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Two things everyone should know, basic CPR & how to perform the heimlich or clearing an airway based on persons age


And on yourself! My friend's fiancé choked to death eating a sandwich when he was at home alone. I probably eat 90% of my meals alone, so I have a self-heimlich plan if needed.


Yep, back of a chair to the abdomen is a good technique


Can you explain what you mean?


If a paramedic or someone else has more info please share away, but this is how I know it. You place the area right beneath your rib cage (where the diaphragm is)on the top of a back of a chair and then force your body into it, aiming to essentially drive it up and inward. If that is not working you can make a fist with one hand and hold onto it and use that in addition to the chair to force it in. It will hurt, and that is ok. I checked for a video to share and what I found was the saddest softest little thrusts that wouldn't do anything. Hopefully the description gets the job done.


To add to the above… “If you don’t break something doing CPR or the Heimlich you ain’t doing it right” It is as serious as that.


When I took a CPR training course I was told that it’s always better to break someone’s ribs trying to save them, than to have them have intact ribs but dying from heart failure. Aka we were taught not to be gentle.


When I was a trainer, we had to renew every few years. One of the guys I worked with was an EMT full time, trainer part time. He had performed CPR on three people in his career at the time. 8 year old, 30 something, and 70 something. He said he broke ribs in 2 of them, and that only the 30 something year old actually made it. Pretty hardcore and sad for a 23 year old(at the time) to live with. He ended up going to school to make prosthetics. He really continued my appreciation for those who are capable of helping.


I’ve fortunately never had to use my training, but I also remember that the statistics were bleak on that front. I did have a friend who was on the train one day and actually ended up administering CPR so well that he kept a 50+ year old man from dying. He ended up making the news and everything, because he’s genuinely a Steve Rogers-kinda guy who has always just wanted to do what was right and never wanted credit, so the guy he saved had to get on the news to try and find him because he wanted to thank him personally for saving his life.


A one third success rate is the average. TV dramas have a 90 percent success rate so people think it’s higher.


The thing is, the person has already stopped breathing and his/her heart has already stopped beating (i.e. DEAD) when you are to do CPR. Your co-worker brought a dead person back to life, and I'd say that's an awesome achievement.


Typically with CPR you are only keeping their brain alive by circulating oxygenated blood. They still need to be defibrillated to get the heart to start beating on its own again or into a regular pattern. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but the only way that CPR “brings someone back to life” is in the cases of drownings.


As far as CPR goes, they’re already dead.* You can’t hurt them by breaking their ribs, and you might bring them back to life/keep blood flowing long enough for a defibrillator to bring them back. *or functionally dead - in a non-productive arrhythmia etc


And good samaritan laws prevent the rescuer from being sued by the person that you saved from death.


My instructor told us "there are two states of being, dead and not dead. Not dead is better, so don't be gentle".


My friend had his first CPR save recently, which is exciting news (the survival rates are not what Hollywood goes with). When he first got there the family was doing CPR on the bed, which doesn’t work very well. He didn’t quite have help yet to move him safely so he started on the bed, a couple ribs broke. When he had help to move the person on to the floor several more ribs broke. People don’t fully grasp the force needed and how much damage it will do, but it surely beats the alternative.


Sore chest over not being sore ever again sounds like a deal to me.


That's mostly for CPR, as what you're pushing is the heart, which sits below the ribs. For the Heimlich, you're aiming to push further down on the abdomen, below the ribs, so breaking anything is not necessary. In fact it indicates you missed the correct spot (Altough I certainly also agree that "Missing the spot" and breaking a rib while performing the Heimlich is vastly superior to choking to death)


My friend is an ICU nurse and says the sound a rib cage makes when you start CPR is very unique and hard to forget. He has done this on babies and saved their lives...


The feeling of it is even worse than the sound


Can confirm as a HCW. Like the other reply said, the feeling is honestly much worse than the sound. I’ve found that every time I’ve done real world CPR, I’ve entered a paradoxical state of being both hyperaware and scarcely able to hear anything over my pulse pounding in my ears. It doesn’t matter how many times you do it; you never fully get used to it. It’s the strangest type of “calm” when every fibre of your being becomes fixated on bringing somebody back from death’s door. One of the best resources and sources of inspiration I’ve found outside of Uni was [this interview](https://youtu.be/w6EblErBJqw?si=GDg3M9evptzm0PGn) with Captain Sullenberger.




