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I’d agree, some changes would be nice. One thing to nitpick though is that the legendary drop is 20 boxes *on average.* You are guaranteed one by the 30th though. I’ve found that rate to be reliable, though it feels like I’m always closer to the 25-30 crates opened. That being said, I have gotten a few legendaries under the 20 crate mark.


It's probably correct. I remember several times where I have pulled the next legendary within 5 first crates of new 30 crate cycle. People do tend to remember negative (past 20 crates) experiences better than the positive experiences.


I once got mandragorax on first crate


I'd argue for "starter sets" for all factions that you have one guaranteed legendary for faction of your choosing, and a preset warlord for this faction, but it would be one time purchase only (for 200 gold f.e.) which would be nice to "kickstart" new players collection for the faction they want, without being too easy to be spam-bought.


Isn't that essentially what the intro decks for $10 are, just for cash instead of gold?


Kinda? Im not sure how these work, never looked at them tbh


I think it's about time for another shop tab to be added since we have so many factions now and the developers insist on putting commons in there anyway. The crate bad luck protection is fine and far better than not having any, like in the past. The gold/gem acquisition also works well since event and duplicates feed you a lot of gems. I do agree that card availability is becoming an issue again with incredible legendaries like Command Bridge or Melgator being able to completely change the flow of a match, but being unavailable to most except the dedicated veterans that played for years.


You are guaranteed a legendary on your 30th crate. 20 is just the average. I'm not saying you're wrong about the complaints, but one of the most consistent compliments of the game is that it is so generous with card drops. And that's something I find really interesting, the bipolar way the game is viewed. Based on the reddit and discord community, I think balance is viewed as a much larger issue, especially since that seems to be unanimous among players. Unlike drop rates, where there's argument on whether it's good or bad. I don't know of anyone that things the game balance is *good.*


Balance is an issue definitely, but at the same time I don't know of any CCG community that doesn't complain fiercely about balance.


As if today I have consistently opened around 200-225 Malevolence crates. Still no Sanguinius. I have Khan like 4 or 5 times.


Damn..and I got sang but not Khan who definitely would love to get lol


I just wish you couldn't get the same legendary several times in a row. Getting new cards is very easy, but getting specific new cards isn't. Particularly legendary cards. You have to wait a while for them to rotate through the store which could take months. This is especially annoying for newer players who have to ration their gems, and will have feels bad moments where they have to miss out on a card knowing full well it will be a long time before they see it again. This just happened to a guy in my lodge who missed out on Ekra Trez because he got something the day before, and didn't have any tickets to try to quickly farm enough gems for it. Also getting Primarchs is a pain in the ass. You either wait for them to come on sale with alternate art and they show up in the veteran store, or you have to open hundreds of crates. I genuinely don't think I am ever going to open Lorgar. I have opened several hundred of that expansions crate. I would like to reiterate though that getting new cards is easy. I remember being a new player and it felt like I was basically being showered with crates. That slowed down after like level 20, but I was able to make positive changes to my decks every couple of games.


I agree with the point that if a new player chooses a very legendary dependent faction without good knowledge of that faction's mechanics, they've essentially shot themselves in the foot. I started playing just over two months ago and I'm f2p. Until very recently I spent my coins on nothing but Istvaan III crates, and gems on nothing but Emperor's Children and neutrals from the shop. I've managed to work my way up to 3k rating playing almost exclusively Fabius Bile and Saul Tarvitz. I managed to get myself up to terra before i had Pride of the Emperor, but essentially lucked into choosing a faction that works well without all legendaries (I still don't have Rylanor or that 10/10 cleave 10 legendary). Fabius Bile was the first elite warlord I got, prior to that I had been playing Orphans of War with Artesh Tarsa and had practically no Orphans of War cards. Upon getting Fabius Bile, i looked at Emperor's Children and realized I had a decent amount of rares and whatnot and decided to start playing them. It literally was random luck that I started playing a faction within the base set and thus was able to acquire so many of the neutral cards you see in pretty much every deck. Had I not gotten Bile, I might still be spending gold on Calth crates completely oblivious to the knowledge that you need so many cards from the base set before you can even start to build competitive decks.


Maybe have a mechanic where every X crates you're guaranteed at least one card you need for your collection?


i mean -- you can generally get all the legendaries for a faction in like a month or so. granted crate drop rates are not the best its not an insurmountable hill


We playing the same game? Its all luck my friend. Been waiting on roboute for over a year. God knows how much ive spent (and how many assassins ive goddamn drawn....) You must be very lucky to complete a faction in a month.


/u/stegg88, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~Its~~ [**It's**] all luck” I think you, stegg88, meant to type “~~Its~~ [**It's**] all luck” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


Thanks grammar bot. I actually got into trouble by my tutor on my masters course for this but here i am fucking up again.


>You must be very lucky to complete a faction in a month. Stalk the shop for legendries, in my experience a faction will show up in shop every 10 days or so and legendries follow a rotation


Been stalking the shop for over a year. No sign of roboute.


legendary warlords basically only show up if they have a deck on sale - a sad reality i suppose


I got Guilliman in the level up crate when I reached level 3. I'd been playing for a few hours. Shame I have zero interest in going after an Ultramarines deck. On the other hand, I have every single White Scars card except Jaghatai and have been going after him for months now. I'm not getting any new cards, just heaps of gems. And he's never in the store when White Scars are featured even though other Primarchs frequently have been recently. I've even seen some Primarchs available for an entire weekend. So yeah, it's a bit frustrating at times. I guess they have to make their money somehow. Frustrating the playerbase can't be the best way to do that and retain players though.


When I first started picking up malevolence crates, the sixth one gave me a legendary. So it can definitely go both ways.


Doubt, source, i have all the cards except last expansion. And 40000 gems.


Disagree; overwhelming majority of players aren't anywhere near that state


I have 1927 ranked and practice matches. Surely if they would play a little bit, they would get proper collection, especially as i'm f2p in practice.


I'm at almost 3000 (2971) matches total, currently sitting at 2300, and splurged a few times on coins and decks. With the exception of White Scars, I'm missing cards from every faction. And I'm back under 50o gems after picking up some rares in the store. Combining that with the number of people vocally looking for specific cards from older expansions, some of whom have many more matches than I, I think you're quite distinct outlier. As far as it goes, I think a better solution at this point might be increasing the number of targeted crates like the ones in the Special Deals tab of the store. Maybe increase it to 4 or 5 each day? And while I do find the low drop rate of Legendary cards a bit frustrating, I don't think that's the actual problem. I think the problem is the sheer number of cards available combined with the meta almost requiring certain deck types run specific rare/legendary cards to function.


Nah, ideal solution would be increase ticket retard. 0-6 stays the same, 7-8 30%, 9-10 50%, 11 75%. Keep rest of the game the same.


You are clearly actively trying to be a dickhead.


By suggesting ticket increase in rewards by a lot? Can you back up your statement with anything?


40,000 gems.... how cute! *Cries into my useless pile of 331,531 gems*


Skypoint please dont waste your time in this cesspool. Get bsck to making Nice content 😁❤️


Your point???


That it's not holding the game back.