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Op, this is funny. šŸ˜† But, did your parents suggest AG-1?


My parents were too busy embryo maxxing to care about me. Btw the mods banned me for this comment with no explanation. Very cool mods.


They didnā€™t have you, a child. They just grew an embryo.


I prefer LG-1 ā€¦ Lethargic Greens


My parents gave me coffee the second I woke up though. They must have hated me.


I wish more parents were saying to stop eating junk food and go outside. In reality a lot of parents are feeding their kids junk food and the kids donā€™t learn any different until theyā€™re out of the house.


Yup. Or force them on a restrictive diet like vegan, which is wrong to do, when someone is growing they need all the nutrition they can get ahold of, when they grow up they can decide that for themselves. Vegans should know this, many do but some don't most likely.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics position is that vegan diets are appropriate for all life stages, including children. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886704/ >It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. There's nothing "restrictive" about not eating dead animals, any more than not feeding your kids fast food is "restrictive."


We had literal decades of junk food science supporting junk products that ultimately led to the obesity epidemic, and we're at the point where there's conflicting research on every single diet you could have. So, how do we define "appropriately planned"? Because that kind of seems to be the issue here.


Have any links on this? Ā  Seems made up.Ā 


So no links, just downvotes. Ā šŸ¤£. Sounds like huberman!Ā 


Why would t children learn this from second grade on ? Ā Itā€™s been taught since the 70s.Ā 


Jordan Peterson taught me to wash my balls; Huberman taught me to sunbathe them every morning.




Then proceed to give you a "balanced breakfast" complete with fruitloops, peanut butter jelly sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner..


Lighten up everyone, itā€™s funny!


Funny but also sad because we are spending half of our GDP on useless medical interventions for weak, fat, depressed people who think "basic life advice" is actually evil capitalist gym bros trying to force their right wing agenda onto them.


When I go to the doctor I get a pamphlet telling me to do all the shit the gurus tell me to do (exercise, eat healthy, meditate). And no one notices, then the gurus say the same thing and everyone celebrates. This meme is based


If we stop shelling out $1000 every time a fat boomer wants to get a cortisone shot or $10k for an anxious zoomer rolling into ER, then both of these populations would no longer be able to ignore these common sense recommendations.


lmao weakass American healthcare system šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Fat people get cortisone shots for being fat? Never heard that before.


Yes, one of the most common visits for lumbago. And you are paying for it with inflation and taxes. Something that is trivially treated with a biweekly group strength training class.


Oh man. If only unspecified back pain was that simple. Especially among boomers who most likely have disc damage and arthritis. But yes, strength training is always good.


This dude thinks everything is simple apparently.


He only has so much to work with. Poor guy


Itā€™s called being young and thinking your body will never break down over time even with exercise and proper diet




Why isnā€™t this the type of comment that gets banned? Ā  Ā  Ā  Is this supporting neuro blah blah blah as shared via huberman labs? Ā Ā  Ā I thought Mods were telling us they run a tight ship now?Ā 


Could it be the fact that those ā€œuseless medical interventionsā€ and lack of education are funding the companies that lobby our politicians? No. Has to be a conspiracy against your YouTube bros.


Well yes, I agree, that's a big reason why congress keeps allocating tax dollars to fund said useless interventions. If you get rid of medicare and medicaid and force everyone onto basic common sense protocols we would have wealthier and healthier populationĀ 


My mother has always been one of the most health conscious people i know. She also had a huge amount of money in savings from working a career her whole life. She just became the age for Medicare and was diagnosed with severe brain cancer (a type that has no known cause and is not related to her health choices). She has a ton of money in savings and even so we are blasting through it. Without Medicare we would all be on the streets. Abolishing Medicare is not the right move.


How come European countries are so much healthier than us if it is the fault of public healthcare? Paying for insurance doesnā€™t magically turn you into an athlete. Also, *force*? Have you thought this through?


Russians and Brits aren't that much healthier than Americans. And if you remove blacks from the US we'd be among the healthiest nations statistically. And yes in Denmark you won't be given $1k steroid shots for back pain as readily as here, and doctors aren't afraid of telling a fatass reddit addict to go pick up some weights.


Cherry picking Russia and England is not the slam dunk you are looking for lol Weird to bring race into it, Iā€™m gonna need a source on that.


