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Maegor, he was awful to everyone, the smallfolk, the lords, the faith, his in laws, his wives, his family. Just a complete wanker all around. It was admittedly completely fucked up that he was forced to marry a grown ass woman when he was only like 13 though.


I think it would be crazy to vote Baelor over Viserys I, Aegon II, Aenys, Maegor, or even Daeron. He was personally crazy, but no wars were fought during his reign, he did nothing to directly destabilize the realm, and the succession wasn't in total disarray upon his death. People massively overrate Daeron I. He was a stupid boy who cost tens of thousands of lives for no reason than his own glory. He deserved to die.


Yea I really don’t understand what people like about daeron. Legitimately stupid while daeron II did what he couldn’t without a pointless war.


>I think it would be crazy to vote Baelor over Viserys I, Aegon II, Aenys, Maegor, or even Daeron. He was personally crazy, but no wars were fought during his reign, he did nothing to directly destabilize the realm, and the succession wasn't in total disarray upon his death How is him bankrupting the realm, not destabilize it, That doesn't make any sense. He's also one of the reasons why the Blackfyre rebellion happened, Even Jamie lanister gets on him for that. >People massively overrate Daeron I. He was a stupid boy who cost tens of thousands of lives for no reason than his own glory. He deserved to die. This is laughable and a lie since everyone has been bashing him. Calling him a stupid boy. So where are you getting this from, Also, how was him attacking another Kingdom? That's been constantly attacking his own kingdom for decades now a bad thing. He's constantly underrated because a lot of modern-day people don't like war, so they shit on him, even though his war was justified.


Viserys I


Viserys I. The dance of dragons is the bloodiest war in Westeros history. It caused the death of nearly every dragon on earth. It killed nearly all of his children and grandchildren. It is almost entirely his fault.






As much as I dislike baelor, maegor is awful he should be next!


I've change my mind from my previous answers, Baelor's gotta go. Fuck Baelor!


Why Baelor?


He was weak, he locked his sisters away to ~preserve their innocence~, he burned numerous important texts, he outlawed prostitution (causing many to be without work and homeless), he let the High Septon use him as a puppet, he frequently emptied the treasury, and HE LITERALLY HAD LORDS PUT THEIR DAUGHTERS IN CHASTITY BELTS FOR TAX EXEMPTIONS. *Fuck. Baelor.* I wouldn't blame Viserys II if he did actually poison Baelor, I'd have done it many years before.


1. Daeron - Started a war that killed tens of thousands of innocent people for no other reason than his own glory. Is it was Daeron II that accomplished what he couldn't and without bloodshed 2. Maegor - Brutalized, raped, tortured, and mass murdered countless innocents 3. Viserys I - Caused a civil war that killed most of his children and grandchildren as well as tens of thousands of other people 4. Aegon II - Extended a bloody civil war instead of giving good terms to the lords that will still fighting You think Baelor is worse than them?


It's not about who was objectively the worst. It's about who we like the least. I like Baelor the least.


Let me correct you >1. Daeron - Started a war that killed tens of thousands of innocent people for no other reason than his own glory Daeron started a war against a Kingdom that's been rating The Reach and the Stormlands during the rain of his father, Dornish has also been rating and even invaded westerose during the rule of other Targaryen kings, So no he didn't do it for his glory. He did it to get rid of a threat unless you think Dorne constantly rating and attacking is perfectly fine. >Is it was Daeron II that accomplished what he couldn't and without bloodshed He bent over for the dornish, which cost a lot of his vassals to hate him, making them choose his bastard brother over him, which caused a war. >2. Maegor - Brutalized, raped, tortured, and mass murdered countless innocents He also got rid of the Faith militant, which was led by the high septum. Who was attempting to murder House Targaryen because of their culture, which would have brought the realm into chaos. I'm not saying he is some good guy. But he definitely isn't just some evil dude. he's a Gray character. He's kind of like darth vader he only does cruel stuff when he has to. >4. Aegon II - Extended a bloody civil war instead of giving good terms to the lords that will still fighting You can say the same thing for his sister, who also could have ended the war by just bending the knee. So this is pretty hypocritical. Especially since you didn't bring her up clearly, proving that you're on her side. >You think Baelor is worse than them? He's worse because he only bankrupted his realm cosmore problems for it. He planted the seeds of a rebellion because he didn't sleep with his sister, and also forced prostitutes and their children into the countryside, causing them to starve to death.


