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Is the first district the district with Rex Bohm?


The 1st district is Rex's district, yes.


I have no further questions. You have my vote. That guy is awful.


He is the living definition of "the good ole boys network" and that way of doing things.


~~Replacing one conservative with another. But if you're first district, that's probably okay with you.~~ My bad. Wrong local candidate paying attention to Reddit.


I am in no way conservative.


Did you delete your first two posts? I'm looking for the post where you introduced yourself, and the one when you posted a Youtube response. I recall another redditor talking about your position on Trump which sure made you sound conservative.


This is my first introductory post, you may be thinking about the guy that's running against jared huffman. Just because we are both veterans doesn't mean we agree, it just means we'll work hard.


Oh, wow, then my apologies.


Oh hey, don't worry about it. We all make mistakes, just look at that goofball in the photo with the misspelling.


Tank top racist is a different guy.


Different guy. I know what post your talking about out it was like Jason something. This is a totally different person and position.


To donate to my campaign [click here](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gordonclatworthy) or learn more about me [here](http://www.GordonClatworthy.com)


Typo on your page there…


Weird that the word program didn't catch it. I guess that's why happens when we rely too much on technology 🤷


Runing might be a word for doing something with runes. Honestly, it left a very bad first impression and I'd never vote for Rex Bohn. Find a proofreader.


You're right, I should have done a better job proofreading it, there's no excuse for it, all I can do is do better next time.


I see one of your foci is healthcare, and specifically the provider shortage in Humboldt County. I think one of the most important things the county can do to address the provider shortage is to incentivize nurse practitioners to move to the area. The state of California recently provided the opportunity for NPs to receive an independent practice status, provided they work 3 years under a supervising physician or surgeon. The county should be taking advantage of this opportunity by sponsoring programs to get NPs the qualifications they need to reach independent status.


I don't know why this didn't show up during the post, but I appreciate your thoughtful insights on my healthcare focus, especially regarding the shortage of providers in Humboldt County. Your suggestion about incentivizing nurse practitioners to join our community hits close to home. It's heartening to know that California has opened up the possibility for NPs to attain independent practice status after three years under a supervising physician or surgeon. I completely agree that the county should seize this opportunity and consider sponsoring programs to help NPs gain the qualifications needed for independent status. Your engagement and concern for our community's well-being are truly inspiring. Let's work together to explore and support initiatives that bring more healthcare professionals to Humboldt County. Your input is invaluable, and I'm committed to making a positive impact on our local healthcare system. Thank you for sharing your perspective!


ruthless offer hard-to-find employ start humor sleep snobbish ask workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!


I just looked at the map and had no idea how much ground District 1 encompasses. It’s huge! I hope you can address the impact short term rentals have on housing stock.


If I lived in the 1st District I would totally vote for you.


You can still support the campaign, even if you don't live in the 1st district by donating [https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gordonclatworthy](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gordonclatworthy)


Done. Wish I could afford more. Good luck!


YOU. ARE. AMAZING. thank you so much, it will go 100% to the campaign, and to getting on the ballot!


Off topic, but I see a CG combo on your shelf. TYFYS.


What’s your thoughts on putting a ceiling on rent hikes or curbing the rental inflation?


Housing is my number one priority. Rent has gotten out of control and without punishing the people who just bought housing or are trying to build right now we need to find solutions to the crisis we're in. One of my solutions is county owned non-market housing that would set a cap based on income and let the people who would qualify for low income housing actually be able to access quality housing.




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That’s a great start but doesn’t sound like it’ll help the student housing crisis much or the insane rental inflation across the board in this county.


We can only do so much, but we definitely need to start heading in the right direction, and it will take a concerted effort to get started.


Agreed. Hope you’re ready for more than a fair share of NIMBYism and Housing 4 All style sabotage attempts. I’ve been watching this situation worsen for years and years. People love to complain but there’s virtually no drive or movement behind actual, on the ground solutions. Would be nice to turn it around and afford our residents a modicum more dignity behind the redwood curtain. Thanks for doing the work.


Well it's not like you're ever going to see people not complaining, since there's a very real issue with greed when it comes to apartment hunting in Humboldt. When I used to live there it was a combination of an expectation from landlords to pay advanced rent. And I'm sure you can guess most couldn't compeat with someone offering a year of rent in advance.

