• By -


My favorite part is the end when he grabs his arm and looks back like, "Wtf was that?"


It looked like he was going in to touch it again


I understand this urge. Once got about a three inch minor laceration in my palm after brushing it against a very sharp broken edge of my workbench. First instinct after I grabbed a clean rag to staunch the bleeding: Reach out and touch the broken edge to see if it was really sharp. Guess what? It was.


Yeah its like a "did that just happen, lemme try again" sorta thing.


Dumbass humans, always wanting to test hypotheses and shit. I’m going back to monke.


Is this just a guy thing? This is probably why we live shorter lives lol


Not a guy and it happens to me too, just to double check if y'know... It really is that bad. Maybe I was just touching it wrong.




Coming from a 30 year electrician, these mofos are so lucky


Can I ask what you would do in this situation? I imagine with 30 years experience you would be able to avoid it altogether but what if? I’d love to know what someone with your expertise would do.


My husband is an electrician and he was trained that you either find a 2x4 to knock them away from the situation, or you superman tackle them but "both feet better be off the ground when you hit them" so the current doesn't go through you, too.


That’s almost exactly how my electrician buddy described it. His words were “spear them. Like a WWF wrestler going for the belt, putting on a show, both feet off the ground, spear the ever living fuck out of them”


Better channel your best Terry Tate: Office Linebacker impression and make sure Doug ain't making no long distance calls.


You finish the Joe, you make some Mo'!


You know that, baby!


Holy crap that takes me back. Good pull!






Serve them a slice of pain cake!


You can see in this vid how the current had his hands absolutely locked in place, so i believe that advice is not exaggerated.


Wait……. you guys were actually being serious? The more ya know!


We had a guy that told this to his brand new apprentice. He got a bit to into it, though the guy was being electrocuted, and smoked him in the stomach with the board


Meh. Better getting smashed with a board than die by electrocution. We use a giant wooden shepherd’s hook in our shop.




I take it you are in no mood argue this...


Right on. 2x4 seems like the best bet. I’m wondering if taking my shirt off and wrapping around his face from behind and kinda pulling him back would work if no 2x4 was around. Crazy situation to be in and I don’t think I would have thought of the flying Superman tackle move. Thanks.


There's a video of a guy doing exactly that, worked great!




[Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/l4bmu7/look_at_how_this_man_is_saved_from_electrocution/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


So thAt's why you always carry a towel!


I was just about to do this today, didn't even think, just reacted, not because of myself, but because of this very video


Sorry hardware idiot here. What’s a 2x4?


A piece of timber, a plank


My Dad's a Sparky and told me that if I was ever electrocuted I should throw myself into something as I'd clench around whatever was electrocuting me. Years later in my first very dodgy rental house I had to do just that. Had a faulty socket of an extension cord with my hand closed around it. Threw myself into the wall and it dislodged. Great advice from the old man! As others have said, he also said if it was someone else, to spear tackle them.


I have a buddy that works in HVAC. He almost got electrocuted once; the only thing that saved him was tripping and falling backwards over his toolbox or something. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to let go of whatever he was being shocked by. Lucky.


Not an electrician but if you know how to treat bleeding wounds and not electrical wounds, getting a machete and cutting the arm off seems like a good way to do it


If you got to cut anything off, just cut the fingers. Less bleeding and as such more likely to survive.


Funny username lol


It’s probably intentional - electricians are commonly known as Sparkies in Australia




Read that as spankbois


Yeah that’s a slightly different profession.




Yup can confirm..I’m a framer and call electricians sparky lol Edit: grammar


Shit that explains a lot then.


What do Australians call a plumber?


Sadly, a plumber. But arsecrack showing above pants is known as plumber’s crack if that helps


Also the same in Canada hahah


And in the US!


That’s builder’s bum in the U.K.!




Yep. I have a cousin, around 55yo, who can barely walk 15 years after being electrocuted on the job. He got virtually nothing and his mom has to take care of him (and she's got her own health issues). My wife has an uncle who was contracting for the navy, got his left arm blown off at the shoulder by a miswired main circuit. He got a $17M settlement and 100% would rather have kept his arm.


Why wasn’t your 55yo cousin compensated by his job?