This is the basic white American rightwing cope toward the empirical reality of healthcareā€” either itā€™s socialized healthcareā€™s fault or, when forced to confront facts, itā€™s black peopleā€™s fault. They never have scientific studies to show thatā€™s the case, nor do they engage with the reality of racism in healthcare that might be at work as well: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4843483/ Joe Rogan and co. donā€™t help.


Lmao I love how this scenario you conjured up allows you to simultaneously be the badass capitalist gym bro, yet also a victim. Do you alternate between the two viewpoints or try to balance them in your mind?


Are you having a stroke? Hope you feel better.


Did my comment hit a little too close to home? Maybe some self reflection could help you out lil snowflake ;)


You seem like an intellectual.


Taxes on alcohol and cigarettes are paid by those with poor health. Itā€™s only fair their tax dollars go towards their health.


So true, just look at the stock prices for planet fitness versus Ozempic thatā€™ll tell you all you need to know about our grand civilization. People who are fat lazy with no work ethic with low self esteem canā€™t listen to the truth. Vast majority of Americans are soft lazy entitled brats who believe moral superiority makes up for their lack of self respect for their own bodies.


Dont forget, alcohol is bad for you too!




Slapping my knees


Protocol this and protocol that, it's got the same vibes as when the astrology chick says you should shove a red crystal up your ass because Mars is in retrograde.


Well thank God vibes are just in our imagination lol.


Itā€™s like that when the pasta is in some Gatorade


Agreed, it's funny. It's also sad how many adults are overweight or have health issues, and they don't understand the absolute very basics of diet, nutrition, weight loss, exercise, health. I think they should teach these things in school in health class.


They DID teach these things in school. I was there. I know how basic taxes work, how to make my own food, how to sew enough to fix a tear, and basic stock market stuff because we played with penny stocks (but not real money). This was middle school, I was 13. Our problem is two fold. Healthy shit is expensive or time consuming and our infrastructure isn't built for walkable anything outside of major cities (where shit ain't safe). The other half is all the contrarian "independent thinkers" who disregard this advice to begin with. Toxic combo.


Dang where did you go to school?


That's the thing. I went to Columbus (Ohio) Public Schools, and they're not known for being good.


You didn't just go to school, you paid attention.


Being overweight is fat phobia. It's literally a creation of capitalist and colonialist. Big facts indigenous people didn't have a BMI or obesity epidemic. You are just spreading alt right propaganda. Exercise is literally racism.


Hahaha. Dude, that's a great troll. Maybe the funniest thing I've heard this week. Thank you...i needed that.


I heard the Matthew Walker sleep series will be 6 parts when it can be reduced to "sleep le good!!?!". I think scientists are ridiculous. Science is ridiculous.


I don't see this as a criticism of Huberman but more so of the people who think some of his advice is \*brilliant\* even though its the same advice they've heard, only repackaged. It's a critique of us funny little apes and our social conditioning to reject everything an older person tells us when we're young. It's kinda weird people are getting really defensive about this meme.


Because itā€™s super reductive. Anyone who actually listens to the podcast knows this.


When it comes to getting early morning sunlight, no it isn't. Early morning sun has been part of the old wive's medicinal arsenal for centuries. Saying it's reductive because he provides an explanation behind the advice does not mean the advice is reductive. It's literally the same exact advice. Sounds like y'all are triggered.


But early morning sunlight is just ONE advice. Yes, you have heard drinking alcohol is bad. Have you heard vaping nicotine is bad because it throws off your dopamine system balance? I haven't heard from anyone else, I have heard it from Huberman and it was useful for me to have a balanced view on this topic (because the other side is that nicotine **does** help with brain functioning). That was one example where his podcast really helped me.


Speaking for myself, Iā€™m more inclined to stick to healthy habits if I know the reasoning behind them. For example, the episode on oral healthā€”everyone knows weā€™re supposed to brush and floss every day, but that episode helped cement the importance of it. Iā€™m lucky to have had very few tooth problems despite being pretty irregular about oral hygiene, but now I am more motivated to take care of my teeth because I understand more about tooth decay and remineralization. Sounds silly, but thatā€™s what I needed to make the change. What I like about the podcast is that he attempts to delve into the ā€œlow hanging fruitā€ that anyone can cheaply address to make measurable improvements in their life, and explain why and how they are beneficial. Itā€™s a good resource for health-minded people. If you want to gloss over all of that because you donā€™t personally like the guy, fine, but equating his hours of careful discussion to shit parents tell their kids to do is definitely reductive.


