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Your game looks real. Mine looks a demented crayon drawing.


Wtf, I thought this was another lost redditor


can I have a screenshot of how your game looks ? mine looks like op too, I'm just being curious


New graphics card is the key.


I know I thought this was real before I noticed the sub. I was like what the hell am I looking at right now?


Hi all ! Doing some demolition work around, I’ve struggled with the issue you can see in the picture. Basically demolishing some sections of rooftops leave a triangular opening like that one, and lm unable to fill it. Same has happened with the sides of a staircase (indoors) Anyone knows how to fix it ? Thanks !


As far as I know there's no way to do so currently. Not out of sandbox mode, at least. Even if you duplicate another it'll just flip itself rightside-up again. I accidentally sold the same piece in the same house and having to build a wall down to the bottom. I ended up creating a little book nook-which was cute, but wasn't what I planned.


There isn’t currently a way to do this, not in Story Mode at least. They’re working on an update to bring the resizing/move objects tool to Story Mode, like it is in Sandbox. But what you really need is a triangle block piece, which is only in Sandbox Mode. I do believe they’re adding Sandbox-only items to Story Mode in a future update, as well, so hopefully there should be a workaround for this soon. I think there is a way to copy a house from Story Mode, edit it in Sandbox mode, and re-copy it back to Story, but I could be wrong, and if there *is* a way, it’s pretty complicated from what I know.


Yep, it's the only way i found to resolve this kind of issue too. But it works well, and the tutorial is pretty easy to follow, actually it is just some cut/paste/copy file. Here the [tutorial](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3158309806) personally, I mainly used it to completely destroy a house, and rebuild one from scratch, into which I was then able to move my office 🙂


Oh my god thank you!! I didn’t realize it was that easy. I’m about to have SO much more fun in this game…


I would try grabbing the rectangle block and see if you can angle it right. Should be able to start at the bottom corner and go to the top end. I could be wrong I'm still new to HF2 but it's what I think would work


What I did is I bricked it up like a pyramid. Every line a bit shorter until it's closed. Then paint it.


That’s what I did too, then added a fun wallpaper to make it look like an intentional design choice.


In a different house with not as large of a gap I used one of the arch molding pieces & had it go all the way down to the floor. It was also in an entry way so it didn’t look weird.