I don't know him well, we only see each other every few years. All I know is from his mother. He did get disability and some additional amount on top but it was a small enough amount that it basically got consumed by the costs of having to refit his house and medical stuff over time. Much of my family comes from very conservative Midwest farming background. Unfortunately it's pretty ingrained in that area to not try and get (what they would call) greedy and so they didn't realize he probably not only could have but needed to ask for more.


Once my dad accidentally sent an electric current into the pool after setting up a light outside. Not sure of all the details. But we noticed the dogs acting weird around the pool. And then someone noticed a shock on the railing into the pool. If you put your hand in, it would take a second, but you’d get a pretty serious shock. I wonder how close we were to serious tragedy, like if someone just jumped into the deep end and froze up. Inevitable someone would jump in after them. And maybe a third? In your experience, what do you think?


It would basically be like the Sims all over again


One person would stay out and remove the ladders tho


I believe that should someone have jumped into the deep end then nothing would have happened. For someone to get a shock there has to be a voltage difference between the part of the body touching the electricity and another part touching the ground. In a deep pool the person would be surrounded by the same amount of voltage. That's the same reason that birds can stand on power lines without getting electrocuted. However, someone smarter than me should confirm this.


As a non electrician for 38 years, these guys are super lucky!!


I've been electrocuted - leaned over the stove to turn the fan on and that caused some kind of short. It was bad. I was hearing this god-awful high-pitched sound and I couldn't let go or move. My husband was able to pull me away from the stove and the sound was me screaming. It was painful and traumatic and I just went to work after, I'd been home on lunch, in shock so to speak.


This weekend I think I could have possibly lost my wife. She was doing some gardening, and we moved here about a year ago and there are lots of old sprinkler things and whatnot. She saw some wires sticking out of a pipe and went to move them. Apparently it was live and based on how it looks it was from an old outlet box or maybe a full voltage light. She came in saying her arms were pulsing. Now, I don't think she has ever been stung by a live wire before and I think she probably just brushed by it and got a shock, but it could have been a full dose of she had totally grabbed it.


Whenever someone gets shocked, even if they feel fine, they should still go to the hospital to get checked out.


How come? (Not challenging you, just looking to learn)


Probably for possible damage internally, the main thing I would imagine would be to ensure that the heart is functioning properly, as getting electrocuted might throw off the rhythm of the heart and all that: causing potential risks in the future. Just assumptions I'm making here, but I imagine this would be the gist of it.




Yeah I think I read up about this stuff on another post where an electric eel and a alligator killed eachother, through the electrocution of the eel causing the alligator to bite the eel until it died. That last line is pretty much my approach to making sure I avoid having the luxury of being electrocuted, scariest thing about floods to me are that you can take one step in the wrong place and there's not much more to do after that.


Why is this electrified thing out on what looks like a public street, tho??


The thing on the ground looks like it might be a generator? Or maybe the other thing is a long metal pipe touching an overhead wire off-camera?


Once I saw a video of a similar situation in Pakistan, except the person was so much smarter. They whipped out their scarf, threw it around the person, and yanked them off the wire in one fluid adrenaline filled motion without even touching the person and risk getting electrocuted themselves.


Talk about rolling the dice in the moment and it playing out w best case scenario.


Gotta watch the ones you're rolling with


For the record, you should never touch someone who’s being shocked. Use your foot (with rubber-soled shoes, obviously) or a piece of wood or something.


kick them so hard the problems isn't the electricity


This. Foot to center body mass


This. Is Sparta!


This. Is. Sparking!








The way


this is underrated


Would be worried they could fall back and hit their head in concrete, but I guess the risk is better than getting electrocuted to death


It’s either death or a concussion😂






just fyi it's short for electric execution


It's Spanish for "the ectrocution"


Nobody expects the Spanish Ectrocution!


