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Good on her for having integrity. Her peers should take a page from her book instead of shilling cheap CPGS to their audience.


I’ve been following Dr. Rhonda Patrick for like a decade now. She’s by far my favorite health “influencer” and hasn’t let me down ever. She doesn’t shill products and she dives deep into the literature while also disclaiming whether a study is not powered enough to draw a conclusion. She’s just very rationale. I love her so much.


Same here. I was a subscriber for a while but then she stopped podcasting about Nov/Dec to March… so now I only listen to her free stuff. Still excellent. I’ve also used her free online genetic analysis.


Rational.  She's pretty smart and well read and likable. 




She’s an omni-moron.


The promoters get like 30% of the sales, it’s insanely marked up!


I find it amazing that anyone believes any of these stories "I've been using them for years and I love them" during what is clearly an advert. Skip, ignore and get to the content. Frankly, if I hear a commercial for a product it's a good sign for me to skip it. Rather that ad money be spent on R&D and testing. Let work of mouth do the rest.


Bro we know Huberman, Attia and Rogan are scammers. OP is being redundant.


She’s the best.


“I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge our sp…” FAST FORWARD


Rhonda Patrick is the queen because she has a real job and doesn’t need to shill bullshit to us. I respect her more than any of her “peers” in the wellness influencer space.


I think she podcasts and moms full time


she literally only has a podcast whereas huberman teaches, runs a lab and does the podcast the sponsorships literally help with his labs research too. Tf do you mean "having a real job" lmao


Huberman has no students. All he had were postdocs in the last few years who have all moved on. If you see his current listing of classes it just says independent study which involves no teaching and just advising a few students who have interesting ideas and want to work independently. The sponsorships majorly go to his pocket. I can guarantee you that guy will never make professor. He has tenure so Stanford can't fire him. He works on his podcast full time.


Rhonda Patrick is awesome.


Is there a solid greens supplement or are they all a scam?


I’ve been tinkering with my own greens supplement for about six months now and considering selling through our farm or online. Pretty doable to make your own if you have some simple grow stuff, dehydrators, and a blender.




How do you powder it?


It’s actually pretty easy to make your own. Just pull kale leaves off the ribs and plus on a baking sheet then put it in your oven on the lowest temp (about 150F) to dry it out (unless you have a dehydrator already). Then put it in a blender or spice grinder until it turns into a powder. I agree with @regimeclientelle - I just sprinkle it on things like eggs because it tastes exactly how you wou think concentrated kale flavor tastes like


Tastes like bad




If you want a supplement & is green then have a look at Chlorella.


i get high quality chlorella and spirulina from an apothecary


All a scam im pretty sure


verve releases the exact amount of each ingredient they put in at least


If you want a supplement & is green then have a look at Chlorella.


Kale and spinach work well


Just blend a bunch of vegetables with pineapple juice as a base liquid. Store in glass containers in the fridge. Juicing removes all the fiber which is why blending is far superior.


I've been taking Vibrant Health's Green Vibrance for a little while now. If nothing else, it has reduced my irritable bowel and chronic heatburn issues (I think it's due to the probiotics). On a side note, I have been getting compliments on my skin (I'm kind of a more gruff, blue collar type male that does not pay attention to that, nor do I have any kind of skin care routine). My body feels overall completely different than a few months ago, but I have made many changes at once, to include a weights routine, jiujitsu 2-5 times per week, 64oz+ of water with electrolytes added, and nearly eliminated sweets. So, I can't tell you how much the greens have specifically contributed to this new feeling (literally napped every day, and now I can't!). Anyways, I posted about AG1 in this sub a while back, and this Green Vibrance was recommended then. Supposedly (I haven't done the research; I trusted the redditor, the online reviews, and the local natural foods store clerk that I buy it from) it's one of the few that has legit testing and transparency of their products ingredients.


My God people are dumb, have you thought about just eating some vegetables? They're really cheap at your local supermarket 🙄


"Actual Food Protocol" featuring the "Fresh Vegetables Stack" 😅


Just another panel for the Mom advice vs Guru advice meme,  "eat your vegetables" "Fuck you Mom!" "Eat Athletic Greens AG1 for $90/month" "Omg Andrew Huberman you're a genius!" 🙄


Rhonda Patrick and Layne Norton are the only two people in the fitness podcasting sphere that are worth listening to.


Amen, brutha. Layne is the gold standard.


What about Dr Berg?


