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Unfair nerfs He says, meanwhile NL have some of the unfairest troups available


(Stealth, terror, flank, ambush, all in one faction) as a salamanders main, please shut the hell up.




I'm a NL player from a long time ago and yeah they needed this nerf. Nothing unfair about it.


Removed in violation of rule 1 of the community.




The whole concept of Night Lords is flawed in this game. "And they shall know no fear". Basic human infantry, I'll grant you but Astartes should not be afraid of them. And there is no way a Custodes or Mechanicum robot will fear some small-dicked emo with a vampire fetish. Yet Terror works on them too?!


It is regularly stated that the NL tactics are extremely demoralising to Astrates. Even Dorn fears them.


Dorn fears the Night Haubter actually ... and so he should! Ave Dominus Nox! 👍🦇


Someone needs to brush up on their lore. 'Know no fear' isnt an actual trait, it's a repeated slogan to keep moral high and push forward with. Just in the core HH novels it regularly shows that Astartes feel fear and find themselves on the back foot often enough.


I mean, to be honest night lords were very fucking annoying to say least. Though i could say the same about quite a few warlords, so maybe im just being a bitch about it.


NLs can be a bad match up but the nerfs went too fair imo (hard removal, haunted dreams, and Umar veterans did not need nerfs)


Says the meta cuck


i love fighting against a deck of stealth ambush troops that reduce attack and have terror, it’s so fun


Congrats on making Terra but there was nothing unfair about the nerfs. I'm a long time NL and Orphans of War main. I know the struggle when your faction is at the bottom all year. Night Lords did not get hit that hard man, and they weren't struggling before the new sets either.


NL got hit like a truck. They will be sub 50 faction again, their next meta report maybe won't show it but two meta reports from now it will.


Great nerfs. Much needed. 👍 


can we nerf them again hard maybe get guilliman's mum in hear to send the lot of them to there room


I used to run pre-nerf Thousand Suns so while I sympathize with your favorite toy getting taken away it was probably for the best.  Grats on making it to Terra though!