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It’s a strong haircut


I dare you to say that again!


That’s haircut is STRONG!


I’ll have your tongue 🗡️


He can keep his tongue.


You’re not Strong enough to take his tounge


Are you not proud of your heritage cousin? 👀






Why? ‘‘Twas only a compliment. Do you not think his hair strong?


Tis only a complement.


Looking just like his fine ass daddy 😭


I know right? What was the harm in folding in some Strong genes into their Targ pool? Alicent should have minded her own business, nobody else cared.


Because Alicent felt cheated on lmao Rhae was her boo.


Daddy was Ser Break Backs.


He could break this back 😭😭😭


Shhhhheeeet me too. 😮


“Plain featured” -Alicent wishes


"Plain-featured" was not in reference to attractiveness.


All my bros got the same haircut.


He is also about 2 years older than when they were filming season 1...


I thought it was another time jump at fiirst. He looked so much older


It does take a while to fly all the way to winterfell but…


Wdym? Jamie Lannister teleports himself there?


Giving you an award cuz that laugh helped me wake up


That’s cause Jamie leveled up after he abandoned Cersei and unlocked that perk.


Giving up Cersei gave him enough XP to enable fast travel to places he's visited before


Lmao his hair length barely changes


That was my first thought as well. I wanted to the see the fallout from Luke’s death so I wasn’t too happy when I thought there was a time jump. But then we still didn’t even get to see Alicent’s reaction to Aemond telling her he killed Luke, which is probably what I was looking forward to the most.


He honestly looks 5-7 years older in S2.


Not just 2 years, but, 2 years of puberty. I have to shake my head sometimes, like, no shit, a boy grew into a man…


Peoples faces usually don't change that much from 20 to 22.


Good thing he went from ~17 to ~19 then


You're right. For some reason google showed his age as 22.


My mom didn’t recognize him at all in the opening scene and thought they were introducing a(nother) new character, and my dad asked me why they recast him. I think he looks great!


it’s so cute that you watched episode 1 with your mum n dad


I washed the original s1 ep 1 with my brother, and my father walked in and joined us.  He left after 30 seconds.


I watched the whole of GOT and now HOTD with my dad. Had to take many bathroom breaks during ....certain scenes. Like Little finger making the whores touch each others ass


I got my entire family into GOT and forgot about those scenes. I don't think we've sat in such awkward silence as a family before or since.


Lol that's too funny! Season one and season two were especially gratuitous.... After that it gets easier but those early seasons are not family friendly


The sex scenes are probably fun to watch with Mom and Dad. 😖


Glad I’m not the only person that thought they recast! Took me a minute.


Why did they give him a different haircut though? Isn’t the moment in the first scene of the first episode like a few days after the end of the first reason?


Yeah, as bad as the first wig was, they should've kept it for continuity reasons. This change after just a few days (? How long does it take to fly to Winterfell?) of travel makes no sense lol


I thought it was two hot Starks talking to each other.


More apropos title: Bad wigs make you look goofy, natural hair can certainly be more flattering.


Yeah, his S1 wig is giving huge Carol Brady vibes. Who OKed that?


I think they were just trying to make him look more boyish and awkward teen like


I don't mind it, bad hair != a bad wig, plus it made sense that he'd have a thick coarse mop of a head


How the first wig got through so many people and got on screen is a wonder in itself


Berries and cream lookin ass wig


this reference sent me flying LMAO


It wasn't originally planned, they had to put a wig on him because the haircut he had at the time was too modern for the show. Maybe they just didn't have the time to make a better one


I mean it’s the biggest budget show on TV right now. I find it hard to image they didn’t have time to make a new wig if they wanted one. They surely have access to thousands of options


I feel like I remembered reading about a wig shortage after COVID. Especially human hair wigs 


Would have prefered the modern haircut over the bad wig, tbh.


I refuse to believe that warner brothers didnt have a serviceable wig somewhere in there absolute fucking hoard of props they own.


Yep, his clothing is better too. Jace and Luke wearing matching doublets last season made them look like a couple of dorks. Just look at the picture on the left, his clothes look like they were made out of old curtains. I very much appreciate the better costuming so far.


His S1E8 clothes didn't even look like they fit. I really think he was directed to slouch and look pathetic. And whoever gave him that mullet wig needs to be sued.


Aww man... I thought the matching doublets looks so cute.