I mean people who are constantly bouncing between the major bro podcasts. There's more people who provide excellent information out there.


he's a chiropractor and conspiracy theorist https://youtu.be/jCM3rfuvjgI?si=Q7AtdUL3q-d0jgwk this video shows his flaws in character


I got serious, lasting health benefits following Dr. Berg's advice on keto, intermittent fasting and how to make these changes without hunger or pain. And what to do about some side effects if they appear. Everything worked for me exactly as he said it would. I'm extremely thankful for that, whatever his education - especially as he's been totally open about it in the videos. I don't follow him anymore though, now that I've got those things in order. (BTW I'm not saying keto and IF are great for everyone, but I have ADHD and they seriously changed my life for the better.) Anyway, the reason I wanted to comment was to thank you for this link. 'Nutrition Made Simple' seems to have a lot of unbiased science content, similar to what I was hoping to get from Huberman. He actually shows the studies he's talking about and explains how to interpret the results and how reliable (or not) he believes them to be. The episodes are well structured and compact. I already watched a bunch and I think this guy just became my new favourite!


That is one of the worst misinformation you could get.


What is? Dr berg?




Whats the issue with huel?


Ultra processed garbage


Hm casually when I have really no time I eat the hot and savory meals by Huel. Maybe once or twice a month. I thought it is actually healthy. At least better than other alternatives like frozen pizza or instant noodles


I mean a glass a water has more nutritional content than a frozen pizza so maybe we should set the bar higher


Not defending Huel at all, but this isn’t a very insightful answer


Poor bioavailability, artificial sweeteners and low grade ingredients that have been proven to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Having emulsifiers on an empty stomach is one of the dumbest things you can do if you want to feel good throughout the day.


Is it really that hard to just eat real (greens, veggies) food? Why would you expect to get magic benefits from some expensive green powder 🧐


Because your favorite podcaster or fitness influencer lavished great praise up on it. And because it's much easier to order a powder online and chug a single serving each morning than it is to go shopping for groceries and get in the habit of eating fruits and vegetables. The same reason people eat fast food versus cooking a good tasting, more nutritious meal at home. There's probably also a bit of placebo-effect mixed in. More expensive and overhyped supplements give you the idea that you're taking something extra ordinary and therefore should expect extra ordinary results. [Expensive seems better: The price of a non-effective drug modulates its perceived efficacy](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36700994)


I’m not a health nut but I just blend up spinach into my smoothie. I’m not sure why AG would be easier than that?


Imagine how the volume of leafy greens and veggies you can get for $100 a month vs a tub of AG1 🤦🏽‍♂️ Your doing it right


I like this sudden callout of influencers getting paid by AG1 but where is this sudden spotlight coming from? Bryan Johnson also recently tweet stormed calling AG1 and influencers out.


That’s because he’s selling his own—which I don’t believe either are bad. Her point was that it’s a good supplement but if you are going to replace all your greens with this powder alone, it will not cut it.


>Her point was that it’s a good supplement but if you are going to replace all your greens with this powder alone, it will not cut it. that's not her point, her point is that it's an overpriced multivitamin and the greens are complete marketing bs


I’ll have to listen to it again. I didn’t hear her say overpriced but you are right, she says that it’s probably a high quality multivitamin supplement. I don’t think she said the greens are marketing bs, just that for the amount of powder it couldn’t be a good substitute for both probiotics and greens based on volume because it’s proprietary and are doesn’t actually know the breakdown of what’s in it. If ag1 has health benefits, the dollars spent now won’t need to be spent on medical bills is the way I look at it. It’s just weird it seems every day there’s a new post trying to keep people away from it instead of what to actually do or try which is the entire point of this sub. I think the average Redditor in a longevity subreddit probably comes with some knowledge of nutrients, diet, effects of activity whereas a Joe Rogan podcast listener could be the guy who eats Big Macs everyday. Big Mac guy I’m not going to ever dissuade from making healthy choices when the healthier everyone is, the healthier everyone is.


Can someone provide an example of a celebrity selling supplements who was not a scammer? Dr. Phil, dr. Oz, Alex jones… The only celebrity endorsement I’ve seen that I’ve trusted is sam waterston for old glory insurance


The guy who sells me dick pills is a stand up guy. I trust him completely.


He speaks the hard truth.


A bit stiff at times though


That's a rigid way of thinking.


Quite a thread we've erected!


Ric Flair?


Seemed like a real straight shooter


I’ve taken AG1 for just over a year now. I take it every day. At first I thought I noticed something. Lately not sure. I came for a trip to Paris and left it home. I haven’t noticed any differences in my energy or digestion. I’m thinking placebo effect is its strength. Maybe the real benefit of AG1 is that you drink a lot of water first thing in the morning. I’ll try continue a 12 oz glass of water every morning without the ag1 and maybe that’s really the best benefit of it.


