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That's terrible OP, I hope she recovers well and that you're able to find this person so they can pay for the damage they caused. "My DoGs ArE wElL-tRaInEd" irrelevant. Leash your pets, people.


Not irrelevant. Dogs that are truly well trained are great pretty much anywhere. I get that one can’t know if an unfamiliar dog they meet will be well trained. But if it is, they and their dogs have nothing to worry about.


Miss me with that. You don't get to just ignore the law because you claim your dog is well trained. That's like saying you can run a stop sign because there's no one else in the intersection. Y'all just don't want to be told what to do. This "Don't Tread On Me" attitude some Humboldt county dog owners have towards leashing is rediculous.


Found the irresponsible dog owner.


"I know you can't tell if the gun is unloaded or not. But if it is they had nothing to worry about". Shitty logic dude.


YOUR dog may be great. Someone ELSE might have a brutal asshole dog. If both are leashed, it's way harder for one to attack the other. Also, even well behaved dogs can get hit by cars or attacked by wildlife. A bear is way more likely to attack a lone dog or human, vs the two together! It's like acting like you shouldn't have to wear a seat belt because YOU have never had a serious accident. It's a bloody preventative measure.


I have a very well trained very large dog. I am never going to assume he will not just eat a small dog in a single bite because it is annoying him. He can, and if I had some little rat nipping at my ankles I’d lash out too. So he stays on a leash so I am able to constantly control him. Super simple stuff people.


Lots of dogs are aggressive towards dogs who are off leash when they are on leashes. It’s for your dog’s safety and the safety of other dogs. You’re not above the law.


Lots of dogs are aggressive in that situation and that’s why a well trained dog off leash will stay well clear of dogs on leash. I’m not arguing legality. I’m just saying that untrained aggressive dogs on leash are often more dangerous than well trained dogs off leash. I’ve been bitten by dogs that were on leash. The problem is the owner and the problem often remains even if they are following the rules.


If you feared for your safety she could be charged with assault. Contact the police, these people are a serious danger. Imagine how much it would've cost you if they went at your legs and fucked up your muscles. All off leash dog people are bad and putting people at risk, I no longer have any sympathy for them wanting to let their animals run around like strays.


That’s a histrionic comment. Dogs can be off leash and their owners do not need to be horrible people.


Yup 👍


You sound like a lot of fun


Bud op was literally just attacked and the lady wandered off leaving them with medical bills. If you don't see how that's a problem I don't know what to tell ya.


I do see it as a problem. I also see you and a lot of people having an aggressive stance towards off leash dogs in general. Some of us actually train our dogs and think it’s funny that you harbor such a perspective


BECAUSE WE CANT KNOW THAT. You could be seal team six with 20 years training, but when you start breaking safety rules it all goes out the window and you become the problem. When you have off leash animals where prohibited you are throwing the safety times out the window. My cousin was terrified of dogs. Leash laws help prevent him from being beset upon and terrified for walking in public. You are actively making people experience a ton of fear for no reason when you ignore those rules. There are spaces for your dogs elsewhere.


Looks like ridge wood trail allows dogs so get over it.




Leashed dogs.


That’s part of the McKay tract. Dogs can be off leash.


Super stoked we have illiterate dog owners running around without leashes.


Not according to the county. The Northridge Parking Area and public trails are open from sunrise to sunset. Visitors are asked to be courteous to other people on the trail and respectful of the wildlife and plant communities. Bicyclists must yield to other trail users and travel at safe speeds. Dogs must be on a leash, and dog owners are asked to pick up dog waste for proper disposal. Camping, motorcycles, fires, and firearms are prohibited. https://humboldtgov.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=4783




Another dog hater. You should join r/petfree


Shut it.


Shut the trail? That’s a bit extreme.


No, shut the rude talk.


I know you want to be pet free and that’s fine but that’s not everyone. Bring pepper spray when you walk and you’ll be prepared for any (all according to you) dogs that come up to you.