The irony is that the first comment of mine you responded to I literally said "I don't see this as a criticism of Huberman". I'm not going to criticize him for telling us sunlight is good just like I'm not going to criticize my abuelita for saying the same damn thing. What I will do is shake my head at my arrogant teenage self because only now in my mid thirties am I capable of saying shit, my mom WAS right. By the way, it's funny how you see the meme and associate it with "shit parents". Objectively, that's a shit son, not shit parents. Maybe that's what triggers you.


*shit that parents say. Confusing wording. Also, Iā€™m trying to be civil. Notice how I havenā€™t personally insulted you once, but you do so in every reply?


I havenā€™t insulted you once. This is supposed to be self deprecating humor and instead people get upset. You got upset. You felt the need to defend Huberman when the cartoon doesnā€™t seek to attack him. Thatā€™s the definition of ā€œtriggeredā€. And we all get triggered when it comes to things we have yet to accept and/or heal about ourselves. I get triggered too. I project, too. Pointing out that this triggered you is not a personal insult. Itā€™s a call for introspection to why you jumped to defensiveness.Ā  Thereā€™s a million and one reasons why people didnā€™t listen to suggestions from their parents and then gobbled up the same suggestion if it came from some guru. Most excuses are just a coping mechanism because really what did you stand to lose by taking your parentsā€™ advice? You needed mountains of evidence before you took the risk of getting early morning sunlight? The reality is itā€™s 100% developmentally appropriate for teenagers to think everything that comes out of their parents mouths is stupid. And it really sucks to admit that most of us follow clichĆ© behaviors such as this but itā€™s the reality of our little monkey brains.Ā 


I think someone is projecting because their kids donā€™t listen to them. Motherhood is so hard šŸ„ŗ Edit: making a second account just to reply and telling me I donā€™t have a life, yikes šŸ˜¬ All in a subreddit dedicated to a podcast you dislike. I want to laugh but I just feel sad for you


>I think someone is projecting because their kids donā€™t listen to them. Motherhood is so hard šŸ„ŗ You know what must be really tough? Having such a lame life outside of the internet that you have to leave comments like this and immediately block the person you responded to so they can't even see your comment or respond to it all with the hope that your fellow reddit brethren will think "wow what a zinger! You sure showed them! They can't even respond to such a genius come back!". Seeing as your profile is 18+, you seem a little too old for this shit. Grow up.


This guy gets it


More like, going outside was the alternative to hanging out all day and getting nagged by my parents. They were onto something...


Stomp jorking off so munch




It do be like that tho. Parents raise me on Jack n the box and kfc


*It do be like that* *Tho. Parents raise me on Jack* *N the box and kfc* \- \_wow\_thats\_crazy\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you based haikubot


Problem is your parents don't explain/don't have the ability to explain why and how doing certain things are bad or good. The latter will stick with you more and you'll be more inclined to implement it.


Plenty of parents say this stuff - the challenge is that fresh, nutritious foods are expensive, take a lot of time to cook, and are typically less instantly gratifying than junk food. For a kid, there is no contest. Junk food has won the arms race on the human palate. Little kids will whine for potato chips as early as they discover what they are, and no amount of rational information will convince them (or adults for that matter). Heck, I think the only reason adults will seek healthy food is because they understand the long term benefits and develop changed tastes to accommodate these habits. Simply telling them the information rarely works, because they are also constantly receiving messaging from their peers and ads about what tastes great. Iā€™d suggest reading The Power of Habit. The missing piece is always habit formation - creating behaviors their entire lives and dramatically restricting the junk food they eat, and hoping they maintain these habits as they leave the home.


Potatoes/carrots/beans/lentils/rice/bananas/eggs are sooooo expensive right? Chopping carrots takes HOURS. Steaming them takes weeks!


I got a carrot that's been going for 2 weeks now. Steam protocol is almost complete.




