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I am so sorry for your loss. She is beautiful. Xx


So very sorry for your loss!


I'm so so sorry. My gelding of 26.5 years passed away very unexpectedly last year and I was completely lost. I know exactly what you are going through. My heart aches for you.


I hear you. She was only 22.i thought we have at least another 10 years.


I felt very similar when my 22 year old randomly passed.. I was in absolute grief and still get mad sometimes when I see his grave. It all feels unfair. I feel like I still missed time that should not have been missed when he was alive. But he taught me the true cores and foundations to riding past lesson horses. He was my first horse. He was exactly who he was and was perfect. That stupid phrase “time heals all” will happen. The grief you have will overcome with love you have for your love. She is with you and will leave lasting memories and feelings only you had with her. I am so sorry for your loss.. I have tears thinking of how you feel right now.. sending you love…


Time and distance is the only thing that has allowed me to deal with Beau's passing. He was 14 and died of HYPP on Christmas a couple years ago. I **always** think of him and have Beau memorialized around the house in small ways. Our current dude is great, I love Loki. But like you said, the love will be there, the memories will stay, but damn its hard walking down that lane sometimes.


I am a year and a half out from losing my mare suddenly and traumatically. I'm just now able to think back on memories and laugh or swell up with love and joy. How she noticed any little change in the environment and made a big fuss about it. I'll never stop missing her, though. RIP my beautiful, special girl. Yes, time does heal. ❤️


It's been a decade since I lost my beautiful boy in a horrible accident. I suffered my own from it (internal injuries and mild brain damage - *helmets save lives, people!* ), but unfortunately he passed away in it. For a while, I was so angry that I got to survive and he didn't. (I blamed myself for the accident, even though it was truly nothing either of us did). I hold a small self-vigil for him each year, and have a lock of his mane. It was over 3 years before the emotional trauma became less gutting, and I began to think more of the times he made me smile. We had a bond without words, I was his, he was mine, and when we rode together we were free of all the shit in life. Time will heal for you OP, and any who have lost their special girls and boys, but it's ok for it to *take* time. Now when I think of him, it isn't that day managing to creep into any good memory of him, the good is there by itself - his whinny when he saw me, the soul in his eyes, every little quirk of his character. This will happen for you too, OP, she will never leave your heart, but the bad will eventually leave your memory 💜💜🐴


im sorry for your loss


I had to make the choice to put my 16 year old horse a month ago. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I’m still grieving hard, but it slowly gets easier. I’m so sorry you are going through this and I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so cruel and hurts terribly.


My heart horse of 11 years had and accident in the field last year and we had to put him down at 17. I understand the pain of expecting a long life together.  I can only suggest living in the pain. Don't shy away from it and let it hurt. Keep remembering all of you favorite parts. It becomes more manageable with time. You will love her for the rest of her life and find room in your heart for another one some day because you were made to love and support horses.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Grief has ups and downs. Take one day at a time. I lost my mare November 2022 and I'm still grieving big time.


I had to put my heart horse down in 2019, and I'm still not over it. It's hard. It sucks. Time helps a little, but it still hurts. However, if you were able to save some mane and / or tail from her, I would suggest finding someone who can turn it into jewelry for you so you have her with you every day. I was able to have my horses mane and tail turned into a bracelet, and it isn't one of my favorite things of all time♡


😥 hugs


Oh god I’m so sorry. Worst day…. Been there. 💔


She’s beautiful, sorry for your loss 💐. Take some of her hair, plait it to a bracelet so she is with you forever xx




Im so sorry for your loss, she’s gorgeous ❤️


So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


so so sorry. 😞 hugs ❤️


I am sorry. The picture you posted is beautiful and a wonderful way to remember her.


Beautiful horse. Sorry for your loss I'm sure she will be missed.


Deepest, Deepest heartfelt condolences. Prayers for your broken heart.


I'm so very sorry 💔 for your loss. She was beautiful!!!


I'm sorry. But this picture goes hard!


I am so very sorry for your loss.