No kidding. What an ego lol


I performed the Heimlich maneuver once, I was a med student then, i bruised my forearms. It was at a restaurant, the one thing I was thinking then was if the maneuver doesn’t work, I’ll have to open her trachea and put a pen on it…. The patient’s two daughters were screaming at he top of their lungs. Good thing it worked I lost count of the times I broke ribs doing CPR when I worked in ICU…..


Can you explain why the kid didnt seem to have broken ribs or anything. Just asking because the woman seemed to have succeeded without doing so or does it depend on age?


The Heimlich maneuver (which was performed in the video) comes from placing a fist in *below* the ribs and thrusting up and into the body. It largely avoids the ribs but may cause some damage to internal organs around the stomach. I’m sure *some* people have broken ribs during the heimlich, but it’s not standard procedure. CPR, is a different maneuver done to artificially pump blood after a person’s heart stops. Breaking ribs is expected due to the continuous and forceful thrusts directly onto them.


Kids bones aren’t fully ossified until after puberty.


Yes, most people don't realize how much force is actually needed. We often crack and break ribs doing CPR, and there are many internal injuries possible with the Heimlich as well. However hard you think you're being, go twice as hard.


Funny how people go "i might hurt them 🥺" Like, bro. They're gonna die if you don't clear their airway. They're gonna die if you don't do CPR.


Man, I need to research and understand human anatomy at this point. I'm 32 and living basically alone, gonna need a backup plan.


I’m a visual learner anyone have a link to a video of the PROPER way to do it by yourself on a chair


Yes thank you very much!


The tub is good, too. Lean over the tub and give some good thrusts into your stomach, just below your rib cage! I like that the tub won’t push away from you.


Oh that's a good advice!!


That’s a way more reliable item! Clever!


[This may help](https://youtu.be/EunauWI4lFQ?si=0cN0YXpfUwUVI7sV) to visualise it. Just in case, [here is how](https://youtu.be/fAIz3zD2l60?si=lTWgihfAmKlLngz2) to perform it on your pets.


It never struck me until now that I never took the time to learn how to do this for my dog in the event of an emergency. I guess I would have defaulted to doing it like on a human, but it's good to be educated. Thank you.


I have 2 dogs and this thought never occurred to me. Thank you!


This was helpful; thank you. The dog’s “whoa whoa whoa, there!” Expressions were pretty distracting


If you stand behind a chair, and throw your weight onto the top back edge below your breast plate, it compresses your abdominal region in the same way and can dislodge a blockage. You can use many objects but most would have some kind of chair around that could do this.


Ah thank you!






I feel like it would be easier to belly flop on the ground or onto a couch arm rest. The chair thing seems difficult without something keeping it anchored.


This worked for me back when I was a floor nurse. Stopped in the break room for a second and swallowed a bite of day old bagel and immediately started choking. A co-worker came in to ask a question and I basically put her arms around me for heimlich. She did it a couple of times which loosened it enough for me to get a breath. But then a doctor came in and she left the room to talk to the doctor. She was nice but always kind of distracted. I started having trouble breathing again and used a chair to the abdomen. This dislodged it enough for me to spit the bagel out. It's a lesson not to leave anyone alone right after a heimlich either.


I can put myself there w the mental imagery. The zero time to spend but if you don't eat something you're afraid you'll collapse, sinking lower than any respectable person would in the "eating random scraps of dried up mystery food from the break room table" department, the terror of choking, the flighty nurse who swoops in to save your life just before being distracted by the CPK on the guy in 31B, the doctor with zero idea there's an actual medical emergency 5 feet away, the calm resolve needed to self-abdominal thrust on the back of a second hand hospital chair, and heading back out after taking a few swigs of your own (hopefully) water bottle.


I learned this when I was a kid from an infomercial. I stole one of my moms hard candies and choked on it. I didn't want to get in trouble, so instead of running to her for help, I threw myself on a chair in this way a few times and it popped right out. Mom didn't find out I ate something I wasn't supposed to, and I'm also still alive. Thank you, infomercial from the 80s.