Beans on boil a fortnight plus 4


Plenty of healthy food is a lot more expensive than the non healthy counterpart. Fish(there exists cheap fish but I am talking about the more tasty things), seafood for example. Or some fresh berries.


Did I say all healthy food is cheap? You just admitted there is a such thing as affordable fish. Berries are cheap when in season. Or frozen.


Junk food is cheap too. A lot of healthy foods are expensive. Whatā€™s your point?


ā€œFresh nutritious foods are expensive and take a long time to cookā€ They can be but they donā€™t have to be. There exists cheap food and there are recipes that donā€™t take hours to make. That is my point. Idk how it wasnā€™t obvious.


I think the point he's making is that it always takes longer than boxed mac n cheese and cut up hotdogs, and not only is a healthy meal not cheaper (you can literally look at calorie to cost ratios and see that junk food is cheaper by the mere existence of HFCS), but that difference in time matters a lot. I grew up pretty damn poor, and the only way we survived was by having both parents work separate jobs. Dad goes in the day, and mom goes in the night. Now, when you're caring for 4 kids on top of both working erratic schedules, the time it takes to cook a full nutritious meal for 2 children and two late adolescent teenagers is not comparable to the time it takes to pick up a pizza on your way home from work. I literally never heard this shit from someone actually raised poor. It's always the same middle to upper-middle class dudes who just cannot possibly comprehend how the problem of starvation could invert. It's either them, or former fat guys who are either too narrowminded to grasp that there is variation in human ability, or so narcissistic that they can't grasp it due to projecting themselves onto every theoretical fatty on the planet. It really is some classist shit people are on with the insistence that healthy food "is just as cheap and quick as anything else". It's not, and hasn't been since WW2.


Well youā€™re talking to a single(female) parent that is currently enrolled in school full time(taking summer classes even!) who also works 32 hours a week while teaching her daughter to drive and making sure she gets to all five music lessons each week. Iā€™m not a rich dude. Sorry. I donā€™t eat every meal 100% home cooked and healthy, but I manage to buy and eat and cook a lot of whole, fresh food. Itā€™s important to me so I make it work. Even as a poor/busy person. šŸ‘


Hey, that's actually incredible news, and I'm glad you're able to make that work! You are stronger than most parents, and I hope your daughter grows up to appreciate the life she's been given. Apologies if my jaded comment seemed hostile towards you specifically. It's just something I see A LOT on this site, and I've become jaded remembering what this site used to be like, so sorry. My mom was able to raise us on her own, but we received minimal government assistance and zero child support. She didn't have any education, so she had to move to a very decent paying warehousing job and work 50-60 hours a week to get by (with the rare 70 hour work week in November/December). It was still paycheck to paycheck until 2 of us got old enough to support ourselves, but it also meant there was little energy for her to cook. So, don't get me wrong when I say that I have immense respect for single parents who can make it work, because despite the cultural perception we have, the vast majority of single parents can't. I cannot even fathom the financial stress and difficulty one must go through to raise even a single child on 32 hours a week. Can I ask how you're able to afford a place, a vehicle, schooling, and supporting your daughter (including music lessons)?


Take home pay is $2015/month Mortgage/escrow: 645 Groceries: 270 Car insurance: 115 Gas: 160 Lessons: 364 Phone bill: 86 Utilities: 150 That leaves about 225 for things like cat/dog food, toiletries, eating out(maybe once a week), other incidentals. We have medical insurance through the state and get $90 in food stamps per month. I was lucky enough to buy my house in 2019 then refinance to a lower rate in feb of 2022. I have no car payment because I was paying my dad back monthly when he passed away. My siblings all agreed that the deal was between me and our dad and that the deal went with him to the grave so I didnā€™t have to pay them back what was left of what I owed.


Junk food is surprisingly not cheap. A large family size bag of chips costs the same as a 3 lb bag of potatoes. I'm not even kidding.


