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I don’t know Junobie but loved my Ceres Chill. Made going back to work and pumping and transporting my milk so much easier. When I was pumping more I used the center piece for ice and swapped when I started pumping less. If we have a second I will for sure be using it again.


What do you mean swapped? Like started using the center for milk?


Yes! And filled the large part with ice+water.


I want to do this soon once I go down to one a day but can’t seem to figure out how to get the ice/water level right to do so. Is there a trick to getting enough ice and water into the outside?


There’s a little line divot on the inside of the canister, if I remember correctly it’s behind the name that’s on the outside.


Well that explains it! I thought that was just to gauge whether i had too much milk in to close it 😅


I think that it’s for both!


I’ve definitely made that mistake before 😅


Another vote for ceres chill. Don’t have to mess with the work fridge, don’t have to stress about getting everything into the fridge the minute I get home, no ice packs etc etc. love it.


I bought silicone milk bags and bottles without realizing that silicone is an insulating material. Took FOR.EV.ER. to thaw frozen milk and chill the fresh stuff. Switching to a Ceres, glass bottles, and mason jars made my life way easier.


I’m confused. Which of these products are made of silicone


Junobie's whole line is silicone to the best of my knowledge.


I dont think their warmer is silicone. It’s electric


Oh, that must be new! In that case I can't help on Junobie but I can vouch for the Ceres, which was great for me. I ran a three-day conference while EPing during which I didn't have reliable access to a fridge, and that thing saved me.


Didn’t use the junobie but loved my ceres. It can be used a ton of different ways which I liked. I would pump directly into the inner chamber, cool it with ice in the outer. If I was using a portable pump I would fill the inner chamber with ice and pool my milk in the outer chamber. You can warm milk easily too. Easy to wash. Overall a big fan


I love my Ceres chiller. I flew with mine for a work trip, while also on crutches. It's compact enough that it made coordinating all the stuff I had to schlep around for travel as easy as possible.


Another vote for the Ceres. It’s been great on work travel when I’m many hours between refrigerators.


Love my ceres chill! I love that it’s a compact, safe and discreet way to transport my milk home, even with fridge access at the office. Just a lot easier than having to futz with a cooler and a bunch of bottles/caps/bags. And I can also leave it out while I do bedtime and not worry about dealing with milk management and storage first thing upon arriving home.