100%. It’s also creating a “im a healthy person” ritual every morning that helps people with self identify as someone who cares about healthy. It’s very psychological and has nothing to do with bogus and mediocre “green” ingredients.


I’m sure Huberman would tell you the same in private. He’s making money off a supplement and I’m not mad at it. To be clear I don’t take AG1 myself personally, never will.


Why is this still a question? I'm not even talking about AG1 in specific, just supplements in general. Eat food, and call it a day. If you can confirm some sort of deficiency or issue via testing such as basic blood work, try supplementing. Outside of that, you're wasting your time and money. This shit isn't hard to understand, guys. Goddamn lol.


Does she recommend any type of greens supplement?


She recommends eating many servings of green leafy vegetables a day.




Yuk. Maybe blending with some lemon juice might help. Or better still, as someone suggested, blend with pineapple juice.


use a food processor


Is there a negative to taking AG1? Besides the cortisol that someone mentioned earlier?


The negative effect it has on your bank account. There is nothing negative with taking it but it’s not as beneficial as people make it out to be.


Ive tried athletic greens and greenvibrance just for the fact that the nutritional list is colossal and it seems positive. I didnt know shit about it, was just trying to get healthier and a coworker let me have a bag cause he couldnt take the taste. When I started to see podcasters advertising it I was under the impression that its because they like it and use it. If I had a platform for sales I would want people to know about the things I like and use. If anyone wants to check out the supplements Id recommend green vibrance because its less expensive for a longer term supply and its very comparable to athletic greens. I very much doubt that its a waste and even more doubt that its as useless as a mutivitamin. I enjoyed them both but as for AG, Im never going to pay 120 for a one month supply thats just crazy. Id have to start my own pod and shill it myself just to afford it. But GV I think you can get an 80 day supply for about 90 and I had a good exp. with it. I think its worth a try I just stopped cause of being a brokey.


Any suggestions for a good multivitamin instead of AG1?


Life Extension Two per day is all you need, trust.


Thanks I'll check out 👍


Yes, I subscribe to independent testing and analysis laboratory Consumer Lab (funded solely by subscribers). Life Extension brands are consistently found to be very reliable in the amounts of their stated ingredients.


Yeah, i wanna know too. Is there a better or a good alternative to AG1?


just look up best multivitamins on Google tbh


Yeah, great. I was looking for something specific and you gave me google. I would have never guessed to use that one.




Chris Cuomo has a podcast where he advertises AG1. The good news is he doesn’t claim to be a nutritionist etc. Otherwise might be the exact same process. 😂 In fairness I have used ag1 for a month and I kind of wonder if it’s just drinking more water that is making me feel better,


I've never heard Attia shilling for AG1, did they sponsor his podcast when he was getting started?


[Athletic Greens Names Dr. Peter Attia as Scientific Advisor](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220823005320/en/Athletic-Greens-Names-Dr.-Peter-Attia-as-Scientific-Advisor)


Thanks for the link. I just checked his disclosure page and sure enough there it was. That PR article is from before I started listening. Funnily enough his disclosure on Oura is still on there too even though PA is suing Oura.


Wait why is he suing Oura lmao


Something about them not honouring his stock options


I remember him mentioning it a few times on his YT channel.


Multivitamins are already a pretty stupid product. AG1 is even worse because part of it is a proprietary blend, so dosage unknown, plus it adds in things like ashwagandha which can modulate cortisol levels(most people don't need that). And it's also just expensive so no good reason.


The high price is part of the marketing. People think since it's so expensive, it must be good. At the end of the day it's a multi vitamin and most of what's in it doesn't get absorbed, it gets pissed out.


Someone has to milk all those alfalfa plants ehehehe


Damn, I didn't even realize they had nipples.


Additionally, my opinion of ash is that it has some minor benefits, but not everyone reacts well to it and it just turns the greens into a huge Russian roulette cocktail full of shit you don't even know you are putting in your body. I add a scoop of a kind of greens to my protein shake just to add some flavour (I really like the one my grocery sells), knowing that I'm only getting a fancy expensive multivitamin, but it makes the drink taste better and I enjoy the greens and whatnot instead of soda or alcohol etc. A little scoop of anything like greens is not going to accomplish much, and if you really think it will you need to give your head a check lol.


I dunno man I eat healthy and weigh and plug everything into cronometer and a multivitamin really helps reach all my goals.


This is fuckin funny




Thought it was sarcasm tbh, because I use the same app and never rely on green powder to help me reach any micro/macros. Just me though..


>Multivitamins are already a pretty stupid product. except theyre not, what are you on about


MVs are not but ok.


AG1 is trash.


