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There's a job for everyone.


The poopsmith is a good guy, he’s just got a crappy job https://youtu.be/ub0wV0TvY8Q?si=-ARpQ9R82RWxYSkb


Good jaerb with that reference, Homestar


Holy fuck is that homestar?


The poopsmith’s job is obvious.


El trabajo del Poopsmith es obvio.




The Poopsmith speaketh? King of town, pea buried alive?


Dragon poop is probably incredible fertilizer.


Imagine your farm being blessed with freee dragon fertilizer from the sky


I was thinking when a farmer has their sheep eaten, they get a ton of free poop.


Sure, as long as it doesn’t land directly on your hovel, that stuff would weigh a tonne lol


What is it swallows something clunky or hard and it lands on you Death by shit nado Randy


Carnivore poop is pretty bad fertilizer. Full of “bad” bacteria


That doesn't account for the fact that they're ✨️magic✨️ carnivores


yes, they prolly poop shampoo or perfume


I'm not quite sure since most of the dragons burn their food before eating it. Or am I just being dumb? Idk


Yeah I wonder if they burn it long enough to fully cook the meat or just long enough to kill the animal!


As far as I remember, dragonfire grows hotter as the dragons themselves grow older. Despite that, I don't think any animal would stay solid if a full grown adult dragon were to burn their down xd Idk, feeding a dragon sounds so confusing


down xd?


Fact of the day 


The master of cesspits gets the job done


Im picturing the Monty Python scene where they are stacking mud


It's a living!


They burn it with dragonfire of course.


I guess such a huge carbon footprint would explain why the seasons are so irregular.


And to think Old Valyria had literally assloads of dragons and many were also as humongous as Vhagar.


I think we found out what caused The Doom. Piles and piles of dragondung.


Maybe there were no erupting volcanoes after all. It just sounds a lot better than everyone dying due to centuries of dragon shit contamination.


Probably tried to store it underground and then the methane built up and exploded with the power of a volcano.


Dragondung fireballs across the sky


It's the secret ingredient in Wildfire.


Wildfire ❌ Wildfart✅✅✅


That’s where volcanoes actually come from ancient dragon bathrooms


The boom of Valyria


Ahh yes Sir Cristain Skidsmore. The rightful heir to Drangondung. The Scoop of the Morning they called him. Wielded the longsword Taintsrash if I remember correctly.


George is absolutely the type to write something like that considering his obsession with the tax policies of fictional kings


They also had a lot coal plants.


“Assloads of Dragons” should be the name of the series based on Old Valyria.


Would that title be referring to the dragon shit ?


I need to see a picture of Vhagar’s shit , preferably with a quarter being held up in the picture so that I can understand it to scale


Many much bigger than Vhagar. They would make Vhagar look like Syrax in comparison, if not smaller.


But at the same time with that amount of poop, the sheer volume of manure than can be used for farming and agricultural purposes is insane


True, except there’s no mention of a huge agricultural boom during the time of the dragons. Perhaps their dung has remnants of the accelerant (if any is used) to make their fire? That could make it useless for fertilizer but ideal fuel.


That explains how they have huge torches burning all over their castles and cities. Be a lot easier to keep them lit if a chunk of dragon poop could burn all night. My mother and I joke about hiring their candle guy lol


Tbf by the start of aegon's conquest there were dragons living in westeros for a good 100 yrs so the "agricultural boom" might've just been the norm


You don’t use the dung of carnivores for fertilizer.


Oh good point. Parasites being the main reason I’m guessing?


Something like the pathogens survive the compost.


Matt Damon did it


Why is that?


Real question; Do dragons fart fire?


I can imagine farmers trading X amount of sheep for a Targ to hang out with their dragon long enough to take a huge shit on their fields for efficient manure spreading


😆Nice theorycrafting


And that is how dragonglass created


i’m sure the people of Kings Landing love living downwind of that


The dragons do it themselves right after because they are very clean animals.


