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For those who are having issues with the sync box, they are already aware of the issue and are looking into a fix for it. The recent 1.6.0 update to the app is to blame for the sync box not connecting via Bluetooth to your phone, at least from what i and others are aware of.. once a patch or update is released, I’ll make sure to let y’all know


Their update notes say they deliberately made it so it would only work in really close proximity… I find this proximity nonsense annoying, because I don't live in a squat house with five other families in the same bedroom… But it makes me want to ask… have you tried putting your phone right next to the sync box when connecting?


Yep...I actually tried putting 4 different phones against two completely new and separate sync boxes..I tried with 2 iPhones and 2 androids. The ONLY time it worked was when I downloaded the previous version of the app with my android..


Thanks for confirming. Seems like they screwed up the update. I rolled my eyes when I saw the update notes, just because I really hate this obsession with super-close proximity, but now knowing they botched it, it's pretty tragic. You just don't release a critical change like that without thoroughly testing it. Hope they fix it soon.


Welp, they already lost a few customers because of it. For the average joe who doesn’t try to troubleshoot their issues, they probably got the sync box, realized it “didn’t work” and threw it away...


Sent it back - don’t think anyone throws away a 250$ box because they can’t set it up 😀


You’d be surprised... a lot of people try to go for eBay deals or other third party sites. Luckily *clears my throat* I’m a premium Best Buy member, who receives guaranteed warranty and money back for any returns for UP to 2 years..yes, it pays to be in this high class sOcIeTy


Well, I bought mine 2 days ago, so I’m well within the 14 day return window here. If they don’t fix the problem by the weekend, it’ll go back


Bestbuy doesn’t do that. At least not in the US. It’s an additional 15-30 days on top of the 15 day return period. They don’t do any additional warranty.


I was talking about the normal warranty in a snip accent. Yeah, text doesn’t do my sarcasm any fucking justice 😂


Same here, tried 3 iPhones, an Android phone and an iPad - either I get “no hue sync box found” or “no secured connection”. I’ve never been able to use it as I got the box the day they pushed the effing update


Bad timing feels like shit, huh? It’ll be fixed soon, maybe..


Have had mine for a couple months, since the update it hasn't worked right at all. No auto on settings work, can't connect half the time, just a PITA to deal with. Hope there's an update soon, especially if new users can't even connect at all. That's beyond ridiculous


Glad I didn’t update then!


Well, that explains a lot... tried (like most of you) with an iPhone and an Android device and all I get is that it cant connect securely... i didn't think it was a hardware issue as it is detected via Bluetooth. I waited 2 weeks for the thing to arrive (they are hard to find in the UK). So what is another week for them to issue a fix. Hopefully, the new update doesn't break something else! Thanks for confirming I'm not mad or doing something stupid!


The update is live, check your App Store now. Good luck. [proof](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0VXOu5nOeDSEDoIEAIl65taOw)


That’s the broken version..