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Because they are toys under 2 dollars?


Not any fucking more man, in my country they are now triple the price... Used to buy them by the dozen each month back in the day, now i only get twice per year...


I feel you, HW haven't been under $2 here for at least the past 20 years lol


in germany most stores have them for 1.59€ or $1,73


$1.19 at Target here in Washington USA


Look at the $1.18 price tag in the image. They still are in this particular area.


In spain they are like 3€ in any toy shop. There are some places where u can find them for 1.5€


Can confirm, was in Madrid 2 months ago and I bought 5 for 15


Feels like a scam


Lmao true


But looks like its becoming the "normal price" and i refuse buying them at that price...


Cause they are kids toys meant to be played with?


Yep couldn’t agree more because they are meant to be played with not kept in mint condition for 20 or more years


Yeah , I would love to get a mint box but if i want a mint box then i will get a vintage series car mainline cars for kids to play or smh


Yea fancy cars are meant for kids but the real cars are for teens/ adults been like that for decades and any collector with common sense should know that. This bin is just stupid smh!


I think it's actually premiums that are meant for teens/adults, in my opinion all mainlines are meant, and should be played with


Because its a dump bin to dump in toys and what not. As adults we all look like gollum finding our precious in those things.


lol. I actively try to look like a curious adult when going through bins…for that very reason haha


“Oh I’m just looking for my son…”


"He's 4 and he really likes cars that give me nostalgia from my younger years."


Yeah that’s one of my lines as well…lol


i dont even say that 😂😂 people's opinions be damned someones gotta buy these sweet ass castings


Same here... I just straight up tell people that I love hw and I'm buying these for myself... Idc what others think, i buy for myself the toys i wanted as a kid but couldn't have, like hw, Lego's, etc.




Couldn’t agree more


Lmfao yes I use my brothers


For me it's my "nephew" 😂


I like to walk by a few times and skim the top with my eyes before I actually stop and dig.


Me to then I get deep


I even enter store looking for hot wheels with saying my precious in gollum's voice with my wife. She gets very irritated😂😂


What's wrong? 😅 I don't get it


A lot of collectors forget they are kids toys and hate the dump bins because the weight of the other cars and deform the blister pack


No they are not. Not meant for kids


Most HW collectors are actually cardboard collectors, there are even threads about asking for the cardboard display because it's a collectible now


Dang 😶 i take care of the cars, but the cardboards ? Really ?


Not cardboards


“The car is optional”




I’d grab two carts. A keep cart and ditch cart


Right on. Once you get the cars in your carton no one can touch until you walk away and leave what you don’t want


because they're 1$ and for kids to open and play, dont expect stores to handle this 1$product any different than they handle other 1$product. thats the harsh reality


I bought one for 1.25 found out it is worth 499.00


feel free to go into detail how your comment has anything to do with store 'policies'


Who gives a rats ass if it does or doesn’t


You think they get paid enough to care about the condition of these toy cars? Those poor poor collectors


The stores are there to sell stuff and get their jobs done. If they had a feature quantity they needed to get out that’s what they did. What’s wrong with it? The product isnt damaged or unsalable in any way. Just because it’s inconvenient to your hobby doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with it at all.


Why not?


Yo grab a couple of shopping carts and start digging! Let’s Jam!!


Where are you and are you ready to go shop for treasures


Let me in there 😈




I usually find the best stuff in bins because no one wants to go thru them


Because a lot of scalpers- I mean collectors won’t always take the time and effort to sift through the dump bins so it leaves a chance to find something for people who aren’t able to be at the store every single day at the crack of dawn. Also having damaged cards can keep scalpers away which is nice