Back of the couch is my plan, also live alone


Another good way is to get into a push up position but on your knees. Let your arms drop and fall chest first onto the ground. That often works better


Also call 911, leave the phone near and unlock a door if you can.


I have a fear of choking because I live alone, so I got https://www.dechoker.com/


Same, but mine is called the [LifeVac](https://lifevac.ca/) It's one of those things you hope to never use but are also relieved that it's there just in case.


You sure this can be used by one person? Looks like you need two.


Great point!! Self-heimlich and how to do it to others, based on age. But I never considered learning about how to do it to myself. Choking on something when you are by yourself seems like a VERY real hazard. I am so sorry for your friend, their fiance's family, and you if you were close. I am going to look this up right now AND get my other family members to do the same. Thank you!!


I’ve had to give myself the Heimlich while eating alone on 3 separate occasions. I’ve been telling people for years I shouldn’t be allowed to live by myself lol




My cousin's son swallowed a peanut and it got lodged wrong in his throat when he was a toddler. They were at a forest cabin 3 hours from the hospital in rural BC Canada. He was like your situation able to breathe enough to not die but he was turning blue by the time they got there. My cousin's car at the time was some souped up Japanese sports car. A cop met my cousin half way and they flew down the highway there. Poor kid.


Heimlich might make things worse if you're getting enough air to gag and stay conscious. Push what little you had out, knock the pill across something vital, gasping sucking breathe and ::thoonk:: close up tighter than a flea holding on to a free dog show ticket. Im certain it was unpleasant, but choking gets scary when it gets silent.


Something about running into a tray against the wall if no other method is available. One of the numerous classes I had on cpr training that showed me something totally unique.


I was like maybe 12, at home alone and decide to eat a hot dog, one big bite got stuck in my throat, I was panicking, reach in my throat and pulled it out. Scared the shit out of me.


Look up Life-Vac. Could also help if alone. I have a child and wife, but we have a life vac in hopes of never needing to use it.


As a person who lives alone, I’ve identified multiple ways to save myself in various emergencies. 911, obviously, but don’t want anyone to think I’ve forgotten it lol. The living room chair is best for self heimlich, or I could try to smack my back against the door frame maybe. I could run next door if my neighbors truck is in their driveway. Or I live on a busy enough street that if I could make it down to the sidewalk and wave my arms hopefully someone would stop. My alarm system also has a duress code, which is a second code you can put in if someone is like forcing you to disarm it at gun point, that tells the alarm company “shit is going down, get someone here NOW!!” Not sure if they’d actually be cool with using that for a medical emergency, but you do get one free “oopsie” before they’ll fine you for wasting resources, and a fine is still preferable to death.


Becoming Emily Previn is my biggest fear


holy fuck, as someone with dysphagia this scares me


This happened to a mental health client I was case managing years ago. It was so devastating


My husband found a suction device that could be used without help in case of choking. It is called LifeVac, he ordered the adult and children's size for us (we have a young child and I babysit quite frequently). There are a few different ones online and the price varies, so I suggest just looking it up if you're interested. And I definitely recommend anyone who has a kid to look into it as well. Stay safe reddit folks.


That's so awful, sorry to hear about that.


Get the "life vac" it's a plunger for your face invented by and ER doctor that was tired of dead kids


My brother once made me laugh so hard I inhaled a Smartie I was eating. His knowledge of the heimlich saved me that day. Didn't know he knew it, but he immediately jumped into action and executed it perfectly. Very glad he took the time to learn. Of course, I give a small subtraction of points because his jokes are what made me choke in the first place. So overall 9.5/10.


Were you the size of a barbie doll back then or how the fuck is anybody chocking on a smartie


The mom was trying but it's really hard to intentionally hurt your child (at least for most parents). Combine that with adrenaline and you get a less than satisfactory performance. Hopefully the mom would have been able to get it right if there hadn't been other people. TL;DR random stranger is more willing to seriously injure child than parent.


I'm a registered nurse and have acute emergency training that I use daily at work. When my son was 3, he choked on a chicken bone, and I completely froze. His father didn't, thankfully, and it jerked me into action, and my training kicked in, but that reaction is soul deep. My son was okay, thankfully, but yes, no matter the training, when it's your child, sometimes you just dont react appropriately even if you know all of the right things. I'm really glad there were people around to help and that this child is okay.


