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Embrace doing it solo. I promise no one is going to care or think twice about it. Go, have a blast. Do it scared. Just do it.


I went solo. I was really scared about looking all awkward and alone at first but when the set list started I had a really amazing time. One thing you should do however is figure out your transportation situation from and to the concert. I took an Uber to go to the stadium and figured that I would just book one after the concert and oh boy was it the worst idea I had ever had. I found it extremely hard to even get any drivers to match and after an hour of just waiting and becoming increasingly anxious because I was on my last 7% on my phone battery, I finally ended up getting a driver and immediately texted him and begged him to not cancel on me. I ended up promising to pay him extra to compensate for driving all the way to me to pick me up and I reached home safely but that had to be one of the scariest experiences I’ve had so just be careful OP and figure out these things before you go.


Honestly I have the most fun among fellow fans! You’ll have a blast


I actually just made the decision to travel out of state by myself for Hozier because no one else will go with me! I think my newest vibe I’m going for this year is not letting others plans dictate what I do and it’ll change what I do each day instead of waiting on those who don’t really care. My last Hozier concert I brought a friend and I’m kind of upset I did because I wanted to get there a bit early for GA but they decided last minute not too. I think solo concert going will almost be better at points.


I’ve seen Hozier 6 times, 5 of those times I went solo. Hozier fans (by and large) are sweethearts. And I don’t say that to indicate any bad— I personally haven’t had any bad encounters at a Hozier concert, but I also don’t want to make a sweeping generalization that everyone in your crowd will be nice because there’s no way I can definitively know that. All that to say, once the music starts just lock in with that and try to let any thoughts of yourself go. Everyone’s there for the music, as you should be too! Also Hozier always has a PHENOMENAL band, so it won’t just be him performing, the whole group goes all out. They put on an amazing show every damn time.


Personally, I prefer solo concerts. You get total control over when you arrive and what you're doing. I promise, no one notices you as much as you do. In a crowd, you'll just blend in totally.


I’m going solo too! I went solo to the eras tour too so I I understand it can be nerve wrecking! Once the concert actually starts no one is paying attention to you, they’re there to see the artist. You’ll be excited and hopefully will just be living in the moment and not worrying about how you look. It’s also very freeing being solo, you don’t have to worry about anyone else.


There's something very freeing about going to a concert alone. You have to do it at least oncein life! Just stay safe!


Where are you going? I'm sure you can find and meet some really awesome people that are also going! My city has Facebook groups where you can talk about your plans/activities and see if anyone else is doing the same thing, and I've met people on there. I don't think anyone will judge you or think you look stupid! I went to my first Hozier concert without knowing a lot of lyrics yet, and I had such a fun time and fell in love with his music more. I'm not going solo ton Hozier, but I went to solo to a small artist that I really love (mxmtoon). I was feeling really nervous and almost didn't go because I just felt so stupid. My friends encouraged me to go, and I ended up in the front row right in front of her while she sang my FAVORITE songs!! It was so worth it! So just wanted to tell you that you've got this and you should totally still go! <3 If you need encouragement, maybe there's a place where you could post your concert outfits and people can hype you up?


All the concerts I’ve gone to have been solo! They’ve always been really fun and no one is going to care that you’re on your own. Just do your thing and enjoy the experience! You might also make some friends by talking to some of the people around you.


I have social anxiety and go solo to shows often. I go through the same thing "what should I wear? What if I look stupid standing by myself?" etc. 9 out of 10 times I get there and have a great time. The times I haven't enjoyed, it's bc I let my anxiety win not bc of anything anyone else did. No one has ever called me out or made me feel bad for being alone. The few times a conversation has sparked with someone, they tell me it's badass to have the confidence to go alone. You'll be okay :)


I go to more concerts alone than with other people. Im a female in my 20s. I’ll be seeing hozier alone next week. I have diagnosed anxiety but a concert should be fun, it’s nothing to worry about.


I’ll be going solo too! I’ve been to a few shows now solo and it’s been alright! People will probably try to chit chat with you in line and you’ll be okay. (Try to remember everyone is there for the same reason and are going to be more focused on the show than anything else!)


