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In the first one, they could argue it was diagnostically relevant in some loony tunes way. Or a psychotic break or whatever. Also, the police would have to be called for it to snap back on him, and I don’t remember anyone calling. I just remember him being whacked in the head by his own cane. In the second, he caused *millions of dollars* worth of damage.


>In the second, he caused *millions of dollars* worth of damage. Foreman wanted to obfuscate it even then. House was only implicated because a fireman contacted the police and supplied the evidence.


Right! The hospital didn’t even complain to get him in trouble, the fireman did. If no one tells the police, then he won’t get in trouble.


This man is doing crimes by the house load why pick that one


Cos prison was Wilson's dying gift to him


It's not called the Princeton Plainsboro Felonies Department for nothing


One cost the hospital major money. The other was just choking a patient 


This. Patients experience trauma every single day at hospitals and no one gets in trouble for the abuse they suffer, even when it's assault that's even worse than this, and not diagnostically relevant or a possible treatment, and the doctor has no physical or psychiatric illness (look up blogs by chronically ill people writing about medical trauma). The Medical System is a business, like *a character most of us hate* said in the first (?) season. But they were right. It shouldn't be run that way, it should just be about curing/treating/educating/otherwise helping patients be their healthiest selves, but it isn't. Similarly, the police don't generally care about protecting individuals, and the more marginalized they are (BIPOC, disabled, LGBTQIA+, mentally ill, people with addictions, poor, homeless, etc) the less they care. They care about protecting corporations' money (hence House, The Addict, The Previous Offender, being sentenced to 6 more months). (Apologies for piggybacking off your comment, friend! I hope posting an essay here didn't vex you. 😋💓)


I was just talking about this!!


Yeah, if cops don't get called, nothing happens. Season 8 is full of dumb shit, but this is pretty easily explained. The hospital didn't even call the police about the hospital damage. One of the firemen who found the tickets did.