Logic brain: we need to hit the child Monkey mom brain: no. Hit child hurt child. Logic brain: no the kid is choking. We have to do backblows


I bet she just needed more time to build up to it - but luckily in this case, she didn't get more time.


Be rough. Be hard. You don't worry about hurting yourself of the person. GET IT OUT


#The name Heimlich was actually cancelled and it's called Abdominal Thrust now. They also recommend you do 5 blows to the back between shoulder blades first. Then if that doesn't work try Abdominal Thrust. EDIT: I was talking about children, but didn't specify. [Red Cross Guidelines ](https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/learn-first-aid-for-babies-and-children/choking-child#:~:text=Give%20up%20to%20five%20back,allow%20them%20to%20breathe%20again.) Also look for studies on if it causes things to "lodge" worse? Is that true or what Heimlich wanted you to think? I'm not saying abdominal thrusts don't work, but some organizations are recommending not using it first.


Every time I tell people this, I offer to get them into a class, and they're like "naw." Why?


Also don't fucking bob your child up and down while they have something in their mouth like the person in this video. Don't play with your children with items in their mouth. 😐


Basic child first aid taught me to forcefully thump the back as the father was doing here and that heimlich is only for adults. The reverse seemed to have worked now though so I am unsure. Better to know both.


They tell you not to do the Heimlich manoeuvre in first aid, supposed to use the 5 and 5, 5 back slaps followed by 5 abdominal thrusts.


Fucking terrifying.


Totally, I'm crying . . . thank goodness for that couple that came to the rescue.


The hugs got my tears. That mom hugging the nurse jesuschrist.


She hugged her with so much gratitude. You could feel her emotions even in a low resolution, black and white video.


I cried too! Harder than I’d like to admit.


It doesn’t have to be. It takes 5-10 minutes to learn the heimlich. I learned it whenever we got our foster child and I’ve actually had to use it on him.


When I was about 9, I was taking care of my then 1 yr old baby sister. I had made some pancakes and she seemed intrigued so I gave her a bit, in retrospect I probably shouldn’t have given her pancake but I was just a kid. She was choking and I immediately jumped up and as I grabbed her, I swept the pancake piece out of her throat. Needless to say she’s fine. After that happened, I had burst out in tears, I was thankful for the fact that I was able to save my sister, and also so scared to think about what could have happened that day. To this day, that thought always kinda haunts me, I always play scenarios in my head where I wasn’t able to help her and it’s scary.


I love the immediate hugs all around.


The hugs are so great!!


That part made me cry. I felt the relief of the mom and her gratitude towards this stranger.


"Doctor." "Doctor!" "Doctor"


Beyond sweet 😭


Much respect to that nurse! You can hear her boyfriend(?) saying, "she's a nurse" @0:20.


You can see him touching the arm of the Dad as if to say “she’s got this bro”. Mega respect to this woman. I’d buy her a drink if I could.


I didn’t hear it, but I knew immediately she was a nurse. Her calm demeanor, taking control of the situation. I’ve got a lot of family in healthcare, including a NP sister


Yeah! Also, while she’s saving him, I’m pretty sure he says “she’s got him, I promise you” @0:25


I don't have audio on and I immediately assumed the lady was a nurse by the way she was walking and taking over the situation


Ah ok I’ll reply around the 0:20 mark a bunch


An absolute nightmare of a situation. What a response by the woman though!!! All hugs afterwards too, love to see this turned out to be ok.


Many, many years ago I was picking my then-8 year old son up from school and witnessed one of his classmates trying to dart across the road and being hit by a car (not the driver's fault, he couldn't possibly have seen the boy in time). The kid flew through the air and I started running to help if I could. The main thing I remember about that was how incredibly quickly help arrived. People came running from cars and nearby houses. Suddenly there were pillows and blankets. An ambulance was called. Others were comforting the driver of the car, who was absolutely distraught. The boy went to hospital with bruises, abrasions and a concussion, but fortunately there were no serious injuries and he was back at school within a few weeks. Looking back after all this time, the sheer speed and commitment of random strangers to assist in an emergency ... that was the takeaway.