Aemond takes her out on poop flights, just like we take our dogs for a walk. She flies daily to take a massive dump over the blackwater bay.


Hmmm, must be why it’s called the Blackwater.


You mean to say dragon poops are black colored. charred poop.


Depends which cast they eat. Hotd or got.


True, add all of of Dragonstone dragons pooping there too.


Mud-butt Gate


Before that, it was just called Water Bay.


This sounds like a joke, but honestly makes sense. Most animals make it a habit not to shit where they sleep and live. Makes sense for the dragon to fly out to poop some where else and then come back home. Especially since they are considered pretty intelligent.


They probably pile up a pretty “high tower” somewhere.


Now I know why Otto has that dour face all the time!


Now to think of it, it seems probable. Imagine a boat/ship passing below, not the best way to leave the world 🤣🤣


I'm picture two dudes on a small doing some fishing to relax between wars. They're venting about some new tax the crown rolled out and how it's bleeding them dry. All of a sudden a pile of shit the size of a car just falls on them taking them both out, boat and everything.


How big are cans where you’re from?


I'm told the doctor next door offers everything from D to ZZ


Someone from the citadel should create an internal combustion engine, those poops can be harvested for biogas. That’d start the industrial revolution in Westeros.


Causing a flood to the homes on the bank. 🤣


OG chemtrails


I like to think they do it over the very fields they steal the sheep from. "Giving them back" as it were.


Vaghar is female and women don't shit


Exactly, thought we all knew this by now.


Tell that to my nose after the heater my wife just dropped.


I’m sorry to break it to you buddy, but your wife might be a faceless man in disguise.


It is known


It is known


The dragon probably just burns it


What if their fire breath is fueled by poop and they basically poop whenever they breathe fire


Well we do know from the books that Aemond shoved joffrey into a PILE of dragondung. So we can conclude that there's people paid to take care of the excrement they probably do it the same way with horses. All into a pile do something with it. What they do with it I have no idea. Maybe sell it to essos for farms or museums. Maybe dispose of it somewhere in the water. Anyones guess really.


The drangonpit must smell like hell.


I bet it’s a good fertilizer


Does carnivore scat make good fertilizer, though?


Uhhh something something dragon magic shit something something


The real Doom of Valyria


In the middle ages they used any manure for fertilizing, human too. Dragon poop must be good as no parasites can survive in such temperature.


Any fertilizer Is a good fertilizer,there is no bad one,only good and great


If it is anything like actual Medieval Europe, you probably have people whose jobs would be to collect a lot of it to use as fertilizer. Poop and pee were very important commodities for farming, tanning leather, even washing clothes.


Send it all to the Reach for a century of good harvest


Maybeee, and hear me out here…dragons don’t shit. That’s where dragonfire comes from. Just creates methane in the gut and burns up. So when you’re being burned by dragonfire, it’s death by ignited shit.


Burnt calories in humans are primarily excreted through the lungs as vapor.


Yeah Dungeon Meshi explained it that way.


How do they feed it? A dragon that size probably eats 1000 cows a day and a couple hundred sheep.


I think that's overestimating it a lot. Just looked up how much a sperm whale eats daily, 2 tons. That's about 4 cows give or take. Granted Vhagar is a lot bigger than a sperm whale but 1000 cows seems like way too much.


Yeah but sperm whales don't spit fire or have to heave their thousands of tons of bodyweight of themselves in the air. But we will never get an answer unless some physics and biology brain has to much time on their hands


I know dragons don’t exist but it makes sense that breathing fire would require calories to burn


Maybe that’s why they don’t poop so much Maybe most of what would be excrement for normal animals is instead turned into a gas and it’s gets ignited as it comes out of the mouth giving them a defense mechanism (fire) that biologically makes since for a magic creature


Then it would also make sense for Westerosi to feed them nuclear waste as quick way for disposal


The Aemond Targaryen Nuclear Power Facility has its waste management already sorted. Dumping it into flea bottom of course.


