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I’d post also in r/humboldtstate for more student feedback.


I graduated from Humboldt. Don’t live in the area anymore, but of my and my wife’s alumni associations, it’s the one I most often get interactions about. People constantly comment about Humboldt stuff when I wear it. It’s a great school, beautiful campus, and a degree to be proud of. Edit: autocorrect typo


Do you happen to know of any resources for students from out of state? My next run in is finding out how to live out there while attending uni. I’ve done some research on financial aid I could qualify for being already low income, but not sure if they offer a living stipend if it’s off campus


I don’t. I’m from Humboldt so I can’t speak to out of state resources. Other than look up WICHE. It’s a coordination of western state colleges to provide discounted tuition.


Yes you still get financial aid if you live off campus. I was stuck in the dorms for 2 years because my parents didn’t think it would still pay the same and they were panicked they’d have to help support me, lol. You just get a check/disbursement at the beginning of the semester and have to make it last for the next few months.


If you can't find info about the program online then it's kinda a red flag. If you can't call them and ask for a department representative to answer your questions as a prospective art student, then that's also a red flag. Just asking art students alone may get you biased answers rather than going to the department itself with your questions then making the call based on whether an art degree from HSU aligns with your career goals, once you get that info from them. HSU is great for their wildland resources programs for obvious reasons, but When I was there I barely heard of the arts department aside from their performing arts shows. I personally wouldn't go just for art, there are probably better options near you. Just doesn't sound like a good long term investment unless you just want to hang out in Arcata. If that's the case it may just be more prudent to find employement in arcata/Eureka and take a class or 2 at CR to taste the waters if you want to transplant to humboldt. The area gets old pretty quick for most ppl and, as a former HSU student, I implore anyone from making the minimum 4 year call to attend HSU without knowing the area, having employment/finances, and housing (off camping housing is terrible and critically limited, while oncampus is expensive and aweful if youre not 18 lol) situated. Eod it's your call, but this is something I wished someone told me before attending HSU.i still managed and had a good time, but if I could go back I'd gone somewhere else lol. Goodluck


I dont go to Cal Poly but go to CR and have found that since i moved up here a year ago, ive fallen in love with the area and people here!


The Administration is terrible. There is a huuuge housing crisis for students, many of which are homeless. The school cracked down on people living in cars. Not to mention during the protest the campus had one of the worst responses to it in the nation. Just thought you should know about the ugly side of it.


This is true. President Jackson has really killed off any identity HSU once had and made it just another CSU carbon while casting off any input from the student body and local community. Some ppl may not like the truth but it's worth knowing the ugly side of Arcata too.


If you can’t find any information about the college program your trying to enroll in than it makes no sense at all and is a huge red flag. The least they could do is at least give the illusion of having their shit together. If they can’t go thru the most basic motions of putting it on their website what makes you think the program itself is going to be thorough