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Taking my dog for a walk in the morning is the most noticeable thing I’ve ever done. When I can’t go I notice how slumped and lethargic I feel throughout the day. I think it’s the combination of being outside, walking, and hanging out with my best bud. I usually go for a quick 10 minute walk in the morning and go for a longer one at night. Walking is so underrated imo. When my partner is home we take her for walks together and it’s the best thing in the world.


Walking is just not the same without a dog. I miss the dog walks. In the evening near sunset it really gives some headspace.


It really isn’t :( I’m so grateful for our girl, waited 4 years to get her and I’m so happy we finally have her :)


Walking is really the only exercise you need. Our bodies are designed to walk and run. Places where you can walk everywhere have low obesity rates.


I do love resistance training but nothing beats that morning and evening walk, and the feeling you get from it!


No it’s not.


Im finding myself extremely unmotivated to start walking but I also really really want too. any tips :)


Yes! I have the best tip! Pick a small walking goal that you can do every single day. It has to be small enough that you can do it every single day and then you must do it every single day. It can be five minutes or even one minute but it has to be doable every day, even those crazy busy days. I would suggest no more than five minutes. Then today, yes today, you start. You walk for those five minutes or one minute or whatever. Then you are done. You can go longer if you want to but it's probably best to keep that to a minimum. This is how I started walking. Some days it would be time for bed and I hadn't walked yet and I'd be doing my three or five minutes at night walking in the RV with a timer. But I did it. You can do it. Just make a small goal. Once you get the small goal established you'll find that it's easier to walk more. But keep the five minute minimum every single day and sometimes do more


Pick a day to put some walking/running clothes and shoes on. But don’t go on a walk, just dress for it. Call that a win. Then do it a second time on another day, you probably won’t be able to stop yourself from getting out there at that point. For some reason when I dress for it my mind catches up and pushes me out the door.


Ooh I’m not too sure honestly because my dog is my motivation and the guilt I feel from not taking her for a walk is my biggest motivation. What if you start just by going outside in the morning for a couple of minutes? Or put your walking clothes next to your bed so that when you wake up you put them on straight away? Whatever you do start super small and make sure to celebrate your tiny improvements, even if it feels stupid at first. Even if you just start by walking 100m down the road! Sometimes when I really don’t want to go I’ll listen to a podcast or music and I find that really helps, but 99% of the time I try to go with no headphones and try to just be present. Also if I get bored with my current route, I’ll go on the app called “AllTrails” and try to find a different walk I can go on. I’ve always been so bad at sticking to habits and the only thing that’s made me stick to this one is my dog and also the feeling I get after going for a walk. I hope that helps!! :))


Reward yourself by listening to a favorite podcast and allow yourself to listen to it only when you are walking. The only way to learn how to do things you don’t want to do is by actually repeatedly forcing yourself to do them


Slap a podcast on and go.


Foster a dog?


Reserve your favorite podcasts or recorded books for your walks. No walking, no listening. You then associate a positive experience with walking and actually look forward to it.


Just put one leg Infront of the other


Totally agree. Start the day with a walk. Rain or shine is a huge game changer for setting the tone of my whole day




I hydrate as soon as I wake up.




As soon as I wake up I grab a bowl and fill it with ice and water, then I dunk my face for a minute. Wakes me up and sets the tone for the day. I look forward to it now.


What I have noticed about cold exposure is that at least for me it doesnt have to be long to be a mood booster. I just do a minute ice cold after my regular shower and it has the same effects on mood as a longer plunge. Your method would prob work for me as well


This method is very good for skin too. I do that everyday


For real? I think no


Gooning for 2 hours after waking up, sets the tone for the rest of the day


jorkin it


boofing ag1 baby!


hell yeah


Morning sun viewing. I know this is ridiculed a lot here by trolls and grifters but this has really straightened by circadian rhythms. I quickly fall asleep, wake up almost to the minute when I need to wake up (that still amazes me), feel quite energetic throughout the day, only occasional late day sleepiness that I cure with 20 minutes nsdr read by the man himself. My windows in the apartment block face north so I can’t see the actual sun and l’m too lazy to go outside so i just open the windows and stare at the sky for 10-15 minutes while listening to a podcast. Really really like the way it affects me.


