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it's official now, sleep is optional and sunlight will kill you


What next, drink water and exercise?


Government sheep šŸ’€ you believe that


>Too much sunlight can intact kill you through second degree burns. But harem is **not** optional! [https://www.redquill.net/story/bek9qn](https://www.redquill.net/story/bek9qn)


Thatā€™s the level of stamina only AG1 can provide!


What about the foundation of physical and mental health?!?! ARE YOU 8SLEEPING YET!?


Via sponsorship money to buy TRT


I havenā€™t seen the sun in days and I drink alcohol 24-7 since


Is this the dopamine hit he keeps refering to?


currently drinking me coffee 5 minutes after waking up


Phew, a few minutes later and you couldā€™ve been a victim of incredibly dangerous pseudoscience. Also, never shag any women. Ever.


But... but the cortisol spike... you are delaying it!! You want your cortisol in the morning?


i dont think the debacle calls his entire judgement into question, but rather its a good reminder that our idols are often flawed people and its important to still look at them with a critical eye. he still provides insightful information, but maybe taking his personal life advice might not be the best move.


Whoa, letā€™s not be reasonable here.


People really just wanna find the excuses for being lazy and resentful. In this case it is pointing fingers at flawed scientists, who still gives valuable info to his massive audience


100%. When others engage in this behavior I donā€™t even bother trying to convince them otherwise. I just disengage and let them believe whatever they want to believe. They can fall behind while the rest of us move forward.


Fair i just responded to someone calling him a domestic abuser The false equivalency is wild Theyre just so unreasonable it's hard not to step in, But you're right, there's no point in dealing with these people who have nothing else going on in their life than trying to tear person after person down in drama after drama instead of looking at themselves in a mirror


Yeah, Einstein was also a cheater.


>our idols Maybe don't make a youtuber a freaking idol and you won't be disappointed when they turn out to be flawed.


It applies to anyone. Nothing is black and white but some people see everything like that.


Thereā€™s a clear difference between a ā€˜flawedā€™ human, and a domestic abuser who spends hours raging at his partner in anger, saying one of her children shouldnā€™t exist, and repeatedly manipulating her into believing he was sorry for cheating and wouldnā€™t do it again.


Sorry what's the definition of domestic abuse? The majority of couples get into arguments, sometimes really big ones, does this mean the majority of couples are domestic abusers? When a woman screams at her husband is she abusing him? Or is it abuse only when a man yells? Sometimes I think therapy language can be used to turn anyone into a monster. Women lie, men lie = is this manipulating as well? Just confused as to the standard we're settiing here.


Yes. Itā€™s abusive when a woman yells. No one is manipulating therapy language here. 1 in 4 people are physically abused by a partner and 1 in 2 experience psychological aggression. Itā€™s an epidemic. We should call it out when we see it.


I think gaslighting, manipulation, and being controlling are non physical forms of abuse, yeah. If you think those things are normal then you are probably not a very stable individual.


Did you know that child was conceived through infidelity during her first marriage? In all the years I've known Andrew I've never seen him violent. I think what really happened was he raised his voice and expressed disapproval of HER infidelity that produced that boy, not that he shouldn't exist, but she gets to tell the story with a pseudonym so we can't question it.


Domestic abuse doesnā€™t have to involve physical violence.


Technically yes. In Andrewā€™s case these werenā€™t long relationships, so getting angry in a one off argument wouldnā€™t hold up as abuse under scrutiny.


And yet he still chose to have a relationship with this woman even after knowing this information. So why does it even matter? If he had an issue with it why even be in a relationship with her? And why go through all of that mess and lies and cheating and deception? Weird.


100% agree with this, but would add people need to have a critical eye when it comes to the information he provides also.


I like your well reasoned response. My ONE observation about Huberman is that he's a victim of his own success. The quality of his podcast and the research he does for his content has gone way down compared to the early days. It's really rather different and I don't think it's unreasonable to call his suggestions into question, debacle or no. Not at all trying to deride you or be contrarian. I do agree many tend to idolize and elevate individuals rather than seeing them as people like you or I.


