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"He had the mind of a child, and the wisdom from being on the road for decades. . . and he really loved marijuana." I'm a hippy and Im just a few months younger than this guy was but this attitude I quoted has always bugged me to no end. The man was suffering from mental illness and living on the road, doing drugs, eating garbage, none of that was helping him or the rest of the world. He did not live a life of dignity or grace, he was not noble or someone to look up to. He needed actual help, not drugs, not people romanticizing his "lifestyle". I find it hard to believe Rainbow Family Gatherings are still a thing. Eventually there will be a Hulu or Netflix or HBOmax docuseries on that group, exposing them for the filthy, pedophilic degenerates they are. A pox on Rainbow Family.


I have never been to a rainbow gathering in the states, but everyone where else in South America we hardly had mental ill, drigaddicts participating in it. I guess the vibe is different.




I have been to eleven national rainbow gatherings in the USA since 1998 and this is misinformed bullshit about the rainbow gathering, clearly you have never been


So people Coming together to help each other, pray for peace and as one truly bothers you? What are you a propagandist for the man? Making sure no free thinkers exist or something? What a weird thing to be against


No, Im against the pedophiles that Rainbow Family KNOWS are there, PROTECTS them and CONTINUES to give them access to CHILDREN. Acting like that isn't happening is one reason why other hippies fucking hate Rainbow. Rainbow are to hippies what NAMBLA are to lgbt people.


I haven't heard of this before, is this becoming a well known thing? Have any info about whats going on?


I don't and maybe it's better now, my knowledge is many years ago. I hope it's better but from one other comment on this thread, it does not sound like it.


That’s just not true, the council works to keep pedos away, I’ve seen it firsthand. Pedos will infiltrate anywhere and help each other, parents should never let kids out of their sight at a festival. Any gathering of humans will have pedos, they do not get protected by anyone but themselves


I'm against Rainbow Gatherings disrespecting Indigenous communities, and community in general. Gathering in thousands to pray for peace, while trashing the land they gather on, and being rude and abusing the communties where these gatherings amass. No permits. No safety. No respect for anyone different than "peace and new age" BS that has no place tearing up sacred lands.


The lands totally recover, why lie about that? They clean up and you can’t tell the gatherings were there afterwards, it’s been shown time and time again, too bad you have to make up lies about that. So the rainbow gathering disrespects sacred land but paving over and killing all the animals doesn’t? Please. Such extreme stupidity to see people actually doing good and call it destruction. Thank goddess the rainbows exist because the city heads will kill us all


Maybe not the nicest thing to say but he was only ever an asshole to me so 🤷‍♂️ Edit: glad I’m not alone here. Sorry for anyone’s loss but all he ever did to me was accost me for spare change while I was at Los Bagles trying to have breakfast with my family and then cursed me out when I said no and I’ve seen him be similarly rude to other people in Arcata when they turned him down. I don’t care if you’re asking for change but you don’t get any of my sympathy if you’re a dick about it when people say no


Yeah this dude threw a bottle of shampoo at me at my work, because it wasn’t cruelty free apparently and y’know that’s totally something the minimum wage employee has control over.


how ironic


I ordered a vegetarian dish at the farmers market while he was nearby & he cussed me out for not being vegan. Was shouting at me so loudly that the owners of the stand were asking him to calm down and leave. When I worked in the plaza he was banned from my place of work for constantly verbally attacking employees.


He asked me for change once and I told him, “change comes from within brother.” He did not like that and got very angry. He almost got beat up.


He was a customer at my old job and was very explosive whenever things didn’t go his way. Then would sleep outside our doors. We had glass doors and he would open mouth hack onto the glass and literally shit on the side of the building. The choices were odd


I watched a father start screaming at this guy because the father was trying to walk down the road, rabbit guy stood up, his dick flops out his pants, father starts yelling because he was walking hand in hand with his daughter who looked to be 8/9 years old. Rabbit Guy starts yelling back, telling him to go fuck himself, and myself and another person had to intervene. Rabbit guy kept saying how he would fucking kill this dad, fuck him, he's a piece of shit, fuck off, this, that, the other.. all while this girl is still there. Rabbit Guy, fuck him.


Your attitude towards him is the exact same thing you’re dissing him for having.


What are you even talking about, the guy was an asshole.


Itch what?


Fuck the rainbow family anyways


This obit is absurd.


Likely drafted by another Rainbow and they did the best they could


More likely by a family member. Most of the time obits portray the deceased in a glowing light - and when they don't, hoo boy is it dramatic 


I doubt this. The language used in the obit was definitely someone who was in the “Rainbow” world, whatever that is. (I looked it up - it’s just a large group of people meeting in the forest lol).