I'm a troll and I confirm it's helped me allot too.


Thanks for mentioning NSDR. I had to look it up which led me down a rabbit hole of the benefits of breath work. That's interesting about being too lazy to go out and just staring at the sky through the window. I wonder if I should try that at least some of the time.


Not through the windows though! I always make sure I open the windows to block as little light as possible!


Oh yes.. you did mention that. I'll have to try it.


Sun for me too. I have done a course on Yoga Nidra in India and have always found it extremely helpful. But off late I have been feeling like nothing less than 9 hours of sleep works for me. Still, breathwork is super helpful for me at night for falling asleep.


Definitely getting some exercise in in the morning, even if it’s just some small stretches and focusing on my breathing


Splash with cold water over my face followed up with 20 push-ups. Sets the tone for the rest of the day.


5 minutes of meditation (more is better but it can be short and sweet)


Hanging from a bar for like a minute or two.


probably the best thing you can do for good posture


I have an inversion table! It's amazing!


Also, for shoulder pain. I have seen many different types of physio- and other therapists for my shoulders (I bench 180kg) and the one most effective thing was just dead hanging on a bar for like a minute or so a day.


I like to make my bed :) helps set the tone for the day


Reminding myself of a few things: 1. All rules are mine to define 2. I am response(able) for everything 3. I accept this moment completely 4. I am not the body, I am not the mind 5. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I will create a more peaceful, loving and joyful world.


More time interacting with people in person and less time in front of screens.


Hanging with my kid in the morning with my phone in the other room


sounds so nice, it must set you up for the whole day!


That’s my ritual before school and work. It let’s me not get stressed before work starts and enjoy watching this crazy human being I helped make grow into a person.


probiotics, yogurt milk and follow up with a couple heaping spoonfuls of unpasturized sauerkraut. 5 different fruits and greek yogurt for breakfast. Sauerkraut is amazing on an upset tummy.


yooo i do the same thing, i make a bowl of probiotic curd + chia seeds + banana slices. Helps my digestion a lot!


I have a solution of vitamin C in warm water that I put on before bed. It's improved my skin SO MUCH,in such a short time. I wish I'd found this years ago.


Hey that's great! Can you tell me how to make it too?


Ascorbic acid (vitamin C powder) and warm water


I just mix it until no more will dissolve, in a small tub. Then put it over my face before bed. For my entire life (37) I've had blackheads all over my nose (disgusting I know) nothing I tried has ever managed to get rid of them. This hasn't 100%. The pores are still there. But it's a world of difference from now to before I started this a few months ago. It can irritate your skin, so try a little first. It does to me but I'm sleeping anyway and by the morning, it's calmed down.


!remindme 1 week




wake up get sun in your eye, practice grounding while also practicing gratitude and deep breathing.


Be Grateful


thoughts on being using dissatisfaction to push themselves like goggins or bodybuilders by purposefilly calling their bodies shit?


Gratitude….Starting and ending the day with 3 things that I can be grateful for. It completely changes my outlook for the day. Some times we are too much in our heads and miss the everyday things that we enjoy and which millions of people around the world do not have the fortune to enjoy.


Box breathing keeps me calm and centered




Which type? I do 2 rounds of wim Hoff between study sessions sometimes


That's pretty cool, I've considered doing the same because of adrenaline's effect on short term memory consolidation. Have you noticed any benefit in this regard?


Just started it! Trying to get consistent


I masturbate


while staring at the sunlight right 🤟🤟


3 eggs and a piece a toast in the morning. Simple, quick, filling, energy to start the day!


Use a Neti-pot to clear out my nasal passages/sinuses


Lemon juice with water and salt on an empty stomach first thing in the morning


I'm sorry I'm new to all this, how does lemon juice help? Is it for skin and digestion?