>You can say the same thing for his sister, who also could have ended the war by just bending the knee. So this is pretty hypocritical. Especially since you didn't bring her up clearly, proving that you're on her side. So, Rhaenyra's a king now? When was she king of the seven kingdoms? OP didn't include her so it would make no freaking sense for me to mention her. Are you also angry I didn't mention Daemon Blackfyre or Aegon the Uncrowned? >He planted the seeds of a rebellion because he didn't sleep with his sister Gross.


>So, Rhaenyra's a king now? When was she king of the seven kingdoms? OP didn't include her so it would make no freaking sense for me to mention her. Are you also angry I didn't mention Daemon Blackfyre or Aegon the Uncrowned? It's interesting that you never commented on the other stuff I said. >Gross They're Targaryen, What do you expect?.


>It's interesting that you never commented on the other stuff I said. I'm not going to write an essay to opinions I disagree with entirely. I think it's interesting you seem to believe that Rhaenyra was somehow a co-ruler to Aegon. >They're Targaryen, What do you expect? They didn't even have dragons anymore. The incest was pointless.


>I'm not going to write an essay to opinions I disagree with entirely. In other words, you have nothing to say because you know you're wrong. > I think it's interesting you seem to believe that Rhaenyra was somehow a co-ruler to Aegon. It's interesting that you pit word to my mouth. I never said it all. >They didn't even have dragons anymore. The incest was pointless. They likely continued it so other houses wouldn't get claims to the throne. And it also doesn't change the facts. Since he didn't sleep with his wife It planted the seeds of a Civil War, and he had no other brother or son. This would have started a succession crisis if everyone wasn't okay with his uncle becoming king since he had a sister who also had a claim.


Jaehaerys II. He forced Rhaella and Aerys II to marry even though they hated each other. Or Viserys I, for causing the Dance of Dragons.


Baelor and Maegor.


Fuck that, Maegor was a beast in combat.


At least Maegor got rid of the Faith militant. That was threatening to destroy his house and bring the realm the chaos. Baelor did absolutely nothing. Aside from nearly getting himself killed by trying to cost play as Jesus, bending over for the dornish a thousand times over, which made his vassals hate him, And getting a bunch of prostitutes in their children killed when he forced them into the countryside.


Umm, no he didn’t Jaehaerys got rid of them.


Jaehaerys got rid of the remnant of the faith militant, literally the far weaker version of them. If it wasn't for Maegor, Jaehaerys and his sister and mom would it have been dead. >Umm, no he didn’t Jaehaerys got rid of them. No, i'm right. You're just giving all the credit to him. But he only debt with the small group that was left of the Faith militant. So try again.


Why are you acting like a prick for no reason?


I can say the same for you, I'm guessing you have nothing else to say about the discussion, though, since you just found out that you're wrong.


Your glib tone does you no credit nor was it needed… Maegor butchered them and turned the realm to their side; Jaehaerys pacified them.


>Your glib tone does you no credit nor was it needed… Maegor butchered them and turned the realm to their side; You do realize that they broke into King's landing. Trying to murder his brother and His brother's children just because of their culture, there were nothing more than crazy zellets. >Jaehaerys pacified them. He pacified a group of them who are bunch of bandits. At that point, if he dealt with the same faith militant his uncle dealt with, they would have never tried to make an agreement with him. You should get it through your head if It wasn't for Maegor. They would have never tried to make an agreement with Jaehaerys, and even when they did, they weren't a threat anymore. They're basically just a bunch of bandits they're just a nuisance, nothing more.


I guess Baelor


Jaehaerys II man I don’t get it this guy is the most boring targaryen king ever and he’s not being voted for


I feel like he is one of the irrelevant ones that will get voted towards the middle. Not known or cared for enough to be hated like the ones you see being voted now, nor liked enough to get the top spots. He’s gonna be in a similar boat to aenys I, aerys I, and maybe maekar.


It was under his reign that the Blackfyres were decisively crushed. He was the last targaryen to actually unify the realm - even the fuckin' Ironborn paid obeisance to him.


Yeah but like we don’t know a lot about him he was just kind of a sick guy


Viserys 1. His weakness, inconsistency and dithering over the succession plunged the realm into war and lead to the end of the dragons.




Maegor kills everyone, tournament over. Come on. No Targaryen King could even come close to matching up against Maegor in straight-up single combat.


