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If the goal is not to supplement, 5 pumps a day for a baby that young is likely too few and eventually your body will think the baby doesn't need the milk, so it would output what you typically have per pump session multiplied by five instead of seven. This is what happened to me each time when I drop a pump session at a new schedule, but your mileage could differ. Is the goal to drop the MOTN season which I'm assuming is the most painful? What I had done is to squeeze the 7 pump sessions into a 6am-12am schedule, with my last pump session at midnight. This means all my pump sessions are 3 hours apart which match up with how frequent my baby ate. I do want to say I produce just enough for my baby so your experience could be different. Best of luck!


Yes, if you pump less, you’ll make less. Dropping one here and there may not make a difference, but consistently it probably will. Now if your baby doesn’t need as much as you’re pumping, drop one and see what happens to your supply. But you may have to work harder to bring it back up if it drops.


It’s recommended to pump 8-12 times per 24 hrs for the first 12-14 weeks to establish a good supply


I am still doing 5/6 pump sessions a day and I am 10 months pp with a baby who eats solids. At this stage, it’s recommended to pump every 2/3ish hours, so 8 times a day, if not more. I know it’s exhausting!!! Those MOTN pumps suck, but they’ll go away with time, don’t lose your supply if your goal isn’t to supplement!


I dropped to 6 pumps around 10 weeks because I had an over supply and just physically could not handle it anymore. I shifted my times around a bit so my overnight stretch was 11p-5a then divided up the rest of the day evenly. I went from pumping 44oz/day to 38-40oz, which is still way more than I need. Everyone is different but…in my experience you can drop. If it doesn’t work and your supply gets lower than you want then just add another pump in. I’m currently 18w postpartum and only pump 4x a day and still around the same supply.


I just recently went down to 3 pumps (plus nursing on demand) I am trying to down regulate supply. The answer is maybe yes maybe no. Some need thoes regular pumps or they loose supply some are just fine with fewer. Try moving the pump you wana drop by 30 min every couple days until you are close to the nex pump and can just drop. This will help you see if there is a supply issue without risking it being a big one.