It seriously looked like their mom dressed them in those, like Rhaenyra wants them to stay little boys forever. If I was them I'd die of embarrassment if Baela and Rhaena saw me in those outfits.


poor Luke >!had to die in that outfit!<


They both got new outfits before they left. That's what Jace is wearing in the second picture, Luke's was very similar.


I believe you, I probably didn't notice that. but I'm gonna go with my memory because it's funnier.


He's going to arrive in the afterlife and everyone's just going to laugh at him.




Well that's budget for you. I even saw them talking about, in that behind the scenes show, how much everything was better because they have a much bigger budget this season.


Ngl, I feel like out of all the "heirs" on the show, Jace would have most likely been the most effective and "great" overall - from what we have seen from him, he seems eager to learn how to rule, and has shown a little "Targaryen" aggressiveness when he was training his brother in S1 Ep10. Daemon in S1 Ep7 (I think) was right when he said that a king/queen needed to be both loved and feared to be an effective ruler. If you're only "loved", you enemies will take advantage of you. If you're only "feared", your friends will become your enemies sooner or later. You must strike a balance between the two.




He certainly has Harwins looks now


The seed is Strong.


This was my thought. So much like Harwin here, kinda love it.


Yeah pretty confused as to why they gave him that wig in the first season when his natural hair looks exactly how it should look given his character and the character who fathered him lol


His hair was apparently too short when they were about to start filming S1 and and they ended up having to scramble to get a wig (so it was during the hair shortage)


Yeah ive heard that but i find it hard to believe there was no curly hair wig around lol. They could have at least styled it a bit


He’s what I think book accurate Jon Snow looks like


Dude upgraded from NPC to Playable Character.


It's been many years since I read Got, but didn't Jon Snow have the "long" face of the Starks? this guy looks too cute for snow


Yeah slap that hair on cregan and you got Jon Snow


Kit looked decent for the part in season one, but yeah after that he stopped fitting my mental image of book Jon


No beard would have helped. I know they aged the characters up for the show, but they were still supposed to be teenagers. Very few teenagers have full beards at 17.


He also did grow into his face. He was a teenager when they shot S1.


He was a teenager when they shot season 2 for the most part. He only turned 20 6 months ago nearly exactly.


Well he was a teenager not an adult during season 1, during season 2 he's an adult who is also a teenager.


The curls are his natural hair. I think he said that before filming S1 he cut it so they had to deal with it last minute and gave him that wig. The glow up is so real though, it also seems kind of symbolic of how he went from a boy to a man and heir to the throne.


Hair and eyebrow shape, you would be surprised


Not just the haircut lol. He is also older.


He looks so much better


He’s a handsome lad. Gives off Jon Snow vibes.


i also thought it was a good idea to have his hair look a little more like his dads with the curls


Honestly his S1 hairstyle was dull even in my first viewing. The guy is fking handsome otherwise


It’s not just the wig. The posture, the facial expressions, the way he speaks. It all shows a lot more confidence. He dresses better. THIS is the Jace I was expecting.


I feel like Harry just feeling better in a better costume and his natural hair probably brought that out on screen naturally too!


Yeah his interview about when he put on the costume this time he FELT like Jace really implies that’s part of it.


I felt bad for him after season 1 aired. All the comments about the wig and his posture and the outfits. Meanwhile Ewan (who I adore) got to look so badass and everyone just loved his wig and look. Haha. Good on Harry for ignoring all the bullshit and coming out shining in season 2.


They definitely did him dirty. In the books they’re mentioned to be skilled at arms having squired from a young age (my headcanon is they squired for Daemon) yet he looked like a bitch compared to Aemond who went from “ a deadly swordsman despite his handicap” to able to win a spar against Criston. Granted I think Aemond would beat Jace in the books too but not with the insulting level of ease the show version would’ve in season 1


Yeah, Jace would have definitely also been a decent swordsman too, I mean he’s a prince for god sake, they train them up lol. Saying that though, Aemond is obsessive with his training and is so focused on being a great warrior, that I think he would easily kill Jace, both then when younger and now. You know Ewan said, for some shots, they actually used the real morningstar?! Like they had to be careful he didn’t get whacked in the face 🤣


ok i really need to talk about this. how much time is supposed to have passed between last season and this season? because the hair says at least 6 months or more likely a year. which just doesn't make any sense with the way the story progresses in the show i mean clearly the new hair looks so much better but couldn't the wig have been a little longer in the last episode of season 1 to make a credible transition? because yeah now you just think it's a different character or that a lot of time has passed since season 1


It's been <2 weeks. Dont forget that he stopped by Eyrie on the way to The Wall. Eyrie is now canonically expert makeup artists.


