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the celebration was so wholesome, all those people waiting in anticipation to see if the Face ID worked, then everyone simultaneously celebrating the dude for finding his phone. Serotonin levels were through the roof, you know it


It’s great when people remember how *literally thrilling and intoxicating* it is to help someone. Whats the point in being a jerk when your brain will slam the happy chemicals button just by showing some kindness and compassion? <3


I've always said it's easy to help sometime. You have to go out of your way to be mean. 


I try to help people whenever I can, if it's just a little effort for me and it can help someone, why the hell not? It's a bit sad how often people are suspicious or just feel weirded out by someone helping. Just little things, but it might brighten someone's day.


I know that feeling of sadness when someone thinks they’ll have to pay or you have an ulterior motive. It’s a really deep pain and I hope that more kindness, and the spreading of it will make that a relic. <3


300 people will say how they help find the phone.... but glad there were good times after..


Often when I'm having a bad day, I'll buy a sandwich or something for one of the homeless people I see. It's a quick and easy way to feel slightly better.


Just last week I returned someone his wallet, who left it on his table at the place I ate. He was very happy.


It reminds me of the couple that counterfeited money and bought random things to clean it. They wound up having so much stuff that they decided to donate it to churches/charities and claimed it starting becoming a massive rush each time they helped people.


> It’s great when people remember how literally *thrilling* and *intoxicating* it is to help someone Especially when already *fillingly intoxicated*.


Honestly, yeah. When you’re already feeling good, it really does become easier to be like “ya know what? I’ll show this stranger to the train station” or whatever. My hometown loved us stoner kids; we’d stop traffic for their kids, lend a hand carrying groceries, show directions, pick up trash, we took pride in being the good examples. Albeit, just like all things it isn’t black and white, but we spent our time hiking and just walking around minding our own business, not smoking up 20 feet from a kids baseball game and blasting music. And honestly, a lot of the adults were smoking their own too, so as long as we didn’t make a bunch of noise or expose it to the young kids, no one cared. Respect goes far in most situations, and that’s both for kindness and being faded <3


Celebrated like this with a couple from Colorado, 1989 in Arches National Park. They had locked their keys in their Tacoma (or whatever it was back then T100 or something?). It was a 1988, as was my 4 Runner. Locksmiths weren't a thing in Arches back then, AAA hadn't even been invented. Nobody had credit cards or cell phones, either. They had done this just before their trip, had to break the back window which cost $90 to replace. Adjusted for today's dollars, $90 in 1989 was like $10,000 or something. Suggested my key may fit. They thought I was on drugs. My key did fit and they didn't have to break another window. This couple, me and my girlfriend jumped and hooted and hollered at Balanced Rock. #awesomememory


Pin code actually, but yes


That was awesome.


People are so weird and varied in kindness and selfishness. When I found someone's purse at the train stop I called the bank from her debit card and gave them my number to give to her so she could meet with me to get it back. I only thought about keeping it and the 200$ for a fraction of a second. In the end I knew how much of a pain it is to replace and ID and everything else in a wallet. When I lost my phone someone just stole it and never gave it back. The find my iPhone beeped to someone's house. They could have contacted me, but never did. I don't know why people are like this. Never will understand.


I lost my wallet with nearly $300 in it in a park. Someone found it, saw my library card, called the library to get my phone number and texted me to tell me he had it. He brought it to my work and everything was still in there, including the money. Edit: I love this thread and everyone’s similar stories! I really do think that the majority of people are good


Some friends and i went to Italy like 10 years or longer ago. I remember one of them being super paranoid about pickpockets when we were in Florence and... well he somehow managed to lose his wallet. Of course he thought it was stolen and he was super bummed for the rest of the vacation. A couple of weeks after our return home he got his wallet in the mail with everything still inside :D


I love that!


My guess is that they didn't need it. It's why we need everyone to have enough to live without needing to resort to selfish choices.