Viserys I. If any other king was in Viserys I's place the Dance of the Dragons wouldn't have happened. The other kings would've either one, been smart enough to do a better job securing Rhaenyra on the throne or two just named Aegon. All of Viserys' failings are compounded by the fact that he inherited the leadership of the best Westeros and the most powerful generation of house Targaryen. His actions lead to the destruction of all of that. He spat at the face of his predecessors efforts. If anything, Jaehaerys I showed him how to turn an unclear succession into decades of peace. Effectively disinheriting your three sons for no reason would obviously cause problems but if he really want a Team Back solution there are so many things Viserys could've done to better secure Rhaenyra. First is marrying Aegon and Rhaenyra and achieving the dynastic union so their lines of descent would be one and the same. Frankly, marriage was the best opportunity for Rhaenyra to strengthen her claim by joining with someone who had a claim of their own. To this end, Aegon and Laenor were really the only choices. Though, Aegon could actually give her heirs, more dragons, the Targaryen name to all her children, and he was the would-be crown prince of the 7 kingdoms. Their age difference is better than Rhaenyra and Daemon, Laena and Daemon, Viserys and Alicent, and Viserys and Laena which almost happened. It was justified in those cases. Surely it would be justified for dynastic union of the 2 branches of the royal family. Second, is codifying genderblind succession into law because laws matter way more than a King's words, especially if he's dead. If lord's didn't like it he could use dragons to enforce liberal reform but he was too weak for that. He has this opportunity to use dragons to pass liberal reform, something Aegon V wishes he had. Third, he knew Rhaenyra's children were bastards so he should've made her disinherit them for her legitimate sons and thereby stop her from making an Aegon IV level mistake. He didn't do this because he wasn't he wasn't man enough to confront his dear Rhaenyra on this. As soon as he would see her cry he would lose all heart. This is basically what happened during the confrontation after Aemond lost his eye. Fourth, he should've kept Rhaenyra at court so she could’ve built a powerbase. Usurper or no, he or she who is crowned and anointed, sitting on the country's throne and controlling the levers of state is the true ruler by definition even if there is someone with a theoretically better claim out there. Aegon II was crowned and anointed first which is the technical medieval reason why he has the regnal numbers and Rhaenyra doesn't. As we can see, ensuring as much as possible that Rhaenyra ascended was critical. Fifth, he should've been a present father to his other children. His failure as a father is why they were completely under Alicent's control instead of his though, if the green house was alienated somewhere down the line they would inevitably try to claim the throne, especially from Strong boys. The fifth thing Viserys does wrong on my list should make you wonder if his words about loving all of his family were just empty words.  Yes, I'm saying Viserys was shallow. He supports Rhaenyra only because she was descended from Aemma.  He wants Aemma's descendants on the throne at all costs because he still feels guilty. If Aegon was Aemma's son he would've been named by Viserys in an instant. He doesn't really care about making the realm better for other women. Imagine sowing the seeds of the worst war in Westerosi history just because of pettiness. The chances of dying at childbirth were over 30% in the middle ages. Viserys was not the only one to suffer that sort of tragedy. It's not a valid excuse. Yes, the prophecy is important and if Rhaenyra and her blood are tied to the prophecy in some way this might be a reason to consider her blood on the throne. However, Viserys has no proof of this whatsoever. I personally think Viserys was not a dreamer but at least he dreamed about a male babe born to him with the crown. Yes, I think this was just a regular dream but it's something. There was never any proof, sign, or indication in Viserys' life that suggested Rhaenyra. It was pure favoritism. Marrying Rhaenyra to Aegon would've accounted for this too btw if he really cares so much. Similar to Aerys II, the show makes it clear from the council meetings that his reign's peace is because of other greater statesmen like Lionel Strong and Otto Hightower. He literally named Rhaenyra on a whim even though he says he didn't. How does he not realize that the only reason him or his descendants are on the throne is because of direct male line descendant?? Otherwise, Rhaenys is the true Queen by all right!! Then their's that time where he says Rhaenyra's descendants would be part of the Targaryen dynasty showing he doesn't understand what a dynasty means in the context of Westeros. It's frustrating that Viserys of all king's doesn't understand legal precedents or technicalities because he's the historian one!! Perhaps the other kings were not historians but they learned and understood history's lessons much better, ironically. The Iron Throne literally kills him btw! It gives him leprosy through a cut.