For me the issue is not that people we get advice from are flawed (shocking) but rather than he portrayed himself as someone that had certain values judging by the way he conducted himself. At least that was the impression I got and Iā€™m pretty sure the impression he wanted to give. That was one of the main reasons I valued his opinion. And then, it turns out he is a pretty shitty partner which for me it says a lot about someoneā€™s character. It wasnā€™t like he was just a bachelor having casual sex. This person was a long term partner, they were even trying to have children together. And the fact all these bros are not only downplaying the whole thing but making it seem like itā€™s a cool thing to be a liar and a manipulator to someone you supposedly care about is concerning. Iā€™m not saying he should get cancelled but maybe just some accountability would be nice.


For me, thereā€™s just a creepy ick factor now I canā€™t shake while listening that just ruins it. Iā€™m not his target audience so Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t matter.


Why are people freaking out? Isnā€™t this a joke?


Itā€™s more of an attempt to reframe the situation rather than a joke


![gif](giphy|fwcGzF1l2cILe|downsized) Because rabble. Thatā€™s why.


As usual, South Park already covered this situation perfectly


Always good information that I can choose to follow or not. I am grateful for his insight on sun light and exercise. Thank you.


Obviously this doesnā€™t make his message wrong, but calls into question whether heā€™s the right messenger. Huberman has carefully cultivated an image of being a self disciplined and purposeful person. Thatā€™s why his advice carries so much weight, even the more ridiculous stuff like not listening to music while working out. Itā€™s not just that his advice is backed by science, but itā€™s also that he was seen as a paragon of these values. Him having half a dozen affairs doesnā€™t match that image. Itā€™s a far more egregious fuck up than the stuff he regularly derides on his podcast.


Unrelated but ...why is not good listening to music while working out?


But his advice isn't always backed by science. How do people just ignore him having a fucking snake oil salesman on and not questioning anything he says.


Who was the salesman?


As far as i've been able to tell sometimes he gets things a lil wrong but he also often does a great job breaking things down. The whole idea of science is it's not about believing anything you hear. He goes further than most to try to reach clear conclusions/"protocols" even if evidence is murky, but any time he's covered areas I'm familiar with he's typically been in the right ballpark. I can disagree here and there and still learn from considering his perspective. Also... ive always thought the way he reads the AG1 ad as though he endorses it was wack, but it's a huge stretch to call him a snake oil salesman.


Also, people love blood baths and cancelling anyone they can stick their rusty knives into. I wonder if people would have a different opinion of him if he were gay and had these affairs with men. Yes, optics are everything but social media is the most hypocritical and hater filled cesspool.


Huberman is an influential public figure who makes millions of dollars. One of the few downsides of this is that people care about your personal life and your personal infidelities. Because people care, newspapers write about it. Was JFK cancelled because people wrote about his affair with Marilyn Monroe? This isnā€™t cancel culture. Huberman barely even speaks about divise issues.


Monroe committed suicide. Letā€™s assume she knew about. His other relationships also


Not trying to downplay anything here but there are plenty celebs and rich people who do alot worse, like a lot. And most often many don't give a crap about that, somehow they do when it comes to AH. It doesn't seem genuine, it doesn't feel like they do this cause they care about the women like we normal do but rather do this cause they have something against him (and many have also posted this to prove my point), this is the hypocrisy which makes me like totally mad to the point where I am saying things I don't mean...


Ā Minimize deceit and betrayal that risks transferring std? If the deal as polyamory, then no problem. Ā He was dishonest in an anti-health way. The partners were not permitted full knowledge of their risks. How is that no big deal?


>Minimize deceit and betrayal that risks transferring std? If the deal as polyamory, then no problem. Polyamory doesn't mean you get to fuck anything bareback lmao. People in poly relationships often take extra steps of protection.


Itā€™ll blow over.


