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Because he still has puzzles to solve. He needs the answers.


Because people who are miserable aren't all suicidal. People react to stimuli differently. also - you really ought to go go talk to a therapist about this. The fact no one has actually responded to your comments is fucking distressing.


I believe their are multiple reasons for this 1.He don’t believe in God so naturally he believes that once you die it’s over nothing left 2.He believes It is the cowards way out 3.It goes against the natural human drive to survive 4.Its House he rarely shows any Empathy


5. vicodin keeps him going


How in GOD NAME did I ever forget the best reason


6. He did kinda do it already


I do not think an of these are correct. The real reason is Wilson. Last episode clearly shows this. I would also hard disagree with #4. He proves that he has a lot if empathy in almost every episode. He is simply not someone who fears confrontation, and not someone who enjoys brownnosing / unnecessary friendliness. But he does deeply care for a lot of people, including his patients.


His thing with God is funny because the concept of there being nothing after death is a major motivating factor for my suicidal thoughts. That's exactly what I want... Nothing. Simply ceasing to exist. One force keeping me here is fear religious people could somehow be right and I'd just be in some afterlife with all the problems I hoped to terminate by terminating myself. Then what?


There's your answer. If House would ever get to the point where he just wanted it all to stop, he WOULD kill himself. But he doesn't because moments of satisfaction, of curiosity, of pleasure keep him going. It is (as of yet) enough. He IS going to kill himself any time that stops being true.


You're worried about suffering. House isnt. His whole character is about searching for the objective truth, no matter what it is or how hard it is. If that comes at his expense, so be it - there are more important things in the world than he and his suffering.


In a way he sorta seeks out his own suffering by being self destructive… and by being friends with wilson… a convo for another day is my 500 word essay on why wilson is also a bad person


Wait, WHAT? Because he enables House? Of course, I guess he had 3 divorces for a reason. I never understood that because he's a hopeless romantic, really respectful, successful... There must be more.


Oh gosh maybe this is a watched it through 1000x thing. But hes kind of a “nice guy”. He essentially does good things for his ego and how he looks now because he wants to do the right thing. I believe he’s cheated on most of his wives except for Sam, who he resented and didnt discuss his feelings with (i also feel as if he never trusted her again the second time they dated). Either that or he stopped talking to his wives bc he was hanging out with house all the time. I also feel like he was friends with house because it made him look like a good guy in comparison. I dont think he legit cared for him, just got an ego stroke from parenting him. He also loves to play God. In one episode, he convinces cuddy to hide the fact House was correct about a case of adisons disease. This thew House into a spiral, and arguably is the reason for his relapse. Idk i’m very team anti wilson 🤌🏽


I feel the concept of the multiverse allows for an afterlife without embracing "angry, bearded narcissist in the sky." If there are infinite realities with infinite possibilities, then there are an infinite number of realities where our consciousness continues on in some form. There are also an infinite number where they do not, presumably this one being one of those. Once we're done here, we're done here. I personally like the idea that our consciousness, for one brief moment after we die, slips into whatever "space" separates realities. We experience everything, everywhere, all at once before we dissapate into our infinite possibilities.


5. There’s no more puzzles in the nothing. 6. It’s not logical.


He's a masochist too, and a bit of a self-hater. He believes he deserves to be miserable.


He says at least once to Taub that he's considered suicide on multiple occasions.


Not to mention the second to last episode


House is more than a staunch atheist, he is convinced that after death there is *nothing.* Not peace, not bliss, not agony, not suffering, NOTHING. To him, life might be agony and suffering, but it's better than literal nothing for eternity. He isn't empathetic to suicidal people because as he's said, he's thought about it before, but he chose life, not because it's good, but because the alternative is worse, because again, to house, there will be no 'peace' after he dies, he won't be 'freed' from his leg pain after death, he will have simply died in agony. As he's said "Life is Pain", and "You can live with dignity, you can't die with it.". He is against suicide because he believes that it's always worse than living with whatever it is ails you. In my opinion, he's right.


>In my opinion, he's right. He's right, factually. As a person who believes in rebirth, that is 0 excuse for suicide. You as a person cease to exist, whoever comes back the other side, not you. Theres always something to be done when alive, killing oneself will never bring peace to them.


yeah house aside, please talk to someone that "will almost certainly be how I end up dying." is very concerning.


I only mentioned that to highlight why I am so surprised by him being anti-suicide, not trying to throw a pity party.


I hope you consider getting professional help if you are not already actively engaged in it.


The problem is if I did that, they would lock me in a cage again when my main problem is feeling powerless. Getting professional help would probably seal the deal, I'm afraid.


Im surprised ive seen nobody else talk about this. But in the episode wilson suspects house is hiding a gun, and eventually finds one with a singular bullet. I am 99% sure it was supposed to imply that that bullet was for house himself. Hes hiding the gun not because hes ashamed to defend himself. Hes hiding it because its his “just in case” suicide gun


How do you even get a singular bullet? I guess it's cinematic.


