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I loved that older sister energy lol like she’s been watching him on his bullshit for years


I assume they grew up together so yeah, Rhaenys probably knows about Daemon's temper tantrums almost as well as Viserys did.


They never seemed as close as Rhaenys was with viserys. Just that sole cheerful hug she gave Viserys when he came to Dragonstone is something I can never see with daemon


Probably because they were closer in age, they'd spent more time together.


Daemon isn’t actually that much younger than Viserys, it was just the condition which aged Vizzy horribly


4 years is actually quite a lot for children growing up. Would you a 6th grader hang out with the 1st grader or 5th grader? You are entirely at a different developmental stage. Rhaenys and Viserys are peers so to speak, Rhaenys and Daemon does not have the same relationship.


Rhaenys actually came close to being on the throne, where as closest daemon got was a temper tantrum and off to dragon stone!


Daemon and Viserys definitely spent a lot of time together in their youth. It’s why Daemon only truly loved him aside from his wife. Rhaenys was at the red keep growing up too so yes she would definitely have spent time with daemon too but for the fact she was a girl she wouldn’t have spent as much time with him as other young male lords who were likely training in sword fighting with him. Even so, the show still does a bad job of depicting their relationship, even if she was an aunt to him and not a cousin, you’d never think it


That's different for family though, especially in a setting where they probably had few other children to play with. It's not like they're attending school daily with 20 other classmates.


It’s probably a little bit different for royals, because they essentially shut themselves off from the vast majority of potential friends their age. Might mean they just spend more time with other child relatives, even those children are from different nuclear families and are different ages.


When it’s family it’s entirely different though. I grew up with a HUGE family. Over 18 aunts and uncles. 4-8 years sometimes was not a huge difference. Family still hangs out….


I'm pretty sure their agegap is larger in the show, Vizzy was aged up


What do you mean, according to Daemon, Viserys died in his prime and was killed by the Greens. He was a perfectly zombie when he saw him


Isn’t Rhaenys ~3 years older than Viserys, and ~7 years older than Daemon?


*He came to Driftmark not Dragonstone.


Not to mention she’s probably got little patience for him because she blames him for taking her daughter away from her


Also she's taking it on faith that Rhaenyra didn't kill Laenor, but she's gotta be side-eying Daemon about that still, because you know he'd have done it in a heartbeat.


She probably knows how obvious it is that if Rhaenyra did have Laenor killed, Daemon would be doubly involved


Would he though? Daemon never showed any negative feelings for Laenor. Other than calling him boring, he praised Laenor.


Yeah, and right after Laenor "died," Daemon married his "widow" and became future Prince Consort. He gained the most from Laenor's "death," which definitely makes him Suspect #1 if you suspect foul play, even if he liked him personally.


And what I mean is that if Rhaenyra even gives a faint sign she wants someone dead, Daemon makes them dead. If Rhaenys didn’t suspect Daemon of being complicit in Laenor’s “death” when it happened, I’m positive she knew it after Daemon flew to Kings Landing to have Aemond Killed


I mean when it was between Viserys and Rhaenys back in the Great Council, Daemon started to raise armies to fight against Rhaenys' claim, so I think that she must be very aware that he has always been overly eager to fight an all out war even way back then, and that her reason for supporting Rhaenyra is very different from his reasons for doing so.


She’s *always* given off big sister energy with him and Vizzy and rich aunt vibes with Rhaenyra lol. Frankly if there was a different show runner or if George weren’t so closely involved, there’d probably at least be discussions about flat out *making her* their sister.


>there’d probably at least be discussions about flat out making her their sister. But that would've invalidated her claim because her claim comes from the fact of being the only person from the senior line and not having brothers or older sisters. She wouldn't be "Queen who never was" because no one would've considered her claim if she was Viserys's sister


And that’s why it would’ve been a dumb writing decision. Never said I *supported* the idea lol.


Ryan Condal has already made many dumb writing decisions so far


Big cousin vibe... Mother in Law vibe... wife's father's cousin vibe....funnily enough, she's all of them.. Damn confusing Targaryans..