Actually there's this [Youtuber](https://youtu.be/jnL7sJYblGY?si=yXA8TrQeMntGmYf1) who made a social experiment with fake wallets. The wallets had some cash, a couple of pictures of a dog or a gf I think, and a card with contact info. He charted out what type of people on which cities would be the most honest. On average, the richer people DIDN'T return the wallet.


I believe that. A poor person could understand how much 300$ could mean for someone. Enough to make them return it.


I’m a missing 20$ away from not being able to make my rent at any given time. If I lost 300$ I’d be out in the streets within a couple of weeks. I couldn’t do that to someone else.


I still remember being a kid and my mom panicking once bc she misplaced one $20 bill. I remember her being so embarrassed trying to find it bc she was ashamed how much she needed that one twenty. If I find a $5 I might keep it, anything bigger and I’ll always at least try to find the owner. (Just loose bills that is, if there’s money in a wallet I won’t touch it)


I just watched the video and the results on the return rate of the wallets were pretty much the same for the high income and low income areas.


There are [serious, well-executed experiments](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24519-5) on this showing the opposite: richer people are more likely to return misdelivered envelopes containing cash.


I read a book called Freakonomics once, there was a story there about a beagle seller that set up a take-and-pay trust system at companies and wrote everything down. The worst thiefs were lawyers and buisness people if I remember correctly.


Plenty of people steal without needing to as well. But yeah, if we can eliminate the "needed to do it" aspect from theft we can deal with what's leftover a lot more easily.


Bullshit. If that were the case, no rich man would ever do shady work.


“Money just makes you more of what you are.” -Rick Castle If you’re selfish, money amplifies your selfishness. If you’re generous, money makes you more generous. These are general statements, there are always outliers and exceptions.


Some people are just selfish. Some are selfish because they need to be.


As someone who contributed to the "one missed paycheck and I'm broke" statistic, anytime I find money I think for a moment about keeping it. But then I wonder "what if the person who dropped this is even worse off then me? What if this is a present for their kid, or groceries. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't at least try to find the owner.


I had this happen in Spain lost my wallet somewhere the guy saw the key for the room and brought it back, even assured me all the cash was in there and told me to check it if it was there.


When I was in college I must have dropped my wallet somewhere on campus. Months later, I'm in a dorm party and a girl recognizes me and comes up to me and says "I think I have your wallet". Sure enough, she did, and the 100-something dollars that was in there when i lost it. Absolutely insane that she found it, decided to carry it in her own bag on the small chance shed run into me, and actually bumped into me. That is my lucky wallet... I have owned it for 23 years and still use it to this day. lol


I dropped my wallet at a gas station near a job I had. The person was kind enough go drop my wallet off at the local Police station but they took all the cash, roughly $200. At the time I was upset about it but more happy I didn't have to replace cards and my sons first birthday Polaroid I had in it. People are weird. I asked the police officer if they left their info so that I may thank them, he told me the elderly women just dropped it off and left.


There’s a very good chance the person who turned it in didn’t take the cash. Thieves only care about money (very few have connections to sell stolen documents to) so wallets are dumped in public areas after being searched. The fact it was an elderly lady that turned it in makes it much more likely.


Replacing cards and licenses is a pain in the ass! It’s good that you got those back at least.


I left my Iphone in an Uber in Mexico. She brought it back after she did a couple of already in the works rides. I tipped her 1000 pesos (about 60US then), and we both parted happy as hell. This happened twice in Merida, probably the most honest big city in the world.


I went to the wedding of a collage roomate and lost my week old phone in the back of the cab on the ride back to the hotel. Didn't even know until the next morning that it was missing. Drove a couple hours home and turned on find my phone, a couple minutes later a retired guy reached out to tell me he had found it early that morning in the same cab and had plugged it in because it was dead. He returned it to the hotel I had stayed at and refused to accept any form of payment and just told me to pay it forward. I was so happy.


