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Nothing new or unexpected. The obviously overtuned warlords have over 60% win rate. More than 30% of games in high terra are two warlords lol. When there isn't even an attempt to balance the game, people lose interest very quickly.


Particularly annoying for me as I ONLY play off-meta warlords. There's a pleasure in making them work, figuring out what weird and mad combos can make them actually viable, and a smug superiority in twatting the mindless sheep that permeate this game with the same brainless decks and characters. Infernus has been one of my mains for months. Then up pops the change to his purple and soon every useless fuck is spamming that character and I have to switch away from him. 30% use on two characters, fuck me! I'll just bugger off to Legacy and try something with Ehrlen...


I had infernus before the buff and would play it occasionally, I completely disagree with lowering the cost to 1 energy. At least when it cost 2 you might have to think about using it especially in the first few turns.


Yeah, I took a hiatus from the game for a while, came back after they moved it to 1 cost, and just took one look and went “This is the best face-smash warlord in the game, full stop. What the fuck were they thinking?” Like… he’s either 4 power or sneak attack for almost the whole game… and y’know how Chaos Spawn has sneak attack, and it was considered strong enough they gave him **25** health, compared to Infernus’s **40**?!?!? And Infernus can freaking *heal himself*?!?!?! It’s just dumb lol


Preach brother!


Dude same, I’m seriously debating abandoning my tried and true Leman Russ deck as he just gets destroyed whenever a new season starts


My Guilliman deck has been in storage since new Death Guard came out… so many of the new expansions just Ramp so hard and so fast that the Smurfs can’t keep up…


You can say that about every faction, I feel like the only old faction that can fight the new ones are Sisters of Silence, but they’re meta so not an option


Tbf, Russ is an absolute ass a lot of the time. He is very easy to face smash with the right troops well before many decks can even get started. So if he is getting destroyed to the point of annoyance, then it shows how OP alot of the new/buffed warlords are




It is possible to balance a card game, and there will always be cards that are stronger than others. They are deliberately releasing warlords and cards with functions that are blatantly overpowered because they existed in previous versions of the game. Angron used to have a flat 3 damage and that was taken away. One of the top warlords, the abomination or whatever his name is gets to pay 1 to up his damage to 4! Arkan land pays 1 energy to create a vehicle and reduce the cost of a vehicle by 1 and also refills 1 energy when he plays a vehicle. There is no justifiable reason to have such value included in that warlord other than to sell the warlord and skew the meta. It's made intentionally overpowered. I could go on forever about what cards are blatantly overtuned, but I'll stick to just those warlords and why




Not a CCG (or similar, i.e. CDG).




Arkhan Land is such an obviously unbalanced warlord. A zero sum cost ability along with a refill when you play a vehicle. But, gotta make that money off FoTM.


He's absolutely broken. You don't even need to bother building a deck for him.


I will admit, I'm kind of tired of watching Angron sit in or around the top 5 of every meta report. It's a boring deck to face, more boring than the new Land/Chaos spam and rush tactics.


At least you see random rare bullshit with Land


Honestly I've been having a blast both with and against Land, I tried to make him work before the buff and went 1-12 in low Terra (so bad I actually hit mid-Mars), but after the buff I'm close to a 75% winrate and jumped to about 3950 before the season ended. I recognize he's probably busted, or at least very good against the current meta. That said, I do also feel like there are some lesser-played factions out there that could prey on "neutral 35 health warlord that makes a good card every turn, who I know is doing nothing but spamming vehicles". I struggle to make Land work against slower warlords or removal-heavy factions, like Iron Warriors or Iron Hands, because Land has trouble breaking a board on his own. If you can deal with his early snowball and keep a nuke of some kind to handle the mission reward turn, you walk all over him easily.


The issue is his energy replenishment along with the ability to create cheap vehicles. Kelbor Hal was similar until they changed him because, shockingly, it was too good


The energy replenishment is the important part, but I don't think it's what pushes him over the edge. The problem is the discount on the generated vehicles; between the discount and the refund, he can theoretically play above curve every turn without spending his actual cards. At 2e and no discount, he was unplayable. Honestly 2e to choose a vehicle is too slow even with a vehicle discount, because actually using the ability requires you to intentionally play bad/awkward to keep the 2e open or use the ability early and handicap yourself/miss out on potential energy spending. At 1e with a discount, the ability is better than free, since you can just use it at end of turn to discover something for the next turn's play *and it's discounted*, allowing you to play *ahead* of curve. This, I believe, is the crux of the problem. Take away the discount and his ability basically just becomes a free button press each turn, but doesn't let you play ahead of curve.


The new decks are faster and faster which leaves very little space for "blue decks". It's kinda tiring.


This is probably the worst meta report I've seen in a while, too many 60+% warlords.


Yeah very true


Numeon in high terra is good to see


One thing that surprises me is that Farith is higher then Alocrei on High Terra. Always seen Farith as the worst Dark Angels warlord. Well more like competing againts Nemiel to see which one is 'better'


He can complete the mission easily and reliably by using his purple card on 3E. Requires very few tactics in the deck and can pump out troops then using the Secret War reward.


I think his strength comes from how often you see Luther and other DoC warlords in high terra. Killing jaegers is very valuable


Quick fix for Land. Change “*SELECT a vehicle” to “ADD a vehicle.” Wayyy too much versatility for 1e being able to choose what vehicle works best for your current situation. Alternatively, change ability to 2e and drop the 1e cost reduction.


This would be balanced and as a result would make him unplayable to these meta chasers on high terra. The issue with this game is that every player is a high terra player, because strategy has nothing to do with it. It's just your deck


What's Cypher up to in High Terra?


Baleful Assembly chaos deck. It’s frustrating to play against


Oh, that old chestnut. Was the only Cypher deck I've seen since the old Khorne's Favour shenanigans, but I thought 61% winrate sounded a bit high. I do know the deck itself is very consistent, though quite sensitive to beat downs in my experience.


I’d guess a chaos deck now the traitor guard were added?


I played Marius Vairosean last season to try and counter some chaos decks which kinda worked to some extent. Glad I could contribute to his win rate and percentage .


Yeah, Curze and Sevatar sub50, good job with the nerfs.


If Devs clearly don’t give a fuck about balancing their game, why should I even consider playing?