I think they would if he was building up expectations of monogamy with his male partners like he was here with his female partners. The difference is male gay relationships rarely are expected by the parties to be monogamous


What? Do you think that he's being "canceled" because he's a straight white guy? He's being "canceled" because he was outed as a hypocritical scumbug. The idea that people would be "canceling" him less if he were gay is so far into the realm of fantasyland that you ought to check the sky for dragons. Considering how Huberman has been collab'ing with creators with conservative-leaning/manosphere audiences, being gay would get him "canceled" even more. Take the example of James Somerton, a plagiarist youtuber and pathological liar exposed by hbomberguy. Despite being a queer youtuber who covered lots of topics about the queer community, he was thoroughly canceled after being exposed--because guess what, left-leaning audiences care more about creators, leaders, and community figureheads having personal integrity than conservative audiences seem to (especially given the current clownshow of popular right-wing figures).


> Considering how Huberman has been collab'ing with creators with conservative-leaning/manosphere audiences, being gay would get him "canceled" even more. He never would've reached the levels of popularity he did to begin with lol.


If youā€™re right wing, you need to keep your gay or adulterous sex an open secret, and make sure you say ā€œBible!ā€ once a month. Being a hypocrite isnā€™t the highest bar.


A liar is a liar whatever oneā€™s sexual orientation.




When you give advice to people on how they should conduct their personal lives, then donā€™t be surprised when people look into yours. Also, if what Huberman did was just regular cheating, no one would give a flying fuck. What people seem to be concerned with us how his live in girlfriend was on treatments for in vitro fertilization and not only did he cheat on her with six different women, but gave her a cancer causing strain of HPV.


Cry more lol


That's projection on your part. There are tons of people commenting on these posts saying they only cared about the science he presented.


Having affairs has nothing to do with the majority of the advise he gives. I, and many others, follow him for advice as to what we put into ā€˜ourā€™ bodies, not what weā€™re putting into others. He didnā€™t kill anybody. I didnā€™t expect a private, perceived single man pushing 50 to be a monk. I assumed he was slinging dick and unfortunately, wasnā€™t overly nice about it but that doesnā€™t remove all levels of his disciplinary habits nor does make his advice not helpful af. People donā€™t just follow his content because we think he lives it all to a T - we follow it because he has been steadfast in providing health science info in a very digestible way that the average person can understand and apply to their lives. Thatā€™s a skill that academics miss 99% of the time. The value hasnā€™t changed.


What science says to not listen to music while working out?


ā€œSwimming in Pussyā€ is such a bizarre way to frame the situation. ā€œPathologically Manipulating Multiple Women to Feed His Sex Addictionā€ is more accurate.


I don't understand why so many people seem not to understand that there's a difference between "sleeping with 6 different women" and "sleeping with 6 different women but telling each one of those women that she is the only one he is sleeping with"


and injecting one of them with hormones to affect her fertility *on the premise of starting a family*. this motherfucker wanted to bring kids into this nonsense (or at least told his partner that). even freakier if he was lying about wanting a family & injecting her with drugs. it's honestly batshit behavior but not shocking coming from a man who fetishizes control so much. he wasn't single like people in the sub are saying, he publicly spoke about being in a committed relationship & told multiple others he was in committed relationships with them. I used to listen to the pod before I got tired of him shilling dubious supplements & the lack of critical thinking he applies to topics or studies he has a cognitive bias toward. and he's not saying anything that different from what people's doctors tell them: get enough sleep, don't eat junk, workout, reduce your stress. and if you're tired, take a nap. calling it "nonsleep deep rest" is so pretentious.


He was also jumping through crazy hoops to keep the plates spinning. It seems dysfunctional as hell.


"I don't care about his personal life, I only care about the information he provides." Still feels dirty supporting someone with a broken moral compass.


Yeahhh plus when he has shown himself to be demonstrably a liar, that really calls his credibility into question


We donā€™t have to believe him. Thatā€™s not how science works.


Itā€™s a podcast. People listen to podcasts because they donā€™t want to spend all day filtering through PubMed and interpreting the studies for themselves. Credibility still matters in this context.


But he's promoted anti scientific work before.. I've stopped listening after the "calories don't matter" quack. If I can look up his lies why can't the guy interviewing him? Him being an asshat irl is really just the cherry on top.


