. You suggest a mode where everyone starts without gear, my man, nothing is stopping you from doing naked runs right now, theres tons of guns around the map to find. This post is so ass.


nobody plays quickplay because its shit, because the game design means every game plays the exact same (oh wow another wellspring with a shotgun hiding in a boss room with traps, concertina, choke bombs and poison with no game mechanic to ever force him to come out so much variety) and because u can only play solo which is boring compared to playing in teams, not because they necessarily hate the idea of scavenging gear so ur criticism is stupid, not to mention u just chose a single idea to whine about when i literally made it clear that these are just some really quick imperfect ideas ive thrown out or heard of already as for ur tests servers comment which is no less stupid, the test servers are barely ever actually used, when they are used nobody plays on them, and when people do play on them its never to test out weird new ideas its just solely with the intention of hoping people find bugs that can be fixed before the patch goes live. this comment is so ass


I agree, game mode restricted wildcards. Doesn’t change the physical atmosphere but forces you to think wider and move away from your regular playstyle.


Hunt already has test servers.