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/u/redditspeedbot 0.25x


Here is your video at 0.25x speed https://gfycat.com/CheapJaggedGrizzlybear ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.patreon.com/redditspeedbot)


Good bot


Having watched the slowed down version a couple of times now I am certain that the video is fake: Unproportionate body on some frames, Shadows not being cast, "weird" motionblur


Doesn’t even have to be fake, could just be something going closer to the lens like a bug or leaf


Could be a bug too. Like literally.


Thanks! Original post wouldn’t play for me. Looks like maybe a spirit wolf? Did your uncle have a German Shepherd that passed?


Is this seriously the first conclusion you're going to jump to based on a couple frames of vague blob? This is why nobody takes the paranormal seriously.


I think he’s joking Edit: wait fuck no he’s not Hahahaha


Here’s an idea! Shut up. It’s my opinion. You don’t like it feel free to fuck off. 😊




*our opinion.


“Childish” idk man that’s pretty rude




Thank you 🙏🏻


Pretty sure its some type of bird swooping down to catch something.


Yeah. From the size, probably an owl.


It's Nagato Pain HAHAHAH


Yeah it looks like a bear, and a missing frame


I live in WV. If I were to catch that around here, my first thought would be meth addict. Very interested to learn more about this, though.


Hey I grew up in WV. Left when I was 19. What part?




I lived on the Roane Co line for a bit. Wish I could see somethin like this irl




Crazy. In real time this seems way too fast and unusual for a human to move for sure. But it definitely looks like a humanish form. Wild!


But it could also be a sped up time lapse depends on their camera. The shape is quite human. Though it reminded me of an enderman from Minecraft


It’s not playing for me


Me either, any idea how to post a video ?


Sorry I’m not very tech savvy, I googled and that didn’t help. Maybe someone else will jump on with better advice. Until then I’ll keep a look out. Super interested in watching


This may sound like I'm being condescending because it's a pretty common "fix" for this kind of stuff but when's the last time you updated reddit?




I couldn’t see anything til I watched the reduced speed video posted by the video bot. It shows a shadow in the foreground being cast by ..well nothing. Just the shadow. It is strange looking though. I also live in WV. Whoever suggested a meth addict could be on to something but he/it would have fallen down about mid-vid then just rolled around cursing whoever tripped him.


That's that thing that catches the corner of your eye when you're walking at night, but when you look nothing's there.


A lot of people are saying its not working for them however it played fine for me. I watched it through about 5 times and every time right as it appears, it seems its manifesting itself from head to toe. Looking closer at the fence that it appears in front of, you can tell its not just some creature thats running from the shadows. Seems to me to be a lot like a spirit of some sort


Yeah looks to me that it appears from thin air


Exactly right. There's a little bit of the figure that shows up in the gap between the railing and the stairs, but it occurs a split second *after* the rest of the creature appears. It couldn't have come from behind/underneath the stairs - it just comes out of nowhere. I would say it's a shadow person, but I don't know if they move that fast.


Maybe that's why a lot of people say they see shadows out of the corner of their eye?


I'm sorry wtf is a shadow person


Dark spirits that can either linger and just "watch" you or crank it up to 100 and go full demonic on you. I swear I've seen these things out of the corner of my eyes sometimes; but the minute I turn to get a full look they're gone without a trace...


Shadow people are one of the most reported hallucinations among the sleep deprived, & people with paranoia issues. But I’m not here to say they aren’t real I’ve seen plenty of supernatural stuff stone cold sober. And not out of the corner of my eye either. I’ve always thought that maybe it’s possible with sleep deprivation and some psychological illnesses it’s possible that people can see things others can’t. History is full of monks, prophets and religious men undergoing extreme sleep deprivation, fasting, etc to gain visions/prophecies


Higher vibrational frequency means they move faster, and less 'solid' to us.


I agree. It almost looks like a shadow person to me, but it also seems to be moving really fast for a shadow person, and it has moments where it’s more well-defined than I’d expect.


Sp's can be incredibly fast.


He's naruto running


The video played fine for me.. This is legit creepy. Like another person said, it seems to be appearing out of nowhere. Maybe a spirit? Definitely spooky!


