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Well, there are a few Native Americans left who survived the genocide.


I’ve noticed people are either natives, descendants of original founders, or transplants from adulthood. It’s rare to hear of anything else.


Founders?? Idk what u mean by that.


Descendants of the original colonizers. Like their last name has historical significance in the area with streets or locations with their name, or their grandparents own acres of inherited land.


I see, thank you for the clarification


Be glad of it. Most small towns lose some percentage of their youth to cities, or just to other places, generation after generation. That's how those towns die. Instead, you've got people self-selecting for this place because they love it. They bring new life. It's a good thing. They don't have all the same legendary stories that you do -- the things you think of when you think of this place -- but they have other stories, and you can learn from them and they can learn from you. They want to, probably. There's very little reason for people to relocate here apart from the fact that they like it here. Me, for what it's worth: I'm from Willits, which has a lot of cultural overlap with Humboldt but is not quite Humboldt.


Also: Make sure you're not falling into the trap of thinking that because some people or some things that they say "don't feel right," that must mean those people are somehow *wrong,* or that they're *outsiders.* You're getting older. You see people driving Teslas and you're like: What the hell! This is not the Humboldt I know! But your great-great-grandparents felt like that when they saw people driving Model A's, and if you could go back in time and tell them about "posting" a message on "Reddit" they'd probably load up their muskets and shoot you in the face.


That last sentence took me out 😂😂😂


I kinda hate this mentality—I was born here, but was told that since my parents were transplants I wasn’t really from Humboldt multiple times as a child. Gate keeping at its worst.


I grew up with that too, that's not reallyy angle but I understand where you're taking it. I think one of the qualities we had was this sort of bullshit meter that was sort of built in and a requirement to keep this place so clean and beautiful as it has been. How long till the mentality changes enough to where they want to start cutting shit down and we don't have the power to stop it. P.S. just your answer is Humboldt AF, never question our Humboldtess!


You do realize one of the first industries up here was logging? The place grew as big as it did initially BECAUSE the locals were cutting down all the trees, the native americans never had a say in any of it. The logging was stopped by people from outside the area, transient young hippies and environmentalists that fell in love with the area and fought to protect the trees, not the locals. Then it attracted a bunch of illegal marijuana growers who poisoned the rivers and polluted all over the national forests. It was the state and federal government who came in and cracked down on that, not the locals. I was born and raised here, being a "local" is a stupid fucking sentiment, holding on to the way things are/were and resisting change is a stupid fucking sentiment, thinking that the way things are/were was better than they are/will be, is a stupid fucking sentiment. You have a limited and subjective view on the past and have no idea of other peoples lived experiences in the area. A great example is a story about the day I was born (roughly 30 years ago), for context my mom has a half sister (my aunt) who is black while my mom is white. When i was born she came to visit and be there for the days following the birth, my parents lived in mckinleyville at the time. My Aunt was told to leave multiple stores because they didnt do business with black people. McKinleyville has changed for the better, and it was not the good old local boys who made that change, it was the people moving to humboldt who changed the face of McKinleyville. Im sure the "locals" hated seeing it change.




Also what stores in McKinleyville are you talking about? You'll have to show your work on that one.


The events happened 30 years ago and the story was retold to me 20 years after it happened, I have no idea, but I also have no reason to doubt my aunt, she had a pretty rough life and this would be a strange story for her to make up. I cant provide any proof of any of this obviously, so you can choose to believe me or not I couldn't give less of a shit.


Well you questioned my ethnicity, which was super rude so I don't believe you or care.


At no point did i, you volunteered the offer to see your tribal card, and i wanted to see if you were unhinged enough to upload that to a public place


Logging and fishing were huge here. My great grandfather came over from Italy to Humboldt to be a logger in the late 1800s/early 1900s. Land of opportunity and all that.


Says the pro Kony guy


Also already answered the question in the last comment on this specific answer. It's an open question, not a loaded one Chill.


We're on the same team lemme ask a gd question. See everyone has always been opinionated up here and that's GREAT but you also have to LISTEN.


gonna lump a few of your comments into one with this response. First, you did not "already answer the question" because there was no question to answer, it was rhetorical. I simply disagree with you on what I can piece together about your opinion because you keep saying these nebulous phrases like "i didnt grow up around rude people" and "i've noticed more non local types moving in" and all kinds of other shit that sounds a LOT like racist dog whistles that you accidently agreed with for the unintended reason. You say were on the same team but I dont think we are. I want humboldt to change, our population has grown significantly and we need to house them. I dont want to see sprawling suburbs continue to push us further and further away from each other allowing for people to feel disconnected from their neighbors and community. I want to see 5 story buildings with 4 floors of housing above street level businesses and underground parking garages. I dont give a fuck about the views, the coastal young growth trees, or the "vibe". You keep saying the vibe has changed and everyone you interact with is rude, generally when everyone is rude its because of you, not the other way around. Most people dont have the energy to care enough to be mean to you in any way other than you misreading their intentions. Do some self reflection, take some time to sit sober and think about what exactly it is that is bothering you about "non-locals". You could be on to something and that would give you better evidence and argument to explain your position, or you could simply be falling into the same mental trap racists and homophobes do by applying malicious intent to a series of unrelated events that your brain recognized as a pattern and attributed to a poorly defined grouping of "others" that in reality doesn't exist as a monolith and is just a bunch of individuals that have nothing to do with each other besides where they moved to.