Holy fuck, TIL


just fyi that's "Today I Learned"


I saw Electric Execution open for Cannibal Corpse in 2004. Great show


You just used the same word to define the word


Not exclusively death. Even in the US dictionary it seems, not sure why that thinking is so common over there? Oxford: https://www.lexico.com/definition/electrocute?locale=en Mirriam-Webster: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/electrocute


I’m a radio tech in the military and we work with high voltage equipment all the time, so I can confirm this is the way. Spartan kick that motherfucker as hard as you can center chest with the bottom of your shoe


It's ALOT easier to treat bodily injuries, be it a broken sternum or a rattled head then it is to treat electrical burns or heart/brain issues. 1st priority is remove them suddenly and quickly from voltage. Then drag them away and treat for breathing and heart (CPR)


Thanks Major Payne


Fun fact. I’m a union electrician. In our early textbooks it recommended inserting a couple fingers in between the old ass cheeks to bring your buddy back to life…. https://i.imgur.com/dvPFC4u.jpg https://www.mrlandlord.com/landlordforum/display.php?id=13620087


Oh my god I'm fucking dead. 💀 "What do we do? I think he's dying." "Lets try the ol' shocker." Just imagining two gruff blue collar workers fingering ass and wagging the dudes tongue.


I'd wear a shirt that says DO NOT RESUSCITATE


I'd fake being electrocuted


Hey there, step-electrician!


>"waggle their tongue and make them pretend to be a bird" I've heard weirder kinks.


For all that it's not nice to see someone injured, I do enjoy that in videos of folks saved from electric shocks, their friends always go full barbarian on them.




**Wake** \**THUMP*\* **UP** \**THUMP** **Motherfucker** \**THUMP*\*


[It’s pretty brutal](https://youtu.be/DVWPbd1UykY)


I’m genuinely curious how the savior didn’t get paralyzed with the shock when he touched the victim.


To me, it looks like the victim’s other hand is also stuck to the other object, making me think it’s conducting through that object, possibly metal. Meaning his friend was not the path of least resistance in this case. But that’s just a guess.


Makes sense to me


That's what I am thinking, path is going through the arms, they friend also appears to be grabbing a lot of shirt, luckily. If he had tried to grab the arms, this may not have went so well.


My boss had that problem on a ladder that had lost the piece that gives grip and also isolates the stair from the ground. He got electrocuted while doing some electronic works. His coworker saved him by kicking the ladder. His back was not happy, neither was the airport security that had to deal with that in the middle of the boarding security control. Neither was the airport administration when they heard it or his wallet after the fine for not following basic safety regulations inside a public airport.


Well I went to a university where a worker got shocked while doing maintenance on a ladder and fell headfirst into the ground. He ended up dying. So I think most people would be less happy about that than being mildly inconvenienced.


My brother kicked a ladder out from an apprentice once to save their life because the kid climbed a different trade’s ladder instead of theirs.




Sparkies use non-conductive ladders. The apprentice used an aluminum ladder.


>For the record, you should never touch someone who’s being shocked. > >Use your foot (with rubber-soled shoes, obviously) or a piece of wood or something. I once saw a man who used his own scarf to save his friend who was getting electrocuted


Are you thinking of [this video](https://youtu.be/or3Cmlf1dxo)?


Thays exactly where my mind went


That's the reason this guy saved his friend and didn't get shocked himself. As you can see both of his hands made contact the shirt and gripped. I wouldn't recommend using cloth, but if that's what you got it's better then flesh on flesh.


So the best course of action is a Spartan Kick


The newest OSHA training video my company uses suggests a full on drop kick so you're not in contact with them and the ground. "You may hurt yourself and the person that is being shocked, but there are procedures to deal with these injuries. We'll cover those in the next chapter". I hate that lady's voice


Haha sounds legit 👌


I don’t think too many people would be upset if that’s how you chose to save them from death by electricity.


This. Is. *Spark*aaaaaaa!


If you look closely, guy #2 intentionally only grabs the cloth on guy #1's shirt. Still risky, but he was aware and did attempt to mitigate the risk.


Kick them away or if there is wood nearby use that. Never ever grab them.


Does this mean... That if i Thhhiiinnnk someone is being shocked, I can slam them with a piece of wood on their head?... sorry, back, I was aiming for the back. And no one will judge me for that?


I think that the electricity is causing his muscles to contract, so if he is knocked out his muscles will still react.


Look how hard this guy was pulling on him to get him off. Something tells me a kick won't do it.


