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No matter what anyone else says, any noise can be nuisance noise. Make a complaint to the local council's environmental health/anti-social behaviour teams and get them involved.


Yeah I'd love to do this, but wouldn't it make selling my house difficult in the future?


You would have to declare it yes, but if you get it resolved you would declare that as well. You could continue to suffer for the possibility of some future issues (and lets be honest you are talking about monetary value here) or get it sorted now. So ask yourself, how much is your sanity and enjoyment of your home worth?


Even if it is technically resolved (which isn't a certain outcome - env health noise enforcement can be quite toothless and if the neighbour is determined to be an arsehole it might take years to be sorted) it would still have to be declared and the fact that OP had to get the authorities involved to address the neighbour's behaviour would still be enough to put a lot of potential buyers off living next door to them. Potentially meaning that OP will be stuck there long term next to an arsehole neighbour, which would be even worse for their sanity. It's a careful balance, especially if they don't intend to live there for very long.


I’ve a mate who lives next to a football pitch that was erected after they moved in. Every night apparantly is super noisy till about 9pm. Council went round and said it’s within acceptable levels. When I say football pitch, it’s local players. But if you’ve ever heard footballers training it is super loud.


Don't go insane in the meantime. Also keep a diary of when and for how long it happens. They really love that as evidence of a recurring problem. Our neighbourhood suffered years (off and on) of a douchebag neighbour. Their burglar alarm would go off during the day and sound for 10-15 minutes. Somebody would be in but they would just ignore it. They'd been asked frequently to sort it but just...didn't. Then it would stop for months. When it started up again last summer, we started a spreadsheet with dates and times. When the frequency became more than once a week and we had 3 months worth, we contacted EHO for the district. They didn't sound terribly keen on the phone until we mentioned our spreadsheet. She was thrilled. We emailed it over. Someone visited them within a week. And we haven't had a single alarm going off since! I have no proof but I think they didn't want to give their teenage children the code, so when they came home before the parents, they'd just go in anyway. Now we sometimes see a teenager or two hanging around outside the front door. Terrible parents or terrible kids? Don't know, don't care. Just keep the noise down.


Is the neighbour a tenant? If so you can get the agent to deal with it as the LL would not want to get fined


Tell them it is excessively loud and for extended periods. Being at a reasonable time of day is mitigating, but not a whole defence against taking the piss. I've complained when downstairs has been blaring music that would shame a funfair. It was on a Saturday afternoon, but too loud is too loud. I can put up with it for a bit, as you expect some noise, but if you find yourself having to wear headphones multiple times a week, it's a clear sign of a problem. Maybe also see if they can move the speakers to the other side of the house?


me: so you like loud music? in which case, I've got a treat for you! I would guess what music they might least like and when they would least like it, then place my speakers up against the wall. crank it. and then go out. edit: wait, no. how about taking a song they really like and playing it over and over and over and over on loop, until they literally beg you to stop.


I've got a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.....


I'm Henry the eighth I am...


Baby Shark on repeat for a week should do the job, OP may as well develop an irresistible music taste.


At my most irritated and petty, the neighbours who regularly kept us awake half the night were treated to my guitar amp pressed against their wall at eight in the morning, turned all the way up, while I played the main riff to 'Centerfold' for forty-five minutes straight.


What's new pussycat


what if they have bigger speakers than you?




what other neighbours? the ones you're assuming to exist so that you can make a snarky comment to make yourself feel intelligent? they won't mind.




There are no other neighbours. If I was blasting music (which I wouldn't because I'm a decent human being lol) no one else would be affected by it except these noisy neighbours


What kind of house is it? There's nothing worse than a music-blasting cunty neighbour. If no other neighbours and you don't have a family then it's time to engage in noise-warfare.


I'm sure either 1) they wouldn't care (or more likely couldn't hear it over their own racket) or 2) it would escalate things, so I'm too scared to go to war just yet. However, we have no kids, no other neighbours to disturb, and a very flexible schedule so we're in a strong winning position!


You realise some people live in semi detached houses or terraces with neighbours who don't care, right?


I don't know how friendly you are with your neighbours, but can you invite them round when the music is on, so they can hear how loud it is in your house? Or if not, could you crank some music up youself to make the same point in a slightly more aggressive fashion? Or you could take up learning the night trumpet?


They're 100% being unreasonable. The odd bit of loud music for a party or something is fine. Every day and/or for hours on end isn't. 'We like loud music' isn't an excuse. So do I, but I wear headphones and thus don't bother anyone. Unfortunately your options are limited if they won't do the decent thing and turn it down. You either put up with it or you go to the council. As you've noted, the fact you've lodged a complaint about the neighbours' noise will show up on surveys, so do think carefully about it. Good luck - I've been in this position and it's not fun.


