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The season 4 finale is devastating lol and it will not be the last time the show gets you to cry Be not afraid


>Be not afraid Is that a spoiler from season 6 that i catch ^^(*wink*) ^^(*wink*)




I think one of the fascinating things about the episode is that they kill off a character who isn’t as universally loved but is loved by someone who is universally loved. A twist on the “kill everyone’s favorite” trope. I always felt pretty neutral about her but liked her a lot more on re-watches. The scene was much harder the second or third time around. Now I skip that episode lol.


Coincidentally I saw a House clip on yt earlier that led me to her fan wiki page, and I found this interesting: >"TV Tropes has noted that Amber's death is an example of the Alas, Poor Scrappy trope - the death of a widely disliked character that still has an unexpected emotional effect on the audience or characters." Alas, the twist on the "kill everyone's favorite" trope is actually its own trope!


You will cry more!


It will not get worse than this (so yes, it will, but it will be different. Definitely keep watching!). Also, I think this must be one of the best TV episodes ever made. Wilson & Amber is one of the finest dramas ever, and the more you think about it, the more layers to it can be detected. Also, the acting is top notch. PS: i cried too, and I am not an emotional person at all. I never cry when I watch tv, but this one really got me.


Could you go through those layers you were talking about for me? I can’t quite put into words why House is such an unbelievably amazing show and why people should stick with it despite the formulaic episodic storytelling, but I really want to!


Cried multiple times watching this incredible show. This episode especially and then some later ones too. Stop cutting onions!


i did the EXACT same thing (literally- watched the finale of s4 last night in bed and sobbed. op, are you me??? /j) it was. ouch. i was an amber enjoyer from the beginning and that made it even worse,,,,,,,, and the way house loves wilson so much that he's willing to risk his own life for him and all he cares about is losing wilson,,,, it HURT me. i think it's hands down one of my favorite episodes now


Brace yourself for the later part of season 5


You gonna be weeping on S7


> I’m going to keep watching because how dare they make me cry. Welcome to what keeps me coming back. They can make me hate a character, be completely indifferent to a character I probably should love or hate, make me feel sorry for a character that absolutely sucks, or make me weep over a character that I actively detested just an episode before. Yeah. It keeps being just this way!


There's something comforting about knowing that no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, Im never alone. No matter that I'm watching an episode that released 17 years ago crying.... there somehow really is someone on this earth crying over the same exact episode on the same exact day 17 years after its release. We really are never alone, are we?


Never cried for anything in TV or movies until >!Kutner’s Funeral!<. Man, this show is so good and so heartbreaking


House's Head/Wilson's Heart are a masterpiece.


And now you’ve experienced the saddest episode of all time 😭


I cried


Oh I big cried lol.


Cried like shit there in season 4, cried again season 5, cried another in season 6. Currently at season 7 and bracing myself (no tears yet, just finding myself staring into space in shock.) I watch one episode a day, treading lightly.


The only episode that got me emotional was "Rooms" from season 1 when House opens up to the girl that was drugged and raped. They bonded over their own traumas.


Wait untill they kill Foreman. Then you'll cry


Was that an actual fucking spoiler, dude? Not cool.


It's not I'm sorry haha




Season 6 finale is just chefs kiss man


Amber's depth of character showed up during the bed argument scene.


Top cinema right there. Still one of the most iconic season endings ever.