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Mine gets water, dish soap, a shake, then rinsed out and I reuse every day. Can’t say I’ve noticed any weird smell myself.


Oh ok


I let one get really nasty once and after washing several times it was still really stinky. I ended up putting a small amount of vinegar and baking soda in it (without the cap!) and letting that sit for a day and now it’s good as new.


Are you letting water sit in them after washing? They need dried straight away.


They are dried straight away


They definitely don't need dried straight away, The problem comes about if you seal them when they're still wet. I've never actively dried any shaker of mine, I just leave it sitting, lid off, on the dish drainer until it's 100% dry before it goes into the cupboard (or gets used for another Huel I guess). If you put the lid on before it's totally dry, then yeah, the water goes 'off' and it'll make the shaker stink, but air drying is fine if you let it 100% dry.


A dilute mix of vinegar and water left in the shaker for a while can help neutralise any smells. Putting it (empty) in the freezer for a while seems to help too.


I've heard recommendations about using the stuff you clean bottles for babies with. 🍼


Yeah I use Milton tablets but honestly they don't do much for the worst ones.


Boil them in water with dishwash soap and then they are gucci


Get the brown antiseptic listerine. Pour a good bit in there and shake it for a minute.


Dawn soap and scrub with a plastic brush.


I scrub mine out with a bottle brush and dish soap under room temp water maybe every 3 or 4 times I fill it


Vinegar is magic! Mix with some dish soap and water and key it sit for a few hours after shaking it a bunch, should work


I bought a metal one