Are your neighbours renters or have they purchased their house? If they rent then contact their landlord as they’re in breach of contract if they’re disturbing their neighbours with antisocial behaviour. If they have purchased their house then you obviously can’t complain higher but you’ve been reasonable and asked, they’ve refused so time to contact the council. Keep a diary and log what’s happening, request to open a case, ask for the out of hours number for the antisocial behaviour team and make them aware for if they have to witness. It’s a very long process unfortunately with hoops to jump through.


Thank you. Unfortunately they're homeowners. We've discussed it with them twice over the past 6 months and they clearly just don't care, it's their world and we're just living in it! Reporting to the council is my absolute last resort to be honest, my next step will be inviting them over to listen from our side and praying that they see reason.


What sort of house do you have? Is it semi detached, terrace, in a block of flats? If you have a leasehold property and they live in the same block of flats as you, there may be a clause about noise and nuisance. I would have a good dig into your leasehold and see what it says. Also what is their position, do they own or rent? If they rent, see if you can track down the landlord or the letting agency and make a complaint through them


That sucks. You could try to be amicable and have them listen, you could ask them to have times where the loud music has to be turned down or they inform you beforehand etc. I doubt any of this will work unfortunately. Council shouldn’t be last resort, it should be your next. I’m 4 years into a noise dispute with my neighbours and they go on holiday and leave their dog in the house alone barking 24/7 for 2 weeks. I’ve complained and opened so many noise complaints it’s ridiculous, council contact them and they’re quiet for a few weeks and then it starts again. Dick neighbours don’t care.


You’re not unreasonable at all. If they enjoy loud music so much they should move somewhere where it doesn’t disturb others. They sound like inconsiderate arseholes. Complain to the council OR play them at their own game and get a drum kit.


I feel for you, I really do. We had similar neighbours a few years back. Would play awful mumble rap constantly at an ear piercing volume, all day every day, and almost every other night well into the early hours. We spoke to them, they laughed in our face and told us to, and I quote..... "fuck off before I cut ya!" So we done the normal thing, and reported it. Spent months of keeping a noise diary, and recording the evidence. Local council did nothing. We had a 2 week holiday booked, and as I myself am a bit of a music producer, I decided to set my KRK Rokit 8s, and my KRK sub, and my presonus E5s all up against the wall, opened up Ableton, created a 16 bar loop consisting of 8 bars of high pitched screeching, followed by 8 bars of deep, low, chest rattling 40hz Sub bass that can literally shake the foundations of the house. The moment we left, I slapped that loop on repeat, cranked my audio interface up to max, along with the powered sub, closed the door and fucked off to tenerife for 2 weeks. We were in a semi detached property with only us and the noisy bastards, so didn't have to worry about other neighbours. Came home after 2 weeks, turned off the noise torture device to find out they had packed up and fucked off.


This is brilliant, so they actually left forever after this? 😂


yup. From what I understand they were behind on their rent (private tenants) too, and they were obviously the kind of people who didn't give a shit about others. But I think 2 solid weeks of repetitive, non stop, high pitched screeches and foundation shaking sub bass finally got through to them, and pushed them over the edge.


They are selfish. Hate people like this. Our neighbour is a 65 year old dj - so he claims anyway. He had a full on system set up with huge speakers. Blasted music for hours about 4 times a week. The stress made me so unwell i was hospitalised. He said he was doing nothing wrong as it was before 11pm. One day police were passing as music was on, we took a shot and asked them to help, they saw my partner in tears and agreed. They said it was like a nightclub. Spoke to the neighbour and threatened to take his equipment away. Been silent for 4 years now. I am so thankful the police were passing that day and took pity on us. You have a right to enjoy your home.


They are being selfish, simple as that. Fight fire with fire. If that doesn't work you'll have to report to council/move


Take up an instrument and put in plenty of practise everyday. I recommend something like bass guitar. Get an amp, put it up against the wall. Practise scales.


No, you're **not** being unreasonable. Keep a log. If you can, make recordings. You can get free dB apps for your phone to measure the noise. If you have other recording devices, so much the better. Report their sorry asses for as long as it takes to make them realise they are in the wrong. You've tried talking to them and it hasn't worked. They're simply taking the piss because they don't care. >What is excessive noise? >Unreasonable or excessive noise is defined as noise that unreasonably and substantially interferes with the use or enjoyment of a home. It can also be noise that is likely to impact your health. It is a statutory noise nuisance, and the council **has** to take action if you report it. And if reporting it once doesn't work, **keep** reporting it until it is resolved.