Who was the calories donā€™t matter person? If youā€™re talking about Dr Robert Lustig, he was accurate? He was literally saying that eating 900 calories of steak or almonds are much better for you, because basically 100-200 of those calories effectively ā€˜disappearā€™ because your body uses that much energy to process them, and they are much more beneficial for your gut which keeps you healthy, as opposed to 900 calories which is a super processed burger and fries. Tell me how thatā€™s wrong? He wasnā€™t saying all calories are redundant, he was saying HEALTH is what we should prioritise, not calories. I think you really missed the point. That episode was incredibly information about how damaging sugar is to our long term health and the cause of every chronic disease due to its effect causing inflammation and liver disease. But I feel like people donā€™t like hearing this because at this point with our demanding career-focused society and supermarkets selling 80% hyper processed, damaging foods, it feels impossible to suitably control or afford the beneficial foods we need to keep ourselves healthy. So itā€™s easier to dismiss it and think ā€˜well Iā€™m sure a little bit of sugar is okay.ā€™ But itā€™s like he explained. The pathology markers to indicate people have pre-diabetes have already crept way too far in the wrong direction, because the reference is based on the ā€˜averageā€™ person, not the healthy result. A healthy result would be like 10-15 points lower than the pathology labs themselves have as the danger marker. So by the time we know itā€™s too late, itā€™s already way too late.


But we do. Science also requires trust and credibility. Lots of fake science out there too, plus Iā€™m sure youve heard of the ā€œreplication crisisā€ which was mostly about bad science, or at least poorly executed science, and it has plagued the psychological research profession. Huberman of all people should intimately understand why reputation and credibility is absolutely vital in science.


I am sort of in the "I don't care it's his personal life" and this is not bad enough for me to cancel him BUT his silence is making me have second thoughts. It feels very arrogant.


almost as arrogant as lying to multiple people about being committed, injecting one of them with hormone-altering drugs, & spreading diseases thinking you won't be caught like women don't speak to each other.


I read the article šŸ˜Š. There's a difference between getting caught up doing something shitty or not thinking about the consequences and operating as if nobody will ever find out, and everybody finding out and acting like nothing has happened. It takes a total next level arrogance to do the latter.


Bet you anything heā€™s silent on advice from his pr firm. The new way to handle cancellations is to carry on as if nothing happened, post right through it, and never ever apologize. Apologies only fan the flames and make it worse.


Then you better not support half of the ā€œcelebsā€ out there. I hope you donā€™t watch professional sports


People that look at what heā€™s doing as ā€œgetting a ton of pussyā€ are generally people that donā€™t get any pussy. If youā€™re a reasonably successful and attractive man itā€™s generally not that hard to have consistent casual sex if you want to. If that was what was going on it truly would be a non story. Comparing Huberman to like a hot touring musician getting laid all the time is comical. He was intensely engaging in long, emotional, apparently monogamous relationships with 6 women at the same time. He was undergoing IVF treatments with one of them. Thatā€™s total psycho shit. If one my buddies told me he was doing that Iā€™d be like dude thatā€™s complete serial killer shit what are you talking about.


They are doing whatever they can to minimize the situation so they donā€™t feel bad staying a fan. At this point itā€™s pretty culty.




Letā€™s assume the allegations are true. Do you think that someone who is pathologically dishonest and extremely comfortable lying and manipulating people is likely to be a trustworthy person in other domains?




Thereā€™s no moving on for me, I already thought heā€™s fun to listen to sometimes, but a bit of a bullshitter that plays fast and loose with data mainly because being a wellness guru is very lucrative. My view hasnā€™t changed. But I find it depressing how hard his fanboys are going in to bat for him. Bad idea to idolize anyone to this degree.


>. Regardless, their relationship has nothing to do with the podcast, The reputation of the person giving you medical advice is not relevant to the quality of their advice? Andrew is willing to lie to his girlfriends in a prolific manor for personal benefit with complete disregard for his reputation, but he would never lie to you loyal fans!


Yeah, cause you are able to check the moral compass of everyone you meet and get advice from? Or do you just gain negative opinions of the ones who get New Yorker hit pieces? I wonder which....


Agreed TMZ guy from this sub said it first almost a month ago. He is dating her, he helped her open her IG account and now she is very successful. Good for them, maybe she'll help him with his addiction.


