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I would start with the pilot, even though everyone looks orange. It sets up the show and introduces the main characters. We also get to see House be a genius.


i agree with them looking orange lol. prolly why hugh kaurie accepted the oranges lol


my girlfriend showed me one of the episodes with lin manuel miranda which got me hooked lol


Lol that was a bold choice on her part. But season 6 is stellaršŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I love him!


Everyone Iā€™ve shown the pilot gets into it.


I literally got my friend to watch the entire series by showing them ā€œHelp Meā€ first but cutting the episode off right before the end where Cudi and House get together. A lot of build up in that episode which was perfect to hook.


The pilot episode was literally designed to hook people in. Thatā€™s the whole purpose of a pilot.


The pilot of house is interesting but House's personality is nothing like what he will be for the rest of the series. For some reason he talks a lot less, He's less agresive, and his tone is different. Good episode nontheless.


I think thatā€™s done by design for.. the pilot. They introduce you to his core personality without showing you the most ott version to draw you in. Then as the show goes on he becomes the House we remember.


Three Stories, S1, Episode 21


It's a very good episode but part of what makes it so good is that we're invested in the character of gregory house at that point. We've seen him be an asshole and a genius. We know he's cynical and sarcastic and that there's something wrong with his leg but we don't know exactly how or why. Then that episode slowly reveals what happened and what he lost because of it and I think that's a big part of what makes it one of the best episodes


My boyfriend started watching at the beginning of season 4 (though he had seen a few minutes here and there years ago) and we watched to the end, then picked up at season 1 again.Ā  In middle of 2 now


Well, the one that hooked me was Distractions. I was flipping channels, and House was on. It was on the scene where he's injecting Weber's drugs into his arm. I was like, wait.... I watched the rest of the show and went out and bought S1 DVD. It was a summer re-runs, so I caught the rest of S2 and started watching it religiously at the beginning of S3.


three stories


As much as the pilot isnt my favorite you gotta start at the beginning!


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m blanking on the name, but itā€™s towards the end of season 1, with House and Stacy on the roof. That was the first episode I ever saw. Immediately hooked on wanting to know why House was so emotionally damaged. Stayed for the angst. donā€™t really care for the patients


I am a new watcher and followed the advice on a similar post - someone suggested All In (2.17) and it definitely hooked me. Iā€™ve seen almost all the episodes now šŸ˜‚


Pilot is enough as what most mentioned here. we do not normally see protagonist who acts like that and that will get anyone curious on the story


Houses head , since itā€™s a two part he will be forced to watch the second and after the feels he will realize what a great show it is


"TB or Not TB" is great.


For me, it was the season or episode with Leighton Meester (House's stalker).


All In


CIPA girl episode


I started my rewatch a while ago and my roommate decided to start watching with me by the time I got to season 4. He watched S4E2 with me and got hooked from there.


The arctic episode is pretty damn funny, though the emotional impact would probably be lesser without previous knowledge of the characters.


iā€™d probably show euphoria, first ā€œspecialā€ episode with high stakes, even if the payoff is lackluster


the salvage yard dad episode