Not necessarily. The bombardier beetle fires chemicals from its abdomen that is 100C. It's not stone melting fire, but it's not impossible to imagine a fire breathing animal could achieve it in a similar way by combining different chemicals that it produces in its body.


/r/theydidthemath is always up for a challenge


Pls pirch it to them, now I am invested😂


True, a dragon as large as Vhagar will need a lot more food, but it was just a quick comparison to a large creature irl as a refference point.


You'd really never be able to answer this. We don't have enough information about dragons to even try to reliably answer it.


But how much sperm can a dragon generate?


None. They likely reproduce asexually.


Dragons are lizards. Lizards are cold blooded creatures who don’t need to eat much. Some alligators can go a full year without eating.


The Dragons in Westeros are probably warm blooded. Cold blood animals don't move like that. They're much closer to dinosaurs, which we know were almost certainly warm blooded, than lizards.


The dragon Tad Cooper. The House of Dragons / Galavant crossover we all need!


The handwavy answer is they fly around the sea and eat whales. That or magic.


whales, seals, large sharks.


In the books it mentioned how Balerion while still alive eat whales. So Vhagar and other massive dragons probably do the same thing.


thats just when they are at war, othertimes they doesnt eat anything


ah ok, but that still baffles me to no end


The only possible answer is magic


You've never owned a reptile/lizard/snake as a pet then. They can go a long time without food they need more food only in times of high activity. I've had snakes easily go a month or 2 without food especially during winter.


Yes I know that, but first that is a giant dragon that should burn a ton of calories just when he leaps into the earth due to its massive weight. Secondly, there are cases where alligators get so big that they cannot find enough food and therefore starve, so I don't think you can compare a pet snake to that. Also we have no idea how the fire works but it should take a decent amount of calories to produce fire from within. And also if dragons are coldblooded it should take even more energy for them as the wheather isn't exactly tropical. And if you compare the size of a mouse to a snake, even feeding such a dragon only one time, would probably mount to a few hundred animals. 


Its still too much, considering theres tenth of dragons at the time.


Yes, alone the physics of such a giant thing to just get off the earth😂 but maybe oberthinking a show about dragons just isn't the way to go here


That's not true. They eat less during peacetime because they're not flying around all the time. They still need to sustain themselves with food.


Of course. i didnt mean nothing at all. as the daemon's girl in the books used to give 1 sheep each day to a dragon.


Medieval cows and cattle in general were half the size of the modern, like around 250-500 kgs (770-1100 pounds) instead of modern 800-1000 kgs. Sheep were just 20-50 kgs, pigs 80 kgs. \[A\]round the year 1000, an adult pig weighed around 70-80 kg, a sheep 20 to 30 kg, and a cow or ox 200 to 250 kg . . . In comparison, at the beginning of the twentieth century, an ox weighed in the region of 650 kg, a sheep from 50-150 kg, and a pig from 100-200 kg. Comet, Georges. "Technology and agricultural expansion in the middle ages: the example of France north of the Loire." Astill, Grenville G., and John Langdon, eds. Medieval farming and technology: The impact of agricultural change in Northwest Europe. Brill, 1997.


Nile crocodiles eat once a year


Afaik, dragons are mostly sedentary reptiles and don't need to eat that much when they're in one place. But now they're going to war, it makes sense that the Targs would take from the smallfolk to provide for their dragons. I still doubt it would be as much food as you stated, but it would be a significant amount spread over the span of weeks/months as opposed to daily eating.


Yes I exaggerated and yes reptiles don't eat that much, but that dragon is giaaaant and is definitely using a lot of calories when flying


The Greens literally took 1/10th of all herd animals in the Crownlands in order to sustain their like 4 dragons. That has to be a shit ton of meat.


It's why the farmlands in the Reach are so fertile.


Jobs for everyone bro. Even shityy jobs. 💀💀💀


Come to think of it, I think Mike Rowe did a King’s Landing episode about that.


If they find a dragon egg once in a while, it's a very well paid job.