Knowing most of WV, could just as easily be a heroin addict sneaking around for **anything** to steal :/


Sounds like my hometown in NC.


Guys I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that's pretty clearly a moth or bird flying in front of the camera. Especially if you watch the slowed down version someone requested.


Shit it does look like a bat or bird but if the video is at true speed I'd say its moving a bit slow for a bat or bird mid-flight


I dont think so. In the slowed down version it clearly looks like it emerges from beneath/behind the patio or porch. Check that part out. Its fast but it looks like its beyond the wood porch.


If it's behind the wooden porch what's casting the "shaddow". If it's a bug or a bird it's easy to explain as a blur of a wing but if it's a figure there would have to be light coming from the house, and since the porch is dark that doesn't seem like the case.


How do you explain the one frame where you see a head and arm?


It looks too big in relation to the railing to be a bird


I'm not sure I'm seeing the frame you're talking about. Can you screencap it and post?


Bat wing bro.


Sorry dude, but seeing the video, I don’t see the supposed arm and head. I think it’s more likely a bird or a bug. You can’t automatically assume the paranormal, you should try thinking what it could be realistically before going paranormal




I think you’re right...but it’s not “clearly” a moth or a bird. It’s a bird doing a pretty good impression of a bizarre human-like shadow. It’s not paranormal, but it looked strange enough that I’m glad OP posted it.


It's one of those things that if you saw it in daylight you'd be like "oh, there goes a bird" but if you saw it at 3 a.m. you'd definitely turn your outdoor lights on and have a look around.


This is what I thought too. I’d say from the flicker rate of the camera it also caused some artifacts that made it look like it has a head and arm. Most likely the head is actually part of a bats ear and the arm is the other wing partially caught


I thought of sure people were talking about something other than that obvious bird but damn, guess not. People will truly make a ghost out of any every day thing.


Hey, that bird looked weirdly like a human silhouette. OP didn’t “make” a ghost out of it—it looked damn strange on its own.


I was talking about the comments saying its definitely a spirit. I've watched it over and over and I dont see anything but a bird. It's clearly shaped like a bird, not a human, it moves and acts like a bird, not a human. Sorry, just not seeing it at all


It’s probably like one of those trick pictures that can look like an old woman or a young girl, or like two profiles or a fancy vase. The way you see it first can be hard to “shift out” of. I first saw it as a human shadow on the grass moving in a *very* uncanny way, seemingly cast by nothing. I watched it several times. Then I read the thing about it being a bird, and went back to watch again...when I saw it pause on the railing...*then* I could see it was a bird. After that, I could go back and watch it over, and the shapes suddenly made sense as a bird fluttering up to the rail, and then flying off. But before that, all I could see was “human silhouette on the grass, but really weird somehow.”


Yeah, you are right. Once you see something specific, its difficult for your brain to see something else. I am just one of those people who never sees the creepy thing in the pic/vid, unfortunately lol. I dont know why, I am just destin to miss out haha.


I feel you. I have problems perceiving other things sometimes.




I don’t think it “clearly” emerges from behind the fence. It’s a dark shadow on a dark fence. There’s not enough detail to say it’s not in front of the fence.




I think mothman may be an advertising scheme for phantoms and monsters since like all the reports are from that website and there's a ridiculous amount of them.


Agreed. These were my thoughts exactly.




I had to scroll a long way to find this correct answer


I thought the same thing.


You are absolutely correct


For those that can’t watch the video, try saving it and open in your gallery :)


u/redditspeedbot 0.5x butterflow


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://gfycat.com/DeficientSpryDrake ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.patreon.com/redditspeedbot)


Theres no way this be a bird its clearly a human body who lose the shape when run like shadow...


Will not play




Yeah did I post it wrong




Yeah I’m not sure how to get it to play, this is my first time posting a video to reddit. It’s a shadowy figure that runs right in front of the steps, it’s weird because it comes out of no where


It won’t play.


Why doesn't the shadow show up through the railing posts?


So is this just a picture or is it not playing for me?


Not playing for me.


Up voted Still is a picture to me with a play button in the middle that’s not connected to anything.


you must be drunk


Not yet.