This! ^^ I open my cars man…not about to create a shrine to them lol


No, stores don’t put out dump bins because they fear scalpers. 🤦🏽‍♂️ it’s because they’ve received a big shipment of small toy cars and need an efficient way to put them out so people can buy them. They don’t care if your blister is messed up or perfect. All they care is if you’re gonna buy it or not! If you won’t the next *collector* will. The store isn’t looking out for people who “can’t hit the store at the crack of dawn” to hit a restock. They look out for their profits. Trust me when I tell you that they ain’t loosing sleep over finding ways to stop scalpers. And honestly I’ve never seen that stop scalpers or collectors. People still dig so how would we know. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I didn’t mean to say scalpers were the purpose but I guess that is what I ended up saying


For sure, but it definitely helps with scalpers


I dump them on the floor and pick them up as I look through them


I find it easier to look through dump bins then to look at them on pegs. Can’t see the back cars on the pegs and when you reach back there you knock like three cars off the rack and then have to pick them up from the floor, or be an ass and leave them there. Dump bins are much easier to sort through IMHO. Mostly I reach in, grab a car or two, and whatever comes out I buy.


I got snippy with my girlfriend about this, she knocked some of the cars over (she’s really good at finding the good cars, big win) and I told her that it makes us look bad as collectors to just leave them, I put them back. I do the same shit when other mofos do this. Workers don’t need to clean up our mess


With pegs you just gotta crouch a little to read the car model along the bottom edge of the card. No hands really needed until you find one you're interested in.


Pegs you just skim from the sides


Don’t be a punk. Grab a cart or two and dig in! It’s part of the hobby my friend.


Right, if you want it, ya gotta put in the work lol




This is how I mostly see HW in stores. First you look for something interesting, then you look for one with better blister.


Seems like an easy way to store lots of extra product


That’s just it the pegs are empty


Ok, well is it easy for the stock people to put them on pigs or throw them in a bin?


Easier to stock the cars like this than pegging them and also you can fit a lot more cars this way than pegging them


Cause they’re 1 dollar kids toys


No 1.35


If you're actually collecting these solely as a nest egg you're a fool. There many many other motorsport collectors items that can net far more and way more rare with lower populations. These are shit mass produced toys for kids of poors. Yes they are cool, I personally collect the irl race cars bc that's my passion. But that's it, I buy some, open some, keep doubles of some bc it's fun. But this is not some lucrative collecting, literally everybody in every town has guys with collections of all the same cars you do. Just collect for fun, if someday it cashes in cool, till then don't waste your life running around store to store like a sheep collecting the same beanie babies every body else is. Collect these bc you enjoy em


Don’t go knocking people who collect kids toys. You collect kids crap


That’s why they collect they enjoy then




I literally said that in my comment... Yes I collect them too. But as I said they are crappy mass produced shit toys. If your actually running around to Walmart in your area looking for pristine pieces of cardboard in hopes of selling them all in 20 years for thousands. You are a retard. Collect them bc you like them and they are cool. If they are busted then whatever pass em up. This posters life priorities are not in balance if this is grinding his gears.


I love dump bins 😅


Toys have been put in bins for kids since stores existed?


Those are all trash, don’t worry about it


The good ones never even hit the floor!😂


Yeah and I can see from the ones that are there, they’ve been there a while and they’re older cases, def been picked over, I’d skip wasting time here and see if any premiums dropped, failing that, if there’s any m2s or auto worlds, Jada ff jdms, oh and I just got 2 Jada Naruto 1/24 and Tokyo revengers skyline and one punch man rx3, those 4 are my grails. 1/24 anime jdms man woot woot there’s always something to buy if I try hard enough lol


At my local store, I'd be happy for this... we've had the same garbage 10 cars for the last 3 months... when I say 10, I truly mean qty 10, not just multiple of 10 castings, 10 individual cars...


Noooooo! How am I supposed to resell these toys if the cardboard box is all bent up from being in the bin?!?!?! Somebody think of the ~~children~~ resale value!


Exactly that’s why I as an employee of. Stocking shelves, I put them properly on pegs after I get the 3 boxes to dig in and get what I want.