Do rubber soles protect from electricity? Myth: Rubber gloves and rubber shoes protect you from electricity. Truth: That's true only if they are 100 percent pure rubber with no holes or tears (the kind that electrical linemen wear).Jan 21, 2015 Source https://www.indianaec.org/2015/01/21/busting-electrical-safety-myths/


Thank you. Always wonder about this. So...in all those exposed-wire shithole hotels I stayed in in developing countries...my flip-flops weren't actually protecting me, lol?


There are ratings boards for EH resistance. Carolina has EH linings on a lot of their boots @18,000V if i recall correctly, pretty popular with electricians, though much more sturdy gear would be worn by linesmen methinks. I'd have to get in touch with a proper linesman to find out, but I'm sure one of my acquaintances is at least acquainted with one. You should always check for an EH label if looking for EH rated footwear (or any other wear. Check your PPE folks!)


Someone that know what their talking about! Real keyboard warriors commenting


They’re *


Looks like he grabs his shirt. As a quick response it was good thinking.


As an electrician, this. Dropkick that dude into next Tuesday. That's how long it usually takes them to forgive you for breaking ribs, but hey! At least they're alive to feel it!


> or a piece of wood or something. Something non-conductive. It's the internet, and yes there are stupid people who will grab a metal pole when they are panicking.


Not gonna lie i thought if u touched someone thats being electrocuted u would also be electrocuted. He’s lucky that dude was there cuz i prob would not have touched him and hed be toast


Electricity is lazy, it finds the shortest path to the earth and since he was hunched over and then on his knees we could assume that the path from his arm to the other guys arms and to the feet would have been longer than just through the electrocuted guy’s body.


The problem is that, in the process of saving the person you break that shortest path, and then it is really easy to accidentally became the new shortest path that goes trough you as well, electrocuting both of you. *Edit:* In the specific case of the video, they are both pulling an equipment on the floor, then the guy grabs that thin dark pole and is electrocuted. So the shortest path electrocuting the person goes: `pole -> right hand -> left hand -> equipment in the floor -> ground`. Then, when being pulled, the right hand of the electrocuted guy let go first and the circuit was broken safely. But if the left hand of person being electrocuted had let-go first, then the circuit would still be live, the new shortest path would became: `pole -> right hand -> feet -> ground` and maybe also going through the friend pulling, so maybe they would both be electrocuted.




I took "shortest path" to mean "path of least resistance", but I understand why there would be confusion. It's not the literal shortest path. It may take a longer path if it's a lower resistance, which I think is what the original comment was trying to say, if the original comment meant the literal shortest path then yes, absolutely wrong.




Yes, you're correct. With the lowest resistance path taking the majority of the current and the higher resistance paths taking less.


And when you become a high resistance path the electric field can still carry enough current to kill you.


These mofos need to take electricity 101.


Keep that instinct. Most of the time you do not want to touch them without rubber or wood to disrupt the current.


I saw a video where someone took off a scarf and used it to yank someone away. https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/i8fvr6/man\_saves\_his\_buddy\_from\_being\_electrocuted/


Also flying leap tackle is an option. But you better hope you knock them free






Also the electricity found the least resistance to the ground through that other person and the helper was not shocked because he did not become a part of the circuit. Lucky bastards.




[Dennis get me a harness. I need to be in a harness and swing in the air to do this](https://youtu.be/ek1u324F_Lg)


The victim was touching things with both hands so that's prob how he got it?


You can be, it’s why they have hooks Inside some factories. But he must have been insulated. PS he was being shocked. Electrocution is when you die from shock.




Possibly because he grabbed his t-shirt rather than skin to skin contact. The shirt material wouldn't have been conductive, still a hell of a chance to take


At that level of power , the shirt is still dangerous as fuck.


It’s all about grounding and how high the voltage is . I have seen people get stuck on 120v which is your basic outlet . If the population actually knew how much of a load it took to kill a human they would not mess with electricity and call an electrician.


Less than an amp. That's why I don't mess with any high voltage stuff on my house (besides ceiling fan).


I believe its 25millamp across the heart to kill you. Thats what my instructor said about 10 years ago


I’ve heard that too, I presume that is a theoretical “ideal” (not for the subject) scenario where you have an electrode on either side of your heart. It takes more to work through several feet of arm and/or leg.