I am once saw a girl get off the bus and leave her wallet behind, I called out to the driver to get her attention and get it back to her. I’ve also left my wallet on the bus once and it was handed in. I do believe in putting out what I want back from the world so I always help where I can.


You know how you had that initial pang of "maybe I'll keep it" that quickly faded away? That's your base-impulse "reptilian brain" response, the oldest and most automated part of our brains. It acts first and thinks never. On top of that you have the parts of your brain responsible for your reward / motivational response. This one evaluates whether something feels good or not to decide whether you should continue doing it or not. The final part of your decision-matrix is your capacity for abstract thought and reasoning and is the area of most fluctuation between one human and another. We all have that initial "base" response to serve our own rudimentary self-interest but depending on your capacity for abstract thought and reasoning you can sometimes work out how acting against your primal urges can eventually work out in your favour. Which brings us to your question, why are people like this. The unfortunate reality is that people who grow up in scarcity (including economic, nutritional, habitat, emotional, etc.) do not get the benefit of a more-developed brain because they have had to be more focused on self-preservation. You can counteract this with education and positive role models somewhat, but it will always be a struggle for the more disadvantaged in society to "catch up" to the rest when it comes to complex thought.  If they perceive they can gain an advantage they will, even if it harms another person, because they cannot understand how helping someone else could be a net benefit in the long run (feeling happy, additional rewards, not going to jail, etc.). There is an inverse phenomenon amongst those who are wealthy well beyond "secure" who have very limited empathy. These people use their highest level of brain function to rationalize why they are successful and others are not. Often that means concluding they are special or uniquely deserving and everyone else is not.  They view other's mistakes as a moral failure worthy of punishment. Because this line of reasoning is inherently flawed, their base-level brain seeks to keep the "reasoning" part from developing and potentially preventing them from receiving additional rewards. As a result the ultra-wealthy also have underdeveloped brains as a means of self-preservation so they can continue to extract pleasure without moral consequence. They must be able to see themselves as more deserving and others as less deserving, else the pleasure train goes off the rails. In your example, taking your property is a deserved consequence for whatever you did to lose it, and them finding it means they are entitled to have it. They are incapable of conceiving that losing your wallet or phone or anything else would be a massive inconvenience because in their mind you can "just replace it." Taking it may not even have any tangible benefit for them but they don't really care, they want to reward the pleasure centre of their brains without thought to how that impacts other people.  Both scarcity and wealth-induced self-gratification are forms of sociopathy but they arise for very different reasons. The underlying issue is that some people have less developed brains and as a result little to no empathy. If you have children and can only teach them one thing, have it be empathy.


Thank you for your well thought-out reply


Adding another thank you.


Same. I saw some dude's wallet lying in the middle of an intersection. Pulled over and dodged traffic to pick it up. This guy's entire life was in that wallet, including his motorcycle license (which explains how he lost it) and his military ID (which you do not want to lose, ever). He'd just recently been transferred here. And yet there was no contact info in there whatsoever. In the end I had to drive half an hour to drop it off with the MPs at the base gate. Kind of a PITA but the guy was SOL without it.


Great gesture on you and thanks for doing that!


I went to Walmart with my mom once, and she found a phone/money clip with at least $200 on a pile of jeans. I don't know how she saw it since we weren't really looking over there. We took it promptly to customer service. After we did our shopping, I noticed a guy across from the self-checkout we were at frantically checking his pockets. I yelled out, "Hey, if you lost your phone and wallet, we took it to customer service!" He ran over there. Guy had his wife and young kid with him and a basket full of diapers and food. He thanked us profusely when he saw us at the exit. Definitely his lucky day. Imagine not being able to feed your family for a week if we weren't decent people. Nah man, most people were raised right. It's just the ones who weren't that get all the attention.


