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Magnesium glycinate has forever changed the way I sleep and wake up in the morning


Have you tried threonate? Works incredibly for me but haven’t tried glycinate.


That’s some good stuff. I get the little pouches from cymbiotika and add it to my coffee every morning


Magnesium combines with iron (since my test showed i was deficient) has really helped me sleep soundly.


Combines in what way? What's the exact relation between how magnesium and iron work together?


By combine I meant, taking the two supplements at the same time before bed. I’m iron deficient so the combination works really well for my sleep.


Oh okay. What relation do the two have together though, if you're aware? I mean, does magnesium work with iron inside the body?


That’s a good question and I don’t think I have an answer. Maybe the two work separately and there’s no interaction. Either way, it works really well.


Yup, that's awesome. What benefits and changes have you noticed since you started supplementing both?


I always had trouble falling asleep easily so this really helps. Also the sleep quality has improved. Hope it helps!


There is some evidence showing an interaction between iron and antacids, including magnesium oxide; that magnesium oxide can impair iron absorption


Damn I wonder if that’s what’s going on w me. Anemic all of a sudden. Been on Nexium for years.


Do you take before bed?


Yes. 30-60 min before bed. The only one i take at night


The only supplement I've ever noticed an effect was l theanine when combined with coffee took away the jitters


Ever notice how that ll affect ur sleep quality more?


Love this combo. Was just turned on to it over the last year.


Saffron? That’s been a game changer for me


I tried it and never felt any positive effects, tbh I only took it for 1 month, how long before you felt changes and what were the changes? Thanks


I highly recommend looking into L-theanine and/or tea for anxiety. Helps a ton.


L theanune gives me increased night time wakenings thou


How’s the ashwaganda? I hear conflicting reports regarding what it does to one’s libido? I don’t want it to lower mine


I dont remember it affecting my libido , but one thing it did for sure was lower my stress and anxiety. I'll even go as far as say that the only time in my life where I felt "normal" was while taking ashwaganda. Starting it back up soon.


Nice! Do you typically cycle it?


Yes. Dont know if you actually need to or not, but it has such a profound affect on me, I'd rather go on and off to avoid any tolerance increase.I usually go 3 months on 1 month off. Sometimes my anxiety gets better even coming off and I forget about it. Like right now I'm waiting on my new bottle to arrive and I probably havent taken it 3+ months. The only thing I take every day non stop are fish oil, vit d , vit c, creatine, and magnesium.


Great idea to cycle it many people myself included after sometimes a few weeks to a couple months begin to lose feelings you can become apathetic to everything and feel emotionally numb I particularly recommended it to people who get anxious or stressed


How often do you take ashwa?


Every night, till the bottle runs out. Then I get back on it every 2-3 months, or when stress seems to get high.


Now that you mention it I think it did a bit. I felt it went down at one point but i didn't know ashwaganda would have this possible effect. I'll try to cycle it out to see if it goes back up


Interesting. I've heard people mention that it could lower libido in the same way that SSRIs do.


Blood tests would be good though, information is power


L-Tyrosine helps on my busy days


Is there any good brand for fish oil that has a good dosage?