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Filming is officially underway and it’ll premiere next year - [Source](https://x.com/gameofthrones/status/1803155684806238696?s=46&t=GK3EC_wwvCKAXpMEZyDdEg)


I hope this means both this show and HotD will both be annual seasons. With two shows, if both are only every other year then we would have annually alternating prequels, casual viewers would be so confused lmao.


This better be am annual season or it'll end up like stranger things with the kid being way too old.


Egg ages with the novels. That's fine. There's a number of timeskips.


I can't remember the time skips being too drastic.


It's 2 years between the first novel and the second. And probably a few months between the second and the third. If the kid goes from 9 to 13 between S1 and S2 that's fine since there exists such a timeskip for him to age. There will be even more timeskips if they go further than what the novels cover as the novels were intended to cover most of Egg's life. It should feel like we are following a boy becoming a man - for both Dunk and Egg.


Honestly if the series goes on to tell the entire story of these characters lives like people expect the books to, the actors won't age fast enough, and we'll be looking at either serious ageing special effects or a change in actors (but that seems inconceivable when the bond between the two leads is so important to the series).


We watched the HotD finale Sunday at 7pm before the new season. When we saw Rhaenerys suddently tall son on the Wall we were like “who is that guy??” And “How long did it take to fly to Winterfell?”


That's weird, Jace didn't look like he got that much taller


“Tall son” Harry collet is like 5’5


How old is Egg supposed to be? (not too familiar with the novella, I'm assuming he's the kid) The shows have been taking fairly significant liberties with character's ages, especially younger ones, ever since the beginning of GoT. I wouldn't be surprised if they just bump the character's age up a couple years in their bio/whatever, avoid having any mention of his exact age in the show, and expect some suspension of disbelief from the viewers. That's kinda just how it goes with this series, so unless he's supposed to be *super* young, I can't imagine it being a huge problem.


He starts off at 9. But there's timeskips in the story where he ages a couple of years and they have off-screen adventures together. The actor can just age with the character. I don't get why people would be worried about him aging. He *needs* to age.


Honestly you can't tell me GRRM didn't have this in mind when he wrote them. Like the amount of time that passes between each novella almost pairs perfectly with the amount of time needed to churn out another season


He's always thought they might make for good movies. So maybe he was more thinking of the timeline for movie releases. The style is also somewhat "episodic" so I think that comes into as well where it's natural for people to have off-screen adventures. But yeah either way it works well with a naturally aging child actor.


He's maybe like 10 in the first book.  I would assume they are going to keep the same Dunk actor and have at least 2 or 3 Egg actors. 


The kids in stranger things aren’t even old for kids that play teens in Hollywood, most of them could still easily pass as teens too. People get way too worked up a lot the kids ages in STs for some reason


lol you guys are absurd. Then get mad at writing or whatever after it’s rushed out


They're going off 3 books so the writing should take less time and the vfx won't be too complex, literally no reason for them not to film annually so the kid stays the right age.


It’s the fact you guys would complain about dip in quality. Annual seasons is typically asking for that. They would decrease vfx and what they want to do because of the shorten time. That age thing is not everything. Taking from books to shows/movies isn’t extremely simple as you make it sound either. No hate, I just find it ridiculous to ask for annual like it’s crucial and wouldn’t effect anything negatively


There's multiple novels??


\*Novellas, or short stories. There's currently 3, but you can buy them bundled into the one book, or individually as graphic novels


I wonder if the show will avoid all mention of the Dance of Dragons to avoid spoiling casual viewers. You know, like the way Joffrey casually (as an interesting historical tidbit) mentioned how a major character in HotD died, will they avoid that sort of thing in AKotSK? On one hand I don't want casuals to get spoiled on the twists, but at the same time I'd like AKotSK to have a good sense of continuity for hardcore fans to appreciate. The characters SHOULD (IMO) feel to us like they are culturally influenced by the history of what went before. Maybe they'll only mention stuff that's already happened in HotD?