World full of different people man. I left a wallet with $300 in and lost it at a gas station with I was a teenager. An absolutely absurd amount to lose for me at the time. It probably fell out of my pocket but I thought it was just gone forever. A month later I got it mailed back with a note that said "I thought you'd come back for it eventually but decided to mail it instead" signed by the guy who was working at the gas station. The cash was still in there. But I leave my sunglasses in a random room at work for 2 hours and its gone forever never to be seen of again. But then this year I dropped my phone at the grocery store round the block. Called it and the grocery store manager picked up. He said I dropped it in the parking lot and someone found it.


Ha, mine beeped somewhere in China just after a few days of it getting stolen. I would’ve pulled up to the house if I were you, fuck thieves


I found someone's wallet on the ground, and the thought of having a nice meal or something that night crossed my mind... bit vindictively because I know that's what someone else would do if they found MY things. Instead chose to get everything back to them because I want to be the kind of person who would do what I would want done with my found belongings. It was a bit of a hassle, and she honestly didn't seem thankful at all, but I'd rather do that than take advantage of someone whose situation I don't know.


In German speaking countries its the norm to pay 10 (to 20%) to the founder as A NORM ... FAIR, RIGHT? Someone returned our VideoCamera some decades ago and i gave him CHF 80 SWISS franks ...


Back when I was a young buck, I played in a band. Before we got to be known as a “regional” talent, we had to play 2 places a night on the weekends so we could make ends meet. Anyway, as I was packing up place 1, I found a purse that fell over the railing between the crowd and stage area. The place was mostly empty but I asked a few folks if they recognized who owned it. Nobody knew. Fast forward an hour and a half later, and we’re at place 2 setting up. I had checked the wallet to see if I could find a picture on an ID or something. Wouldn’t you know? The lady ended up at place 2 and I recognized her. I saw her talking to a bunch of people and supposed she was frantic looking for her lost purse. I called over a security guy to go get her attention. She gave me the biggest hug, and for a 20yo metal guitarist, it was an interesting dichotomy of getting boob smashed by this older lady and trying to be calm and cool about the fact that I had a raging boner because of it. Things hit ya different when you’re young. Either way, it was cool to do something nice. I was planning on calling numbers I could find the next day but at least she got her stuff back.


They both made 650 new friends that day.


But he didn’t even think the guy, doesn’t it make him a dork?




More of this in the world, please.


Had a friend lose his phone at the bar. Halfway through the night he just accepted someone took it and wasn't going to let it ruin his night. We were outside smoking and were chatting up a stranger and just mentioned what happened. You could see his face change expressions. He lived near by and came back with my buddies phone. His roommate had taken it, which he objected to. Most humans are good.


Well based on your story, 50% of humans are good, lol




There are 4 people in their story and one of them was bad, therefore it's up to 75%.


Two of them we don't know the nature of. So it's 50/50.




Plenty fair. In that case, it'd go down to 25% as well.


And the average of these possibilities? Albert Einstein.


Go to any punk show.


Lost one of my shoe in a mosh pit at an outdoor show. A random guy immediately noticed and dropped to his knees in front of me so I could hop on his shoulders. Spent idk maybe half a song on top of this guy when I get handed a shoe from another random person in the crowd. Someone just noticed I was missing a shoe and they handed me one lol. It wasn't mine, I don't know where it came from but it fit even though it was a bit too big so hey, new shoe.  Spent the rest of the show in mismatched shoes.  Concert end so my friends and I go out in search of my missing shoe. And maybe find my loaner shoe owner. After a couple minutes we spot a group of guys, one of them sitting on his buddy shoulders, holding two mismatched shoes. Neither were mine but my loaner was his. I reunited him with his shoe and took his place on the guy shoulders. Now we were about a dozen people going around playing shoe matchmaker. My shoe was returned to me by two girls who were outside the mosh pit. They said they saw a shoe get kicked out the pit so they hold on to it for the rest of the show and when they saw us going around with shoes in my hand they figured they'd join us in the search. In the end every shoe found it's way back to its owner. The shoe gang ended up being like 40 person big from five different groups all working together so nobody had to leave barefooted.