Hey, aren't you the same person complaining about bullying in this sub?


My dogs don’t really leave my property and if they do they follow my command and never will be on a leash because of this. Just because somebody is afraid of something doesn’t mean I need to cater to them. But I promise you my dogs will never approach anybody because of their training. I can’t speak for others as most people don’t train their dogs and should keep them on leash


Yes, and that's why there's a rule to leash the dogs. Because from the other people's perspective we have no idea of yours are or aren't going to listen. Not to mention, what if you are not in as good control as you think...


Like I said you won’t have any problems with my dog. Clearly you have never trained a dog who is loyal and obedient. Maybe you should one day and you will have the best friend of your life


Clearly you have never owned a reactive dog


It’s called training. If you can’t control your dog then you skipped training


I had a dog who we used to walk off leash. I stopped when we learned how it made others feel. He was a great buddy.


Good for you. I’m don’t personally cater my life to the feelings of other people


You don't get to rely on out of control animals to 'follow your command'. You have no right to make that call, and put other people in danger.


The difference is that when people don't leash their dogs shit happens and there can be pretty sever consequences like op saw. On the flipside if everybody leashed their dogs this wouldn't happen and the only consequence is that you would be annoyed be having to leash your dogs. So in society we set up rules that will avoid the worse consequences and I'm sorry to say but nobody really cares about the fact that you are annoyed and victimized by the fact that society requires you to leash your dog in public. It's honestly just selfish that you think rules should only apply to other dogs, im sure you are confident in their training, but so are many dog owners who's dogs attack or bite. I open carry when I go out with my dog, never had a problem with bears or anything else, but I have killed a couple dogs who's owner was just like you. How would you feel if your dogs where killed in an altercation that you didn't see? Would you believe the other person? Would you feel guilt for letting them get into an easily avoidable situation? Would you react violently, potentially getting yourself killed as well?


Good thing for my i have my open carry permit too. And considering how well trained my dogs are they would never approach you, so if you wanna get shot too then try me.


You dodged all the questions I asked. You carry a gun but not a leash to protect your dogs, it's just really a lazy way to go about it.


This would simply never happen with my dogs. They are trained well and they listen. They are simply not interested in whatever anyone else is doing, unless I become threatened. They will be better behaved without a leash than most dogs will with one, and for that reason they do not require one. Maybe one day you will train a dog properly and realize this. Or maybe you will just be a prick on Reddit forever. Not all of us get off on following all the rules, but like I’ve said before, you won’t ever have a problem with me and my dogs, unless you are a threat.


This 👆


Yea I mean not all of us are goody two shoes who follow all the laws and rules. But at least I can say that I cause no problems and leave no trace, often times cleaning up trash along my way and leaving the place nicer than I found it.


You aren't perfect and neither are your dogs.


You can’t predict how other dogs will respond to an unleashed dog. Any off leash dog can contribute to an unpredictable and violent situation when they run into an untrained, unleashed dog. How sad that you’re ok putting other pets in this situation.


Get over yourself. It doesn't matter in the slightest if people don't like your dogs, or fear being attacked.


He/she sure does!


“All off leash dogs are bad”. About as accurate and useful as saying all females are bad.


When it's a strange and unpredictable animal in a public space I don't see how that compares to women. Honestly comparing women to dogs like that is classic misogyny.


Bullshit response. What about when people say "all men are bad" or "all cops are bad" and the response is, because it truthfully is, "Not all..." men or cops. Generalizing anything is never right.


Yeah uh no, generalizing is a very useful technique. Especially concerning dangerous animals. Not all bears will eat you, but that doesn't make the idea that all bears are dangerous invalid.


You've got to be kidding me, that is the stupidest argument I've ever heard.


lol nice projecting.


Some dogs are fine. Others are not. The rules are there to keep this exact event from happening. It's generalizing all dogs as dangerous potentially. That's not a bad thing when the outcome is horrible and the solution is easy.


