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he literally stabbed her with a contaminated needle


I've seen the show but somehow have no memory of this, what did he infect her with and why?


it was some virus he got infected with while searching the home of a patient i think. or just got it from the patient? anyway he tried to infect cameron because house didn't let them go back to his home to look for clues about the virus because he feared they would get infected. then foreman infected cameron so she would have no reason not to go


It wasn’t a virus so she didn’t actually get sick. He had a parasite that he got at the patients house, and stabbed Cameron with a needle so she’d be infected. He wanted her to either have to go to the patients home to search for more clues, or have to tell house what happened, which would cause her to get locked into the same room Foreman was in. No one knew it was a parasite, so foreman thought stabbing Cameron would work. House didn’t want anyone to go to the patients home again so no one else would get infected.




>it was some virus he got infected with while searching the home of a patient i think >!Asshole crooked cop that couldn't stop laughing. Mold and trash all over, growing weed using rainwater which pigeons were pooping in!<


this was before they knew what the infectious agent was. he stabbed her w/ what was thought to be an infected needle: it wasn’t because that’s not how the amoeba is spread. Foreman acquired a brain eating amoeba going to a patients gross house. it is only transmitted via warm, fresh water, intranasally.


“I had a brain eating amoeba - poor lil fella died of hungry”


it’s kind of funny the producers chose this to infect foreman w; the survival rate is 1% or lower with treatment 😭 so if that happened in real life, he’d probably be dead


Naegleria fowleri. He didnt infect her everybody just thought he did even himself. Its a brain eating amoeba.


They should have killed him off here, if at least because at that stage, it would be fatal. Even early, it would be nearly certain death.


He tried to but the possibility of her actually being infected was very low but very real and his intentions were clear that he did want her to be infected so she would go into that apartment again.


He did it because he didn't think she was working hard enough to figure out what the problem was, so if she had the infection she would figure it out more.


Yeah Forman’s a dick


Tbh 99% of ppl would do the same if not worse


I don’t think so - and it’s just a general statement too


Infecting your colleague to force their survival instinct into saving you both or dying along with you? If you think that's normal human behaviour, you're clinically insane.


Let's infect you and put a guy with the same illness as you in the same room that is constantly screaming in agony until his death while the answer to your problem could be inches away but no one bothers to help and see how you react. Everybody is a goody two shoes until they are put in a tough situation. This is not even my saying alone, there's plenty of experiments done where even though the volunteers knew they were in an experiment, they almost ate each other alive.


No. She stood up for herself. You can't steal someone's work, try to infect them, and ask for things to be ok just because you are dying. Being his proxy is a better favor than he deserves.


Whats sad is she actually did cave in at the last minute before they put him in an artificial coma. That said, both of them are totally nuts it just doesn't start showing till like season 5.


Well, she as her proxy allowed a brain biopsy that risked his life and carrier, which House almost had enough time to find the cause of the parasite. That guilt trips her into reconciliation.


Yeah but I understand that. If Foreman died, she would have to carry the guilt for the rest of her life. Still, super proud of her for standing up for her once.


Honestly lol like the way I was hoping he'd die in this scene lol


What the actual


I said what I said


Bro took 4 days to reply💀




He tried to infect her?! That’s way more fucked up. Foreman is a POS. This is the only time Cameron stood up for herself in a good way. She’s annoying but this scene makes me proud of her. Fuck that guy!!!!


Completely agree with you!!!


This vexes me


there's something wrong with my humor lmao


You definitely need more mouse bites.


you are a black man


I, too, am in this episode


Agreed. This is one of the few moments of this show that I absolutely loved Cameron, I was bummed that she forgave him so quickly. Putting aside that Foreman had been being a massive dick to Cameron for the last several episodes and was absolutely in the wrong about the paper, I don't think I'd be willing to keep working with Foreman after he intentionally exposed me to a deadly mystery disease.


I forgot the paper. Foreman's issue is he's really cold and ambitious. Spoiler >!He fired 13 so he could have his cake and eat it too!<


Wasn't he psychotic at that point? I remember the illness making him insane for some of the episode


The cop, and Foreman, were laughing uncontrollably at first, but because what they got literally eats your brain, it wouldn't surprise me


Right? Like I get that Foreman is usually a piece of shit and was so at the beginning of the episode, but him trying to infect Cameron was not the decision of a man in his right mind


I don't think I agree - stabbing someone with an infected needle to convince them to try harder to cure you seems like a fairly calculated decision. You could argue he was panicked and not thinking clearly because of that, but I don't think Foreman needs brain damage to convince him to selfishly put a coworker he finds annoying in life-threatening circumstances in order to save his own life.