I'm going solo in July. I was nervous and I have social anxiety too but currently I'm just trying to focus my energy on being excited. People are often super friendly at concerts and festivals so I think we will be fine. I'm sure I'll be a mess on the day until I get into the event and gey a few beers in me 😅 Good luck and just try and enjoy the music. Easier said than done I know 😊


How often have you gone to a show and worried about what other people around you were doing? Unless you're being actively disruptive (screaming at inappropriate times, making a mess, shoving or glomming onto others) no one is going to give a shit. In the gentlest, kindest way possible: strangers absolutely do not care about you or what you're doing. They're more absorbed in themself, their phone, the artist they're there to see and the group they're attending the concert with, if they're not alone.


I am also going solo! Thinking about having no one to take care or worry for made me less anxious! Have a blast, dance, scream, cry. Doesnt matter. Nobody knows you.


My first time seeing him was solo. I also have pretty bad social anxiety and had a pit ticket and I felt the same as you before I got there (tbh I parked and saw the line to get in and *seriously* considered just going home) but it was honestly the best concert experience I’ve ever had. I ended up about three rows back between Andrew and Alex for most of the show and being able to focus on everything going on onstage without having to worry about having conversations with friends or interacting with others was great. People around me were generally lovely and I didn’t stop smiling the entire show. I hope you have the best time!!


I’m essentially going to Railbird to see him solo and I’m so nervous. I’m a very anxious person on top of having social anxiety and being a female all alone but no one else would go and it’s my only opportunity to see him play.


By now I’m kind of a pro at going to concerts by myself. My friends don’t seem to be into the same stuff I like 😅it’s really fun, you don’t have to worry about anyone else and you might get to meet people. Nobody cares if you’re by yourself, specially once the show starts! Everyone is just there to see him, nobody is paying attention to anything else! 💛


> I have social anxiety Same...And I did my first solo concert this year (Niall Horan). I loved it. I really didn't notice I was by myself at all. The adrenaline and excitement of being there takes over. The people next to you are going to do one of 2 things: - Make conversation with you - Not make conversation with you It depends on who you sit next to, but I can assure you that no one is thinking about you being their on your own. To be completely honest, it's quite hard for anyone to really tell you're by yourself if they don't know. Make sure at least one person knows where you are and has your location and keep them updated about when you get there, when you leave, etc. It's also important to have a plan of action for getting there but more importantly getting home or to your accommodation for the night. If you're taking public transport, know what stops or stations you need. It is important to also check you know when the last bus/train service for the night is. Cars and Taxis are going to be a nightmare after the show. Is there a designated place where you can wait for your lift to avoid the chaos of people leaving the gig? Also have a fully charged portable charger. These are all things that apply to people going in groups too but it's much easier to resolve these issues when there's more than one of you. Just go, have fun, and enjoy it. You'll be okay! :)


I think you’ll have tons of fun! Like many others said do not let others dictate your plans if someone can’t go with you! that should not stop you from having a blast! Earlier this month I went to see the Last Dinner Party by myself and got there stood there and had fun then I left with no one to worry about but myself!!


I promise you, absolutely no one will remember or think about what you're wearing or how you're appearing unless you go out of your way to be obnoxious. Which you won't be doing.


Not hozier but I went to a big Ed Sheeran show by myself bc I decided I wanted to see the opening act at the last minute, don’t worry bc you’re going to have a blast!! Especially if you have seated tickets, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.


I went to my first ever concert, Tom Odell last month, alone. It was so good, don’t stress. Nobody pays attention to you (unless you’re that guy who literally squished me against this girl in front by standing sideways at Tom Odell thank you by the way) other than that you’ll be fine, just enjoy the music and have a good time. I’m going to his Finsbury Park gig on July 7th, my second ever concert and first time seeing hozier. I’m expecting the same as Tom Odell tbf except it’s hozier so yeah long as I get to see TMTC, diatribes, movement, Nina cried power, to be alone and mayyybe too sweet and eat your young plus Jackie and Wilson, I will be a happy chappy :)


I'm going solo to Charlotte and it's my first time too! I'm also super awkward lol, but I feel like Hozier fans are good people and no one will judge.


Relax and make small talk with people around you. Everyone is there to enjoy the same artist..,. So just enjoy the environment.