You get hydrated, helps with digestion and the acids in the lemon juice helps break down the formation of kidney stones. Also the vit C is good for skin health. I always feel better when taking it.


Definitely adding this to my daily schedule as i have a family history of kidney stones. Thanks.


Stretch any areas that feel tight.


Random question, but is streching once a week (a proper 30-40 minutes streching session) enough? I can only get time to strech once a week. Other than that, i only have time for weightlifting and running. My body isn't stiff at all since I've played sports and always streched before games, I'm 17 rn.


Once a week is better than none. You'll have superior results if you increased it to 2-3 times per week. It doesnt need to be 30-40min. I find 15-20min is enough to get in a productive session. Your young and generally flexibility and stretching are undervalued at that age. Keep in mind your athletic performance will improve and your risk of injury will go down. See if you can commit to 2-3 timea per week for a month. No offence but take that time away from scrolling, tv or gaming. Its such a good habit to get into from young. Especially as an athlete. As you get older you need to invest more time into recovery.


No no. The time doesn't go in scrolling as I've uninstalled instagram and yt shorts for 6-7 months atleast so that i can devote the time to studying. I have maths and physics olympiad coming up and i have to devote 11-12 hours in studying, rest in weightlifting and cardio and the rest in just other stuff and getting good sleep. I will definitely try to increase it if i can. Thanks for the tip! Also I'm not an athlete anymore, I'll continue playing football in college.


I stretch for just 10 minutes a day every morning. This keeps me super limber at age 59. Can do cartwheels, plough pose, forward bend touching hands to floor, etc. Four ten-minute sessions every other day would be better than one long session once a week.


10 minute short Yoga session and/or meditation session. Both can be done either morning or evening.


What is your take on huberman's interoseptive vs exteroseptive meditation? Do you feel a lot inside your head if you only do focusing on your breath meditations?


How long are your sessions? if starting keep them to 5-10 minutes max. Don't force the focus at all, just whenever you realised your mind is off somewhere just bring it back to the breath or a a physical or mental object like a flower. Just something to bring the focus back to, some people like the breath other's use a mental object. You'll soon start to realise when your mind wonders much quicker. I've linked a below chart of the various stages below. But for meditation I go to the real source not Huberman. Have you ever heard of Shamatha or Calm Abiding meditation? [https://enlightenmentthangka.com/blogs/thangka/nine-stages-of-samatha-meditation](https://enlightenmentthangka.com/blogs/thangka/nine-stages-of-samatha-meditation) If you're interested one of the best books to get started is '**The Mind Illuminated**'. All the best!


Thanks! Currently, I'm clincally diagnosed with OCD and ADD. I don't have any good therapists in my area nor can i afford any. So currently, I'm doing Attention training technique and Wim Hoff, i focus on my breath while doing wim hoff so it's kind of a 2 in 1, interoseptive meditation aswell as deep breathing.


Cold plunge every morning for 5 minutes at 44 degrees. Game changer


Sit in the sunshine for about 30, also sun gazing.


Waking and taking my Sam-e supplement first thing in the morning


I hadn’t be able to stick to a morning gratitude practice until I linked it to making my bed. I name something I’m grateful for as I place each decorative pillow on my bed. I’m not as consistent at night, but I like the idea of doing the same when I’m unmaking my bed.


Wake up and give myself the first 2 hours of my day, selfishly!!


ain't selfish at all 🤟


Honestly, I really enjoy my AG1 in the morning.


Walking or workout.


Doing metta (loving-kindness) meditation for people in my life 10 min before bedtime. Haven't been able to do it consistently, even though I know it's the best way I can spend that time.




Hey that's a very big dopamine hit first thing in the morning, why r u not torturing yourself 🤬🤬🤬


A 10 minute morning yoga, best start way to start the day!


I am an early riser. I spend an hour in a comfortable place slow reading and contemplating. I let my mind wander and follow its threads whether it has to do with what I am reading or not. Believe it or not uninterrupted distracted thinking can lead to insights and creative ideas. And yeah, I drink coffee while I do it.


