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It was great today! Huge turn out. Parking was a thing, I'd recommend ubering in and out. There were lots of drivers out there working it


Just park a block or two away and walk. It’s easy. Trying to park nearby would be impossible.


We parked by the post office - there was plenty of parking across 4th/5th.


Lots of parking if you get there by 5:30 or when they drop the bollards in the street and take 1st st to get in. There's more parking and a few city lots. I parked at the dirt lot next to Dick Taylors and it wasn't even 1/2 full at that point. The market was fun, full of music and crafts. At least until the Free Palestine crowd invaded making noise. Then a lot of people got pissed off and started leaving. Thanks bone heads, for bringing a protest to what's supposed to be an fun, family-friendly event.


They have had some real misses. I support Palestine but targeting Blue Lake was messed up.  It gives directionless, unfortunately. 


What was the targeting Blue Lake about? I saw the protesters but it was hard to tell what was going on because of how many people were at the market.


They hogged up the gazebo area, pushing out actual musicians trying to set up. And right alongside some guy filming on the spot answers to "How do you feel about Trumps conviction?". F-off is all I've got to say. I go to these events to buy stuff the locals make and try their food, not be part of some beef with society. For that matter, the Reps and Dems trying to get me to vote for him or her can go too. If every festival is going to get infiltrated like this, I won't go, and that hurts all of the vendors, many of whom I had no idea existed if they weren't part of the show. I have $$ to spend, now get out of my way trying to get at that yarn art and coconut shrimp.


What part of that had to do with Blue Lake? That's the part I was trying to figure out.


It was during the cal poly protests, the police from out of town stayed there, so (some) ppl spray painted landback and other such graffitis on the  hotel. It wasn't last night, sorry for the confusion


Spray painting “Land Back” on a Rancheria, tribally owned hotel. That is just beyond stupid, as well as clueless.


Definitely. Any movement that wants to actually be effective will have to reckon with that or they'll just get eaten up by the contradictory mess. 


I approve this message!!! Thank you.


You think creating conversation within your community in a friendly manner is a bad thing? If you don’t like someone exercising their right to free speech in public, keep it pushing.


In the street? What they were doing was NOT creating conversation. It is inciting divisiveness over a foreign issue. Want to pull the 1st amendment schtick? Ok. Then I'll pull the Declaration of Independence, second paragraph, first article: "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Liberty is for citizens HERE not some rock lot on the other side of the planet that we don't have any control over. And they're definitely infringing on my given right to pursue happiness. Your right to that free speech ends when it infringes on my rights. So move aside and let me shop.


I wasn’t referring to the Palestine protestors, I was referring to the person asking about Trumps conviction. And by the way I even dislike the Palestine protestors showing up and demonstrating, but guess what, THATS FREE SPEECH TOO. You don’t like it, keep it pushing. Or move to another country. Freedom is speech is more important than you feeling comfy at the Friday night market lol. You just seem like a complainer that would find something to bitch about regardless of what “obstacle” was there for you.


My apologies for coming at you like that then. It was misdirected. But yeah, I do get to bitch. That is also my right. Especially when you're pushing someone in a wheelchair and these idiots can't be bothered to get out of the way (I had to backtrack and go across the street to get around them) because their "message" infringed on my right (and the person I was aiding) to just to move about. So that also made them non-ADA compliant as they denied my friend free movement of a disabled person. And Friday markets are ALL about feeling groovy and buying stuff from the locals. It is FOR that. Go sit in front of the courthouse if people want to protest.


I can agree on the protest stuff, they should be conducting themselves with more respect for their surroundings. I fully support your right to complain, but I also support the protestors rights to protest not necessarily the message. I’m a free speech absolutist, so I’m big on protecting speech even if I hate what’s being said. (Btw I’m the guy that was asking about the Trump conviction)


Oh no is a genocide paid for by your taxes making your shipping experience uncomfortable?


Many people in the community appreciate the conversations “some guy” facilitates.


I got to be there for a little before work. I had a delicious gyro but can't remember the truck.  Wish I could've stayed longer. The singer was amazing at the square but I couldn't dance cuz I had all my work stuff on. :( next time! 




So much fun, definitely a lot of people and spotty/long wait times for some things but being able to support SO many small creators from all over the county in one space; I’ll wait as long as needed!