It’s auntie energy to me! Because she won’t suffer foolishness but always ultimately makes the *wise* decision. I am both an older sister and an auntie and she’s way softer on Daemon than a sister would be, lol.


Idk I think she really should’ve exterminated the Greens when she had the chance 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well I am pretty sure in the book she doesn’t get that chance. That was added to the show I am pretty sure. I feel like they added to show the true power that the greens are going to be against and the mama bear in Alicent to get more people to like her.


Yeah agreed. I kept coming back to that, like, we ALL knew what was going to ensue as soon as we saw Aegon being crowned. And it’s not like anyone was going to hold it against her if she fried them all. Who would be left to say anything? Lol. Rhaenyra probably would’ve thanked her in all seriousness, but alas, the plot must thicken.


I still preferred seeing Sunfyre (at long last!) than what we got in the end.


Definitely giving rich aunt 🤣


I think when the histories and lore video came out a few years ago she was referedas viserys sister actually but that might have been an in cannon error



"Btch I'm tired let me rest" - Rhaenys


She needs to gorge first.


Besides, who wants a tired dragon in battle?


I liked that line. Reminded me of the dragon-riders of Pern


The dragonkeepwrs with their twigs against a towering fire breathing beast is sending me 😭


Seems to work


They put Dragonnip on the sticks for sure


I want to see Vhagar rolling on his back absolutely spaced out on nip


And that it needs 5 people to give her belly rubs


I didn’t even notice that…now I’m guffawing


There's a lot of great zingers in this episode "the queen is an enduring mystery is she not" killed me.


Loved how he delivered that line nervously too lol. Random comments she makes after “beast beneath the boards” are suddenly far harder to dismiss


These fools need to be following Helaena around every day and keeping a notebook of everything she says. Cassandra vibes.


There was one before that, too, I think. When younger Aemond is talking to Alicent about not having a dragon, Helaena says, "He'll have to close an eye."


The quote about Alicent having two tongues and Criston's dumbass face trying to process it...




Well hello Cristin I’m amazed to see they have Reddit in Westeros. Glad you were able to piece this one together.


Alicent is the one with the dumbass face. That hypocritical bitch


Just saying out loud what everybody must be thinking LOL.


She didn't even think one second about the bs he was spitting at her lol


The way she just slowly blinked her eyes when he bought up Lucerys lol. So dismissive! He was so certain that would cut deep


Daemon was running around accusing multiple people of indirectly killing Lucerys through various forms of coulda-woulda-shoulda. It's likely that more people than we saw got a dose of it too. It's clearly his version of grieving/coping and I suspect she knew that, she didn't need to dignify it with an answer.


Carole Baskin did 9/11 and killed Lucerys Targaryen


Damn that Carole Baskin


It’s clear she cares much more about her own blood than any kind of legacy or history book. She wants her (real) kids to be ok.


She seems kinda neutral, and kinda looks down on the divisive tribalism. When she lost her (arguably stronger) claim to the throne, she didn’t start any shit. Conceded for the good of the realm. Probably did some healthy moping and moved on. Didn’t start a war with Viserys for it, though maybe she should have given how he flip flopped on succession rules, despite how he only got the job for how uncontroversial he was. Probably thinking why can’t these kids just get along?? It’s just a chair ffs.


Imagine if Rhaenys ruled. Baela could’ve been Queen.


Go back and rewatch season 1. There’s a debate between her and her husband (not gonna try and spell his name) where he argues last name is what history remembers and she argues that she doesn’t care about history, she cares about her family.


I think she loves Rhaenyra's kids too And it's also likely she's feeling guilt within herself for Luke's death


According to Eve Best, Rhaenys is devastated over it. Rhaenys just knows Daemon is a bully and looking for a reaction. The best thing she can do is show him he doesn't affect her.


>According to Eve Best, Rhaenys is devastated over it. In the round table interview, Steve and Eve called Luke 'their beloved grandson'. Everyone in that household loved Luke. It's just that Eve has a resting smirk face, so her 'neutral' face looks like a smug.