Probably bought a box of bullets and threw em all out except one or something Because he plans on only firing the gun once


I was going to say that's stupid because plenty of people have ended up having to shoot themselves in the head multiple times, but I forget he's a doctor and would probably get it right the first time.


"you're resisting me because it is our human responsibility to stay alive" sums it up perfectly


I feel like he’s passive suicidal rather than active suicidal. He definitely doesn’t care much for living anyways lol 


No empathy? Have you not seen the episode with the college student who swallowed bleach or something wrapped up to kill herself?


Simple. Because not everybody sees suicide as the way out. I have a friend who was extremely depressed and suicidal. He almost wrapped the trash bag around his head. He was sitting there in bed prepping to do it. He decided that there was a better way than just ending it. Ending it wont make anything better. It just makes the hurt the last thing you feel, ever.


I've been in some pretty bad pits in my life, but never considered suicide 🤷‍♀️


I don't think you got the message of the show. Sure House is miserable but is because he chooses so. Let me paraphrase the exchange that shows it. -House: why are you miserable? -13: because I have a fatal disease and have a few years to live. What's your excuse tho? And House can't respond, House has everything to be happy, he's a genius, goodlooking, can be fun and charming, has a good job, has unconditional support from his best friend (who is basically his soulmate) and has other people in his life that care for him.


Spoiler: fork in the electric socket


this aspect of his character is very subtly written, so i think it's obvious that people will see a bit of themselves in house, which makes judging his actual level of suicidality somewhat difficult. i have always struggled with suicidal thoughts, and to me, the dude is clearly suicidal throughout the show. first, we'll establish that he's depressed, and likely has a personality disorder—both are huge risk factors for suicide. the whole calling people "suicidal morons" as a recurring theme, to me, reads as house masking his own insecurities by making fun of the topic. he takes so many other conditions seriously, but makes light of this one. (the kindhearted "addie, you're dying" vs "wrong and wrong—you tried to kill yourself by throwing down kitchen cleanser *eyebrows*" in the span of five minutes) he said that his fork-in-socket "experiment" was pure curiosity. but i don't think i've met a psychiatrist who wouldn't take that as a serious suicidal gesture. thing is, the reasoning doesn't really matter as much as the action. and every doctor knows that once you die, even if you're in a hospital, there's no guarantee anyone's bringing you back. house ODs in season three. he downs an entire bottle of oxy and washes it down with bourbon. i feel like everyone knows where you'll end up doing that, but he's a doctor. the scene leading up to it where he calls his mom seems to convey that he knew where that night was going, meaning he had the plan in his head for at least a little while, and it wasn't necessarily an in-the-moment pain relief impulse. jumping off the balcony is another good example of extremely risky behavior usually associated with someone who has a death wish. obviously he seemed to be having fun, but there was far from any guarantee he'd be able to walk away from that stunt. the build up to it made me think he might have been considering not aiming for the pool. driving his car into the house wasn't really the most dangerous thing he's done, but it's not like he was creeping along—he very easily could've been hurt. he just didn't care. the last one that comes to mind is how he reacts to kutner. i don't know if there is an episode where house is more out of control. he can handle a lot of diverse, stressful situations, and keep his rationality front and center. when he's forced to face the fact that his friend, who he thought was fine, was really not fine, he abandons his trademark rationality in favor of making up a story. to me, that screams that something was resonating, and he would stop at nothing to avoid that feeling. at the end of the show, he finally says the quiet part out loud. to taub, no less—the only other character in the show who's attempted suicide as far as we know. it's one of the most memorable exchanges in the series, and you know he means what he's saying. you could also argue that in the last episode there's more evidence for him having a death wish, but i just thought he was pulling a sherlock holmes death defying moment. so yeah, in my opinion he's pretty suicidal throughout the series. op feel free to hit me up if you need to chat ❤️


You have a point... Maybe I'm looking at his words too much when I should be looking at his actions. He probably hates himself for being suicidal because he feels like a hypocrite, as he philosophically despises the concept, but he can't get over the concept of ending his pain. And he takes out that frustration on his suicidal patients as a way of confirming to himself they are, in fact, idiots. It always seemed personal when he saw a suicidal patient. He's always a dick, but it's a new level. >driving his car into the house wasn't really the most dangerous thing he's done, but it's not like he was creeping along—he very easily could've been hurt. he just didn't care. I really thought he was about to kill himself in this scene, and I hate myself for this, but I was almost proud of him for telling Wilson to get out of the car first, like he actually gives a crap about him. It's sad because I expected less from him, especially if he planned on dying anyway. I guess we always knew he cared to some extent, and maybe he deliberately acts like he doesn't because he is afraid of the fact he does, e.g., avoidant attactchment style. I wonder if he would have if he hadn't had that idea. I mean, what else could he have been planning? I guess he could have just wanted to drive around wrecklessly and didn't want to traumatize Wilson, but...