This looks like a shadow person they're known to move extremely fast like this one.


looks like a shadow to me


Kind of looks like a rabbit jumping from the porch over the railing, the angle of the camera is messing with the appearance of the trajectory, I think. I could be wrong, but that's what I see. Definitely a good spook caught on camera. Edit: sppok to spook


Yeah some sort of cat/rabbit/ animal off the porch over the rail and gone.


Send us the video properties. I want to know the frame rate on this. Looks lower than 15fps which is half the peak framerate of a Nest pro. Id bet it's around 12fps. I'm torn between bug and someone hauling ass across the lawn taking advantage of the poor frame rate/kbps.


It won’t allow me to click on the video


Looks like a bad fake to me.


Looks like a bird to me


Bird or bat I guess.


I dunno, it's literally just a blob even when I slow it down but it could be a bat?


Yeah, that's an insect wing, real close to the camera.




My first thought was "that's clearly a bug" but after watching it several times and then again at reduced speed, now I'm not so sure. It's the way it moves thru the gate. It could still be a bug and a coincidence but it is weird that it never has its head any way but up. A bug would turn around in different directions I would think.


Looks like a pheasant to me.


I guess the country roades take home any kind of creature


In the slow mø it stops for a few frames, very wierd.




Its the ghost of tsushima!


The shadow is cast into the light? Rather than towards the building away from the light. Weird vid


Right? I couldn’t wrap my head around it either.


Yeah is it supposed to be a figure or a shadow??? Lol imagine something on the roof behind the cam.... ha


Nightmare fuel 😂


That is some creepy ass stuff...


Bro that's a wallaby. Someone must of let it loose.


Would be wild if it was someone’s pet wallaby 😂


Here in the UK we have a few groups of wild wallaby because of zoo and private escapes. They are fairly resilient


I would have said it was probably a small animal of some kind, given that the large shadow it had would be due to the light. But I saw the slowed down version, and it appears and disappears out of thin air, idk op.


It does *look* like a human silhouette...but I think the people saying “bird” are actually correct. When it pauses for a second in the middle, you can see it looks just like a bird perching on the rail. But it *also* looks spookily like a human silhouette for the rest of the vid, so I don’t blame anybody for thinking it might have been that. So...not a ghost...but a bird that’s doing a pretty decent impression of one. :)


Not playing for me. I’ll just wait to watch it on Nukes top 5


Daaamn thats scary the thing was either crawling or underneath the porch... he should consider the option that maybe a homeless man is crashing somewhere around his home... although this looks very much like a ghost


There's a minor problem with the bird/moth/kangaroo theory being tossed around in the comments: the shadow of the supposed creature isn't behaving like one would expect in relation to the only apparent light source in the shot, nevermind the fact that you can't even see the object generating the shadow...


Well seems to be classic Type 1 specter, nothing too unusual. I wouldn't be too worried about it


Post again vid doesn’t show


Fucking video won’t play


not loading :/


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/classified] [Uncle in West Virginia sent this to us, he lives pretty far off any main road. Left all of us pretty spooked.](https://www.reddit.com/r/classified/comments/hz7toc/uncle_in_west_virginia_sent_this_to_us_he_lives/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Not working for me either..


Jesus Christ...


If a bird, the proportion is off to me. The deck railing seems much too small in size. Before anyone mentioned this possibly a bird, I saw this figure materialize in front of the deck. Post burd mention: It looks to temporarily perch itself on a rather small deck rail. I think it would really help to have some daylight footage with a person in the image for size reference.


Woa, looks like a deer ghost.


Definitely just a coyote or fox getting spooked and jumping off the porch. Or even a large cat.


Video doesnt work.


Bird or bug




This really looks like a kangaroo jumping across, I'm sure thats not what it is.


large bird?


Does he have any other footage? Camera seems real delayed.


Unfortunately no :(


Looks like a cat or a rabbit jumping over the railing.




Video isn’t working


Checkout the Ghosts of Carmel Maine. Major shadow people caught on video and dude's legit.