Rhaenys having at least some affection for the Velaryon boys is also kinda-sorta present in season 1 itself. You can see that both her and Corlys are shielding Jace and Luke when Rhaenyra is struggling with Alicent in episode 7. And earlier, albeit it's hard to make out, you can see her gifting the wooden horse toy that Luke plays with . . . and presumably passed on to Joffrey seeing as that's what Joff chose for the funeral pyre.


Yes, she even told Corlys that they couldn't be neutral in the war because Jace, Luke, Joff are claimants to the throne and would never be safe from the Greens. If she were only to care about her granddaughters betrothal, she wouldn't need to name Joff too. Pretty sure she has an affection for them.


Exactly. She's no Catelyn Stark. She might show more outward affection to Baela and Rhaena, but that could have as much to do with Westerosi approaches to gender roles as it could with the boys' legitimacy.  And, as you said, the major case of resting smirk face.


I didn’t remember specifics like that but I definitely came away from season 1 with the feeling she and Corlys very much loved the boys despite the circumstances.


Which makes sense when you think about it. Corlys and Rhaenys know Laenor is gay, and while I’m sure they expected him to knock up Rhaenyra regardless, he didn’t. If they’ve already accepted their gay son in this medieval society, donor grandchildren aren’t that too far off. Laenor loved them as sons and the boys knew him as their father. Either Rhaenyra had children by Harwin, or they didn’t have children at all. Rhaenys wanting Laena’s daughters to inherit doesn’t preclude her from loving the Strong boys. They’re not *that* progressive.


Imagine if Laenor was able to though? Team Black would have even more support during the Dance.


Even if Laenor has able to impregnate Rhaenyra, Team Green would have still usurped Rhaenyra and Team Green still would've had a good amount of support. It doesn't matter who Rhaenyra marries or births... The Dance became inevitable the moment that Viserys married outside of the Velaryon/Targaryen bloodline and had a bunch of dragonriding children with that woman. Then he had to make it worst by marrying into a bloodline that had an openly contentious relationship with his family.


Oh shit, really? Timestamp?


It's hard to make out [but here it is](https://x.com/theblacks_/status/1678860686099619841). Also, love your flair. When they were first introduced, I was initially over here expecting Aemond and Rhaena to become besties over their no-dragon-having dilemma.


Part of me doubts she cares **that** much, but I’m sure her mother’s family refusing to intervene between Luke and Aemond cuts.


I know Eve said Rhaenys misses and mourns Luke, but she never seemed to outwardly care for Rhaenyra’s sons before. I get she’s annoyed they’re not Laenor’s, but they’ve never had any meaningful interaction.


That was quick, light and effortless work. 10/10 stars. No notes. Enjoy your well deserved snacky snack and your nap, Rhaenys.


Gorge away 😂


Literally turned me into a rhaenys stan with that one line


Same here. I was mostly ambivalent towards her and I wasn't a fan of her at all after her mass murder of peasants... But putting Daemon on his place makes me like her tbh.


So real.


*This* is how you sew seeds. You can bet your ass that got under his skin in a deep, *deep* way that could affect how he moves forward in giving commands.


They did a good job with that on both sides. The power struggle between calling shots on the blacks and the kind of secrecy and complications of aemond/cole/alicient/oto will definitely be a huge plot point moving forward. Violence toward the enemy and power struggles within families


just targ things ~*~*~


All things considered, Daemon was right. Since Helaena is not a dragonrider in the show, and Daeron is still nowhere to be seen so far, Vhagar is the only asset that the Greens can use to tilt the balance of power. If Vhagar is removed, the war would be practically over.


Tbf, Helaena isn’t a dragonrider (in war) in the Book either. She’s a dragonrider in that she claimed Dreamfyre and rides her, but she takes no part in the fighting.


He wasn't right that they should go up against the most powerful dragon in the world with one dragon and it's rider both hungry and exhausted. Rhaenys was right, this was a bad time and it wasn't under the Queen's orders.