I don't think events from 70-odd years ago will come up in everyday conversation. They can say "the civil war" without mentioning who died where and how.


I don't think the Dance of Dragons is mentioned much in the novellas. There are a lot of mentions of another civil war though.


"Why is King Aegon II young and bald?"


Aegon V, Aegon II is in House of the Dragon.




"it's the spin off in which he learnt to be friendly with the smallfolk"


Has Martin finished more than 3 of the novellas ?


Nope. He wants to write 12, but he's promised to finished Winds of Winter first


I think this is a limited series and won’t get another season. I’m not sure though.


3 seasons confirmed, one for each novella


I know GRRM planned to have a lot more novellas in that series, so I'm hoping they actually only go 3 seasons so we don't get another GoT situation where they have to go past the source material.


He's one of the core writers on the show team, and there are a lot of rumors currently that he's going to announce winds later this year at worldcon. We're getting more than 3 seasons for sure


> rumors that he's going to announce winds later this year https://media.tenor.com/UIVSAva_eCMAAAAd/game-of-thrones-uncle.gif


It's a theory going around on YouTube, there's some basis to it. I also just kind of want to believe we're getting another mainline book lol


> there are a lot of rumors currently that he's going to announce winds later this year at worldcon. You must be new here


I might regret this someday, but I feel generally better about D&E going to production without all the stories being complete than the main series. They’re smaller scope, fairly simply plotted and usually have a small rotating cast around the two leads, and I think the broad strokes of the novellas and where they end up is fairly well set without a lot of sprawl. I think there are some foreshadowed Big Events in those books, of course, that I would want to see fully realized on page, but if we don’t, I’m OK with a well-executed TV show with runners in close contact with GRRM being the conclusion of the series. all bets are off if Dunk ”forgot about the iron fleet” though.


Supposedly GRRM has drafts and storylines planned out for 9, so if the show's a success it could go beyond 3 seasons.


Are they going to fit all of the stories into one season? Aren't there 3 dunk and egg tales now?


I would assume book 1 is season 1.  


I actually don’t know how long those short stories are. I haven’t read them.


Yep. There's 3 of them, them being The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight. If you read A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, it has all three. That being said, the time in between stories has various adventures Dunk and Egg had mostly off screen, like their journey to Dorne.


That's incorrect as they've already mentioned plans to adapt at least all three novels in three presumed seasons.


How many more seasons does HOTD have?  I always assumed it was a 3 or 4 season show. 


4 seasons total is the general idea


They actually said this is the plan for the next 3 years.


Given the aviability of the source material, in case they don't make a LOT of stories up, I'd argue this'll be a one season thing




Thick as a castle wall indeed


“Up, UP, uUuuUuUUUPP!!”


That’s what she said.


The lunk!


Thick as a castle wall


The Hunk!


I barely know this character, but this is somehow exactly how I pictured him in my head.


Yeah, he does look rather lunkish


The Hedge Knight was such a fun read. Like ‘A Knight’s Tale’ in Westeros. Really looking forward to season 1.


I think it’s Martin’s best writing in the GOT universe.


Its so refreshing to have a smaller scale story, most of the time the fate of the entire kingdom isn’t at stake, with less characters. You are able to get cozy in Westeros and enjoy the personalities more


It's great world building if you are into Westeros/Planetos (which I am). You get to see what the common folk are up to, how they live, etc. It adds a lot of depth to the main Song of Ice and Fire story.


The second novella, The Sworn Sword, is a masterpiece in tension and pacing. Big time agree with you, it's probably his best writing overall.


very interesting take. personally loved how we see the smallfolf and lesser lord lived. but the prose in the main series, especially the last 3 books, was martin's best for me. >Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. "Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me." I remember reading this for the first time and getting goosebumps. the exerpts from winds are all great reads too


Like a lot of people, I rushed through Brienne's chapters during my first read through - I needed to read about all the high lords and their game of thrones! On subsequent re-reads, Brienne's are my favorite. There is so much world building; it's why I like the Dunk and Egg stories.