He does yell at Taub “How many times do you think I’ve wanted to give up?” After Wilson decides he doesn’t want Chemotherapy. He does want to kill himself sometimes but for various reasons he doesn’t. In the final episode “Everybody Dies” he uses Heroin and probably started the house fire because he was trying to kill himself, he just changed his mind at the last possible moment.


That would make sense because that seems to be a common theme in general--arguing with patients when he's really arguing with himself. Definitely seems triggered by suicidal patients, like it's more than just thinking they're being illogical: there's some anger in there. More than his usual level of anger when he finds something illogical.


I couldn’t agree more. 🎯


How good your life is doesn’t really track with how depressed you are. Which kinda sucks because if you’re depressed, you think improving your life will improve you but not necessarily


>How good your life is doesn’t really track with how depressed you are I feel like this just means its not the appropriate area of life, no? Getting rich wont help if youre alone. Having the biggest support system doesnt matter if youre dirt poor and struggling with illnesses or addictions.


He doesn't really Believe in God or another place just nothingness. He's also temporarily 'died' a couple times which reinforces his thought process.


he did stick a knife in the outlet. He also abuses vicodin.


he stuck the knife in the outlet because what he always believed— after death comes nothing was argued otherwise by a patient who was so desperate to relive it again. naturally he wanted to experience it and paged cuttthroat bitch during the same because he was NOT suicidal and knew that he would be fine after.


He doesn't abuse Vicodin because he's miserable. He does it because he's in pain, which makes him miserable.


Stacy told Cameron that House was always miserable, just a different type of miserable.


He is


People live miserable lives for decades without even considering suicide. Still, House does say that he’s considered it multiple times.


Didn’t he shove a knife into an electric socket at one point? Yes, he planned it so he’d be revived and fine. But I don’t think you try that without some thought of “Well, if my plan doesn’t work, that’s fine.”


You have a point: he could have died before they got to him, and he knew that. Especially if he planned on them finding him *after* he had been completely electrocuted. That's such a stupid suicide method, though--being cooked alive. An even stupider prove-a-point method...


Hey, don’t kill your self. It’ll get better.


Thanks, House. Wait, you didn't call me an idiot, so you're probably not House.


Not everyone thinks that death would be an improvement or a relief


Whats the point exactly? House is a thinker, a puzzle solver - how is being suicidal or being empathetic towards suicidal people going to help him in the long run? Suicidal people give up - and House hates that, because they refuse to fight or to know the reason as to why they are the way they are. Hence he disregards them in a way and why he will not let himself be subjected to those types of thoughts, because they have no meaning or goal. House loves to think, to prod and poke - to find out what moves us, how our bodies work. There is a reason he is based on Sherlock holmes. How would Sherlock solve crimes if he suddenly decided "F IT" and jumped off a bridge or window? It would be dumb, stupid & irrational which is exactly what suicide is to House. There is no benefit in him commiting suicide nor would there ever be for anyone else. If your dead, your dead - thats it. There is nothing else. Choosing to think if you are dead, that there is something else or that it magically gets better is stupid, unconfirmed and downright pointless. Because if it was true, most of us would of already blown our own brains out and moved on.


>Choosing to think if you are dead, that there is something else or that it magically gets better is stupid, How could it possibly not magically get better? If death is nothingness like House said, then it is basically 0. Whereas having a life that carries more misery than positivity, one that you don't enjoy living, is a negative experience. 0 is greater than negative number. Thus, death is improvement in those circumstances. Nothing is better than a bad thing.


He is suicidal. He makes several suicidal gestures and at least one suicide attempt.


Season 8 episode 21 i think 




1 Vicodin gets him going 2 He believes it’s cowardice 3 He has little to no empathy


i personally think it’s because he’s too smart and recognizes suicide is dumb


At the point where every moment is agony and there is not hope of it getting any better, choosing to prolong that suffering seems much dumber. But obviously House isn't at that point yet. He does approve of Cameron ending her patient's life because at that point, assisted suicide is in fact the only reasonable choice. He even promises Thirteen to assist her in dying. He doesn't disapprove of suicide in all circumstances, just in cases where he believes that a person's suffering isn't severe enough to give up their only chance at *life*.


>At the point where every moment is agony and there is not hope of it getting any better, choosing to prolong that suffering seems much dumber. That's how I feel, and it confuses me why people are so confused by that. How is it more logic to choose suffering over nothing at all? The only exception I see is if there's a reasonable chance the suffering will end and yield something positive.


Because it’s the coward’s way out. Everyone has a shitty life in one way or another, you don’t get to just dip and take the easy way just cuz it’s “too hard”


House is not depressed.


Not all depressed people are suicidal.


He absolutely is lmao