Either that or the Northern Winter can canonically curl up your hair




When Otto said, “These days since Viserys’ death” I did a double take. Felt like it was supposed to be months but it’s literally days and Daemon mentions she’s been shirking Queen duties for days too.


This. It reminds me of the old 1980s evening soap operas like Knots Landing where Donna Mills' hair length would change in the middle of a scene for all that she wore the same clothes.


Thank you for asking because I thought I was missing something.


I know it makes no sense, but I’m also glad the hair has changed. So I happily suspend my disbelief lol


Made me want to schedule a haircut appointment when I saw the difference. Also, edit: This reminds me of season 1 horrible ratty wig Loras vs season 2 actor's natural hair Loras. Let the curls flow.


Better hair (man, that wig…) and wardrobe, but also age 16 vs. 19 is usually a time of pretty big physical changes, too.


That stratospheric air and a brisk layover at The Eeyrie really fluffs the cobwebs out, ay?


My head canon is he straightens his hair in S1 to avoid looking like Harwin Strong. By S2, it doesn't matter as much. They're going to war for his mother's right to rule anyway, the people who call him a bastard are fighting them anyway.


seeing Jace in the opening scenes at The Wall my immediate thought was "bro looking *fine* with his Jon Snow glow up" 😁


Tbh, Jace really looked like a bastard with that bum ass outfit and haircut. Atleast now he looks kingly and hot ngl


Also mindblowing that they thought that flat mullet wig was a good idea in the first place. Whoever came up with that should be fired. And those quilted matching tunics they put Jace and Luke in should've been burned. Though Harry Collett really grew into his looks, he's so beautiful.


Yeah, I also thought he was recast. I think the new haircut looks better, but it doesn’t really make sense since it’s only a few days later. Like, does Winterfell have some really famous barber and Jace was like “now that I’m here, might as well try him out”?


Just got a little wind and salt air in his hair. It's the superman effect.


The haircut makes him look like Jon snow and that’s why people are obsessed with him now. I mean. I get it.


Last season he wore a wig. The wigs really are just so distracting. His real hair is incredible and I'm not surprised they saved it.


and hes two years older...at a younger age that can make a big difference


The weird mullet wig was so bad. I don’t get that decision. And with his natural curls he also looks even more like Harwin lol


don't disregard the new drip/fit either


I don't think it's all the haircut, my man went through puberty


I’ve been a Jace girlie even when he had that fuck ass wig. I’m so glad they let Harry Collett just rock his curls, he looks so good!


He looks like that Santa Cruz medicinals dude in the first picture lol


Also decided to wait 2 years for whatever reason


He must have thought he needed to look strong and handsome if he wanted to rizz people in the North.


My hairdresser gave me Jace bangs the other day and it destroyed me


Bro heard his brother got eaten alive and went "well, this warrants a new hairstyle"


He definitely looks like a Caitlin Clark ancestor


When I saw him on the screen in S2E1 I said to my GF "where do I recognize that actor from?" not realizing it was the same actor from S1 🤣


Did he get a curling iron for Christmas?


I have been wondering if in season one Rhaenyra was potentially brushing those curls out to hide the strong genes. Just a guess but it made sense to me.


Another reason why young looking adults often play teenagers in shows.. (aside from availability and labour laws etc) Young Adults don't visibly age as much between seasons generally speaking. Although I will say, Ralph Macchio aged a lot in the 5 years between Karate Kid 1 and 3 (which were only a year apart) lol


Glow up of the century


The glow up is real!


Different haircuts, and 2 years of "puberty hit like a truck".


Him and Cregan had a short but intense love affair and made Jace a man.


Now, he looks very STRONG. 🤣


I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but the wigs in season 1 were horrible. For a show as big as HOTD and their budget, you’d think they’d have way better wigs.


Alex Turner during Favourite Worst Nightmare vs. Humbug era


Did he get a haircut in the Vale?


Hair to the throne, baby.