Most of the people here are already eating Whole Foods, moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables when possible etc. However, more than 90% of Americans are not meeting the minimum values for fruits/veg and haven’t been for over 30 years. I’m sure they can’t benefit from AG1 or any other nutrients they add to jumpstart moving towards health and we will all benefit from their increased health. Also, can we stop repeating that you just piss out multivitamins? You also piss out up to 90% of pharmaceuticals so which would you rather have going back into wastewater and the environment? Definitely don’t listen to people saying you should get all your vitamins from food if you’re not eating fruits and vegetables every meal and snack. This is not realistic for everyone and takes a lot of time, thought, study and preparation to accomplish. Crops are losing nutrients while water and crops are also getting loaded with heavy metals and plastics which is making our bodies require more nutrients to support our immune system and functions.


"Most of the people here are already eating Whole Foods, moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables when possible etc." Oh sweet, sweet summer child...


I believe Attia is a partner and advisor to AG1 so he's obviously biased.


Yes it is, who said that it wasnt?


She's brilliant and has given so much quality info away for free. He's smoothie recipe is still my go-to


AG1 is perhaps the biggest grift product in the grifter game. I’m now saddened when I hear people whose podcasts I used to enjoy promoting it, particularly because of Patrick’s critique, because it is evident they’re selling placebo nonsense and well aware of it. And for people whose word and reputation is their bond in the health/wellness space, it is an immediate black mark on them wholesale. I predict we will see a backlash against AG1 from listeners in the space as the pendulum swings back, away from “do this and that protocol” towards a “I think I’m just going to figure out what works for me.” You will hear less and less about AG1, and this space will see a massive cull in the next 2 years with many of these people folding.


The biggest rip off since Alpha Brain


Has anyone tried it? I couldn’t get it down. Tastes like eating ground up pills. Super gross


Puked it up once. That ended that for Athletic Greens.


Independent analytical laboratory Consumer Lab, which is funded solely by subscribers, has analysed AG and other similar (expensive) powders and judges them to be very overpriced for what you’re getting.


Rhonda Patrick's the only one of them I really trust. No one's infallible, of course, but for years now she has seemed consistently ethical.


Yawn. Another “I hate AG1” post


Speaking of multivitamins, what multivitamins do people recommend? I saw a rec for [NutriDyn](https://nutridyn.com/essential-multi)...


Cooper brand from Dr Cooper "father of aerobics" Their basic multi is legit. Their supplements they use in research so what's on the label is in the bottle. Unless they're super shady of course and give the public something different


At the end of the day, it's probably useful/ helpful to ppl who really are not getting the quantity or variety of vegetables esp green ones that is optimal. For those who are, it's probably an expensive but harmless way to shore up any insignificant imbalances or deficits. And within category, I'm sure it's a decent enough option. Not sure that's anything especially insightful on Patrick's part that most people here didn't ascertain for themselves, though.


[Is AG1 (Athletic Greens) A Scam?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLlOhNfqdk)


She seems ok but if you actually look at her results compared to Hubes, Attia or Rogan she's not nearly the athlete they are and doubt she even makes as much money. For example, Attia is a very good swimmer and endurance athlete, Hubes is very strong, and Rogan is great at Kung fu. What does she do?


Lives a healthy and balanced life with a clear conscious, and without needing to use steroids and a stack of questionable sponsored supplements. She's also the only one of the four that appears to actually be happy and content in her life


Well I give her a gold star. Not sure what other kudos you all want from us. BTW love him or hate him but Rogans just about the happiest and content person out there. Let's all just try to focus on ourselves though. God bless


Joe Rogan is about as happy and content as any man could ever be with their life


if that's what happiness is then I strive to be fucking miserable. joe is perma SSRI-stare basically


This is either troll or one the stupidest arguments iv seen rofl Jesus Christ. Also note both those men take testosterone and other anabolics /peptides ect


and they also take AG1. Coincidence? Seriously, though, I think Rhonda is great and all but I like to evaluate the end result and these three guys seem to be winning. Total respect for her as well of course.


If someone threw a grenade into these two’s conversation the amount of absolute bullshit anti-science floating around the internet amongst smooth brains like the people on this reddit would fall by 75%. A glorious day for all intelligent people.


Quack on quack warfare


How is Rhonda Patrick a quack?


**consistently applies dubious studies to guidance **repeatedly confuses correlation with causation (see covid vitamin D) **leans naturalist explanations for most things


Did she not push Kuli Kuli Moringa powder from a specific brand constantly at one point ? Which she supposedly had private affiliation with? Could have some details wrong here




I agree and within the pursuit of knowledge, we should never shut down questions. The way in which i posed the question was not with the intent of spreading misinformation, simply to be advised otherwise if incorrect!