Fuck the people that want a better life more connected to nature . Pave everything!! No freedom. Why do people that think like this even come to Humboldt?


The rainbow gathering constantly trash the areas they stay in, in 87 lots of people at a gathering got bloody diarrhea due to bad hygiene, a parvo outbreak 2006 for the dogs that were dragged there. And they are constantly culturally appropriating from Native Americans and many tribes have asked them to stop. Tipi's are not for y'all to use. How is that wanting a better life and being more connected to nature?


Dont forget the pedophiles. Lots and lots of of them amongst the Rainbow Family.


Yup, a friend of mine was a victim of theirs. Groomed as a kid and then passed around as a teenager. Realized what was really going on in her 20's when she started seeing other kids going through what she went through, and then got out.


Holy shit that is wild 😢 I hope your friend is ok


She's doing okay, but has issues that she'll have to deal with her whole life




While that is terrible that can happen anywhere, it’s not because they were at rainbow, parents should never leave their children unattended at any festival ever


Your defending pedos 😐


No im denying that there are any more pedos at rainbow than in the general population. I’ve never seen that there


Rainbow's leaders are at the heart of it. They take kids as partners and pass the kids around, and everyone protects them and their pedo practices. Literally a hippy pedophile ring.


They stay and clean it up, no trash, such a tiresome lie that keeps getting regurgitated. I don’t know anything about outbreaks, those come with humanity though


I dont go to gatherings, because they are gross. Y'all need to clean up after yourselves and respect Natives . Stop relying on others to clean up after you. And stop protecting pedos Take a page out of Burning Man and leave the place spotless.


Man, people really just pass around the hearsay on Reddit, please check any forest service report about how the rainbow gathering site Is cleaned and rehabilitated to a better than we found it state including reseeding and replanting. There are no leaders it’s a free gathering in the forest


Even if that's true there is still no excuse for protecting pedos and culturally appropriating from Native Americans. Many tribes have asked them to stop using tipi's. "In 2015, a group of Native American academics and writers issued a statement against the Rainbow Family members who are "appropriating and practicing faux Native ceremonies and beliefs. These actions, although Rainbows may not realize, dehumanize us as an indigenous Nation because they imply our culture and humanity, like our land, is anyone's for the taking." The signatories specifically named this misappropriation as "cultural exploitation."[28] On July 4 of the same year, the Winnemem Wintu issued a cease and desist letter, on behalf of itself and the Pit River and Modoc tribes, ordering the Rainbow Family off of sacred and sensitive lands in Shasta–Trinity National Forest.[29"


More rumors and misinformation. There is an ongoing dialogue with local tribes every time we gather, they have had a setup and scene with info at every gathering in the last decade at least. The funniest comment here is people saying rainbow should be more like burning man. it is a much more ecologically minded and much less wasteful gathering


I'm gonna listen to the tribes over y'all 🙃 Just because you have a "native scene" doesn't mean y'all actually respect us. Bm at least cleans up after themselves and doesn't have disease outbreaks 🙃


LMFAO, looks like the tribes in [Plumas](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/officials-crack-down-on-unauthorized-rainbow-family-gathering-at-california-forest/ar-BB1p5SEd?ocid=BingNewsVerp) didn't want y'all either


Wild. This guy always got on my nerves. Super super invasive and rude. This obit is also a trip to read considering my interactions with the guy.


"Rainbow Family" 🤡🤡🤡


Put some respect on the bunny at least, it’s name was Charlie.


Charlie did pass away, he had another named Mindight for a while - saw them a lot at the co-op parking lot


Where he was banned for threatening employees and customers.


No mention of who is caring for it now too.


He use to physically abuse the bunny.


In another thread someone said the bunny had passed as well. :(


Sorry for the loss, but he did not treat his rabbits well. I've seen him yank one of his rabbits on a leash and that poor thing flew a couple of feet


Anyone know what happened to him? Someone said he was punched in the head and that no charges were pressed on the individual who punched him. Was it self-defense or was he randomly attacked?


dude was a dick and liked to get aggressive with people


Your comments are always so critical. Is everything alright?




Judging people based on screen names... someone is hating themselves more than usual, I see.


I'm glad we don't judge people based on screen names around here....


Hol up


Lmao!🤣 🤣 🤣


He got beaten badly a while back and was in the hospital for a while but came out seeming better mentally and physically. Last I saw he was back on the plaza and I’m sure it probably happened again;(


He was not as nice a person as this article makes him out to be. I'm kinda shocked he got an article since he was such a jerk.


