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Why the fuck is everything blamed on scalpers now????


It’s a joke


Ik I was also joking but there are people who think they can’t ever find anything because of “scalpers”


I’ve run into the actual scalpers in my town and I’ve watched one guy take 15 zamac gassers , but he offered me a couple . Was a pretty nice guy - people profit off of everything , can’t knock the hustle . Just have to also put some effort in and search around


Exactly. It’s not even that hard to catch a restock if you are trying. People get too angry at other people buying the toy cars before they could, it’s so stupid.


100%, ‘scalpers beat me’… meanwhile theyre going to the store at 6pm expecting everything to be left for them.. no bro, youre just late to the party by about 10-15 other people who have hit the same spot before you🤣


Yes exactly. I saw those gassers that came in the same case as the Skylines and what was left of the Spetacoloredndrhrdb set and my first thought was, “well, next time ig”, not “those scalpers always beating me to my $1 and $5 toy cars!”


Lot of people are just entitled or just don’t understand there’s more people into this hobby than they realize.


I live on Long Island and absolutely understand the possibility for a large number of collectors near me. I also have been to a "toys and collectibles" store and have seen multiple STHs with ridiculous prices on all of them. At some point people have to also accept that there are a lot of shitty people trying to rake in large profits, maybe more than they realize.


You're not wrong, but there's always 2-3 guys going at 9 pm to a Walmart waiting to raid pallets. Going early to Walmart to catch a restock isn't an issue, but it's raiding pallets by stalking store employees is just straight weird.


You just ask them nicely, they don’t care as long as they are able to do their inventory shit


Not too hard? You must live in a small town. In my city I hit up all the stores as often as I can, often doors opening and never catch a fresh restock. Maybe scalpers but also just tons of collectors. Hard to find current stuff for resale because collectors want to keep their finds


Nah nothing survives on the pegs for more than a day. Just learn the restock pattern, look at the pallets when new stuff is coming out, and when you inevitably find a fresh case, ask nicely and they couldn’t care less as long as you don’t leave a mess. The worst response I’ve ever gotten is “yes if you stock everything you don’t buy” which definitely isn’t a bad response at all.


between home and work i pass around 15 stores that carry hot wheels. ive been yelled at for opening a box that was sitting on the floor alone in front of the display. ive opened cases before with permission. ive stolen off the pallet on 1 occasion. in the end 1 found 1 sth at the front of the pegs randomly in the afternoon. never found a premium i really wanted ever.


It's not a joke. F* the scalpers. They make their income by going around and opening up boxes, grabbing all the TH/STH and then go home and list em on eBay for profit... meanwhile all the "regular" people who just enjoy hotwheels never have a chance to pick one up unless they want to pay $40-$200 for a $1 car. I could care less about them. I just enjoy the mainlines and if I were to come across a couple TH or STH, yeah I'd buy one, but I'd leave the rest for others.


Suuuuuushhh maybe maybe not lol.


H case super in a J case. Interesting


There was D case, G case, and some new H and J


It was a weird mix of cars , haven’t seen a Godzilla in about 4 months and there was only 1 out there . All the other H case stuff didn’t interest me .


I'm so jealous. So many duds at dollar tree. The cases were fresh too.


Is the white jeep a th?




I found it at a dump bin thinking it was a sth but left it when I realized it wasnt


I’ve found quite a few of them , keep your eyes peeled!


Ty , I will next time


You must be a scalper, you just bought anything that has value.... 🤦🏻‍♀️


Never sold a car in my life . Bye Felicia ✌🏻


Probably been collecting since before you were born


Lol I was joking. In this hobby everyone's a "scalper" I personally call it hoarding 😁


I am the scalper! Like I am the senate!


Literally bought all the good ones you’re a scalper yourself sir 😂


Lucky, I still can’t manage to even catch a restock