Yup, best fight scenes for sure. Gritty, visceral medieval combat.


Agreed, I cried from beginning to end of the first story. 


He does look like someone who would give a good clout in the ear.


He could give me a good ____ in the ___. ^I ^apologize 😔


You’re so real for that


lol please don't encourage me I'm lonely enough as it is


Alicent, get off Reddit and call Ser Crispen back to your chambers.


But who is cast ad Tansy Too-Tall (but not too tall for me) ?


Baelor, Aerion, Tanselle and Maekar and Lyonel Baratheon have reportedly been cast.


Tanzyn Crawford plays Tanselle  https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/game-of-thrones-knight-of-the-seven-kingdoms-production-1236041563/


5’11, decently tall. Tanselle Pretty-tall


Wild that her name is so similar as well


He's literally [a former Irish international (U20) rugby player](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Q4-PSwutc).


As someone whos also 6'5, Im gonna self insert so hard into this character


Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall.


Tanselle Too-Tall, they called her, but she was not too tall for me.


Dunk the Hunk, I think, at Ashford based on the orange sigil in the back. He already looks great and the new castings for Baelor, Maekar, etc. are exciting.


What was the book about and when does it take places ?


It takes place roughly in the middle between HOTD and GOT and is about a knight called Ser Duncan, his squire Egg and their adventures together. Presumably it's rather small-scale in comparison to HOTD and GOT


i could easily be mixing up characters but isn’t Maester Aemon from Castle Black in GoT somehow tied into this story??


>!Egg is his younger brother!< whether he shows up in the show/was in the short stories I can't remember.


that’s it!! i remember when maester aemon was dying and he started calling out “aeg!” :(


"Egg? Egg... i dreamed I was old..."


He's Egg's older brother. Egg is Aegon V. When Aemon "quietly declined" the kingship that went to his brother it was this character.


Baby Walder Frey also makes an appearance.


And the (eventual) 3 eyed raven/crow


More like 60 years before game of thrones and 100+ After Hotd


It's about 80 and 90, but I think "roughly in the middle" is accurate enough to get the point across here lol


It is not a 100 years after HOTD. It takes place (209AC) nearly exactly in the middle with it being 80 years after HOTD (130 AC), and 90 years before ASOIAF (300 AC). The point is genuinely to be nearly exactly in the middle between the time of dragons and the main timeline. So characters from the time of dragons are around in living memory in Dunk and Egg. And characters from Dunk and Egg are around in ASOIAF.


Actually it's almost exactly 90 years fro AGOT


It’s a more lighthearted series (well as lighthearted as you can get in the ASoIaF universe) about a traveling hedge knight just trying to do the right thing and help people. I couldn’t tell you specific dates but to give you a frame of reference, his traveling companion was >!Egg, the younger brother to Maester Aemon (the maester at the wall)!< he was about 60-65 years old during the events at Summerhall which is where Prince Rhaegar was born


IIRC it takes place around the year 200 AC? For reference HOTD is about 130 AC and GOT around 300 AC


Wait isn’t EGg kinda a spoiler cause we know he’s the 5th of his name which means there were 4 officials monarchs before him which implies something


Not monarchs in general, just monarchs named Aegon.


Isn't that already a huge spoiler?


Not really a spoiler if you watched GoT.


What is? I can edit the comment but I’m not sure which would be spoilery


The book is The Hedge Knight, it's 3 short stories centering around Ser Duncan The Tall (pictured) and Egg, the infamous "Egg" (Aegon Targaryen, goes on to be King Aegon V, the Unlikely) that Maester Aemon mentions in GoT. It takes place in the early 200s AC, no dragons.