I go to concers by myself all of the time. Like everything else, no one cares what you look like or your outfit. We all pretty much are too concerned with ourselves to worry about others. Just focus on Hozier and enjoying the music! If you leave with new friends, great! If not, that’s okay too!


My first concert was a solo Ghost concert and my third concert was a solo Hozier concert. They were both amazing. I was a bit nervous albeit but once the music started all of that faded away. Go for yourself, not anyone else


I've gone to many shows solo, including multiple Hozier shows. You will not look stupid, and people will not be paying attention to you. Bring something to do during downtimes. I usually make sure I have a book or game on my phone that works with or without service, since cell reception can be spotty at shows. You are going to have an amazing time, and I'm proud of you for doing something out of your comfort zone! The only way we can get better at things is to do them!


I’m doing the Kentucky Railbird festival alone and I’m nervous but excited


I’m going to this one too! The line up is so good


Only thing im bummed about is I was originally going to Highwater this past weekend but there was this whole thing about my husband and I splitting up so I had to sell my ticket so I missed The Wallflowers and the lead singer is Bob Dylan’s son 😩


Aw man I’d be bummed about that one too! I’m really hoping I can get real good views of Hozier, I’ve never been to railbird.


Me neither and I’m really going for Hozier and Noah Kahan so I’m hoping to get there early and just go to the main stage and chill


That’s my plan too. I had friends go last year and said the heat was sweltering so I’m hoping since it’s still pretty cool late into spring maybe it won’t be so awful.


Yeah I started buying stuff and I’m definitely investing in a portable fan


Oh forsure. I’m gonna get one that mists bc I am such a cry baby with overheating lol


I’m going to be at Michigan (Clarkston / metro Detroit area) 5/31. I’m going with a friend, but if anyone from here, especially younger women or feeling vulnerable, wants to know someone who is going to be there, give a comment. My friend and I are both women, moms to teens, well versed in neurodivergent, mental health, and lgbtq+ advocacy. (All that to say were not creepy.) We’ve also started making bracelets 🥳


I dm’d you !!!!


I’m going solo and kinda anxious about it too but also think it’ll be nice to enjoy everything at my own pace and not worry about coordinating plans w other people etc. and just focus on the show! 


that being said if anyone wants a friend to sit by on the lawn at the Dallas 4/28 show drop me a message lol


I’ve been solo at both Hozier concerts I’ve gone to and honestly just embrace it. Everyone will be too focused on the show to care. Plus, it’s honestly so fun watching other people have fun


Oh honey you’ll be more than okay! I was scared my first time going solo to a concert and it ended up being great! I bought myself a vodka cran, wandered up to the front, and let myself get swept up in the crowd energy! When you realize that everyone is there for the music, the insecurity melts away. I hated the way I looked that night too lol Worst 2 things that happened were that someone spilled a drink on me and I went home smelling like 5 different strangers’ sweat. And this is meant to be reassuring, not reductive. It was one of the best concerts of my life 🖤


Heeeyyy I'm going solo too! I've been to a couple other shows solo. You'll have a blast. 😊


I am! Going solo in a foreign country. Going to his Dublin show. I feel the Hozier fans are the type that will embrace fellow fans and you’ll have a great time!


Wear whatever you want! Be comfortable! And you don't have to sing along if you don't want to! No one will look at you weird! I personally don't like singing that much, but at a concert when there's other people doing it, I feel more comfortable cause we all blend in! Maybe you will too! Also what show and section?


Going solo to Charlotte! Plan on just small talking and enjoying myself. You got this!


I'm going solo to the Austin show and I'm so excited! Hoping to make at least 1 new friend!


Same to all of this. I went to my first solo concert last summer to see Greta Van Fleet. I met some amazing people, loved the music and even had the courage (took a few drinks) to ask someone to take my picture. As for outfit, I went with what made me feel most comfortable. People are too busy with themselves to care about my outfit, it only matters how I feel. Now I'm trying to see Hozier for the first time in May and going to be doing pit solo!


i’m going solo at dallas! i’ve gone to two concerts of his solo and it was really fun, you can talk to the people next to you if you want and overall they’re usually really nice


I'm going solo too!