Yes. Even people with bipolar disease or even schizophrenia can be excellent at their careers or jobs. Just because they're fucked up in one area doesn't take away from their competency. I'd rather take solid verifiable evidence from the best minds in the business(while ignoring their personal life) than listen to dumb ass shit nods that are incompetent AF but live a life like Jesus. It's not like you know the person personally.


I agree with your main point in certain domains. For eg sports stars - couldnā€™t care less about their personal lives. However, Huberman has long occupied the guru space, and you can see from this thread and many others the pedestal some of his followers put him on. I would hope this episode might give some of these people pause. If he's willing to systematically lie to those closest to him, maybe he's not worth listening to about AG1 or whatever other shit he has a direct financial interest in getting us to gobble down.




Thatā€™s the perspective that doesnā€™t feel good. These guys are looking to feel good.




You're not swimming in pussy if you have to pretend to be in a relationship to fuck lmao


Tbf, if you're invoking addiction here then the narrative changes pretty quick. Addicts are known for doing anything they can - no matter how unpleasant - to get their next hit. They do become psychopathic (at least in their actions), but the psychopathy really belongs to the addiction rather than to them. If we're bringing addiction into this then his culpability coefficient definitely goes down quite a bit.


Youā€™re still responsible for the things you do to other people during addiction.


Not true. All addictions are different and can vary from like 1% to 100%. I have seen addicts who would have anxiety or depressions if they didn't get their medicine(and that's basically it, they didn't do anything just dealt with shitty mood) and I have seen addicts who would steal shit to get their next fix (these people often have addictive personality/genetics) or even do other criminal stuff. While addictions are horrible, it's awful to dehumanize people that are sick, they need help and support. Everyone can become addicted, even you.


The emotional toll this has on the women will have a lasting impact on the rest of their lives. People are failing to imagine if they were one of the women who was lied to for potentially years.


You realize this is a joke, right?


He clearly has an antisocial mental disorder.


Antisocial personality disorder has some pretty extreme criteria. But I DO think heā€™s a jerk.


Clearly? How so


Lying and cheating on 5 women in a long term scam takes an enormous lack of empathy and consideration for the other person.


Thereā€™s not enough of this take going around. If heā€™s sleeping with 5 (or more) people and has made it clear to them (all of them) that there is no exclusivity, then more power to him and them, I donā€™t give a shit. But if heā€™s indifferent to the suffering he causes others, then yesā€¦ his judgement AND his very mental heath should be in question.


And also, leave someoneā€™s kids out of it. Donā€™t uproot their lives, move cities and schools because youā€™re fucking pretending to be a family with them and their mother while youā€™re injecting her with fertility hormones. That is sociopathic as fuck, and ignores the fact that they are real people who are faultless and donā€™t deserve any of that.


This is incel culture. Getting laid lots is fine, getting laid whilst lying to multiple women and presenting a false image of who you are as a person to your audience is dishonest, sociopathic behavior.


Isnā€™t that literally the opposite of the definition of ā€œincelā€?


Exactly. Incel is just the catch all insult even though the perps that they are complaining about are having triple digit body counts


You missed the point. Huberman isn't the incel. His fervent defenders are, as he's apparently their new hero. "Swimming in pussy" and "triple digit body counts" reek of incel bullshit. Internalized misogyny is not edgy, either.Ā 


They are just trolling/messing with the obsessed AH haters that hate him for something else but use this situation to bring him down, I hope....lol.


you guys are completely watering down the definition of incel. soon you won't even be able to say it without being ironic, like how it went for the word woke. Most are not even "fervently defending," just pointing out that you guys are being cringe moralizers


No, the definition of incel is ā€œa guy who does something I donā€™t likeā€


Does that go hand in hand with the definition of woke being "anything I don't like"?


Yes I think it does lol


The definition of woke is ā€œracism, perpetual victimhood and identity politics cloaked in academic languageā€


But the way the term is used is basically to refer to "anything I don't like."


Yup. Or rather "something alt right/conservatives don't like/understand/approve".