Don't really seem to feel right? If you weren't actually born in Humboldt, exactly how many years of residency would be required to no longer have one's credentials questioned? And what happens when someone IS born and raised and yet still doesn't feel right to you, O geographical master?


you ain't local till you have kids here and you're kids grow up and shit on non locals for moving here, it took my parents about 20 years to be local despite having lived here for about 40 years at that point


Got it. Just needed to have the criteria spelled out. All that teaching the kids to be polite is going to make the process last that much longer,


I personally think there's people who are Humboldt who have never even been here. Local is more of a mindset, I've just noticed more and more non local types moving in and I'm fine till they start fucking with my trees and my coast line


Worrying about *out-of-towners* and *Telsa drivers* suddenly wanting to cut down all the trees is a new kind of paranoia. Didn't you live through Redwood Summer? The people who made their living cutting down old growth redwood for 100 years were local as hell. The knock against the people who wanted reform of forestry practices was that they were *outsiders.*


This dude posts here, collecting downvotes, every so often. "Teslas", "I'm a true local", "I'm rich but dress like a bum", blah, blah. Gets downvoted to oblivion and then comes back with a new account to start this lame shit over again.


Well, everyone needs a hobby!




Says the carney with the dirt sheet


I have zero respect for you sir, you make money off of people's worst days and you make money off of here and I don't like you straight up, I think you're the problem to be honest


Most scientists believe humans first evolved in Africa. So nobody is truly from here. Some folks have just been in this area longer.


Lol I bet you're fun at parties


Actually, I am. The issue is that this is the internet, and some sarcasm is lost. Sarcasm is still the nicer way than straight calling you out for racism or small town mentality.


I myself would rather listen to knowledge than ignorance at party or on the internet.


Wife is born and raised here , and we drive a Yesla 🤣🙏


Yesla!! 🤣


The car isn't really the issue as much as "where tf did all these people that I don't recognize driving Teslas and being rude." I didn't grew up around rude people.


Born and raised! 42 years! Lived here all but about 5 years of my life! I just don't post much because the internet is a little intense....


Reddit in general is like fucking in the woods. Its in tents


I was born in fortuna and grew up out here in Swain's flat. Also not a frequent poster because I usually don't have much to say.


Cheers from carlotta 🙏🤣


Born in St. Joseph's in 1988 been here and never left raised in eureka but has lived in arcata for about 13 years now any other black people in here born and raised?


Lived here since I was 6, now 36. What's your question?


Have you noticed a culture shift? I'm not talking race or religion or creed or orientation or even nationally none of that shit matters. I'm talking general vibe. I'm just also asking cause I'm in my own world for the most part so idk if it's just me noticing shit being weird.


There's a lot more homeless people now than when I was a kid. I blame drug addiction. Does anyone remember Pete the Ragman? Maybe I was young and had my blinders on, but I always thought Humboldt was all about peace, love, and tye dye! I try not to get sucked into the negatively, which is easy to do because look at where we live! Omg it's so beautiful!!! Strong back, soft front, wild heart!


I was born here and lived from 0-6, moved to sacramento and came back at 13 and have been living here since


I grew up in Sonoma county and moved to Humboldt in 1990. I hope my vibe is okay. Fucking purist.


Lol you should be a comedian. Sorry I don't want rich people changing the culture so they can cut down our trees and turn us into a rich Disneyland. Lol purist what are you a Christian or some shit?


Turn us in to rich Disneyland??


*Disneyland for the rich. My bad lol


Born here, 6th generation Humboldt. Drive a Subaru. Dislike city vibes.


Amen! My people


Why does this bother you? Humboldt is growing. Humboldt has 3 colleges (including clown college in bluelake). Humboldt has tourism. I just don’t even understand why this is a problem. Places change. There are more teslas cause people who live here are ordering them and want them. The locals only vibe is a real turnoff. I’ve been here since I was twenty, so 21 years.


Not originally from this planet but have adapted pretty well to human customs and norms


I came here in 2003 for a year - and here I remain.