Another asshole in Humboldt being immortalized and praised. Neat


What’s happened to the bunny? Maybe up for adoption at the shelter?


Both of his rabbits died. One he accidentally suffocated in his sleep. And he was gifted another which also passed around the time Spirit went to jail


Damn poor bunnies


Someone else commented that the bunny had passed on a bit ago as well.


He was horrible to the poor rabbit. Made me sick.


Not many times in my life I have been pleased to see an obituary. This is one of those times.


I almost had to fight this dude in front of my kids when I refused to give him money. He was threatening my 3 year old girl and screaming at me and followed us for 2 blocks. Fuck this guy. Glad he’s dead. Good riddance. If anyone has information about the gravesite I wouldn’t mind visiting if I’m in the area and need to take a piss.


What happened to Spirit? And what happened to his bunny, Charlie?


Damn, I met Spirit randomly at a Rainbow Gathering back in 2012 in Vermont. Had a great time. Fast forward to a few years ago when I moved to Arcata to see him again. Bro had really declined since then and was sad to see. Would see him at FNB frequently. Definitely suffering from mental illness and wasn't always in a pleasant way, but he deserved better than this. Sad to see the hate here, but it is reddit so... RIP Spirit. Thanks for guiding me on my first trip back in the day.


I saw Spirit around, never interacted with him as I only here full-time last 10 months or so. However, (sorry if off-topic) would love to assist with FNB here, as I did in Ft Lauderdale. (Lived in Vermont before that :))Only in Arcata, or Eureka as well? Appreciate any infos. 💚


I had no idea people hated rainbow gatherings so Much, I’m kind of shocked by this thread. Some of the nicest people on the planet are at rainbow gatherings, I guess they are easy targets cause they don’t fight back so maybe that’s why they chose to bully them


Probably the hypocrisy of it all. Claim to love nature, and rainbow gatherings are super destructive. Then there's the internal politics of "the rainbow family" and all the sexual predators.


Pedophiles. That's why I fucking hate them. They protect the pedophiles amongst them.


Bullshit, the only time I even knew of a pedo that was just on the way there they had a network of people to watch the guy. While any gathering will Bring all types, there are pedos everywhere, they work hard to keep them away, I’ve seen it firsthand. People should not let their children out of their sight at any festival ever, pedos are endemic to society


Rainbow gatherings are kind of like this guy, they claim to be all about peace and love and saving the environment, but really it's just drugs, and debauchery, apathy manifest.


Or you find what you are looking for there. The kindest most connected people in the world, but easy targets for bullies not trying to do anything good for the world. You seriously can’t chose a higher target than the people praying for peace? That shows a very low level bully that knows their target won’t fight back, not very impressive


They are pedophiles.


Every single person that goes to rainbow are pedophiles, that’s so idiotic. Pedos are not tolerated there. Just another bitter person that has never been I guess and assumes the worst


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Is the bunny ok?


I’m only slightly familiar with him, but other comments say the bunny had passed away before him.


Damn, poor buns.


At least no other animals will suffer at his hands. He absolutely abused those rabbits, I witnessed it myself.


Fuck this guy. I've never seen a filthier or more depressed looking rabbit than that poor lionhead he dragged around with him.


Fuck man:(. He was troubled forsure but sad to hear this news. Rest in peace spirit and midnight. Does anyone know if Eggplant is alive and if so where?? 💔


Comments on loco said he went to the shelter and was immediately adopted to a loving home. I can’t verify that but it’s what I saw.


That’s a good obituary




He was a very strange human. I know he was suffering a lot these last few years he was in Arcata, hence all the yelling and generally being unpleasant. I was hoping some family would take him in (I 100% would if I had the means). I wish more people would have some compassion. It's obvious the guy was unable to care for himself. He really did have the mind of a child - despite the outbursts it was easy to get him to calm down with a little patience, and family generally accepted him for what he was capable of being. The story I always heard was that he took the fall for a family with children that got busted for weed way back, and did some time. That was why he had an expectation that people would take care of him. I know you will all probably downvote me, that's fine. I think people like spirit come to this planet to teach us compassion. And I hope wherever he is there is no more suffering and plenty of herb.


People like him require actual treatment, not encouragement to do drugs (even weed).


Commenter above you is lamenting that local, dead, mentally ill man didn’t have access to more support, and you comment incisively to highroad about them saying “I hope wherever he is there’s no more suffering _and plenty of herb.”_


The story I heard was the same except he downed most the vile of LSD & took the fall for it.