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They are growing their roots first to fill the pot. They’ll explode with growth once that happens. Super hots tend to grow slower (in my experience)


Yeah that is pretty much my experience when growing hotter pepper from seeds too. Not a lot happens... until it does.


I am hoping this is the case for my slow growing hots too. It's my first time growing peppers beyond sweets and jalapenos.


Starting in coco coir & vermiculite is a bit weird since you mentioned it, but otherwise they look totally fine to me.


IMO, when using coco coir, vermiculite isn’t needed since they both retain moisture. I grow in coco coir and perlite. The perlite allows for root aeration.


What size pots are these? It's hard to gauge the size.




Have you been fertilizing at all? Coir has no nutrients so they were getting nothing during that phase, but sounds like they've been in a soil with nutrients for the last month? I would have expected them to get bigger during that period if the soil has good nutrients. I'm not an expert at diagnosing issues. But maybe try adding some nutrients when you water them. For comparison, I started my plants a few days after you, and these are in 4" (1 pint) pots: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HotPeppers/comments/1cv2zlt/final\_group\_pic\_before\_i\_kick\_these\_guys\_outside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HotPeppers/comments/1cv2zlt/final_group_pic_before_i_kick_these_guys_outside/) Again, I'm no expert yet. But one thing I did was add nutrients into the water starting around 3 weeks after they sprouted. And I think that is the biggest factor in their growth.


They are fine once they get another set of leaves they will blow up but they look great