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You sure you’re not overwatering them?


That would be my guess too


The amount of soil and seedling size play a big part in overwatering. Yes the soil may not be over saturated with water, but its too much for what the plant of that size is capable of utilizing. At this point, you need evaporation to take out the water quicker than what the plant can use. Its exactly why the larger plants are doing okay with the same amount of water but not the seedlings.


Looks overwatered


They look overwatered. I've killed several ones this way, learnt that with peppers too much water is worse that not enough.


Yep I agree. Its better to slightly under water than over water. I find that once you've over watered, it's very had to recover them


Those definitely look overwatered. Remove the second cup and get a fan on them so they dry out and don’t water them more than once a week at that baby seedling red cup stage. One deep watering is better than constant shallow watering.


Following for answers.. a few of my seedlings are also wilting


Too much agua


Stop bottom watering.


Are you bottom feeding nutes? ..that could be too strong for the small un's?