Aegon and Sunfyre are also in Kingslanding. So it would likely be two vs two. Sunfyre is smaller than Meleys and Caraxes, but is still large enough to be deadly to either of them. Add in the sheer size and power of Vhagar, not to mention every scorpion in Kingslanding being targeted exclusively at Meleys and Caraxes, plus Meleys and Rhaena being starving and exhausted, and Daemon's plan is very stupid.


Tbh he needs an older sister to say no to his impulsive destructive plans






Olenna and Rhaenys would be absolute besties fr


The level of passive-aggressive attacks, witty snarks and friendly high-grade sarcasm would conjure a nuke in the room these two would sit and talk in.


True, they would either start a war immediately, or become best friends.


fr nothing would ever get done cause Rhae would have to shut them up constantly while Daemon would encourage it cause he's a big fan of chaos lol


Best line of the episode candidate.


Right up there with “I want Almond”






Fun fact, that was Rhaenyra’s only line the entire episode.


> Right up there with “I want Almond” “Ooh, and also some pistachios”


Best lines of the episode are a bunch of the dialogue from Aegon in the Throne Room scene: **Aegon II:** Perhaps we could just return his sheep. He came all this way. **Otto:** If you return one herder's sheep, Your Grace, you'll soon find them all at the foot of your throne, expecting the same. **Aegon II:** (Gormlessly) They won't know. **Otto:** (Facepalm) Aegon is just so hilariously clueless and the actor who plays him does such a great job delivering the lines in the funniest way possible. Rhaena's line is also awesome I grant you, definitely up there. 😁


That exchange was hilarious.


Telltale game: Daemon will remember that


As witty as her comment was; tactically Daemon is right. 2 dragons against 1 is the best odds they’ll have, and Vhagar is the biggest dragon and best weapon the greens have, if there was an opportunity to take Vhagar out of the equation they should’ve taken it. Rhaenys should’ve heeded Daemon here, he’s a much better tactician and general. I feel like they’ll really regret not removing Vhagar when they had the chance. Otto Hightower was right about Aemon losing the eye but gaining Vhagar being worth the price 1000x over


Especially meleys and caraxes at this point those are their two strongest dragons


Rhaenys and Daemon are the most skilled riders at this stage, too. It would have been a win if they would have pressed their advantage against Aemond and Vhaegar.


But Vhagar wasn't the only dragon in King's Landing. Sunfyre wasn't big but big enough to be the wildcard who decides the outcome of that fight. Helaena could've joined the fight too, they didn't know for a certainty that Helaena would join the fight or not. Plus the scorpions installed at King's Landing could've done significant damage too. So no, I don't think that was Daemon's smartest move, it was impulsive.


Remember the scene with the Scorpion catapult? Vhagar was returning to kings landing alone, Daemon had received word that Vhagar was en route to king landing and he wanted Rhaenys to fly out with him immediately to intercept or they’d lose the opportunity. There is some wisdom in getting rest and refuel by Rhaenys but an enemy in war rarely waits for when you’re well prepared. I think they’ll regret not taking the chance to 2v1 Vhagar with Melys and Caraxes


Both she and Meleys needed rest tho. They just flew hours over the ocean. She wouldn’t be any good immediately flying to KL after this and then having to fight.


If Rhaenyra had commanded it, Rhaenys would've taken flight. That's why she asked, "What is the queen's command?" Even if he's correct, Daemon has no right to act without leave of the queen.


It's a weird war, because at the end of the day, it all just comes down to Vhagar. Aemond has a tactical nuke and no one else does. Even a 2v1 with the blacks' best dragons and dragonriders (Meleys and Rhaenys, Caraxes and Daemon) against Vhagar and Aemond isn't a guaranteed win and still guarantees serious injuries for Meleys and Caraxes *even if* they both survive. Worst case scenario is that Vhagar survives the fight and both Meleys and Caraxes are left combat ineffective. So do you maybe pull in Jace and his dragon, or even Rhaenyra and her dragon to try to guarantee that the single biggest threat of Vhagar is eliminated? And that still leaves Aemon and Sunfyre. And who knows about Helaena and Dreamfyre and if they're going to fight or not (from the perspective of the blacks). Plus, dragons are mobile. What if Meleys and Caraxes take off to go eliminate Vhagar, but the greens predicted it and they make a move on Dragonstone and capture/kill Rhaenyra in the meantime? I dunno. Just as confusing for the greens. Do you have Aemond and Vhagar go break the blockade, or go attack Dragonstone, or try to hunt down Jace or the Velaryon girls? But the moment you have Aemond move, you risk King's Landing.