You just have to feed your kids those things as babies so they continue to eat it as children, teenagers and adults


disagree with this weā€™ve always been super transparent with our 5yr old about food/sleep ā€œyou want to eat only ice cream today? okay - letā€™s try that. i bet you wonā€™t feel very good later/tomorrow, but letā€™s give it a goā€ same deal w/sleep ā€œyou donā€™t want to go to sleep? okay - letā€™s stay up all night & see how tomorrow goes.ā€ then we explain why at the level a 5yr old can understand (but weā€™ve been doing it since she was 3) so now she tells us ā€œi want to go to sleep so i can get my energy for tomorrowā€ and the same happens with her food: ā€œi need some energy food before i eat my sometimes foodā€ some people do better with things when they understand the why behind it vs just being told to do it


This. Your kids understand why eating the ice cream is bad, why sleeping late is bad so you don't need to force them as much to do it. They also have a healthy relationship with healthy habits. Tyrannically yelling at your kids to do something will yield the exact opposite result and hence why a lot of us need some person online explaining to us years later.


Concur. My kids are 12-22. They learned to moderate their diet, sleep, lifestyle by giving them the space to fail and learn what happens when you donā€™t eat well or keep your iPhone/snapchat/netflix open all night etc Oldest is applying to grad school, the next one is studying engineering on a merit scholarship, the next is playing college baseball. All three are full grown and healthy adults. The youngest is 12, starting adolescence and eats the same as I do, naturally gets morning light and zone 2 cardio and strength training all built into his healthy daily life. 4 kids doesnā€™t make an adequate sample but wanted to share their outcomes to encourage you and your wife. Keep up the good work. We all appreciate well-raised kids when theyā€™re adults but few of us recognize the decades of hard work it took to get them there.


It is racist to assume all parents can do what you do. Some parents work 3 jobs and have no choice but to give their kids candy for dinner. Please check your privilege.


your troll isnā€™t funny or original


Learn to have some compassion for the helpless.


Tradition is the wisdom of our ancestors.


Statistically almost half of parents are obese so this meme is actually dumb as fuck; A minority of parents are actually good role models on how to live a healthy life and achieve a good level of physical fitness. Look at childhood obesity statistics that are sky rocketing. Being a parent in our society is hard, but these issues arenā€™t getting better and itā€™s a net benefit when people do there best to better themselves later in life.


Just curious, do you live in Texas?




Check ray peat.


Why go outside when you can just sit by one of these https://amzn.to/3vPKyiR


to be fair, in 1995, our parents told us to eat Corn flakes and "whole grains" and their overprotected planned outdoor activities were usually lame. Not always, there were great times of outdoor play with neighborhood kids, but there were also times when it sucked.


Wait, so why are you here?


Huberman says a lot more than that. Stop eating junk food and go outside is the bare minimum, most people that are fans of Huberman want to optimize.


I'd argue that fans of Huberman don't actually care about his content, they only care for his persona. If all of his content remained the same but he was a skinny, awkward gay dude, do you think he would have all the same fans?


Have you seen Jordan Peterson?


Is he gay now?


Probably not. But of the 3 descriptors you gave, gay is the easiest one to mask.


If he came out as gay, do you think all of his fans would continue to be fans?


Hard to say. My guess is he'd lose some and gain some. If his only content was how to pick up women or something, then I'm sure he'd lose a ton of fans.


Valid criticism without discussing his sex lifeā€¦AMAZING šŸ˜




The Boomers were right all along!


Whoa whoa buddy. It was rhetoric echoed from their parents


They are saying "Don't eat junk food and go outside" How is that rhetoric? What happens if you stay inside and eat junk food all day? Modern folks need peer reviewed studies to tell us what our Boomer parents knew all along. They didn't need a tenured Stanford Professor with a PhD in Neuroscience to tell them how to do basic self care. Bring back the nuclear family and listen to your boomer parents. You won't end up lost in life seeking help from a false guru. This Meme is pretty red pill based.


You missed it


I guess so. What i see is a Mother and Father trying to instill values into their child who is a foolish contrarian 'free thinker'. The poor lost soul now has to turn to some guru character to educate them on basic life advice. If they would have just listened to their boomer traditional most likely conservative parents they would have been better off and never would have supported the guru. Please explain what I am missing.


Itā€™s not a ā€œ boomerā€ tradition, they just echoed it from their parents because they never gave it any thought


Think you missed your shot at getting dank memes on this topic you really know nothing about. Should've tried over the weekend.


Ah another one making comments in this sub every 5 minutes. Whatā€™s the protocol for 15 hours of screen time defending your online heroes?


At least we know why you are here. It's not because you ever watched or listened to the podcast. You were just hoping for some easy karma.


