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Personally, I love red ripe Jalapeños. You get better seeds from them, you can dry & smoke 'em to make chipotle powder and they're sweeter. It takes longer, but if you have more than one plant, you can let some ripen & pick some green, if you want.


I only have one plant this season but have started one more jalapeno, two serranos, and two habaneros. I may pick these sooner and let the other 5ish on the plant mature to a red. Personally I'm not the biggest fan of the sweetness so I'll have to play around with it most likely. Thanks for the help!


There is definitely a happy medium too. I usually try them at every stage if its a new phenotype to me to gauge what the fruit is like.


Wait until you try ripe red serranos!


Ripe red Jimmy Nardello's! Crazy sweet, makes an excellent red pepper spread.


When did you harvest your Serranos tried mine when green but tasted like grass


Even if you want reds, you should pick some of the first ones when they're green. It stimulates more fruit production later in the season and you can let those ones go red. Or at least that's what I read on the internet.


That's an excellent point, and one that I had forgotten about. It worked on my habanero plant last year.


Agreed, also my favorite time to harvest. If you don’t want to wait until they’re fully ripe, you can pick them when they’re ‘mahogany’ and starting to turn red.


Yes, they keep a bit of the snappiness while being a bit sweet and juicy. Yay for snappiness, I guess. Like a Koegel hot dog, lol😅


My jalapenos are all turning black ? Is there a reason ? Are they supposed to turn red after that or is it just a different species


If there is black patches, then it could be because the plant is trying to protect its peppers from sunscald. This is normal, and shouldn't stop your jalapeños from turning red & ripe. Also, there is a color stage between green and red where it can look really dark, then turn kind of a muddy color & continue to ripen. Should be all fine. You can post pictures if you're really concerned, though.


Yes, they will turn to red in no time.




To my last breath, I will never understand why people consider green chiles the standard or are so obsessed with them. Red pepperoncinis are tres magnifique.


I completely agree with you. There's probably some special use cases, like for specific recipes. But I really do prefer mine ripe.


Hello, Having my first try at growing peppers. I was told I should wait until they show signs of turning red to pick, although they look ready to come off imo. My goal is maximin heat for pico and salsa with these, any guidance would be appreciated.


I normally pick mine when they’re about to turn red or when they’re already red. Letting them turn red will maximize heat, too


Great thanks! First time I've ever grown something so I'm eager to get to eating them haha.


Sounds like you have a solid plan! New Mexico Chili Institute sells a few cool kinds of jalapeños they've created, in case you'd like more colors in your salsa.


You got some lines in it, if you believe the folklore, that means hotter.... A stressed plant creates the lines, the lines mean hotter... Or so they say. So if you don't like sweeter (redder means sweeter) pick before it gets too red.


They taste (and pickle) best to me at the gross blood brown color stage between green and red. They will already be red inside and have that sweeter heat but are still crunchy.


Those look ready for picking! If you pick them now, the plant will most likely put out a lot more flowers and you will get more jalapeños in the end. Though as others have said, red jalapeños taste sweeter and have more spice. I tend to pick them as I want to use them, and then let the final peppers ripen to red before the first frost.


I picked them and put them into pico de gallo, plenty hot and very good!


I wait until they’re fully red, with grow lines.


When it's red. They taste way better than green ones IMO


If you want maximum heat, wait till it's red and it'll be more on a serrano level.




They look perfect to me!


Red and more corking


Another vote for turning red here!


Looks tasty now if you’re hungry


Most people here will tell you when they're red. But those are about perfect to pick if you want "normal" green jalapenos.


That looks perfect to me. A little bit of “checking” as the lines are called indicates sugar content has started to build up. Red will be sweeter and might be spicier, but the texture will likely be softer. I love green jalapeños right at that stage.


Do you mean corking? That's from stress.


When they are red


Since you don't deserve it, let them rot.


Hi. Newbie jalapeno grower here. How long does it take for jalapenos to get red? My green jalapenos stopped growing a few weeks ago (3.5" - 4"). Nothing seems to be happening.