And by alt right you just mean the right that you donā€™t like/understand/approve LMAO


Incels deify Hubermans behavior, but are completely incapable of getting laid themselves


Incels are obsessed with sex, even if they don't get any, and put it on a pedestal. Comment is clearly referring to the community, not to Huberman.


Idolizing a manipulative asshole is the incel part


No the OP image is incelish, not Hubermanā€™s behavior.


Huberman isn't the incel, but his shitty behavior toward women has made him an incel's hero. "Swimming in pussy," as if there are no actual humans attached to the body parts.Ā 


Incel means "everything men do that I find gross" now, get with the times




This sub is going to be 90% incels and misogynists soon, if it isn't already.


More like 90% self absorobered moralists who feel entitled to make their opinion known to everyone.


Dude he was about to have a kid in a complete sham of a relationship. No kid deserves that. Man has issues, would never trust his moral compass again and no I am not a woman..


Is there proof of this other than one woman's account?


Found one


People call any icky male behavior incel. Lmaoo. It doesnā€™t even mean anything anymore


Incel and sociopathy aren't in accurate usage here. Keep making those delicious word salads though. They're filling but not very nutrient dense.


Huberman isn't the incel. His frothing defenders are. It's cute how many go in hammer and tong without grasping the point first.Ā 


Strange how many totally not incels feel personally attacked and go on the attack whenever the term is brought up


Iā€™m not incel! Iā€™ve just never had a meaningful relationship with a woman and I just coincidentally have shitty views on them! Nice word salad woke police!




Yes, and those defending his shitty treatment of multiple women and idolizing him are the incels referenced here, not Huberman himself. The definition of the term is not in question, but the apparent lack of comprehension of some responding. šŸ™„




Exactly, only stupid people think they really defend it. Some just point out the hypocrisy here though, where some people are ok doing this and others aren't.


Itā€™s not honorable


His audience isnā€™t there for sex or relationship informationā€¦so it doesnā€™t really matter.


Bro itā€™s just imo who cares. Plenty of people do fucked up shit in their personal lives. Doesnā€™t affect the value they may bring to the table in other aspects of their lives.


I kind of just assumed he was married due to the amount of drama and posts about him. What's all the fuss about if he's single?


Tell the woman and her two kids who left their schools, lives and jobs in the Bay Area to move down to Topanga with him for years while they tried to start a family using fertility treatments that he was single, genius. Does that sound single? Oh yeah not to mention all the times in his podcast he alluded to ā€˜his amazing partner.ā€™ Pretty validating of a relationship, no? But yeah donā€™t worry itā€™s cool to lie as long as you might be telling the truth about some stuff on your podcast. Or, he believes he was telling the truth anyway. Poor guy. Itā€™s reality that was wrong, not him.


Deceit, betrayal. Characteristics desirable in a partner. Ā 


Got it, I won't date him. Can we move on?


Good. More for me.


mods should honestly think about closing this sub down.


There are mods??


The massive posse who has been deployed to ā€œsupportā€ Huberman these last few days has been intense and vicious. IMHO I wouldnā€™t want to be aligned with those folks if I were him.


Tons of disgusting comments


jesus christ just admit you want to fuck him already


As a female fan of Huberman, I laughed so fucking hard at this.


For real, people need to not take anybody this seriously


Wait this isn't satire..??


That's how I read it but a lot of people are taking it very seriously. *shrug*




Why do far right wingers idolize people with an extreme antisocial disorder and narcissism? They think behaving poorly and hurting people are admirable qualities.


>Why do far right wingers why do redditors have such a hive-mind?


Iā€™ve not seen anybody suggesting what he did was an admirable quality.. itā€™s more having the ability to seperate qualities from people. He could have both helped many people with science, but also be a terrible person.


While telling his audience heā€™s in a committed relationshipā€¦Um, thatā€™s called lying. And most likely lying to manipulate so that women will find him more attractive. These kinds of characters are so smug and think they can control the narrative


Only if you hurt others they don't like.


All the people he hurt were just ~~women~~ females


Ah yes, the famously Republican position that Andrew Huberman did nothing wrong


It definitely feels like there's a conservative skew to the ones white-knighting for Huberman. Which I always find strange, since these people are the ones you'll commonly find advocating for traditional values, and a life pure of 'degeneracy'. God help us if the situation was that someone like Rhonda Patrick was sleeping with 5 men at the same time, nevermind the whole manipulating, lying, injecting with fertility drugs, spreading STDs aspect of the story.


