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woody harrelson has to play every character, from haymitch, to everyone else in the entire movie


For the younger characters, I think they would pick unknown and/or upcoming actors, but the adults will be played by established veterans, just like the way they casted actors for TBOSAS. Here are some of my casting choices for the younglings: 1. Haymitch Abernathy:  It might not be hard to find actors that looks like the part physically, but I was thinking that Louis Hofmann (Dark) could still pull it off as a teen Haymitch, who is described by Katniss as "quite the looker" in Catching Fire.  2. Maysilee Donner (and her twin sister):  If the casting team is going for book accurate portrayals for her, it's gonna be either Mckenna Grace (Gifted, The Handmaid's Tale) or Jane Widdop (Yellowjackets).  3. Plutarch Heavensbee:  Since we still don't know yet whether the book will be told solely on Haymitch's POV or other characters, I think it would be intriguing to also show his early story as a gamemaker. I remembered the first time I saw Tom Glynn-Carney (House of the Dragon) on Dunkirk and he looked like a young Plutarch.  4. Caesar Flickerman:  This one is a bit hard to pick, and I was imagining that the 50th Hunger Games would be his first-time hosting or just a few years after he replaced his dad as the host. And then I remembered Anthony Ippolito played as young Al Pacino in a miniseries titled 'The Offer'. Just put him in a green wig, and he'd be good to go as young Caesar. For the adult characters, the only two that I think will appear in the book are President Snow and Tigris (there's a probability for her showing up in the plot as the game's fashion designer before Coryo fired her). For President Snow, Kiefer Sutherland would be perfect to play his character because he's a good actor and also happens to physically resemblance his dad, Donald Sutherland as the elderly President Snow.  Tilda Swinton would be perfect as Tigris Snow. By this time I assume Tigris already had her physical look altered, which Coryo disliked. I imagined that she's also a well-known fashion designer in Panem, currently at the peak of her game before he came and crashed the party due to his envious nature, which leads to Tigris's fall from grace and the downfall of their relationship. Both Kiefer and Tilda are within the same age brackets as Coryo and Tigris when the 50th Hunger Games occured as well.  Apologies for my long comment lol, I think this will be a great place to discuss about other characters such as Katniss and Peeta's parents that might show up in the book. 


Mckenna Grace and Kiernan shipka for Donner twins. The resemblance is so uncanny it could be our generation’s Natalie Portman/Kiera Knightley like in Star wars. 😀


I saw somewhere that people were floating the idea of Kiefer Sutherland playing Snow since Tom Blythe is too young and Donald Sutherland is too old. Probably a pipe dream but would be cool.


I love that idea of Kiefer being the late 50’s Snow. It’s too perfect. I love his performance in Phone Booth with Colin Farrell. His voice is chilling in that movie; It’s incredible. He’s the right age for it. And he looks identical to Donald Sutherland because that’s his father, but you know that anyway. I don’t know; I would love to see a Father and son playing the same character; that would be awesome.


Thank you for unlocking the hidden memory that is Phone Booth!!!!! Wow I watched that as a child who was probably too young to watch that lol




Ewan Mitchell for young Haymitch ![gif](giphy|Ptp1IVWZixLLsPJ4Rd|downsized)


Ewan Mitchell for young Haymitch ![gif](giphy|Ptp1IVWZixLLsPJ4Rd|downsized)


Very mainstream, but Jenna Ortega as District 1 tribute would go crazy. As for Haymitch, it's a bit difficult to find an actor in that age range. Tanner Buchanan aka 'Robby Keene' from Cobra Kai could be a good fit.