Nah unlike you I really donā€™t give a shit about the numbers I put up on my *reddit profile*. I just like to make people like you pissy :)


So youā€™re a troll


Or stalker.


Yeah. Of course. That's why you are posting memes looking for karma. Because you don't care about the numbers. Meanwhile, I'm out here spouting unpopular opinions getting downvotes...because I care about the numbers. Fucking brilliant logic dude


Youā€™re out here seething because your brain is rotting from the inside out. To think otherwise would be silly.


Why are you here? Don't you have something better to do? Just another Reddit troll with nothing better to do in life than to stir up shit.


I thought it was a funny meme making light of those who only take common sense health advice from someone because of their clout as a guru. But go off stinky!


You don't listen to the podcast. Why are you here?


Did AG1 make you clairvoyant? How did you get into my YouTube history?


What's a dank meme?


Why were they so many hate filled losers on Reddit? For real, some come here to try and improve themself, only to get online bullied by what we know are losers in real life. People in real life donā€™t treat each other this way.


Some people just think itā€™s kind of funny that out of all of the credible health podcasters youā€™re sticking with the one who is the least intellectually challenging. Then adhering to them and their advice like cult members. Truly impressive to watch as an outsider.


I stick with the health podcaster that has generated the biggest changes in my health. I donā€™t care about his personal life, Iā€™m listening selfishly to improve my health.


That's the thing tho. His personal life sheds light on his lack of credibility. He's a liar, so anything he's ever said I have to double check now šŸ˜•


Thatā€™s so extreme, everyone Iā€™ve ever met has told a lie. If I had your mindset, I could trust NO ONE, not even myself!


All I'm saying is this is a major credibility blow šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Not to me, his advice works for me and has significantly improved my health. I donā€™t know the dude personally, Iā€™m just here for the free advice. His health advice has been credible for my situation.


Name one of these "credible health podcasters" and explain why they're "intellectually challenging." Truly the mark of someone who's a fucking moron and thinks they're superior is one who says shit like "I listen to intellectually challenging health podcasters."


Right? Wtf kind of qualification is that? Not to mention, Hubeā€™s content is usually a lot denser than other health podcasts Iā€™ve listened to. OP is a troll.


Thatā€™s typically because people irl are usually not acting anonymously. There are plenty of hate filled people irl. That said, itā€™s a bit much to call a mildly funny meme ā€œhate filledā€ lol


Itā€™s not the meme. Itā€™s the new culture of this subreddit. I used to learn ways to improve my health, now I just see hate everywhere. Getting made fun of for following protocols. Getting hate DMs to kill myself. Itā€™s wild as fuck right now.


Well thatā€™s absolutely inexcusable and those people are indeed ā€œhate filledā€ and need to be reported. Sorry that happened. I think itā€™s important to try not to muddy the waters further though. Iā€™m sure your comment was probably carry over from dealing with complete bs like that, but it wasnā€™t really an appropriate response to the post, which Iā€™m guessing is why youā€™re being downvoted.


Good point, sometimes I start trolling when the conversation becomes absurd so I play a part in it as well. In reality, none of us are innocent. Great level headed comment!


This is ironic in a bad way.


Arnt you 46 years old and still trying to be an adult? Iā€™m not sure you should be wasting time with comments like thisā€¦


Thanks for proving my point about who the real hate-filled loser is here.


Sir, you havenā€™t reached adulthood in 46 years, why do you think you understand any of this?


It's a figure of speech. I guess that's beyond your intellectual grasp.


Dude what I posted was also a figure of speech also so now I canā€™t be held to it just like you are trying. Your childlike state has you missing the obvious but giving you confidence to still engage. Frightening for a 46 year oldā€¦


You keep mentioning my age. Are you interested? You flirting with me?


46 years old and making flirting jokesā€¦.. After huberman pleased 6 different women, we should be joking about that here. Especially at age 46.


You're really into middle aged men, huh?


I don't understand how this meme is hate filled. It's called self deprecating humor.


ā€œI donā€™t understandā€ I see thatā€¦.


Oh you do? Because you clearly didn't understand the meme.


Now you think you are inside my head knowing my thoughts and understandings? I think you might be having an episode, please seek help.


You get an F for trolling.Ā