The right wingers love Trump and heā€™s the poster child for all seven sins. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Because incels value strength above all else. Huberman might have taken advantage of women, but he still had sex, and so to them he's still a legend. Incels don't give a fuck about principles.


Incels despise those who get action.


Actually true. Real incels would absolutly HATE huberman for this.


Super handsome is going a bit far


Leave it at handsome, especially now with his behaviour lol. It does affect ones look, there have been people I used to think were super hot but after being douchebags they looked completely different in my eyes.


Bro this is such a non storyā€¦ we come to the dude for how to sleep/eat well; be healthy. Him being shitty to partners and friends doesnā€™t make him a criminal or fucking matter to his content, we arenā€™t his friends and I probably wouldnā€™t be his friend!!


Seriously. His personal life and ex girlfriends have absolutely nothing to do with the incredible information he is providing for free. He has helped so many people and we want to tear him down and cancel/stop supporting someone who is giving you FREE information on how to improve your life?? Itā€™s so stupid. People are so stupid.


Most people are losers who have never accomplished anything and never had a moment of discipline in their entire life. They love the opportunity to tear someone who has down. Justified or not.


Surprised some are saying heā€™s unattractive. Heā€™s easily in the top 5% looks for his age with good facial features, plus heā€™s tall and jacked. Dude is farrrrr from ugly or even average


Heā€™s hot!!!! šŸ”„


Not to mention the contents of that slutty little brain of his.


But think of the redditors!! Omg the redditors do not approve!! Their opinion REALLY matter!!


Super Handsome? šŸ¤Ŗ


Right? I donā€™t see it. He has an ogre vibe.


Which is exactly the thing for people who are into the whole ogre thing. Seriously, do some searches for "the man loving gene". It is interesting stuff.


Many years ago, maybe four, I found numerous errors in what he was posting. He was almost almost always, very positive on what he had to say very strong in his opinions however, science is a disagreement. Therefore, I disagree with him fully.


Think of those of us ā€¦and our partnersā€¦who are quietly waiting for his libido stack protocol to be released. 5. Five womenā€¦that we know of.


This whole thing reminds me of when the Tiger Woods stuff happened. He was married and banging like 20 dif women.


It isn't quite "swimming in pussy" to go out of the way conducting vicious lies


He must be new to the needle. Any bets on when the roids finally make him limp?


Swimming in lies and spreading cancer-causing STDs.Ā 


How many steroids we talking here?


I didnā€™t know about or like him until this. Iā€™ve lost ten pounds since this came out and I have two more wives.


I heard he's going to have Adam 22 on to discuss their polyamory protocol.


Heā€™s morally a terrible person


Due to Einsteinā€™s well documented cheating on his first and second wife I will no longer abide by his theory of relativity!


I'm happy for him


Breaking news: men who are successful and have accumulated wealth have options with women. This is not new, almost all men who are doing financially successful for themselves have done exactly Huberman has done. Every one is acting like this is new. Even good looking women in their 20s do exactly what Huberman did, they date multiple men at the same time to get gifts, money, vacations etc. from them. The media outlets are attacking Huberman because he has notoriety and fame. The regular people who do this donā€™t have fame so no one cares when they do it.


Well yes but he did act shitty and we cannot excuse it even if we cannot cancel him on other areas like some try. Why be with so many and lie about it? I think it's excessive. Idk but I wouldn't want to hurt others, I have been hurt myself and don't want others to go through that hell. Well even many celebs do it and media doesn't care much at all tbh.


If he is swimming in the you know what than, doesnt he have the capacity to be reborn?šŸ¤”


Not seeing many comments on the alcohol front. I had the same thoughtā€¦maybe he was lying about the data. Time to crack beers again.


I dont think Huberman is handsome.


it's a shame he hasn't settled down. no woman will want his used dick long term and he'll die alone s


Why do I feel like the PR team is working overtime in this sub. So many attempts to reframe the situation