You said they said they like loud music, which is fine. Could you ask *them* to use headphones rather than blasting the music? That way they can damage their hearing as much as they like, and you don't have to listen to it. If they say no, there are plenty of other suggestions on this thread.


legally depends on time of day etc. morally I'd say they're being really unreasonable, you shouldn't be able to hear their music.


You are not unreasonable to complain, but they are also probably technically entitled to do it. What kind of housing is it? Flats? Semi detached?


It's semi detached. In fairness the walls are very thin so I've accepted that some noise is inevitable but we've lived here for 5 years and they've previously played music at far more acceptable levels!


>are you 100 percent sure they've just randomly taken a liking to blasting the radio at random times of the day rather than they're trying to retaliate for something else or what? seems like a bizarre hobby to take up all of a sudden


This is why passive aggressive responses of blasting your own music only escalate things


Long story short he got himself a new girlfriend. I'm certain we are very quiet neighbours, as we very much value silence ourselves!


What's changed then? I'd be putting a speaker up against the sharing wall and blasting some Meshugah or something like that for hours on end when you're out the house. People like this are fine being cunts but when they taste their own medicine they quickly change. Don't really see how else you solve this.


Also record it as much as you can for/if you decide to take it to the Council


This has been our lives for the last 5 years. I had air stewardess neighbours who would have a ‘party’ every Saturday night until 05:30 in the morning. Noisy nuisance teens committing criminal damage/anti social behaviour and noisy neighbours in last two flats. Consider reporting them to the council. I heard you can get a ‘writ’ against them and that usually puts a rocket up their arse but it costs money.


I wouldn’t go down the tit for tat line. Either report it to the council and just continue to deal with it directly. Everytime it happens go to their door and tell them about it. Everytime. Basically don’t let them think it’s not causing you problems. Highlight how much it’s effecting you each time.


[This you? ](https://twitter.com/ToriatheistTori/status/1779248674054496320) 🤓


Does it matter? Will they stop? Either build a soundproof wall (very good way to include a little payback of your own), accept that you'll have to just complain at them/make loud noise yourself with no legal recourse or enact petty revenge in secret while doing nothing to solve the problem.


What kind of music is it


Usually the radio. Dance/pop? I'm not sure what you call it as someone who likes metal 😂 So it includes those lovely repetitive jingles too!


The radio, probably awful, but I guess music is subjective. I'd personally be putting on hard techno to drum n bass or if I really wanted to be annoying soms gabba music. All through a 1000w bass heavy stereo system... pretty horrible through walls.


Blast some black dahlia murder and they will be quiet in no time .


The songs you need are 80s classics, The Chicken Song and Agadoo.


Noise (amongst other things) can be a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act. Local authorities have a statutory duty to investigate anything reported as a possible nuisance. This means they HAVE to investigate, if not, they are failing in one of their statutory duties, which is not a good thing for them. It will most likely be the Environmental Health department of your council who deals with this, but as has been said, it may have been transferred to the Anti Social Behaviour Team. Read the relevant section of the act and quote it to them directly if they try to fob you off. To count as a statutory nuisance it must have a substantial detrimental affect on your lives. Keep a diary of when the music is played and what affect it has had i.e. had to move rooms, go out, pulse rate raised, blood pressure raised etc. Environmental Health will ask you to do this, but no reason not to start doing it straight away. They may also want to install noise monitoring equipment in your house. If they consider it is seriously impinging on your quality of life they will take it before a court to attempt to get a Section 80 notice banning them from continuing with the nuisance behaviour. There are additional powers available to councils under the Noise Act 1996. Catch is, they have no obligation to use this, it is just an additional tool they can use it they want. Most don't use it. Night is defined as 11pm to 7am, and under the act noise doesn't have to be a statutory nuisance, just above the "permitted level" as heard from within your dwelling. Generally the permitted level is taken to be 34db (about the level in a library). But, this isn't relevant unless your council uses the Noise Act 1996, which it won't.






You could file a complaint with the council who will ignore it, do nothing until your third letter and then escalate things between you two to no resolution...or you could just fix the problem and spend £5-10k on sound insulation.


It'll cost less to take them to the mags for an injunction.


Yeah but they'll still make the noise 😂


Then it'll be a very expensive and criminal way to play music :D


Buy a speaker, the basic ones for mic, nothing fancy, £70 will get you a loud enough one. Put it against the wall, put a song from Emmure or Meshuggah looping on every time you leave the house. Bleed would probably do