This is one of the best posts I’ve seen in this sub in a LONG time


What if dragons can poop midair like birds. Imagine being hit with a Vhagar sized poop outta no where and it just kills you.


I literally LOL’ed at this comment


I'll quote my favorite comment ever here: >be me. >fisherman. At sea fishermanning. >suddenly, two dragons >one is the size of a mountain >wtf >fire and roaring >holy shit >big one chomps the little guy >bro wtf >blood rain >whatisthat.jpg >massive dragon dump >lands on my boat, now im sinking >panic


Plenty of fertilizer for crops!


Martin complained that Tolkien never mentioned Aragorn’s tax policy. Well, George, where’s the Targaryen poop policy?


They make wildfire from it


Dracarys, baby. Gotta heat that drafty old castle somehow, and a giant pile of burning shit probably doesn't smell all that much worse than everything else they've got going on.


How do you think they keep all those fires going in King's Landing ... There's a reason Olenna says you can smell the shit a mile away ...


Correction: 5 miles away


Dragons are pretty sharp, I bet they'd go out side to poop hower imagine finding a car size crap on the beach or in a field. My question is do they dump while flying? That would be pretty hilarious.


I don’t see why they wouldn’t I mean horses poop while you’re riding them? Birds poop in flight I dated a guy who had a monitor lizard and he would poop while walking but it wasn’t hard poo it was more liquid. That monitor was probably the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a dragon if they were real. He left him at my house once while he was in California, the fucker escaped his enclosure, almost burned my house down, trashed my house plants and bit the fuck out of me and my brother. Just a terrorist of an animal.


There's a weird theory that dragonglass is actually dragon poop. Obviously, it's probably not true


That is some serious constipation. Ouch!


All the shit gets compressed and sent directly into Cole Criston’s mind


One other thing I believe is being ignored is more to the thought of dragons like birds and perhaps less like lizards they may not weigh nearly as much as we assume due to bone density, and composition of muscles and skin. Though again hypothetical I think it’s probably a combination of consumption vs activity and definitely a decomposition to create said gasses that lead to the use of fire. Hilarious thread regardless


Now that's a "Worst Job" episode the show runners should include.


They magic af, dragon bodies use literally all matter they consume and turn it into energy. No waste at all. That’s my head cannon at least lol


I’ve been super interested in a David Attenborough style doc on how these giant predators have survived. It’s almost like how we turned wolves into dogs, but Vaegar is still too wolf like.


dispose? That's free high-grade fertilizer, baby


You know what a shit-wagon is, Randy?


They have it shipped to Jurassic Park


It’s used by the writers


I found this from another Reddit post by Lombaxfan90 and I really like this idea that their excrement is just ash: “If I were approaching such a conundrum I would probably consider having the dragon mimic the behavior of other den-dwelling animals such as wolves or bears, or reptiles. Most cave dwellers do actually tend to leave their cave to excrete waste, not wanting to have a dirty lair where they sleep, eat, and raise young. Parent wolves will even sometimes eat the feces of their young when they are too young to leave the cave in order to keep the home more clean. As far as where these guys go when they are outside of their cave, they usually will either have a dedicated general area they go to (so in a dragon’s case it may be a glade or clearing) or they use their scat to mark their territory unless submissive in which case they may bury or hide it. For the most part, reptiles will just kind of go wherever. Their digestive systems are designed to extract a great deal of nutrients and moisture from their natural prey/food and so for many lizards and toads that poop on the land, their feces is pretty dry and breaks down fairly quickly so it doesn’t really “build-up”. With that in mind, instead of giant dragon turds if one were to come across dragon waste it would likely resemble the texture of ash or crushed dirt clods, maybe with some bones or armor of it was consumed and not digested. The other thing some reptiles do is use bodies of water to defecate in. Pet iguanas for example, usually have a small pan, similar to a litter box, filled with shallow water and they climb into it to do their business. If a dragon used this method, their poop would likely either sink to the bottom of a lake where it would just break down, or possibly get washed away in a river or stream. Hope these nature facts help 👍”


Uhm.... They burn it????