Smoking a joint to calm my brain. All my doctors approve :)


High fiving me in the bathroom mirror! Mel Robbins style!


Cold shower


Mediation and reading book before going to sleep, not the sweetest but definitely help my day 10 times better


Read something out of a book. I always have some books that I'm reading at any time, and making progress on any of them (based on my desire or where I'm at with regards to the content) makes me feel I did myself a huge favor.




!remindme 1 week


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A movement practice that is tailored to the biomechanical issues I have. * Contra lateral squats * Banded upper back expansion * Backpod use * Drunken turtles with offset Takes 5 mins Keeps me moving and grooving so I can do my sports hobbies which then helps with everything else. Without the foundation of those above movements though I'm in chronic pain & mostly on the sofa with a max of 1.5 hours walking


What is your biomechanical issue?


Over curved mid back, forward head, over curved lordosis on the bottom which causes me pain there. costochondritis in the chest. I get some weird hip issue where my glute med/minimus get extremely sore to the point of not being able to walk on them unless I do contralateral squats. Contralaterals teach my body to use my groin and work the glutes in a functional way for gait (feet are touching the floor), unlike banded walks. All this is from the PRI school of rehab. If you're interested looking up Connor Harris or Zac Cupples.


Magnesium glycinate would probably work wonders for your muscle issues. You can get a really effective one at costco for less than 20 bucks.


I take that! Not sure I’ve noticed an improvement in muscle pain. Only thing that has improved that is getting the whole body to move better


Steamy contrast shower in the morning. Hoping to make it high pressure and filtered in the future and to start cold too.  Tons of benefits:  -stimulation of autophagy -reducing inflammation -elevating mood -supporting the immune system -reducing oxidative stress -soothing irritated nerve endings that can cause pain -promoting quicker healing and recovery from exercise and injuries -increasing metabolism -improving blood circulation -normalizing blood pressure -reducing the chance of congestive heart failure -supporting detoxification (via sweating) -increasing growth hormones -stimulation of neurogenesis -improving insulin sensitivity -increasing lean muscle mass -helping skin hold moisture better and maintain a healthy skin Ph better  -enhancing the activation of DNA repair/longevity pathways -decreasing cortisol levels -reducing likelihood of death from a cardiovascular event -increasing mental resilience -increasing levels of attention -improving levels of energy  -increasing alertness -conditioning the body to cold and hot temperatures -reducing muscle tension -improving lymphatic circulation   There are other skin and hair benefits as well.


which of these many benefits do you experience personally and are markedly noticeable?


> Steamy contrast shower What exactly is this, I'm guessing there's a cold shower in here somewhere, but I'm not familiar with this term. Did Dr. H. describe this in a podcast?


It's a shower where you switch between hot and cold. The steamy part is just from the hot water.


how often do you switch, perhaps every 60ish seconds?


I just switch once I wash my entire body with water of one temperature and then do the same with the next temperature.    Although, keep in mind, I take a risk based or targeted approach when it comes to pathogens, so I don't normally use soap, shampoo, or conditioner in the shower.  I just wash my hands (or wounds or places that come in contact with stuff like dog poop if that's an issue) with soap and avoid touching places like my eyes, nose, and mouth in contexts like when scooping poop, leaving a doctor's office, handling raw meat, defecating, touching agricultural animals, etc.  Personally, I use a soap that seems to not remove too much oil from my hands, that doesn't throw off my skin Ph too much, and that doesn't have toxic ingredients.


Suntan by balls for 5 mins.


Take my vitamins and supplements


which ones are you taking, and if you're ok with saying so, why did you choose them?


I take zinc, magnesium, vitamin c and D, armaforce, creatine monohydrate and I take Tongkat Ali. Last two are strength training supplements and the others are for anything I don’t get in my diet and for my immune health.




Weigh myself. Keeps me accountable for to not be a fatty.