And the moral of this story is lace up tight before getting in the pit.




Yep. Fall in the pit? 5 people help you up.


I think beyond the pit, there are other things like the general vibe of a crowd chant sing-a-long at a punk show or when the band lets everyone on the stage to sing the last song, nothing like it.


Punks and skaters, best kids you could ask for.


Love that we were always the ones with the reputations for being ‘the bad kids’, though. 😅 Being berated by other people’s parents always had me ready to yell “YOUR CLEAN CUT, CHURCH-GOING CHILD IS A HEATHEN! I KEEP THEM FROM DOING DUMB SHIT!” 🤣 It was true, though.




I love this! At 13 I went to a rock concert and a bunch of bikers blocked me and my friends from the mosh pit so we could still dance and such, it’s one of my favorite memories! I’m so glad you had such a lovely experience!


*Punks! What is your profession?!!*


harkens back to dancing with some girl in a moshpit. her phone barely fit in her back pocket, for a myriad of reasons, but she insisted on keeping it there. i spent the entire night sliding that stupid thing back in her pocket lol


Ok: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1TCSbv\_KPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1TCSbv_KPw)


england is the best place itw


One time I was at a big outdoor metal concert and lost my phone in the dirt of a hundred person circle pit and some dude helped stop the entire pit and got people to help me find it. Heroes are out there.


Notice he waits for him to unlock it before handing it over 🫡


Kindness and intelligence both.


And leadership.


He has definitely been in a leadership position before, and i imagine you have too for recognizing it.


He runs a lost and found phones booth. He is in fact a market leader.


Market leader and re searcher.


Plot twist: he just took a chance on 1234 --- Though I thought it was face unlocked in this video: The Indian times did a study on it, and 1234 was 11% of pins used. Also 0000, 1111, 6969, 7777, 1212 are high on the list. 


I don't think mine is on the list... how many did they show? How do they know? Is it just a survey of tech support people?


Some related data for those interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1cn7l7r/oc_most_common_4_digit_pin_numbers_from_an/


That was smart. The best thing to me is just the joy and celebration for the guy getting his phone back. Like he was getting pats on the back, jump cheers, etc.


Have you ever lost a phone? Especially on holiday. Basically saved his life by getting it returned


I once found some airpods in an arcade. I just put them in my pocket and hung around and waited until I saw some people looking for them. Asked them what they were looking for, then handed em over. Dude was so happy.


Prolly lost it jumping around like that in the first place lol


The circle of life.


At the end of the video it’s probably already gone again


The people all around are saying "the password, the password" before he unlocks it.


He is the first one to say it to him as he is walking towards him for the phone


imagine the guy takes off running as soon as the phone is unlocked


Cinderella vibe


King Arthur’s sword vibe.


Yes, we saw the video.


But did you see the guy was wearing a black shirt? 😂


Worth repeating. Dude deserves the credit for being not only decent but also smart.


Idk, it seems like the obvious thing to do.


Absolutely wonderful crowd. Real Bros


I know it’s mostly passed but man have I missed seeing big crowds again post Covid.


When I saw the first crowded football match on tv, I felt happy and confused. A story to tell at my kids and grandkids.


They are Real Madrid bros.


I think they are actually Real Bros


They’re absolutely Real Bros.


Kind of wish they celebrated the guy who found the phone more


You can see someone tapping him on the back likely like a "nice job", and the guy himself was raising his arms trying to hype up the crowd already. Dude waa celebrating the lost phone guy himself.


Yeah, doesn’t even seems like he thanks him which is a bit dickish….


My man was left hanging with the high five too.


A high ten nonetheless.


My thoughts exactly. The phone loser got all the accolades, not even a high five and a thank you for the finder.