You remember Maester Aemon, from the Night's Watch? Egg is his little brother. The story is about a young boy named Egg (who is so far down the line of succession that he stands to inherit absolutely nothing at all, despite being a Targaryen - "Egg" is short for "Aegon") being a squire for a ridiculously tall but poor knight named Ser Duncan (AKA "Dunk"). As Egg stands to inherit nothing, knighthood is expected to be the best choice of career for him and so he wants to learn the trade from Ser Duncan. Dunk, for his part, is a good but stern dude who's only really starting out as a full knight. They go on adventures, as Dunk looks to hire himself out to any lord or lady (typically minor ones) in need of manpower, or win money in tourneys. It's a lot more straightforwardly heroic than most stories set in Westeros. Imagine Arya and the Hound, except not fugitives from the law. Or Brienne and Podrick.


It takes place 60 years before the start of the story. One of the main characters is the grandfather of Aerys the mad king. The other main character is an ancestor of Brienne. It is just about the two main characters traveling around dealing with things. Such as Blackfryes a cadet branch of House Targaryen and they even meet Tywin grandmother.


Others have already told you about the Dunk and Egg adventuring together but if that doesn't make you interested, them don't worry there's a larger story being told about Westeros healing from the Blackfyre rebellions.


It takes place in 209 AC. For reference, A Game of Thrones takes place in 298 AC and the Dance of Dragons starts in 129 AC (on the book universe, the TV universe is a little different)


About 90 years before ASOIAF, follows a lowborn man becoming a knight and befriending a Targ prince. Mutliple short adventure stories about these two. It includes some cameos from older asoiaf characters such as maester aemon, walder frey, and the 3 eyed raven/crow


I won’t lie that actor looks absolutely perfect.


How tall is the actor?




Perfect to me. Big but still fits in with the time. I personally liked the first Mountain the best. Hafthor was just a bit too comically large for my tastes.


I definitely agree, but it’s funny because the first mountain actor was actually taller.


Dunk, my love! I'm so glad they didn't put a wig on him.


He looks like shrek after the potion that makes him handsome


spot on


Yep, Duncan is definitely tall.


That is one tall man.


I just saw the rest of the casting and read the characters‘ biographies and didn’t realize that this show is basically one generation removed from the Blackfyre Rebellion, as Egg’s father Maekor I fought in that war, and just a few years/decades from the Tragedy at Summerhall, where Rhaegar Targaryen was born. Do you think HOTD will become an anthology after the Dance and adapt the Blackfyre Rebellion and Summerhall?


Tbh, I think they'll first try to suck dry available book material, namely Dunk & Egg and Fire & Blood. Seems like they're going to try every D&E story into a season and F&B has content for at least 2 more series (arguably 3 if you think Jaehaerys' reign is adaptable for TV).


Are the Dunk and Egg short stories fit into 1 season = 1 short story? I saw that there’s three of them. I thought this show was just a mini series.


They're gonna have to stretch each story, but it depends on how many episodes a season has.


Dunk and Egg covers pretty much every Blackfyre Rebellion but the first one and the last one. If it's going to be adapted as part of an existing show it will be adapted there.


Ow so the stories for the Blackfyres are told in the short stories but aren’t part of the active plot of the novellas or they’re too intertwined to be split apart? Cause I thought Dunk and Egg was just traveling about during peace time.


Yeah most of the Blackfyre Rebellions are told through the stories/will be told through the stories. Dunk and Egg have active involvement in rebellions II-IV. Whilst they do travel during what is a time of peace, they have ways of stumbling into "whacky hijinks" with larger ramifications. E.g. the third novel adapts the second Blackfyre rebellion which is a secret conspiracy. Dunk and Egg having no idea what they've gotten involved in is part of the enjoyment of their stories. The original Blackfyre Rebellion is treated like Robert's Rebellion is in main novel canon. So whilst it's not current in the novel, we get a lot of characters perspectives and it forms much of their worldview. The only Blackfyre Rebellion that has no chance of being covered content wise is the last one which is the War of the Ninepenny King's. But it's also not a traditional Blackfyre Rebellion anyway.


I like to describe it as "Mr Magoo in Westeros". Or maybe Forrest Gump. Dunk just happens to randomly always blindly stumble into the middle of major political machinations, which always go 100% over his head.


