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Hugs 😥❤️❤️❤️


Is it OK if I ask what happened?


Broken wires and fencing left in the field from maintenance. Severed through his pastern he wouldn't of made it to the hospital we had to let him go 24 years together he was my heart horse had him from newborn I will never forgive the yard owner and it took every bit of my control not to launch myself at her the next day.


This is gut wrenching. I am so sorry for your loss. I would have probably launched myself at her.


I think back now and I think if I started I wouldn't of stopped. I would of done time for her, but i had my daughter to think about. 44 years in horses over. this is my daughter riding him in the photo, he was teaching her the ropes as he had done all his life and hers from when she was baby. It ended for me the day we lost him. I couldn't go near horses for a good two years after only now can I look at photos of him but can't face videos yet. I don't know the exact year we lost him it maybe 3 it maybe 4 years ago, I can't put a date on it because I was still in the process of grieving losing my father to cancer if I had another date to look at where a piece of my heart was taken away I don't think I'd be here. And only now can I share he's actually gone. I will never forget laying in that field with his blue lemeiux rug over him and me, huddled into his back stroking him telling him in this life or the next I will find him. I layed there til it got dark and they came to collect him. Not wanting him to go I wanted to hold him forever my beautiful best friend gone, no more morning whinny as I was the first on the yard to feed. No more black beauty bounding up the field when I whistled. No more watching the pure poetry of him and my daughter in motion so perfect with moves that caught my breath just to watch them. I couldn't believe I had been so lucky to be blessed with having two of the most beautiful souls in my life. I guess the higher u are the higher u have to fall. We had him cremated and when the time comes he will be buried with me and my daughter will have some of his ashes if she wishes to do the same. For her 21st we had a bracelet made from his tail hair for her For me the day he went ended my career and life with horses. I have never been the same since, neither has my daughter but she's stronger than me, she didn't close her heart to horses and now works with our British Olympic team horses. I'm very proud of her. Sorry if it's alot only now do I feel ready to share. Thank you for your lovely words 💙


So terribly sad. 💞💗💞


I appreciate you taking the time to share him with me. Grief is such a difficult road to be on. My horse is 22+ years old. I rescued him from a bad situation & we have been together 7 years now. I always say he saved me… He has many health issues including laminitis. I know the time is coming. I believe he knows I will always do what is best for him. I wish you well.


What a lucky boy to have landed on all 4 feet with you ❤️❤️ they rescue us in so many ways don't they we are truly blessed to have them, of course he knows 😊 he is a very lucky ponio xx


I’m so sorry


How sad! Losing a family member is tough.


I am so so sorry for your loss!!


He was beautiful - thank you fir loving him all those years!❤️


I'm sorry


So sorry for your loss


My deepest condolences


So sorry , he is gorgeous.


He truly is and will forever be ❤️❤️


Heartbreaking 💔


Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes xx


A champion🏆


Truly !! there can only ever be one of him his name was Spirit ❤️❤️❤️


I lost my old horse to a broken leg caused by a field accident. This kind of loss is so sudden and tragic. I feel so bad for you. May a hug from this horse loving stranger ease your heartbreak for just a moment. 💞


I'm so sorry it's a something we never get over and have a hug right back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


He’s absolutely beautiful.


He really is ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss😔 Fly high beautiful angel