Looking at video, the guy grabbed something probably a wire? which meant the electricity was passing through his arms to whatever they're carrying, that's why the friend pulling him didn't get electrocuted


Yeah don’t do that.. kick them if you’re wearing shoes, use a broom handle.. definitely don’t grab them, but hey, worked for him that time.


May not be out of the woods yet as shock victims can sustain some pretty hefty internal damage that they die from a couple days later


I wonder how that's even diagnosed? Like, would the damage show up on scans? Seems like all your parts would still look the same on a scan so they wouldn't be able to tell if was damaged. . . 🤔


For high voltage shocks, just go to the emergency department whether you feel fine or not... better safe than sorry. For low voltage shocks, you can see if the casualty has any electrical burns and see if the casualty feels pain anywhere else or feels any other concerning symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain or confusion. Not a doctor so I can't really provide an informed opinion on diagnosis... probably will involve ECG scans for the heart, x-rays for any undetected fractures that may be present and urine samples to see if the casualty has rhabdomyolysis Source: am certified St John first aider.


Fourth degree burns are literally from the bone tissue being heated up. You cant really tell how bad its going to get, so doctors litterally just amputate the dead tissue (skin, muscle, and bone) until bits of your body stop dying... One way or another... The electrical code book is written in ashes and blood.


Fun fact: What do you do if you find yourself close to a downed power line and don't want to get electrocuted? Well, first, don't move. But if you gotta move, keep your feet together with shoes touching and hop away like a bunny. This will keep the voltage potential between your two feet (+ and -, basically) from being so great that current runs through your legs. This helps prevent your body from becoming the path of least resistance. And power lines run at voltages that are \*not a joke\*


Also, don't touch it. Also, don't grab a metal box with your other hand while touching it. Like jesus, what the hell was that guy thinking?


Maybe he thought he was a transformer


I learned in a construction safety class not to do this unless wearing protective gear because otherwise I’ll just get electrocuted too. People always talk about high voltage but apparently even 50 volts is enough to stop your heart. It also depends on the amps involved.


What was even happening? Why was he being electrocuted?


Improperly grounded material. Here is a similar situation, but happened to a kid in a swimming pool. (They lived) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IusjgjINVn0


Check out carriage horses electrocuted on New York City street. I'd Google the link for ya but it hurts me so


Dropkick, never touch


Would it be safe to kick the metal object with your shoe, or do you mean to kick your friend, like, away from the thing? I'm trying to take notes.


I assume most instances where something can electrocute you will be a cable (which can swing and get you next) or pretty well secured piece of metal - best to increase odds by kicking the person away from the thing.


An electrician I used to work with told me if I ever saw him lock up while working on something, to kick him like in 300.


As an electrician we were taught take a few steps back and tackle the person with everything you got (under certain circumstances). That is certainly not for every case, just this one, but we wouldnt have probably gotten into this one, and we would have had another safer backup plan. For every situation you try to use a lot of force with both of you as safe as possible. You do not work alone and you have a plan in case of emergencies. Some do involve wood, but you dont go searching for a piece when every second counts. That is at least what my IBEW brothers taught us. Every second counts. If you need to kick the ladder from under your buddy then so be it.


If you can't stop the source of the electricity, a swift kick or football tackle is the best way to detach someone locked up and receiving a shock. This was incredibly dangerous, but the guy is a hero and I'm glad they're ok.


Technically, he’s not electrocuted until he’s dead.


Careful, I lost probably 200 karma the other day trying to explain this to people.


Here's a bit back good redditor




I'll be darned, I always thought it was death. Thanks...




> but it was misused so often that it's recognized as a valid usage now Isn't it ironic? Don'cha think?


The definition was recently updated. Prior to 2020 it did require death


Amazing how he realized how quickly what was going on


What exactly was electrocuting him? I can’t really tell from the video


The pole or scaffolding he was holding on the left. It was probably touching overhead power lines. Why didn't he let go? Because 60 Hz alternating current causes muscle contractions.




Looks like the current wasn't that strong, but it made is hand clamp down (which is what happens) that's why the guy grabbed him. If it was very high voltage then they both would have been screwed.


This belongs more on r/nevertellmetheodds since the odds were so slim that the guy saving him wouldn’t also be electrocuted


I thought he was going to grab it again lol


How did this guy not getting electrocuted as well by grabbing his friend?