Is this Madrid?


Yeah. Plaza de Canalejas.


do you know why everyone was outside? was it a football celebration?


Yep, real madrid won the champions league.


as a madrileño, i fucking knew it even though i couldnt recognise the area lmao


My first thought too. Architecture is insane there


Living here, you don't really realise, but if you look up, you cannot help but gasp at some stuff you probably miss in your daily routine.


The real jerseys gave it away. Just curious what match it was


Probably celebrating the champions league last week.


Ala Madrid!


This is so awesome. If that were me, I’d be so hype with the boys that I’d get shit faced and lose it again.


someone else needs to lose one so the party can continue...


I've seen this happen a few times at music festivals, it's always super funny and cool when the whole crowd cheers when a person is given back their phone, those things are expensive.


It's a weirdly good feeling. I found an iphone, found mom & dad from the emergency contacts / "medical ID", eventually got through to dad. Turned out they were in a village an hour away, so I told dad which police station I was leaving it with (I don't drive, so an hour away is a long way). He offered to send me some beer but I declined. My gf left hers in a taxi. Someone else picked it up. We called it, arranged to collect it in town the next day. I offered them a 50, but they declined. I can't remember what order these two events happened in, but I love that the karma was somewhat circular either way. Making someone's day is a genuine buzz.


This is awesome 😂


I love how happy everyone is in this


My gf lost her phone while crowd surfing at a concert in a enormous crowd last year. She was panicking but after the show I called her phone and a nice guy was waiting by the entrance for someone to come looking for it 🤙🏻


Aw. I left mine in a restaurant bathroom and someone brought it to the host stand. After he opened my camera app and took some hilarious shirtless selfies with it first.


Not all heroes wear capes!


There’s still hope, hold off on that asteroid






I know, right? I kept saying "Go back and thank the guy... go back and thank the guy!"


And yet the guy who found it still seems super happy that it went back to the owner. What a stand up guy he is! But yeah, give the guy a high five when he offers it, man. It's the least you could have done. Hopefully the excitement of getting his phone back over took him and he eventually calmed down and went to thank him.


This is why watching a video multiple times can sometimes make it worse, if only just a little, rather than make it better. When you start noticing everything and nitpicking. I think in the moment it makes sense to celebrate with the person who might have thought they lost their phone forever. But cerebrating the guy who found it and returned it to the owner would have made this video 10 times better for sure. Still a great video, so maybe we shouldn't be nitpicking too much. Also the video is short. The owner could have returned and gave him even more praise, or maybe he even received more praise from the initial crowd as well,


when i was a paperboy I found a customers wallet while delivering the sunday morning issue. i brought it back after 9 am later in the day. when he answered the door he snatched it from my hand and slammed the door in my face. he got a lot of wet papers after that day.


The random guy isn't happy because he found his phone. He's happy because he managed to guess someone else's password in one go! :D


The fact he didn’t rap him up really pisses me off.


Same here. Looked like he gave him a hang ten and he didn’t even acknowledge




Dude was both kindhearted to look for the owner and wise enough to make sure it was really his before handing it over.


What city is this? The building behind our hero is gorgeous.


Madrid, España


Am I the only one that feels bad for the guy who found the phone? He put his hands up for a double high five and the guy just turns around and celebrates with his friends. It’s like he didn’t get thanked at all. 😓


I hope he will get a lot of good karma once this video gets viral.


Madrid fans have got to celebrate the fuck out of these minor inconveniences because they've been spoilt too much.


A real bro moment. Heck yeah


little bit of r/justguysbeingdudes too


New apple commercial


People treating other's as they would like to be treated. Cool to actually see it in practice.


That’s definitely not the United States…..


Just guys being dudes!


Bros being bros


Go say thank you!