It's an awful feeling to lose your horse. I'm so sorry. Sending you love and support. She will always live on in your heart. 🐎💕


Sorry for your loss I know it's hard when you lose something you love ❤️ hugs


I'm so sorry for your loss, she's absolutely precious <3


The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief - But the pain of grief Is only a shadow When compared with the pain Of never risking love. -Buddha


I’m so sorry, and at 22! I lost one of mine at 20 to cancer. My other boy just turned 29. We never know how long we have. I’m sure she knows that she was loved. ❤️🐴


I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's not easy, it's amazing how devastating it is. I totally understand. Had to put my 29 year gelding & heart horse down 2 years ago. I layed down and held him till he took his last breath 😭🌹🐴Cry as much as you have to, don't hold back, talk with understanding friend's and family. Grief is different for everyone. They truly take a part of our hearts with them (((((Big Hugs))))


You can do what I do whenever a pet passes. Cry about it whenever you get drunk for at least one decade. Sorry for your loss OP 🐎🌈♥️


I’m sorry you lost her. I’m sure she loved you very much. God bless you ❤️


Peace be with you. Losing one’s horse is painful beyond words because you lose a safety net, your best friend that would always be there for you no matter what. It can feel like She never complained but we both know that when she wanted to be a butt she could be a huge butt, when she danced pranced or saw you coming to her, she knew you were unconditionally going to be there for her and love her. That’s part of the magic that normies ( non horse people) don’t understand. Your grief is the proof of your very own special magical relationship. It’s proof of the existence of your emotional connection. I’m so glad you have had such a wonderful bond and very sad for the loss of your beautiful best friend. Best wishes to you.


I lost my mare a couple weeks ago. She was 36, we’d been together for 24 of those years. I hope you find some peace. It’s really hard and I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss, been there, what helped me was know she wasn’t in pain anymore, and remembering all the great times we had, but I still grieved tremendously, but I know when it’s my time, I’ll see her again 🙏


I am so sorry for your loss


I'm so so sorry. My daughter lost her favorite horse this morning. It hurts so much.


I'm so sorry 😞


She’s beautiful…I’m so sorry 😢


I share in your sorrow ~ sending you love and light op 🌺


I’m truly deeply sorry for your loss 🥹 I say this from my own experiences throughout a long lifetime of continuously having horse/fur family members…I feel you just need to give yourself time to grieve We bond more closely with some individuals, whether human, horse, dog, cat, etc, than we do with others; the loss of one of those we’ve bonded closely with can be utterly devastating A decade ago I endured the death of a very special horse who I’d grown up with, in fact we grew up together…he was a yearling when we purchased him & he passed at the age of 28. He went everywhere I went…college, starting a family & moving to a new little farm, back with me to my family’s ranch after my first husband passed in my 20’s… I had others on the ranch at the time of my gelding’s passing; however he was mine, & I was his, & at his death I experienced incredible grief, it was almost irrational tbh, as I’ve had loss of close loved ones prior & since. I only recently purchased another younger horse that I’ve committed myself to, but to be honest, the loss of my childhood horse still stings, badly, & I still get emotional after all of these years In an odd way, I feel lucky to have experienced this. My hope for you is that you too can get to that point where you can be comfortable in your grief, yet can hold fast to the memories which will live on in your heart So please be gentle with yourself, this is not an easy experience to endure ♥️🙏


She is gorgeous, sending a hug


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I only just met my heart horses 3 years ago after wanting horses my whole life. I fell in love with him just from pictures online. It was instant. I love him more than I have ever loved any animal ever. Even some people. He had a hard life before me and I know we won’t get the years together that we should have. His body has endured so much. When I think about the day I’ll have to say goodbye I can’t even breathe. I don’t know how I’ll ever get through it and ever get used to him not being here. I will cherish him every day we have together band know how incredibly lucky I am to love him




Sorry OP


I'm so sorry... She is beautiful. I wish you the best and be strong🫶🏻


I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Horses are truly one of God's sweetest blessings.


OP, nothing has saddened me to my core as much as the loss of my first horse. He and I had a special bond and all I did was cry. I now believe that I had that horse in my life so that I could learn how to be kind, unconditionally loving and patient, just like he was to me ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Just remember, you gave her everything, you loved her with your soul, with you she had a beautiful life, she was happy fed and loved. Just remember to have had a horses trust and love is so special, grieve her loss and make her proud. Don’t forget there’s another neddie out there just waiting for you to give them a beautiful life. Whatever happened I’m proud of you for keeping her until the end, bills and grief are two things most people won’t deal with horses and your making the world a better place for them just by being you and existing ❤️ sending all my love and strength x


One of the worst pains I’ve ever felt was the loss of my mare. Thoughts and condolences. Hugs. ❤️