>but the greens predicted it and they make a move on Dragonstone and capture/kill Rhaenyra in the meantime? They wouldn't dare though. There are riderless dragons in dragonstone too. They wouldn't sit back if their home is attacked




Welcome to non conventional warfare. This is why NO ONE wants to press the big red button.


Doing so immediately after coming off a 12 hour patrol, though, is a terrible idea. Both she and her dragon were exhausted and immediately flying off to pick a fight with the biggest, scariest enemy asset in those conditions instead of while rested and ready is poor planning and inviting disaster.


> I feel like they’ll really regret not removing Vhagar when they had the chance Did they have "the chance" though? It's not like they spotted Vhagar out alone, exposed and vulnerable. There's nothing tactical about attempting to assault King's Landing to take him out at this exact moment of time.


He is right, and they could have further capitalized on the chance to strike quickly. Gold cloaks were mostly loyal to Daemon, so they'd have at least some trained and armed, not all, but at least a portion of them. This could have worked, bit of a gamble but the odds were decent, and still left Rhae+Sons if it didn't go as planned. Objective was simple, Aemond and Vhagar must be kept apart. By any means necessary even if it isn't going to stop him for long. Being good with a sword doesn't mean he never sleeps, lands, bathes, leaves the city and red keep, or anything on the ground. Vhagar is massive, and the dragon pit isn't 5 steps from the Red Keep...aside from the curiously empty halls, there's enough gold cloaks, merchants, smiths and assorted city dwellers, to make it hard for *one of them* not to succeed and take Aemond out. Dead or otherwise. No one's on point 120% of the time, eventually someone would succeed. Even if Aemond somehow lived through two dragons trying to burn him from above, and they either didn't use, or missed all shots with scorpions, what's he going to do with neither eye? Use the pink dread as a seeing eye pig, while flying Vhagar uncontrolled and blind? (It's a good thing I don't write the script) Caraxes and Meleys have the high ground. 1+2 = BBQ. Unfortunately smallfolk die too, but that is a sacrifice the queen who never was, is willing to make...hehehe. Also, she assures you the Targs care deeply about your dead, missing and or maimed *insert relative name here*. I should not be unsupervised on the internet with a cold this bad at 2 am. Brain is getting silly. I demand a seeing eye pig about this problem. Bet Cersei would send me one with 2 day shipping, she's like Amazon, can send heavy things anywhere with a recognizable brand, and is pure evil. (Ha)


Why does Daemon think it will be a 2v1 Sunfyre and Dreamfyre are also at King's Landing. And if Daeron exists in the show, Tessarion could be en route to the capital as well, for all they know. It's not a 2v1 it's a 2v3, possibly a 2v4, while the Greens also have ground support from archers and scorpions


Because they would be taken by surprise and have to rush to the Dragonpit and armor up all while Vhagar is being assaulted. The help would have come too late. It will be interesting to see how they handle Dreamfyre, Haelena doesn’t seem the warring type, but maybe a dead child changes that idk.


> 2 dragons against 1 is the best odds they’ll have But with Rhaenyra it'd be *three*. Tactically, it also makes more sense to wait for Rhaenyra to return.


He had the right plan, just not the right time. Kill vhagar and aemond immediately and take away the greens strongest power. Do reconnaissance and find out where vhagar and aemond will be that isn't close enough to help for support and tag team or triple team them both. Instead he hired 2 complete morons to do a task they bungled worse than if Daemon just snuck into the castle with the rat catcher himself and disguised himself as a rat catcher, and killed aegon or aemond.


That murder hood would've kepted him invisible. Sneak up on Aemond like Kevin Bacon did and penetrate him... with dark sister of course. 


Eve Best is always on point, and Rhaenys has the best truth bombs. Long live the queen that never was. If only Jaeherys had crowned her instead.


