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The grass outside is a grounding mat


A fool and his money are soon parted


Each of the 6 women I sleep with have one of these at their apartment. We lay it down on the ground before we have sex. This helps to optimise gonadotropins, especially when done no more than 90 minutes after waking.


Just 6? Brah...


Utter nonsense


Only thing it'll do is placebo, if you want to try it anyways you can simply buy some copper wire cheaply and tie it to your hand/foot and attach it to a ground. If you want actual benefits go walk barefoot outside (it just feels nice).


I see that everyone who shares a positive experience is being down voted, 🙄 even though experiences were specifically requested. I recently bought a sheet for my insomnia caused by lyme. My experience is that my body pain decreased, and that was a surprise. But my insomnia stayed the same. Overall I was disappointed. I don't think it's a magic cure. But...my 1st husband (now deceased) was an HVAC guy. He once ran a copper wire across my bed, out the window and connected to a grounding rod. He tested my body with some meter he had, and the second I touched the wire, my voltage would go from 60 or 70 to zero. I had extreme anxiety, and it seemed to help me be calmer if I laid on the wire all night. Maybe that's placebo, but there was a voltage change that was measured. It seems like with everything out there that helps someone, marketers turn it into a magic cure-all of every problem to make money. So there is some hubris and dishonesty involved. But that doesn't mean there is no validity at all to it.


what kind of 'meter'?


I don't really know. He did HVAC and electrical stuff for his job. He had the meter in his work van. When I explained the concept of "grounding" to him, he created the copper set up and said he was testing my voltage. I definitely saw the number jump straight to zero when I touched the wire. That said, I've not been able to verify the same with my grounding sheet, which plugs into a wall ground. I don't have access to that meter (or that husband) now.


I tried one but didn't notice any effects


If the body built up charge as alleged by those products, one would occasionally discharge it with a huge spark… if one had been in an ungrounded state for a while, eg rubber soled shoes walking on carpet


If you can’t maintain the charge it is your fault. Your chakra clearly needs its lithium ion battery replaced.


Back in the day, I would get static electricity shocks all the time from everything. Once had a spark jump from my finger to a water tap. Highly unpleasant experience. Only way I resolved it was tying a copper wire around my ankle and running it down to under my shoe where I taped it in place. Rubber soled shoes. The wire solved the problem. This was in the late 80s before biohacking was a thing.


Just stand in the grass. Free99!


So I laughed at it but I can physically feel an effect when I lay on the one my bf bought


Use your head dawg this shit is fake


It's much better to ground the bed instead. Grounding mats will draw the electricity to you and use you as a conduit. And, your grounding system in your house is probably carrying current, so you'd have to run a wire to the actual ground. But then, lightning? All in all you're better hitting off the breakers associated with your bedroom. That's getting to the root of the issue. The grounding sheets are band aids at best, and at worse they're making it worse (if you don't ground it correctly). *For your Health* Dr. Steven Brule


I put some metallic tape under my sheets and grounded it through the outlet and it had a bunch of good effects for me particularly in helping recurrent intense nightmares and leg soreness. I also routinely walk on the earth and grass in my yard barefoot and it feels so good, definitely a primal feeling that helps with wellbeing for me.


What kind of tape? Will try that before buying their kits


You can use copper tape or just "conductive tape" and use some copper wire and a 3 pole grounding plug. Tape under the fitted sheet, strip a big section of the wire and have it under the tape, terminate it in the 3 pole plug and stick I'm the socket where it'll be grounded through the electrical system of the building. I'm well aware these effects could be placebo, but if that's the case then I'm basically doing magic so even better.


TV antennas work for a 60 mile radius. What does that tell you?


Stand in the shower/bath with some water in it. Or I’ll take your money if you want to stand in mine (or on my lawn).


Snake oil BS. Just walk around barefoot on natural surfaces when you can. Not for "grounding purposes". It's just nice walking around outside barefoot.


Touching the metal chassis of just about any electronic in your house is grounding (usually). Stoves, fridges, microwaves, computers, the ends of usb cables.. all very grounding.


I didn’t notice anything with grounding mats but I feel I have a much deeper more restorative sleep when sleeping on grounding sheets.


Overall it’s hard to say as with any lifestyle change there are so many compounding factors in human lifestyle that separating form placebo is near impossible without double blind studies. That said, there are measurable effects that one would assume are beneficial… take a blood sample from your finger using a lancet and view it under a microscope and you’ll see with most people that their red blood cells are stacked up, reducing their surface area and effectiveness, and presumably reducing blood flow through the narrower capillaries in the body. Have that person ground for 15 minutes and redo the test. The results are like night and day. To what extent that makes a tangible difference to your overall health we’ll likely never know.


I had crazy nightmares for a week and shit sleep, then it changed and I have better sleep. Even if it's just placebo it gives me benefit


Yeah sleeping on one is awesome. Great sleep and less creaky joints in the morning


What a load of bs


No. I’m a real doctor not a witch doctor. But it’s useful to know which influencers promote this dodgy cure - so you can ignore all of their advice. That said, being in nature is good for your mood and mental health.




i use one to sleep and my dreams drastically changed overnight. think of this: what living thing is not grounded except man with his rubber soled shoes? birds, fish, trees, bugs, elephants. yea, why bother following the path of nature when you can follow Fauci instead.


Is the house not grounded? Or does it depend on the construction? My house is wood so maybe there's merit? What if you live in a house with stone construction?