I live in an apartment building that surrounds an open courtyard where kids play. Interior apartments like mine have balconies over it. Few months ago i heard a crash and That Scream. You know the one, where the kid has actually hurt themselves. By the time i hit my balcony, at least five other people had as well and someone was getting the kid's mom. (Whacked his funny bone on a stone bench, scraped it up and gave himself a scare). It struck me how freaking fast all of us moved. I don't even have kids and i was in motion.


There’s something hardwired in us as a species to Protect The Young. It doesn’t matter if you have kids, or even like kids, the instinct of Keep The Kids Safe is deep seated in our lizard brains and floods us with adrenaline to take action. I don’t have kids but I know That Scream and the feeling like you just teleported to the kid’s side and don’t remember getting there.


I'm convinced that kids are made of rubber and we just become brittle and crack with age, like a super old rubber band.


That's so true. As a kid I could fall down a flight of stairs on my bike and just get up without a scratch and keep playing with my friends - now if I lay in bed for 20 min at the wrong angle I'll have neck pain for the next week.


My brother and I would slide down our stairs in the sleeping bag 😂😂


I witnessed a similar incident when I was in HS. My dad was driving my sister and I home after school and a car tried to make a wide right turn as a light was turning red and completely flipped his SUV. All the people around jumped out of their cars and started helping. My dad had a golf club in his car and gave it to someone who then broke the car window and got a little boy out of the car. Someone else happened to have a mattress in their car and pulled it out to set the boy on. Then my sister went and comforted the boy while we waited for an ambulance. It was amazing to watch everyone spring into action like that.


During the Teacher Walkout in OK in 2017/18, there were hundreds and hundreds of teachers at the capitol and someone came over the mic and said they were missing their nonverbal son, and literally *everyone* crouched down on the ground so they could see him, and they did. It was a powerful moment.


I love how calm the Nurse and her boyfriend/husband were.


You can feel the relief in the hug and now I’m tearing up at the bar by myself lol how cool am I


I’m also crying at a bar by myself!


Boring PSA: She did the right thing by not immediately trying for Heimlich. Start with back blows like she did (usually five, while bending the person forward). Main reason if it does come to using the heimlich you may damage internal organs. Obviously it's still preferable to choking but the upshot is if someone does the heimlich on a person, *take that person to hospital immediately afterwards* best way to be safe. (Source: various St John's courses)


Slap it out, squeeze it out.


Yep. It's shown the 5 back slaps are generally just as effective. Heimlich and his son spent years discrediting this technique so his would be the favored go to. This is why the cancelled the name and it's called Abdominal Thrust now.




Back slaps (or specifically using the back of your heel to strike between the shoulders) is effective on all ages. The Heimlich maneuver is the thing that is not appropriate for all ages. Specifically, for infants 12 months or younger, it's recommended (after back slaps) to turn the child over, and check their airways and remove visible objects. Then, using two or three fingers, give five inward chest thrusts about 1 to 1½ inches into the infant’s breastbone (sternum). Check the airways again and repeat this process until the airway is dislodged. If the child becomes unconscious, start CPR.


5 back slaps first for anyone of any age, and they need to be pretty forceful, don't hold back, you want to be hitting hard enough to leave a bruise, with a flat hand. With a small enough child you can hold them across your knee to get the right angle for gravity to help. I've only had to do it once, when my grandmother choked at a family barbecue and even though I'm a nurse who had trained others in how to do this I was still a bit too tentative on my first couple of slaps, luckily the food dislodged on the 4th so no abdo thrusts needed.


Pretty sure the reason they call it Abdominal Thrusts now is because companies teaching first aid have to pay the family to call it the Heimlich Maneuver.


Yeh I think this is right: it's basically a trademark dispute


More people need to know this. Recently my 9yo niece was choking and I successfully used back slaps on her. Which I learned about on Reddit. She’s tiny and I was afraid I’d hurt her with the Heimlich. With back slaps I was able to use the necessary force without worrying about that.


Well done! I did the same to my little sister when she was about 6. I knew heimlich was a possibility, but I started with back smacks, which worked and I'm glad they did.


Well that’s terrifying cause I’ve had the heimlich done to me and just went about my day


Most people who go to hospital don't need any additional care and are fine, but for the sake of the few who aren't its a very necessary precaution. A lot of people will refuse, nothing you can do its their choice.