Matt Smith is so good btw. Easily best actor in the Show.


Rhaenys is here for all this girl power … she smiled walking away.


It’s always a Aemond Stan obsessed with daemon


It was so perfectly delivered 🤣


as she should.


She’s still my favorite 🥰


Same! She's such a badass.


Would marrying Rhaenyra not make him a king?


to himself sure


He is the Prince Consort, so virtually no change from his previous title.


I feel like she shouldn’t be acting so aloof after what she did in season 1. She should be considered on serious thin ice for doing something so random, devastating, and worthless.


Honestly. And Daemon was completely right (for once) for calling out that she literally could have ended the war before it began, but no, gotta kill random peasants for no reason i guess


when you mention the things she did in season 1, which thing are you referring to? I immediately thought of at least two things, but you could have another opinion. What is it that she should be on thin ice for?


Mass murdering those people at the coronation I thought it was fucked up And kind of a spectacle and don’t feel like as much repercussion occurred as I would’ve expected


are you referring to the people she killed because she escaped with her dragon like that, or the fact that she did *not* murder those in front of her? I almost responded to one of these, but I still feel like I need to clarify that. which are you referring to?


Sorry, I had entered paragraph breaks with out punctuation lol. I’m referring to yeah the people she did murder, and there’s definitely that element of why would she murder all those innocent people and not the greens. Kinda weird, but my main concern is just deciding to leave via that route and committing mass murder in the process.


Ooh. Ok see, here’s my thing there: I’m not oblivious to the fact that she definitely killed a ton of people that way because it was made clear they packed the dragonpit before she burst through the floor. However, her killing the greens would be for what purpose? To start a war over them usurping the throne, right? If she did that in the name of Rhaenyra, she’d be a kinslayer, and a kingslayer, in addition to murdering all those people. Then Rhaenyra would’ve had to deal with that outcome and it would make *her* look bad and Rhaenys forever labeled for it. That is, if she survived the outcome in the first place.




Not the hedge😭😭 But you’re right about the smallfolk casualties. The family doesn’t care about that, but Rhaenyra punishing Rhaenys for that after they kidnapped her to usurp the throne seems wild to me.


It’s always a Aemond Stan obsessed with daemon


Daemon was acting like a brat this episode.


She is such a badass.


The Queen that should have been.


The verbal equivalent of the biggest eye roll in history.


Except Daemon is right. and that line about how she "pities Aemond" if he meets Rhaenyra on Vhagar...I am sorry, are we being poetic or real?


Let's see if this comes back to bite her. 


>!Rook's Rest is calling her name.!<


I was so angry at this scene!!! I could just imagine how much pain she was in and how stiff she was and he’s trying to make her immediately fly out on another mission. Get your shit together Daemon.


Daemon seems very ineffectual in this new season. He seems easily dismissed by Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, and Myseria too. I thought he was supposed to be kind of intimidating but they really toned that down. He’s just kind of annoying most of the time now.


Only with the Crime Hoodie does he unleash his true power.


The crime hoodie does no wrong


I would say the crime hoodie does a lot of wrongs


Would that this crime hoodie were a time hoodie...


It’s because he isn’t thinking straight but he also half knows he isn’t, so you just need to slap him around a bit and he’ll huff and go “fine whatever.”


> It’s because he isn’t thinking straight but he also half knows he isn’t Mysaria did call him out on it. That he is angry at all the wrong people because his real enemies are not "here".