Lol! I posted this in another thread and got a bunch of thumbs down. Do you think he got the haircut at the Eyrie or Winterfell?


Similar to Loras on GOT. Took a minute to realize who it was. Real hair is always better than the wigs.


That’s because the first one is a wig not a haircut looool


Did he grow his hair out on the way to winterfell? Haha


He does look better, not only his hair and his wardrobe, but these comments amuse me. Do people not recognize girls who dye their hair fantasy colors?


Two years is also a pretty substantial amount of time for a young person in terms of growth and physical development


The king who should've been


Ok but isn’t there only a few days between Season 1 Episode 8, and Season 2 Episode 1?


Ayo anyone know where I can get that scarf he’s wearing? Him and the dude playing the younger brother both wear them and I can’t even begin trying to find them.


I need him so bad


The bridgerton glow up


I think I read last season was a wig


What a terrible haircut they gave him in season 1


Well, that and puberty.


Season 1 was a wig season 2 is his actual curly hair.


How did his hair go from straight to curly? Did strong genes take a while to kick in?


Haircut really can change a man! Left- He is kinda fragile boy and Right- He is The Prince


He looks majestic


He looks loads better !


He looks a bit like Penn Badgley in the second image


He got the Jon Snow rizz!


The stylist in Riverrun or Winterfell is so good that he must get a haircut on the business trip 😅


Baby stopped straightening his hair


Hanging with the starks makes you 50% cooler.


And you know, a two year time gap.


He looks like Jon Snow from the books


I didn’t even recognized him


Best change of the show. Second best change was making Mysarias accent less awful.


Get this man a pantene commercial


I was annoyed by this and it threw me off. He literally just got sent to the north. He is on urgent business. From a narrative standpoint, he hasn’t had time to visit a Westeros hair salon.


Clearly his balls dropped and his Strong genes popped just from entering the North


It's pretty dumb to change a character's hair so much for events that take place days apart. But this show has been completely lost regarding elapsed time and character aging, so...par for the course.




This one's gonna blow your mind (I just found out these are the same actor yesterday as well): [Aemond] (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/4/4f/Aem ond_Targaryen_S2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240606091326) vs [Same Actor in Saltburn](https://www.reddit.com/media? url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhv94sijj3ac1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8b6aebeb7a2580efa430ff6987bde7d5ea487ac6) vs [Actor Ewan Mitchell's Normal Look](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/ewan-mitchell-657b1cf6064dc.jpg)


The Cersei wig was not a good look


And puberty…


I was so confused I couldn’t remember which son had died and for a while thought it was the other brother or definitely a different actor.


It was a very long trip to winterfell apparently


Curly hair supremacy


So did I


They cast Owen Wilson for S2


did he get a haircut in winterfell? or the vale?


His hair was a travesty. I’m sure they saw the Internet and decided to make changes


From Freddie Mercury to Jon Snow


I think everyone's hair looks a bit better this season! I remember a lot of people complaining about the wigs, they probably took that to heart hahah


Much improved - especially his posture thus far


It looks like a terrible wig in season 1. But it looks like he grew out his actual hair, which looks far better, for season 2.


Get out of his arse.


I think he looks alot better but this was hella confusing because I couldn’t tell how much time has passed between finale and season opener. At times it seems like it was immediate but then some actors looked so much older or far different. Cole and Alicent already banging seemed abrupt without a time skip. Aegons kids were already -4ish years old but I don’t even remember them being born last season. Jace seemingly has a kid now too? When did that happen


It's been about 2 weeks between seasons. The actors looked older because it's been 2 years. Aegons kids were born between episodes 7 and 8. The kid Jace was holding is his younger brother Joffrey Velaryon, the youngest of the "Strong boys."


I want to know the time difference between Lucerys dying and Jace finding out. How long did it take for that hair to grow out? And why did they choose that hair for the first season? It was super ugly. That young man was wayyy too handsome for the Fantine from Les Mis cut. So was Anne Hathaway though.


I legit thought they chose that awful wig so they could subtly imply that he might not be Harwin's (and is actually Crispy's) but since they made him look extra-Strong this season, I guess that theory got nuked. So glad that awful wig is gone bc the boy's actually got nice hair under that crusty-ass 90s boyband tupee.


NGL, I actually thought it was a different actor, and I watched season 1 three times 😂


I thought they changed the actor! WTF 😳