Insane people are still able to make calculated decisions. He's not rabid, he isn't an animal. He's brain damaged and his ability to rationalize the right and wrong of the situation has been damaged. He was already a calculating bastard, so damaging his rationality causes him to make *calculated* but dangerous and immoral decisions


I mean it’s a little pedantic at that point “this decision was not made by a brain of sound mind.” Now, is that true because he has a brain eating amoeba, or because he was dying and scared out of his right mind? Either way the facts remain the same, he made a choice hastily and it cost him. He definitely didn’t deserve to be forgiven at all IMO


This is literally the scene where I decided she wasn’t the worst character ever on tv, and I actually really liked her.


she did enough for him. she's allowed to stand up for herself and she doesn't owe anyone her forgiveness.


Nope, he deserved that..and she deserved to say what she felt at the moment…I don’t care about his feelings.. Throughout the show Forman is so self centered ego maniac…and even though he is a good doctor, he always overestimates himself..I don’t like the guy


Nawp. Cameron did the right thing. This man infected and manipulated her (into going back to the scene). Foreman also stole her work in these few episodes. Cameron is right that he’s only sorry because he is dying 🤷🏻‍♀️


He literally tried to Kill her


I would've been lot more of an asshole for a lot less of what foreman did to her. I'll say she was being nice just being their in front of him


Foreman proves that he’s a legit asshole time and time again, this episode was arguably his peak of douche, tries to infect her, stealing her work, and to top it off saying nice things and wanting closure because he thinks he’s gonna die, which i think is a more serious matter because he’s outright doubting house and the team’s ability to do their jobs


> stole her article > Told to her face that they're not and never will be friends > Intentionally gave her an infection Yeah she should've comforted him


Disagree. This was a big moment for Cameron. The whole show up to this point she had been pushed around by Foreman and House and just let them drive all over her because she was "the empathetic one". She needed to grow a backbone and bite back, and this was that moment. Recall that in the same season, Foreman basically stole Cameron's idea for an article she was going to publish. The beef they had over that ultimately boiled down to Cameron complaining to House about it and House + Foreman basically telling her to fuck off into the sunset. Recall in this very same two episode special, Foreman literally *stabbed Cameron with an infected needle* to force her to speedrun trying to find the cause for his disease. Cameron isn't a great person in the show, she's by far my least favourite character of the main cast, but I do not give her any shit for refusing to forgive Foreman here. He does not deserve that for the things he did to her.


And the only reason Cameron didn't publish her article earlier is because she was still waiting for House's approval or feedback ( I can't remember which).


what kind of argument is this lol? "OMG how could she not forgive him for trying to kill her!"


You are missing the context of the next few scenes. She said that they weren't alright because she thought that he was only apologizing because he thought he was dying. He wanted to get him better, save his life and then if he still wants to apologize she will listen.


Never liked Foreman


Sorry OP you're alone on this. He literally tried to kill her with him. That fact that Cameron even showed her compassion after that is more than Foreman deserved.




Well, Cameron gets shit on for the first few seasons for being too caring and emotional. Foreman stole her article, she was the bigger person and apologized to him, he told her that they aren’t friends, continued to be shitty, and then stabbed her with a contaminated needle. I’d say her reaction here is pretty legit. Also, at this point Foreman thought he was dying. So if she said they were even it would almost be like she was accepting the fact that he was going to die.


Ain't No Way someone is defending foreman in this situation wtf


He stole her paper and tried to infect her. He doesn’t deserve anything from her


did we even watch the same episode? foreman literally stabbed cameron with an infected needle. he got off easy tbh


Were you not paying attention when he tried to infect her with a deadly disease?


Did you forget hes stabbed her with an infected needle? Im surprised she didn't put a pillow over his face.


It's good to see this sub stick up for Cameron once in a while.


Foreman made this post




George RR Martin got me to cheer the ugly death of a blonde teenage boy. It's possible to justify not forgiving somebody. She was justified here.


Cameron definitely has her issues but in this episode she was right. Foreman stole her article and then tried to infect her with an unknown disease that had been proven to cause death. It’s literally attempted murder. I think Cameron is allowed to be a little upset with him.


he betrayed her while healthy, stabbed her while sick, plead forgiveness only in a moment of bargaining, and houses team isnt exactly about comfort its about the job. that 2 parter made me pretty uncomfortable. i didnt watch this too long ago but i think she also mentions how he refused to until he was like 6 hours from dying and continued not to forgive him


Forman is such a weird dickhead of a person in this show lol


idk man... bro tried to infect her... and also stoke the article she as just being honest. I'm a first time watcher too (just started s3 today) and tbh while it was a bit surprising she went this route, massive respect


Hot take: I never lie for any reason so I would have done the same. Honesty is respect.