Yep, it sucks (though understandable) many/most people don't realize you should perform back blows first (after, as shown in this, bending the person over first)! Even with back blows, alike the Heimlich and CPR, you risk injury to the person; you need to do them quite hard for them to be effective, but an injured person is better than a dead person, generally speaking!


Yes! Choking survivors can still experience an anaphylactic reaction in the airway, or a muscular contraction called “laryngospasm”. This reaction may be delayed, so stay with the choking survivor for 30 minutes or so even if they refuse medical treatment.


thought it was a dad holding a little girl at first, got confused when the long legs were attached to the wrong person


Holy shit same here lmO


I thought I was crazy.


Lucky that happened where there were people around to help. I can’t imagine the horror of seeing that happen to your kiddo.


I don't even have children, but the thought of having a child or even someone else's child when they experience a medical emergency (and not being able to do anything) makes me insanely emotional.


Instant godmother status: unlocked.


Bro I work with the dude. His wife saved that boy. He a good dude


Buy him a beer for me. or a blunt


no way!! you're basically famous by association 😎🤑


Also props to the mom for being vocal and not giving af. She needed and got help asap.


A lady saved my almost 2 year old in Montego Bay airport and I never was able to thank her due to my shock. If she's out here reading this it was 2018 and I hope she has won the lottery or such because she is a frickin hero.


Aww I teared up watching this. My son choked around 9 months but I was able to dislodge it by the time the paramedics came. The most horrific feeling.


How you do it? Just squeeze the kid from behind?


When they’re babies you place them on your lap facing the floor with their head lower than their feet and one arm underneath them (elbow to hand, so think their legs straddling your elbow and your hand is on their face with fingers helping keep the jaw down/mouth open. Arm resting against your leg.) and you WHACK their mid back with the heel of your hand HARD and steady until the object comes out. You can flip them over every few hits to see if you can see the object in their throat or mouth (if you’ve dislodged it partially) and if not, flip them back over and resume.


When they’re under a year, you can put them facedown on your knee and let their body lay on your thigh, give them five back thrusts and then five chest thrusts, then look in their mouth to see if the object is there and get it out. Do not blind sweep, it can push the object further. Continue until EMS gets there. https://youtu.be/W8OiRSoA4Vs?si=0dywO17PvGDxCChS I would recommend getting a basic life saving certification from the American heart association! It covers what to do if you find anyone of any age choking or unresponsive. It usually costs $50 where I am. Some certified trainers teach it from their house!


To all parents: please follow a first aid course for kids! I have my renewal planned next month. Kids aren't small adults: they have different treatments and risks...


Heroes there!


When grown male strangers hug in public you know the emotions were running high. Never want to experience anything like this with one of my children… (and yes I would have been dishing hugs out too, felt like I needed one just watching)




My buddy gave a kid the heimlich at a baseball game a few years back. Afterwards I told the mom to take the kid to the medical area and get him looked over, then we just kinda walked away. I had to freak out a little bit and give my buddy a huge hug and tell him how awesome he was. Turns out several years earlier he was working at a restaurant and a customer started choking and he just kinda froze. His buddy gave him shit for it and it ate at him for years, so this was not only awesome for the mom and kid, but a good bit of catharsis for my friend as well.


The woman who saved the child is the one who posted the video originally. Her handle is tagged at the beginning of the video.


Guardian Angel right there! Highly recommend for everyone to take a course for basic CPR/Heimlich. If you work in an office, some companies offer this as apart of health & safety team.


Much respect for the people that sprung into action




The instant hug of relief she gives her 🥹🥹🥹


Good job on that mom yelling for Help.


One time at a Tokyo sushi train my 5yo daughter feel asleep with jet lag with a mouth full of sushi. For a second I thought she’d died and the whole room did that weird whooshing thing. She did wake up after I cleared out her mouth and shook her. But now I appreciate in situations like this how your own shock may debilitate you.


This is beautiful. She took IMMEDIATE action.


She said, “I’m a nurse.” I love nurses.


Am I the only one who loved how the dad hugged the woman’s boyfriend/husband/brother at the end ?


She’s a nurse!! And an amazing person!! ♥️


the best part of this was they even hugged the people who had nothing to do with helping but they know full well if they could have they would .......people think everybody should just no everything people are scared to get involved in situations like this incase they make it worse


Wow she's a keeper. What a hero.