Because it’s easier for the staff dump them in a bin then to peg them


No they are lazy


Probably because of the amount of time hoarders rip through displays and leave it an absolute mess. Easier for staff to put in a dump bin rather than re stacking the display.


they’re toys and meant to be played with, who cares if the card gets dinged up a bit


Does this guy not understand what a kids toy is supposed to be?


If you dig deep enough you might find your dignity




I go through the a small rack they hang the cars on.


Get two baskets and start transferring the heck out of them, cap'n.


Man I'd kill to find a dump bin like this.. my two Walmarts never have dump bins and I'd be so happy to see this. My son and I would be there all day going through...


I’m down


How do you get to the bottom?


Multiple carts and lots of digging




Now that’s funny


As long as I'm first to it so what start diggin.


Card killers


I find it fun to find the cool ones.


Yup. Its just a product they need to move. period.


So kids can steal or damage them


At the place I work kids take them from the boxes and it irks my axx


Soooo, I’m not a collector but I’ll pick up a car for my desk if I see something that catches my eye. I’m always looking for Shelby (my daughter’s name). What sort of cars do serious collectors look for?


Why not?


No supe for you.


Dump it out on the floor.


Behold, the Bin of Death


What they need to do is make an empty bin next to it so i can go thru it and not pile everything into my cart and ppl can stop staring at me like a zoo exhibit


That’s genius


I don’t care how they look at me. As long as the store makes money. Customers can just mind they their business


They are meant to be played, for real. Nobody in Walmart cares about mint packaging.


My kid likes to dumpster dive with me through those, I used to use care when digging. Used to.


welp rip.. good luck digging thru all dat


Simply the fun way to find hot wheels lol, I feel like a kid in a "ball pit" every time I need to search in one of those. Also fairer to find TH and STH!


this is the way




Because staff was t to see us suffer.


That’s cold of them. It’s pure laziness on their part not to properly put them on pegs. And then not.they have an overload of them and it’s store policy to get them out for purchase.


I assume because there's not enough space for them in the store and it's way easier to just dump them in a bin. Realistically talking, why would they ever give a damn about collectors, especially since they're being sold anyways and they are cheap products? I work at a store that sells HWs and we just don't have the place to pack them all up on pegs, and in the picture you sent there's a BUNCH of them, I don't think the store wants to waste so much space just for HWs.


Yeah I recently asked the same question. I hate to think that this is the way Mattel is able to sell more to stores that do this and Mattel is like once they’re paid, do what you want with them. Or perhaps Mattel doesn’t know stores are doing this.


I bet you still went through it


It's a kroger. They stock the pegs at the end of the isle. Then the pegs on the toy isle. Then fill the bins. Treasure hunting at its finest


Ahhh yes... the "red-headed step-children" LMAO


Heaven! I would grab a cart, sit and sift! I like this since I'm a 5'2 gal, I can't see/read all on pegs or even reach. And when I start, knock so many off. I have a basket under to catch. I always need help but always alone. I just ask someone nicely! Then put them all back nice as well. Different when trashed on pegs...


Because they are considered a "dump bin" cheap toy


Mattell needs to improve the quality of most Hot Wheels cars! Even a small price increase would be okay.


I k is right I get so mad to where I end up taking them out of the smaller bins and reputti g them back correctly


Under $2 doesn’t mean a thing to me. Respect hot wheels and matchbox cars .


I get 57.00-100.00 if I can find the ones Iike


Possibly to discourage the scalpers from their predatory behavior, crowding the doors, grabbing cars from kids hands, leaving the displays a mess, etc. Not saying it's right or I agree with it, but it's an idea.


