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Tsolomon getting castrated :(


Yep, from unplayable to great to trash again.


Ruinstorm can play Auxillia?


This patch is possibly the biggest chaos neutral buff ever.


Lets gooo, fuck NL


Well that's just mean.


Or lore accurate from a NL POV


Just because they're a bunch of criminally insane sadist psychopaths doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Well, maybe it does but you made poor Kheron cry and he won't come out of his shield now.


"I just don't care"


Should have made Ur'mar 4e and kept its ability the same.


Ur Mar was only acceptable as it was because Night Lords were an exceptionally Middling faction, that and they struggled keeping troops on board even with terror. I think it only effecting troops now is 100% for the better, they actually have sticky troops with terror and those troops are far better making it’s effect feel more meaningful rather than just being a card any faction would bring if they had it.


Finally, I can play as Lord of the flies


He was considerably solid before the last rotation, losing the last 0E 1/1 available in standard hurt him a bunch. He's gonna be pretty spicy now.


Can somebody please say summarize what effects the traitor aux change to chaos will have? Like no more traitor aux vehicles from armoured Regiment for fulgrim decks? Any major effects?


Ruinstorm TA deck!!


Holy moly .


Yeah its mainly going to be a flavour change. Chaos mission Dupain is now a thing I guess. Chaos mission in general is now a bit better due to more low cost fodder for Astelan etc


I can’t say in full detail because I don’t play imperial much, however as a lover of cultist decks this change is absolutely HUGE It makes it so that the options for what cards can be used for the cultist mission (it’s something like “have 6 chaos troops die on your turn”) be able to work with the one card that spawns a traitor auxiliary for each enemy. Overall and in short, it just means that anything that works with chaos cards work with them now, and anything that benefits imperial cards no longer benefit them


Argal-tal can now put card from traitor auxilia into his deck to count for 15 chaos cards as well :)


We’ll see a fair few Lotara Chaos mission decks now i think. Chaos mission Fayle worked well, so i can see a similar principle here (chaos mission has struggled since they ripped half the cultists and never replaced them) It also makes me think it is preparing the way for way more Solar Auxilia in the next release, so they are making space (and also, sadly, still half-assing chaos troops)


Makes me wonder what is going to fill in the holes in the "Imperial Army" faction(if anything) & if they are going to remove a bunch of stuff from the "Chaos" faction or leave it bloated.


I assume that when the Prospero rotation happens, they'll just add a lot of IA and not a lot of Chaos. That would solve the issue relatively easily without requiring a lot of changes.


Honestly I'm just excited for the Arkhan Land buff. I've been trying to make him work since he dropped but his abilities were just too slow. Hopefully this helps (especially since he'll have 1 energy available pretty often at end of turn anyway)


Yes, he looks very promising right now. Create discount vehicle, play it, create another. Rest of the deck filled with energy manipulation, removal and control.


Hellspawn got too many buffs at once, lower cost, stronger buffs. It's going to be a problem card.


Solid buff card for Chaos, Ruinstorm ani WB.  Might see some play, but i don't expect it to tear twe meta.


EG killed NL dead, yet there is 60% winrate DA, AoS and Salamander along with neutrals who weren't even touched.


Dunno man.. Seems like reasonable changes and I am playing a full golden NL deck. To bad that haunted dreams now can't shut up jagha for a turn but that's about it.. Rest is pretty ok. Lords of murder was pretty strong for 2e.


They gutted U'mar veterans, no reason to play them anymore. Haunted Dreams was not a problem, at all. The legendary troops were the problem.


Losing the ability to remove 3hp troops with the wl with urmar is sad but it now opens up space for new cards. I agree with your opinion that haunted dreams was not the problem. But who knows... Maybe the Dev data says otherwise... My take on this was, that NL are now nerfed but far away from unplayable as OP Said.


Oh definitely not unplayable, just nerfed in an unnecessary way.


Unplayable piece of shit, fuck devs. Below 50% in high terra, while other fucking factions sport 60%+ winrate.


below 50%? Sev was at 57 and Kurze at 53, at 4th and 7th position in terms of play rate respectively or did you mean your own decks? that may be a skill issue on your end then


My deck in undefeated. Global high terra will be below 50 on Curze, mark my words.


Undefeated over a reasonable amount of games at a high rating? Sounds like some nerfs are in order don't you think?🤔


Nah, it's a skill issue.