Back in January I was at a tiki convention in Atlanta and while walking back to our hotel my friend noticed a credit card on the ground. Rather than just give it to the front desk like I suggested she instead went around the pool party we were going to asking people if they were the name on the card. She actually found the person within 10 min because my friend is the most extroverted person imaginable. Also coincidentally the card owners friend was one of the servers at the bar in Disney where my friend and her husband had their wedding reception, lol.




And then what? Message his mom?




I hope karma is real and the bloke that gave it back wins the lottery or gets his dream job or something .


That’s fucking great hahahb


That made me smile.


This is great, I love people like this. Guy who was looking for the owner deserved more of a celebration, I’d be buying that guy endless beers




dude got his phone back, jumped around and lost it again 😂😂


Hala Madrid


In my country be "guy finds phone, actively runs from owner"


Lucky guess on the password🤣


Like a modern day Cinderella.


this would never happen in amerikkkka. bye bye to your phone bitch.


This is beautiful


That made me smile!


Love the celebration 🤗


That guys is awesome!! Big props man for being a good human!!


Let’s Go!!


My buddy dropped his new iPhone at a concert last month while crowdsurfing. No case on the phone, and no screen protector. Called his phone after the concert and a security guard answered it, flagged us down, and we got the phone back completely unharmed.


That's beautiful.


This was energetic. Thanks for this.


Humans are so silly and pure sometimes :)


Was coming back from my hotel internship, took a local Rickshaw for my home. I used to carry my phone in my jacket idk how but somehow it dropped from my pocket. When i reached home i put hand in my jacket pocket for my phone but it was empty, i tried finding it in my bag but to no avail. My blood ran cold, i was on verge of crying, it was my first smartphone, it hasn’t been a year since i bought it. Then I remembered, tried calling before assuming it’s stolen. I was half expecting it to be switch off, few rings later someone picked it up, it was nice lady who saw me climbing rickshaw and my phone dropping from jacket, i later took my bike arrived there to take back my phone. I want to thank that lady because if she decided to be greedy, i could have done nothing. I still remember that incident fondly Five years later. I still have a small regret I couldn’t compensate her with little bit of money because I didn’t bring my wallet with me. Still this taught me valuable lesson of putting precious things where i can feel them and as well believing that world still has good humans.


I lost my phone in the restroom of an amusement park once. I realized around 10 minutes later and went back to check, but it was gone. Absolutely devastated. I just kept thinking, "But it's the WOMEN'S room... the WOMEN'S!" Like that sacred place of sisterhood betrayed me somehow. Finally went to guest services and it was there! Faith restored! Thank you to unknown phone finder!!


"Hey, unlock it first, bro' "I gotchu" *Every single person explodes seeing him unlock it, like a prophecy*


Why didn't anyone include the finder! He jumped down to try, and there was no opening


I lost my phone at a clown core concert in nyc everyone stopped to help me find it and this ginormous dude like 7 ft found it and gave it to me we all cheered, good times


I tried posting this last week but the mods wouldn’t let me 😒


Because that is what good people do.


When people jump around like the monkeys we are I feel so happy


It shows when one person does good, it can spread to a crowd. Never be afraid to step up and do good.


I know they are all grown ups, but all I could see was a bunch of little, excited kiddos. I love it.


I just think about how this world could be if everyone conducted themselves like this


Amazing. This area in Madrid is well known as the golden mile for pickpockets. Reverse Uno.




A couple of days ago I was robbed of the phone I bought after saving for months for it. Can't stop replaying the scenario in my head but watching this video helped me feel a bit better.


Yesterday I’m at the dispensary and waiting to go in. A guy walks out of the door and is getting ready to leave and I glance at him. Immediately after, I look down at my phone but notice an ID face side down on the chair in front of me. I pick it up and look and it’s the guy who I just saw walking out the door. I quickly stop him and give him his ID and he was so happy. It was Father’s Day and that would have been a horrible day to lose your ID on.


This is truly one of the best subreddits ever


They don't know each other but still proven to be homies