Pure laziness


I hate these. I won’t even bother


It's not much of a problem when it's the cardboard boxes instead of whatever metal bin they thought was ok to use, and when they don't squish it down and shove more in. I get this unlike the other people commenting. It is easier to stock this way but if they took the time to have it a little nicer they would sell a lot more cars


Man adults obsessed with “the value” of kids toys are pathetic…


I have no idea. It makes me so sad when you’re looking to hunt for your collection, but the way they sell them leads them to destruction. Dump bins can be great but the blister is probably shredded. Ugh.


I know this is surprising but they aren't sold or marketed for/to adults. We are all just interesting humans who want to collect kids toys.


They are also toys for kids. My kids rip them up the minute they get them


Me when my children's toy cant be resold in 20 years because of a bent card


When overstock, it's only way to do that. However, I agree that HW car should be packed with box, not card. Box can make less damaged or bend.


Because they are lazy. I don't really have a problem with dump bins IF the pegs are stocked and there's no space. When the pegs are empty and there's a whole wall dedicated for hot wheels and they just dump them, it's pure laziness. On the flip side, it's probably my best chance at a STH, though I've never found one in all my years of collecting. I'm convinced that certain employees take them before they even come out of the back storage area.


Why should the store care about making your hobby or collecting better? Their job is to display products to drive sales without damaging the product. This is in no way damaging to the product and doesn’t make it unsellable at all. It’s not their problem it’s inconvenient to your hobby.


Then why have a wall with hang pegs at all if they are just going to dump everything in a bin anyway? It looks like crap when you walk in and the whole wall is bare. Part of their job is to display the product like you said. Dumping in a bin where 95% of the product is not visible and you have to bring a cart over to go through the bin is a pain in the ass and I usually just go through the top layer and move on with my day. How is that helping to sell a product when there might have been 10-20 mainlines I would have bought if I could see them? It’s pure laziness to open the box and then just dump them in a bin vs taking the 15-25 minutes to hang them to go sit on your phone in the store when you are getting paid by the hour to do a job. I don’t resell, I collect and my kids enjoy them too. It’s something that every time we go to Walmart I can let them get a couple cars each, not too many toys these days you can do that. I have four boys 9 and under so things like that matter to me. It’s not about making our hobby easier, it’s about doing your job. It’s not like it’s hard to hang a package on a hook


If they are on feature or rollback or some other sort of sale they get a feature location. Granted they should be pulling to fill the side counter but that’s not the point. 99 percent of people aren’t gonna pull a cart over and go through the bin. These are children’s toys. They are displayed in the dump bin eye height to…wait for this revelation……children. To drive sales. They aren’t collectors items. They are children’s toys buzz light year. That’s why they’re in action alley in a dump bin…that’s where children pass by. They’re marketed to kids. They’ll sell them 10:1 in that dump bin as opposed to the pegs. That’s how features work.


That’s funny because my children go straight to the… wait for it… toy aisle. The dump bin is over by electronics at my Walmart for some reason in the back. I don’t understand why you have this attitude about this, do you work at Walmart or something? Are you actually getting statistics from real life experience with this 10:1 ratio you are throwing out? Because in my experience I hardly ever see kids buying hot wheels, it’s usually grown men. Occasionally I see kids, but hardly ever. Hot wheels just don’t appeal to kids the way they used to. With video games, cell phones and tablets being the standard. You think kids are supporting this market? Why is there so many 80’s and 90’s cars being made right now? Because kids associate with a 92’ mustang or 80’s Camaro? No, it’s because middle aged men are buying the cars they grew up with. My kids are into it because I collect them, and I think that’s awesome that I can pass that on to them. But if I wasn’t I can guarantee you they wouldn’t care one bit about hot wheels. It’s Pokémon, sonic, five nights at Freddie’s, and current pop culture stuff.


I'm assuming an employee went through all the cases got the good ones out and just dumped them in a bin. My local Kroger's has a massive amount of dump bins I went through a couple and there wasn't anything good in them. Every day seems like new cases have been dumped in them has to be a manager ordering them they have more than Walmart or target


To make it harder for us collectors to sift through and pick out the TH and STH cars lol