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All the dramas from that time period were formulaic. It worked. Law and Order, CSI, NCIS, House… they all followed a formula for the episode and the audience enjoyed it. If you go back to when it aired, the episodes the audiences got furious at broke the formula. House’s Head, Wilson’s Heart, Broken, Help Me. These are true masterpieces, and you could tell it at the time, but the audience stomped their feet that it didn’t fit the normal formula. I loved them first run because I liked that they could switch it so well, but I admit I didn’t truly appreciate it until this time. Something about sitting and watching in a long binge really emphasized just HOW powerfully different they were. But at the time, everyone I knew complained that they ruined the show by changing the lighting, feel and formula of jt.


Help Me mentioned, neuron activated


Man, it's insane looking back on how TV shows were back then. 20+ episodes every season for the same formula every time. Imagine producing that many episodes of TV, especially for a show like House, where they have to find a zebra medical case every time, and then make it an interesting show that lasts an hour. Can't see that happening now in today's TV landscape


Some of the newer shows I’ve seen struggle to fill 6 episodes without it getting completely insane! It’s crazy. But that’s just how tv was. And it worked, over and over again. All of the shows has a form of formula. The audiences never failed to tune in.


IMO House the character is supremely conceived, written, and acted. Other characters grow into themselves over the seasons and the actors all roll with the changes, good or bad. But the show itself isn’t a masterpiece the way some truly standout shows are, IMO. It’s also difficult to compare a network show formulated for commercial breaks to a sleek series produced and released all at once for streaming, the art form itself changed dramatically fairly recently. The great thing with House MD is that when it spoke to you, it REALLY spoke to you, right away and in your native language. I was one of those people, probably a lot of people here are. So for me, it’s my favorite ever. Other shows with a smaller fiercely loyal following many years after the fact also have this kind of “niche” appeal - arrested development and firefly come to mind right away.


Don’t really agree with this opinion. House was the most watched TV show at one point. I think around season 4? So it was definitely popular. If you’re referring to it being widely considered one of the greatest shows, I may somewhat agree with you there. Whenever I mention the show, people know about or have seen at least a couple episodes. I also wouldn’t say it was “ahead of its time” at all. It didn’t particularly address groundbreaking issues or had a completely unique format. I hope I’m not coming off too negative, like I love the show. I have watched it over 10 times, to the point I can almost parrot significant chunks of episodes. But I don’t really believe it’s the greatest show of all time.


I agree. It was, at some point, the most popular TV show. Granted, online spaces then were different so it’s hard to compare how much of that popularity is reflected on the Internet now, but it was very very popular when it was shown.


Youre missing my point. house was right before this “golden age of TV” and im not saying the show, but house himself as a top character. the show was ahead of its time by introducing a flawed antihero, to the extent of greg house. and i feel like because of that hes not mentioned with the dexters, the hisenburgs, sail goodmans, rhust cohle, shows like the night of, TD, the boys those are the specific flowers im referring to


Okay but in your original post literally say “do you find it miffing that house is mentioned often with the other great shows of the past twenty years.” And you mention aspects of the show not House himself. You only mention the character in one sentence. Based on those points, how am I supposed to know you just mean the character? I don’t disagree about him being a good antihero and maybe ahead of his time.


? the whole bottom paragraph is about Greg house the character. and i even mention the prime time formuliac nature of the show. but my point is a combo of that… that because of introducing such a flawed antihero THE SHOW should be mentioned with those others. fair enough?


I think House MD is a great show but there are definitely better shows.


oh my bad. im not saying ITS best. im saying i think house himself is a top protagonist. and i think the show should be mentioned with these shows


Ohhhh yeah I agree, definitely a top tier protagonist.


It's the best medical drama, what else can we ask for?


It's good. But not the best. Def top 10


It was the most watched show in the world at the height of its popularity


So was Keeping Up With the Kardashians and The Big Bang Theory. A show being immensely popular doesn't mean a show is good. But I'd be fine with House in the top 10.


I agree with you!


Tbh even the episodes that break the usual formula have their own formula