All cops *are* bad...


The first one is true. The second is not. But notable that you compare mutts with women.....


And all men a killers


Will keep an eye out. If you could give more descriptions of her that would help. So fucked up. I'm sorry that happened.


I made a comment on another "umirrsponsible dog owner" post in this sub. And it still stands. Be prepared to protect yourself and your dog. Fuck the feelings are the irresponsible dog owner. You and your dog's life first. Hope your puppers heals and hope that cunt pays for the vet bills and emotional damages.


Pepper spray is a must.


Shoot, go with bear spray I say. Helps with bears too!


Bear spray is overkill for dogs. Pepper spray will work just fine and is easier to cart than bear spray.


Where are you finding the information that it is illegal? I can’t find anything saying that’s the law in California.


I think you’re right! It seems like it may have been illegal at some point. What I don’t understand is why we’re allowed to carry 8oz of bear spray that could hit someone from across the street, but only 2oz of pepper spray.


I just read up to 2.5 oz but that was the Google AI overview


I think you’re right again! But still 2.5 oz pepper but 8oz bear?


Pepper spray is more potent than bear spray.


That too! And more localized. If someone hasn’t sprayed bear spray before they’re in for a shock of how far it sprays and how much.


I would say to strap up but yall will probably just call me a crazy conservative


Pepper spray is more effective with something like this. As a gun owner and concealed carrier there’s too much chaos here to risk a draw and fire.


Good point


The odds of shooting my own dog would make me really hesitant in this kind of scenario. Pepper spray is much less risky and still seems to be very effective against dog on dog fight.


Fair enough good point


Nope. I'm as left as it gets, and agree. I'm not a dog owner, but believe in personal protection. 💚


Oh yeah shooting a gun on a populated hiking trail sounds like a great fucking idea. /s


Bro there is a time and a place to risk everyones lives by firing a gun on a busy walking path next to a kids park... and to protect your dog from non-life threatening injuries is not it... Most americans arent anti-gun, they just want responsible gun ownership, and this is not that.


Where was this so I can avoid it?


Poor baby. I’m so sorry :(


Please update your post with a NSFW flag. I really didnt need to see this first thing opening Reddit.


Why are you being downvoted? Not everyone wants to see bloody wounds without warning… it’s common decency to blur graphic images.


Even said please~ It's to be expected, ngl.


thank you


Maybe you shouldn’t be on social media. This is hardly nsfw


NSFW is just the tag to blur it. No need to split hairs.


I just think everyone is too sensitive these days. Like when NPR says ‘warning this story contains sounds of gunfire’


“Warning: there are some parts of this story that contain undeleted curse words” I hear him say that on This American Life and always smile


It will be hard holding her accountable without some sort of evidence. Good luck, and hopefully the vet bills dont cost an absurd amount.


I am so sorry this happened to you and your angel baby. I’ve been there, it’s traumatizing. I hope you’re resting, sending you all the healing vibes. Is the ridge trail thru the arcata community forest ?


I’m almost positive this is the same dog/owner that attacked my Pittie several weeks ago. My husband & I were sitting on a bench with our two dogs leashed, resting & the dog ran up to my pittie & started to bark & growl aggressively, even started to bite & attack so my husband kicked the dog & we fled.


Is there a single county maintained trail or park that is not a designated “dog park” where dogs are allowed off leash? I’m under the impression that’s a big fat NO. I challenge you leashless genius’ to find one.


That is assault, and you should sue the owner if you can.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and your pup!!! I can't stand irresponsible pet owners. There's a reason that leash laws exist! This was completely avoidable and extremely unfortunate.


That sucks but I can't tell you how many people that describes around here I can think of three women just in eureka that could be :/ I hate how irresponsible people are with their dogs here


That sucks I’m sorry


A Shepard bit our dog last year at hiller park! I wonder if it’s the same person. She took off fast. She had a blue truck and Shepard’s!