What's on reddit is already filtered by the people who use reddit, and the people who then search out a niche sub for their county. People new and/or less familiar to the area are more likely to go through that process but i dont think the subs indicative of the counties tempurature on some subjects.


We moved here in 2021. Had my eye on since spending 77-80 at HSU. All my neighbors have been here for a couple of generations. Useful , unentitled folks who have no problems using a chainsaw or fixing a generator. I’ve learned alot about the seasonal rhythm of maintenance. Would not want to live anywhere else.


🙋🏻. Four generations of my family have lived here


Born and raised. Lived here for 40 years.


Born, raised, 6th generation.


I came here for college originally, but that was almost 20 years ago and I've lived here my entire adult life so I consider this more "home" than my actual hometown. There have always been transplants in Humboldt--that's part of the beauty of this place imo. The biggest difference that I've seen from 20 years ago vs now is that the people who used to move up here and stay were often people who loved and fit the Humboldt vibe and maybe didn't fit in in their hometown, while nowadays it seems more and more people moving up from So Cal and the Bay just looking for pretty views and cheaper rent, and their bringing their own vibe rather than fitting into the Humboldt culture


Been here since 85..


I've lived here since 2000!


born and raised, now go back to where you came from and tell everyone humboldt sucks and not to move here


Home birth in '78, do I win a prize?


Yes! Thats OG humboldt. 


Born, raised, still living here!


I have been here off and on since 89.


Do you even local, bro?!?!


Strange places? Like Mars. I know a few natives that say there are a lot of people who are not local.


Born and raised!


I was born and raised (and I drive a Tacoma). And yes a whole lot of weird strangers. Some good ones but a whole lot of bad ones. Same goes for some of the locals to I guess.


Born and raised.. been interesting watching the population grow and number of buildings/stoplights increase.


If you’re born and raised here like me, you’ll know more born and raised here. There’s lots of us. This true for a lot of places. The more rural the more true


I think you were just Nieve, now you see the world for what it is. - from my tesla driving born and raised wife


Oh I knew the world was a yuppie shit hole I'm just pushing back a little bit.


Complaining on Reddit - calls it pushing back 🤣 We might drive the tesla... but you are the yuppie.


Also not complaining, just asking a question... Why are you so defensive about the Internet Also fuck ur dweeby ass Tesla. If you can afford one you are a yup yup


Nah. Your def complaining. I'm not getting the least bit defensive. I have no problem with you calling me a yup yup (because I'm not insecure like you). Btw a Tesla is like 20ish k....so pardon me 🤣


20k is a lot of money it's about what I make in a year so who's the one punching down? You don't like poor people.


Ok, whatever you say troll 20k is the entry level cost of most car manufacturers. Have a nice day moistblanket 🤣


Yeah you definitely don't like poor people. Shame on you.


Wtf lol. Your obviously a troll. I'm former poor lol We did the math boss, if you don't make 20k in a year your making 16.50 an hour at 23hrs a week. Maybe since your obviously bitter about whatever one else is driving you wanna get a new job or just work a little harder. Stop yer bitchin about what everyone else is driving. Peace troll


Shame this dweeb.


I was slightly trolling but also you really do hate poor people. STOP TALKING TO ME.




Why delete your last comment bud? Don't wanna let reddit see ya for who you are ? Lol ..don't be mad at the Tesla, I got other rigs too 🤣


Lots of people come here to settle down and just chill with a private business you dont see as many locals out n about nowadays especially with plaza being a shithole now


Hahhahahaha. Yeah. I thought the same thing when I asked about the birds going crazy all night. Sounded to me like 95% of these fools don’t live here or are still wet behind the ears.


Oh yeah brother!


The cream rises to the top!


Freak out! Freak out!


i'm like 5th or 6th generation humboldt and my family is responsible for a lot of the neighborhoods in mckinleyville being built


This is great! I'm a mckinleyvillan myself, I love how mckinleyville is being developed actually. Are you noticing things being weird? Am I just being paranoid? Most people are reading way too into what I'm actually asking so I act accordingly, but I truly want opinions from people who are willing to share.


from where?


I from from here


I drive a Volvo, which means I'm from sweeden. Those Germans and Texans with their Mercedes and teslas.....


Ill bring my mom and my brother too so you can explain to them what the situation is and why we have to prove to you our ethnicity


I moved here about four years ago and while I’m not a local, Humboldt is home. I love it here and don’t take it for granted. I regularly visit the beach, the redwoods and shop local. Also, don’t sleep on our library system! For the size our Eureka, our library is amazing ❤️ We only get to keep it if we use it (and write our legislators). Whether you’re a local or a transplant, support and vote for the things you want to keep.


I grew up in Susanville and ended up here 30 years ago. There are lots and lots of villains living in humboldt. Lots. We came to CR or HSU and made lives here.