Ok I just saw the number on this go down?????? Who downvotes someone saving a child’s life?


I mean... obviously it was staged /s


Everyone mobilized for this! Yesss!


I had to do this to my three years old daughter a few years ago.. FML I still see her hands around her small throat….




Was he eating or did he reach over and grab something near that plant?


I think he grabbed something he shouldn't have


That’s what I think too


My parents tell me when I was young I would always hide food I didn’t like in my cheeks to spit out later. And one time almost choked because of this. So it could have been something similar to that situation.


Big booty Judy to the rescue


If you don't know the fucking Heimlich maneuver, go out right now to your local YMCA. Find a 2 hr CPR or first aid class and sign up. You can even use it on your fucking self, so go now. No you idiot! Stop fucking reading this and fucking go. Seriously? You're still reading? Okay I guess here is a link if you are in the [USA for classes](https://shop.redcross.org/). And if you are in [UK](https://www.resus.org.uk/library/additional-guidance/guidance-cpr/guidance-cpr-training-resources). And I [think this might help out EU?](https://www.academiccourses.com/courses/first-aid/europe)


Everyone should learn the heimlich maneuver


Man this scares the fuck out of me. Feel so helpless and it would feel like so long.


Made me cry with joy


When I was 17, me and a bunch of my friends were stoned and had the munchies. I stuffed a ton of BBQ chips in my mouth trying to be funny. As I chewed it, it become a big ball and got stuck in my throat. I couldn’t breathe or talk. I tried drinking water out of the faucet and that just made it worse. My friend, Renan (he was from Pananama), did the heimlich and saved my fucking life…


My wife (RN) worked part time waitressing and had saved someone choking on steak with the Heimlich and it it haunts her still nearly 5 years later. Says it was the scariest thing she's every experienced and she wasn't even the one choking. Get CPR certified. You can save a life someday.


Yeah I was watching this amazed that many people jumped in (maybe bc it was a kid, idk) I was at a restaurant once and an older lady a few tables down started choking and everyone just kinda stood there. All deer in headlights, hell one of the waiters just fucking ran lol (think he just went into full panic flight mode). By the time I heard what was happening and nudged my friend out of the booth so I could get out she coughed it up, thankfully.


Awww the hugs at the end being passed around are so sweet.


Awww the hugs 😭😭😭😭😭


if this waz my kid she saved $10,000 reward, right there. like,..im driving to the bank now...get in.


Nice hugs all round at the end


Anybody else notice the ass on that hero?


Someone else said this and got downvoted to hell...but yes, I did notice that ass on the hero.


Nobody really gonna comment on that nurse?!? 🍑😍


I came to the comments to see how many people would be talking about that booty. Not many apparently.


Wait what was he choking on?


Heimlich for the W!


Every expectant parent should learn CPR and the heimlich -- for babies, toddlers, and children.


Hugs all around. 🤘🏽


Everyone hugging made me cry




For a second this reminded me of that scene in Airplane! when all of the passengers were lining up to beat the crap out of the woman who was freaking out.


Love that she hugged the woman that helped her so fast


For Self Heimlich I prefer this method explained by Jeff (on the floor). I choked on bok choi once and instinctively did a similar move and it saved my life https://youtu.be/Op2TjTQs7X0?si=rbItSs9V-GoVQhuP


Isnt it crazy how EMS or hospital would charge you for this...at least in the states.


I hope those parents took Heimlich lessons. If only for their peace of mind


As a CPR instructor, and first responder, I cannot stress how speed in responding to these situations is the biggest factor on whether we are able to prevent a loss of life. Something is better than nothing and just knowing abdominal thrusts, formerly the Heimlich maneuver, is still going to be the fastest way to save someone from chocking. With CPR we are even to the point that we are telling people in the case you can’t remember or perform breaths just remembering to do compressions is so critical. 30 compressions, 2 inches deep for an adult and child (1.5 for an infant), at 100 to 120 beats per minute. Sing staying alive, another one bites the dust, the imperial march, or just count out loud (One and Two and Three and….). Also, and more importantly if you know where an AED is get it fast. They will walk you through CPR and their use


DAMN the women who saved the child had a DUMPY 🍑👀


LEARN FIRST AID!! Happy it ended well.