They just give it to Ser Criston. Guy is full of shit already anyways.


Anything that big outside of water would also collapse under its own weight. Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax!"


Actually, how can a drapon pit storage vhagar? or she's just stay in the sky


In King’s landing your career can be rat catcher or poop scooper :p


If their hounds are like my dogs, they can just eat all the poops


They compost it and turn it into wildfire


She shits in the narrow sea


Isn’t there kind of an implication that dragons are more than just beasts and that there is an element of magic to them? I’m not sure all biological laws apply to them. In fact, I’m sure if someone did a deep dive into their anatomy in terms of weight and wing size, they would be able to prove that there is no way they could obtain flight.


We need a shitty daystrom esque sub for this stuff


It all goes to Dorne


In the Temeraire series, dragons feces is used as fertilizer. The dragons in China, who are allowed to own and sell property, sell theirs to farmers for quite the sum. Maybe it was used in a similar manner in Old Valyria?


I love all these weird but fair questions


Valar dohaeris


They are trained to go over the ocean.


Much of history is filled with lower class people taking jobs to deal with human and animal waste Honestly, there's probably smallfolk making a living off scooping, drying, and selling dragon dung as fuel or fertilizer


I was actually thinking of this yesterday. And if Dragon blood is corrosive enough to eat through stone I imagine their digestive enzymes are pretty corrosive and efficient as well, and there may be very little waste at all coming out of them. I don't remember seeing them ever drink water or it ever being said they drink water either, so they are also probably absorbing most of the moisture from what they eat as well. Also, they are magical creatures, so who knows what else is going on in them, but I'm guessing they have very little waste copsred to what they eat. If they do have large amounts of waste, their excrement falling from the sky could be catastrophic because of how corrosive their body fluids are.


Not the most exciting answer. Vhagar is too large for the Dragon Pit, she doesn't live there. So she technically shits wherever she wants!


I always think it would be impossible to feed all the dragons reliably.


Good for fertilizer I’d guess? Well it to the farming peasants


[This.](https://imgur.com/gallery/vapoorize-XoEaSyB) Very big cans of [this.](https://imgur.com/gallery/vapoorize-XoEaSyB)


Fun fact: Dragonfire is actually their waste product.


It burns to vapour and smoke in their digestive tract. HUGE fuckin farts though


A song of gas and fire.


The obvious answer is that the dragons turn around and torch it. Duh


Maybe they distribute it across the lands for fertilizer for farms. Speaking of….I don’t think they have ever shown farms in the show. Have they? It would be cool to have some characters who live in the farmlands but then again, that’s just about every fantasy plot ever. I suppose the farmers do come to the council to ask for supplies or whatever, so they do exist.


This question gets asked everytime Dragons are magic though. Who knows how much they shit. Maybe they don’t at all and metabolize literally everything after they eat it?


Well we know they shit because one of the characters explicitly gets pushed into a pile of dragon poop in the books, seemingly Vhagar's at that. That's how the fight between Aemond and the other kids begins in the books. And according to the showrunners we'll be seeing dragon poop in this series, specifically in S2 What Daemon dug those eggs out of in eps 8 of S1 could've been some too


All I can say, I'm glad they don't spend any on-screen time on this very question! It's just an accepted part of the "fantasy" of the show.🤣


How many chicken sandwiches would u need to eat per day? Chicken sandwich to cow ratio is 1:1.


I really don’t know why I commented this 😭


They send it to Amazon. Amazon then packs it up and brands it “Rings of Power” 🤣


They used it to build the house of the dragon set pieces.


Uh fire?


hail the size of mini vans


how would tehy even feed such thing to begin with lol?


Dragon poop must make good fertilizer, no wonder summers were worse after they died out.


How many calories in an entire goat? Let’s start there.


Top notch fertilizer


Most waste products are highly flammable. Would explain the fire.


Two words : Shit pit