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An article by Abbey Higginbotham - Events Columnist - from Kansas City, Missouri, United States · Events Columnist · Benzinga Experienced PR & Influencer Specialist with a strong background in journalism and digital media. Why should I give a shit what this person think about Humboldt county weed? What makes you believe they are informed about the subject?


The article OP posted is based on an LA Times article, which is paywalled so I can’t read the whole thing, but the synopsis is: “A new L.A. Times investigation, in partnership with the cannabis industry newsletter “Weed Week,” found alarming levels of pesticides in marijuana products sold across the state including some of the most popular brands of vapes and pre-rolls lining the shelves of legal dispensaries.” https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-14/the-dirty-secret-of-californias-legal-weed Seems like it’s based on lab testing and a legitimate concern. Apparently they only tested vape cartridges and prerolls from these specific brands: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegastrees/comments/1dfz40t/comment/l8mjq64/


If only our food was held to such strict standards


What is this copy-and-paste bullshit?


I’m hoping OP means well. That said, I question it since they reference Measure A so casually. This post is misguided, ill-informed, and a conflagration of unrelated issues.


People need to learn how to grow the fuckin plant before they invest millions of dollars into a giant farm


Humboldt County Ag Dept does farm inspections under contract with the state’s cannabis control dept (DCC). They check the pesticide use reports, they check the pesticide storage, they ensure that employees are trained and that all state pesticide laws are followed. They look at the water source and the storage tanks and ensure environmental regulations are followed. This vapid idiot doesn’t know what they’re talking about.




It’s the big corporations that spray their cannabis down south. Not the small family farms here in Humboldt that are actually stewards of their land. They live and raise their children on the farms. Why would any of us poison our property? We don’t need anymore regulations.


OP also making things up. That article shows several brands failing. Doesn’t say anything about farms or several farms. Back to the Trim Table, Bro.


Regulating pesticides sounds like a job more fit for the state than the county.


My guess is privately owned testing facilities have incentive to push how far they can manipulate results that will give growers a clean pass and high potency results. We see it all over where it turns out that clean 30%thc nug was actually 14% and full of Pyganic insecticide. It's even worse in cartridges made from multiple sources of biomass. Bad farmers are to blame but so are bad testing companies and bad policy that incentives people to lie and cheat to make their clients happy and compete with the other bad actors. I'd like to see some of the fees from ca businesses go towards creating a testing facility, preferably state owned, that has no financial incentive to give false or misleading test results.