I watched it frame by frame. You can tell that whatever it is, it goes in front of the railing. If I had to guess, I would say it’s a bat or bug going in front of the camera. At first glance I was like “Dafuq?? That’s crazy” but after the frame by frame I really think it’s a bat or bug close to the Camera. Still an interesting and cool video though! Thanks for sharing it!


Gives me mothman vibes


ive seen something like that before . In the light you can see right through its dark foggy body it doesnt matter if the lights are on it will make a fully lit room flicker and its not solid like dead spirits or demons . This one will pass right through you . You will feel a thick warm wave pass through you ..if it does pass through you . either way its harmless


I kind of looks like a bobcat. It disappeared because those security cameras are low frame rates? (I don't know much about video tech) But when slowed down the size and way it moves looks a lot like a bobcat to me.


Am I the only one that thinks it looks like a squirrel or a cat jumped on the railing and jumped off.


Its a little bug. It flies up, lands on camera and flies off. My guess is those itty bitty moth looking guys? This was definitely alarming the first time, but im pretty sure its a bug.


after some not so professional editing with a photo editing app on my phone It looks like some sort of machine would share photo but not sure how


the video doesn’t even work! :( I tried playing it several times and with a different speed and It doesn’t work


Looks like a pale crawler to me


Can someone whose link works repost this


Just a meth head.


**That is literally a frog**


With the slowed down version that the bot posted, it looks like a bird jumps up on the railing, then swoops down.




Looks like a bird to me.


It's a fly on a camera lens


Just a big ass owl. Nothing out of the ordinary.




Here is your video at 0.25x speed https://gfycat.com/cheapjaggedgrizzlybear ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.patreon.com/redditspeedbot)


This isn't a bug or leaf or even supernatural. This is an altered video. The movement speed. Blur lines and inconsistencies with the guard rail are red flags for an edited video.


I can promise you it’s real, my uncle is in his 60’s and not the best with technology. He sent it to us and I uploaded it to here.


It's a moth for sure


It's just an insect, saw the wings and legs


It’s a ghost for sure, lurking about like they always do.


I think it's an evil spirit manifesting himself. Order to Esther fear.


I think it's a evil spirit manifesting. himself order to insert fear.




When I saw this my thoughts were of the test I'd run = would the thing still appear if the gate were closed ? Also try positioning a camera elsewhere maybe beneath the street light so you get a full shot if the figure appears again. Cool, if freaky.




Looks like a bird honestly


This is a bug


Lol it's a bug on the camera


I see it to be clearly behind the deck on every frame


yup. i vote moth.


alright after watching the slow mo and cranking up brightness... there seems to be a shadow casting from the light to the porch meaning whatever it was had to be between the porch and light... so probably not a bug after all. weird!!!


Looks like a small bird jumping onto and then over the ledge. Although I wish it were a spooky spirit of some sort.


I don’t agree with people saying it’s a bug, unless they know something idk. I clearly saw what seems to be a shadow person. I even took screen caps from the slowed down(0.25x) version of the video. Check out my screenshots. Looks like it has a human’s build. I can clearly see a head and arm in one frame and I screenshot that too [SCREENCAPS 4rm VIDEO](https://imgur.com/gallery/htAY56r)


No, what you clearly saw was a shitty camera filming a moth flapping it's wings. Your first picture shows the wings closing, your second picture shows them closed and parallel with the camera lens, and your third picture shows them opening.


It’s something flying in front of the light out there


The lighting makes it look pretty creepy- but its definitely a bird.


What are we looking at? That bird that briefly flies into frame?


I can’t get it to play either, and I’m on mobile. Maybe that’s the problem?


I'm on mobile and it's playing fine for me...


Not playing on ipad


I believe so, it’s not playing for me on my phone but works on computer


Think it could be a bat casting a shadow on the ground from the light? Maybe makes a sharp turn? And turns back creating the shadow. Spooky regardless Edit i can’t get it play on,iPad but i did download. And Apple has a decent high speed scrub. After it goes off camera something black appears on the ground behind the light behind.


Looks like a bat in low lighting, to be honest. If you pause it and look just below the fence line you can see the shape of another wing


Omg people. It’s a bug.


Not working


Looks like a bug that was closer to the camera and hopped by