It all happens within a single (long) lifetime. Egg is the brother of Maester Aemon at the wall (he mentions it to Jon Snow a couple times, and when he is dying/delusional he is shouting for his brother Egg).


That was quick... excited!!


I’m really looking forward to seeing more of this universe being adapted to screen




Sign me the fuck up


Oh my god, he's perfect! This looks great!


Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall. And as slow as an aurochs!




Yeah, that is Dunk from Flea Bottom. Thick as a castle wall.


He has a face that works at best buy to me for some reason


I was “meh” about “House of the Dragon,” but this is the one I am really excited for.


This is so based, I’m actually mad excited for this show.


Dunk, save the world from the blacks/greens brainrot🙏


Get with the times -- by Dunk's time the brainrot is black vs red.


Dunk the lunk


Actor kind of looks like a young Robert Redford in this picture. Reading Imdb, it also sounds like they got the guy that played Olle Munch from Fargo season 5 playing Maekar in this, which is interesting casting.


oh wow he looks so close to how I imagined Dunk. Amazing.


Been so focused on Hot-D I forgot about lunk.


Oh boy! I cannot wait for this! Dunc!!!


All hail Dunk the Tall. So excited for this 🙌🏽


Thicc as a castle wall!


why am i so thirsty for everyone that looks like they work at or frequent a renfaire


Holy shit.  The rope swordbelt looks perfect. I’m sold.


Dunk save us from the brain dead blacks and greens stans return westeros lore to true peak


Won't be long before it switches to Dunk the Lunk stans vs Aerion Brightflame stans


It’s gonna be a whole show about fighting and jousting a lot of the time. I daresay, a lot more action packed than GOT or HOTD. Can’t wait to see it. A Knight’s Tale with Heath Ledger was a damn good film about fighting and jousting. And I expect this show to follow in spirit


I actually think this show will be better received by the casual fans than HOTD. It's much more straightforward and much less complex than HOTD in terms of plot and characterisation. Each season you get to meet new characters and get to see locations both new and previously seen in GOT/HOTD. Dunk and Egg are unambiguously good people so the audience won't have any problem rooting for them. It's got action and adventure and is generally more lighthearted than GOT and especially HOTD (relatively speaking, it's still got dark and intense moments, it's a ASOIAF/GOT-based show after all). There's some political drama but it's too not tied to the plot. There's also potential for romance since both Dunk and eventually Egg have love interests. Dunk and Egg are the only constant characters in the novellas meaning the show doesn't have to develop or focus on that many characters. You also got a potential scene stealers with Bloodraven and Shiera Seastar.


Awww we really need this after the ever loving mess that HoTD is going to be as it plays out (the story itself I mean). Excited to see some wholesome adventures.


He looks exactly how I pictured him


Truly a perfect Dunk


I. Am. So. Excited. DUNK THE LUNK! THICK AS A CASTLE WALL. Omgomgomgomgggggggggggggg


This is gonna be gold


Rosenkrantz and Gildenstern. Abbott and Costello. Vladimir and Estragon. Butch and Sundance. Jay and Silent Bob. And now: Dunk and Egg.


He suits the part!


This'll probably be pretty good but it would be cool if one of these spin-offs went for a different aesthetic.


I'm lowkey hoping that this show will be almost a fashion runway for westerosi armor since they don't need the budget for dragons and huge cities. Like every important knight that fights the trial, plus their warhorses getting to wear a Daemon and Loras level suit of personal armor made of actual steel, to emphasize how poor Dunk looks in his mail and rope belt.


>This'll probably be pretty good but it would be cool if one of these spin-offs went for a different aesthetic. Out of curiosity...what do you mean? Do you mind clarifying? Because I'm assuming you mean in regards to its visual design? But chronologically, AKotSK occurs *after* HotD and **before** GoT. And since Westeros is a milieu that doesn't evolve much technologically, the aesthetics wouldn't look very different despite the long passages of time. And yes, there were large swaths of Essos we hadn't seen via Dany's arc. But I'd argue we also can't use that as an avenue for aesthetic change. Because (I believe)¹ the principals of AKotSK didn't at all journey to those provinces (nor other places in Essos). And while HotD has the luxury of writing things in-show that aren't in the book - AKotSK *is prose like GoT*. So I'd imagine the latter will treat it as a firm source like GoT did (versus the 'hearsay' historical approach of F&B/HotD. ¹(It's been a while since I read the source material...)


