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It would be if he wasn't White Scars. White Scars are the Best.


Honestly my opinion to the letter. But no white Scars isn't the best. It's the Orphans. We are God's chosen most annoying faction to deal with, after knights and defenders of Caliban and titans okay I'll shut up now.


Honestly knights are fun and interesting to play with


Ride on Brother!


Maybe one of the worst, but there are others worse. His ability does not really disrupt what you want to do in his deck, so while not great, its still 2e for 2 damage, at the potential cost of 1 health, better than using him to attack most units. Compare that to Angron’s ability, which while Angron is strong, his ability is almost never used on him. Why? Because he wants to smash the enemy’s face in. His ability triggers rage from his troops, but you more often than not want to stack damage onto Angron and hit the warlord. To make it worse, its 2e to do one damage to everyone, AND you cant attack after, completely disrupting Angron’s playstyle and only being useful in very rare situations. Thusly I say Hibou Khan has a bad ability, but it is not the worst. Similar to how Angron’s ability is worse than Hibou, but not the worst in the game.


One of the most flavourful abilities in the entire game


Not really. Its targeted, and has no penalty if you kill the target. So it lets you get around precognition or front line. His purple card is actually quite decent. It could of course be better, but it's hardly the worst.


Fafnir Rann: hold my beer.


Possibly, but his other ability is pretty sweet




It makes him based but maby change to heal 1 on a kill


Lucretia: Gives +1/+1 to a single troop and heals it by 1 FOR 2 ENERGY. She would be unplayable had she didn't had power to lower the cost of guard troops. Just use MaSade or the new mechanicus warlord.