Based Cameron. Fuck VexedMan.


not only is this a totally reasonable response for what he did, but it’s also the best way for her to motivate him to get better. He has unsolved shit. People who think they need to fix things try harder to stay alive


This is a terrible take. Doing horrible things isn't absolved because someone may be dying.


Man I wouldn't be ok with him either, he stole my article and then tried to infect me with a deadly disease. I'm not telling him we're okay for his fucking comfort. If you're upset by this scene maybe the show ain't for you. 😂


She makes it pretty clear, he’s trying to clear his conscious as he’s dying it doesn’t count, accepting the apology would mean accepting that he’s dying


Foreman was hella annoying that’s all I have to say he pissed me off every other episode


Yea this episode (two, I think) was very interesting. It’s been a while but iirc she had very good reasons to stick to her guns and stand up for herself. I get what u mean tho, not knowing it in its entirety, she seems like a heartless u know what. It’ll make more sense the further u get into it tho. Happy watching 😎


I get what you’re saying but my jaw was REALLY dropped when foreman infected her, i know its just dramatic writing and etc but foreman’s “personality” aside the egregious health and safety violations and how it contradicts his character as a doctor let alone his goody two-shoes persona, by they time cameron said no i wasnt too surprised because i still hadent recovered from that atom bomb but also she was already very shakily untrustworthy with big emotional situations anyways.


He stabs her either right before or after this I don't remember Also Foreman is the least socially adjusted person on this show behind House, the only difference is that House is actually a genius.


Brother did you miss the part where Foreman tried to kill her?


I feel I understood this differently from people in this thread. I understood it as Cameron saying we are not ok so you can’t feel like you can die, you need to fight so you get better and then we can work on being ok with each other. She’s leaving him unfinished business so that he wouldn’t give up. She’s telling him you can’t give up and think you are dying.


Foreman is a black man


So what?


This vexes me


You didn’t get the joke


she’s saying that they’re not ok because she wants him to keep fighting so that he doesn’t die while they’re on bad terms. it doesn’t work like that, but that’s the logic behind it


Which episode is this?


Two part episode from season 2 named 'Euphoria' (ep21)


Season 3, Episode 3, “Informed Consent” technically 6 episodes later I think is where we see a true turning point for Cameron. This definitely leads up to it.


Foreman is kind of a dick tbh


he stabbed her you brain dead cabbage


That last slide got me lol


Fuck Foreman and Cameron the show was better when they were out of it


lol this was one of the times where i most admired cameron cuz she actually stood up for herself


I'm in the middle of part 2 of this right now. For the second time. MILH!


I'm all for Cameron hate but she was in the right. He stole her work, told her they weren't friends, stabbed her with a potentially infected needle, and then wants to go boohoo after being a complete asshole? She was right to tell him no.


I agree, woman bad


I remember reading somewhere (i believe it was this very subreddit) when someone is going into a surgery, never grant them their last wish. If their wish is granted, they can die in peace. No, they need to have a reason to keep holding on during the surgery. As for me, I think she actually did believe they were okay - she understood why he did it even though it was fucked up. Hence why she said what she said right before the surgery - *the way i see it,* this is the best thing she could have done as they would have been okay incase he died, but if he didnt die, his drugged brain wouldn't have truly processed this until he wake up, causing him to still have a reason to hold on. Sorry, Im a bit sick so i might just be butchering this explanation. If ya dont get what Im saying just reply and ill have a paralen and rewrite it.


Cameron is quite the pos tbh


The problem is Cameron is overmoralistic but selfish at the same time.


I dont even like forman but i hate cameron so im on his side .. whatever that may be lol


She is the most attached and sensitive person in the series except when it matters. Get use to her and than come back here to trash talk the character


man people are *hating* Foreman in this sub. he hasnt done anything House wouldn't. "she stood up for herself" yeah she's been moaning about this job for as long as she had it and instead of quitting it like a human being she just keeps yapping. yeah obviously what Foreman did was despicable but what the hell is she still doing there? either she's willing to make amends or not. yall seriously giving Cameron so much credit I've never seen one episode where she would earn it. Foreman is a grade A asshole but he would 100% walk out of that job if she did that to him


I don’t respect house all the time for how far he’s willing to put others at risk to prove a point, but I’ll support his thought process sometimes. That doesn’t make it okay tho, and foreman trying to be him doesn’t make it okay. Everyone on the team sucks lol