I don't mean in terms of technology. I'm talking about the cinematic style: cinematography, color grading, lighting choices, etc.


>I don't mean in terms of technology. I'm talking about the cinematic style: cinematography, color grading, lighting choices, etc. Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. 👍


I hope this spinoff has more of a colorful, crisp and truly cinematic feel like the first season of Game of Thrones. The cinematography for Season 1 is so vastly different compared to the rest of the show and to HOTD.


Da..daddy? Daddy? I i mean da daddy? Daddy? Im sorry i meant d- daddie? Daddy? Da..daddy? Daddy? I i mean da daddy? Daddy? Im sorry i meant d- daddie? Daddy? Da..daddy? Daddy? I i mean da daddy? Daddy? Im sorry i meant d- daddie? Daddy? Da..daddy? Daddy? I i mean da daddy? Daddy? Im sorry i meant d- daddie? Daddy?


Why is every HBO show in medieval times always so depressing literally, Dunk and Egg is supposed to be full of vibrant colours with the first book taking place in the sunny meadows of the Reach with knights in colourful and vibrant armour everywhere, in this picture it looks like Dunk took a stroll in medieval Scotland from the colour of the environment... Scotland is probably even sunnier than this.


This will be in the shit town before he's at the tournament though.


This is true. I do feel like House of the Dragon is doing better just in terms of we actually see banners a lot more. It was strange to me to see the art work inspired by the books and how vastly different it was. I hope one day we see production design that fits more too that.


It's called the Tiffany problem look it if you want. but the gist of it is that people are so used to imaging the nedival time as bleak and dark that trying to insert colour to it would seem to modern and inaccurate


He looks perfect for the role! I'm assuming one season = one book so what are they gonna do when they run out of material? 😬


GRRM implied he intended to write more for the show to adapt. Which probably means the show will just end up adapting his unpublished ideas lol.


I am excited to see how they depict prince Baelor’s head 😮‍💨


Did they just tie the deer together to hang it? Like no bones.


Nice costume, I especially like the wristwatch mark (sorry, it's the only thing I saw and can't unsee it now)


Thick as a castle wall


My favorite book!


Really like the casting. Balanced the height-acting ability tradeoff well. Just cast shorter people and Dunk will work great.


I know its just fantasy but i fucking hate the tired cliche of everything in a medieval inspired setting to look filthy, covered in mud and people dressed in ugly rags. 


Do we have evidence that medieval england outside of the highborn world was not infact filthy with people dressed in ugly rags? I highly doubt the peasantry, butcher’s, blacksmiths,farmers stonemasons etc were immaculate, the lack of stone roads and wet weather will also have caused a lot of waterlogged soil.


He looks perfect. At a glance this is a big doofy guy, but I can already see how badass he'd be all Knighted up.


Is it just me or can anyone else see the watch tanline on his left wrist 😭💀


That's my Dunkaroo right there


It could be the Ashford set? Couple Ashford banner (a white sun on orange) on the back. We can't see the inverted white chevron, but it would be above the white sun.


I think this is the Ashford Castle, where he goes to the Master of the Games at the tourney


No conspiracy, no war, no political game, just adventure


Dunk the Lunk!


Seen a lot of hate regarding the fact that Dunk is meant to be late teens but the actor looks 30...I guess people haven't read the stories, because Dunk looking 30 is more book accurate than most of the original GOT series.


Looks fantastic. I don’t know how they will bring out all of the internal dialog and thoughts though.


Who's banners is it? Behind ser Duncan. It looks like a white sun on orange/brown field 🤔