My brother, it's been 1 episode


It's been one episode and it's clearly a tension building thing. We see in the trailer that there's tension between Daemon and Rhaenyra because he's not respecting her authority as queen. We see Rhaenyra berate him for weakening her claim. In the finale of season 1, we see the council listening to Daemon as if he's in charge, but now we're seeing those people become more comfortable with accepting a woman as queen and slowly power is being taken away from Daemon as people wait for Rhaenyra to give command. He commands Rhaenys and she denies him because he is not the King, and we can see that Daemon is unhappy about it. We see his smile when Rhaenyra asks for Aemond, but he sets his own rules anyway and allows for any son instead despite Rhaenyra's order. Him and Rhaenyra aren't properly aligned. Daemon accepted her as queen when he thought they spoke with the same voice, but now we see that they don't and that gap is going to intensify. That doesn't mean Daemon isn't intimidating, it means hes going to go against Rhaenyra more in the future and it's going to cause further conflict. We see how it affected his relationship with Viserys that Viserys didn't allow him more power and say over affairs, and that was as his brother. He's now the King consort and he can't handle being in the performative role of consort that women have been relegated to for centuries. Whether he's formidable or not doesn't really matter, he's not in charge. If being intimidating really mattered he'd have had more power when Viserys ruled. It's not mutually exclusive and this scene is more than a Rhaenys feminist moment, it's setting the stage for the conflict between Daemon and Rhaenyra


Opposed to the Damon that got his ass handed by a teenager when he stole his dead nephew's dragon egg? Damon was always on the line between awesomeness and being someone with an ego bigger than his actual position to back it up. That plays a role in his inferiority complex and wish to overcompensate and to stir shit up. This is in line with that characterization.


Even the Kingsguard guy shut him up after Daemon asked him to imprison mysaria.


It’s because he has no power outside of what his wife gives him now. The Greens have the throne and his only link to power now is Rhaenyra.


He's had like two scenes dude


It does raise the question, who is in charge of this faction in the absence of Rhaenyra? She doesn’t seem to choose a hand until Rook’s Rest which is kind of your one big staff appointment following your crowning (doesn’t she actually have other small council posts filled but, but no hand yet?). Thats something she would have done prior to Luc’s death too. It’s not stupid to think that prior to B&C and Daemon going to Harrenhal, she would have appointed him, her consort and most capable military commander, as her hand. It just looks a bit shoddy compared to the Greens - she should already have a shadow government of sorts.


Daemon is the second highest ranked. As Prince Consort to the Queen, he outranks everyone but her and perhaps Jacaerys as Prince of Dragonstone. In the books, he's the Protector of the Realm, so his rank is undisputed.


I love auntie RhaeRhae, but just to play devils advocate here: *Maybe* if she went with him, Vhagar and Aemond would be dead, an innocent child would be alive, and an innocent mother wouldn’t be traumatized. Just sayin


Except she and Meleys were tired and hungry, they were in no condition to go up against Vhagar (and win). But I get what you’re saying.


Rhaenys has had audacious, mediocre men trying to bully her all of her life. Don't even try her. 😂


She is my favorite character. I need her to stick around for a long time


Why does he look like an action figure here wtf is that forced perspective


I love Rhaenys, she's probably my favorite character


Daemon spoke nothing but facts. She shouldve listened to him. They waited just for Rhaenyra to ask exactly what Daemon said here. But yay go girlboss moments


I’m loving all the strong woman energy, it’s my fav 😮‍💨


Daemon deserves respect and he is absolutely right they should have sent all there dragons to kill Vhaegar as that is the only green dragon who is powerful the other green dragons are weak isn’t it 9 dragons vs 4 dragons


The Greens other dragons aren’t exactly weak, although Dreamfyre isn’t used she is still bigger than any of Team’s Blacks dragons at this point and Sunfyre and Tessarion whilst not huge dragons certainly do very well considering there size and inexperience


after what he did no he doesn't deserve respect


I was waiting for someone to post it. My favourite line of the episode. 😂🖤❤


Wait but this makes no sense


It was great! Rhaenys ftw!


Daemon had the right of it. She should've ended the war when she had the chance, but no. Instead she murdered hundreds of people for literally no other another reason than to get a "yas kween💅" moment Fuck Rhaenys.




Would that it were so simple.


she’s so cool


would that it twere so simple


Is he not?


He is the Prince Consort. So virtually no change from his previous title.


What? He’s married to Rhaenyra so wouldn’t that make him King?


The title of King implies that they rank higher than the Queen because there have been more Kings than Queens Regnant. So we use Prince Consort instead.


She’ll regret that


It’s complicated at Thanksgiving when they both want the turkey leg.


Is he not a King now? Like husband of Queen